"Qiangwei itself is the incarnation of the time-space gene, and her whole being was born for time-space."

"Innate sensitivity to time and space is unrivaled."

"The space-time gene is actually the product of the joint research between Liangbing and Super Seminary."

"Very powerful and weird."

"Qiangwei didn't fully display the power of her genes before, because neither Dukao nor Luo Xinghe can fully understand the space-time warfare."

Chapter 124 The Height of Genes and Spirit

"Under Morgana, Qiangwei will gain a lot of strength, which I can understand."

"However... I really didn't expect Qiangwei to be able to resist Ruoning in a frontal battle."

"It seems that my understanding of time and space is far inferior to Qiangwei."

Ruoning and Qiangwei moved quickly.

Of course, Qiangwei is mainly defending temporarily, and Ruoning is temporarily attacking.

A flickering figure shuttles through the arena.

The black wings seem to be hidden in time and space.

Constantly stabbing Qiangwei from all angles, trying to defeat her with the most basic space-time warfare.

As for Qiangwei, she just stood by her side calmly holding the God Slaying Blade.


The daggers and long swords collided continuously, and sparks shot out, making everyone's expressions change.

In fact, except for Liangbing, no one would think that Qiangwei could resist Ruoning.

The best result is that Ruoning and Qiangwei split seven to three.

Because Ruoning lacks the help of the celestial computer, Qiangwei may use this to win.

But no one thought of it.

Qiangwei was even able to fight Ruoning just by using the space-time fluctuations.

Both A Tuo and Xue Yi looked at Qiang Wei in astonishment.

"Queen... Is Qiangwei so powerful?"

"This is impossible."

"She was able to compete with Ruoning in understanding time and space."

"How is that possible."

Liang Bing laughed loudly and said, "Qiangwei, well done, let this bitch go on rampant."

'You can only play with your mouth, who can't? '

Liang Bing didn't answer them because she knew Qiangwei's current strength.

If Ruoning just attacked like this, Qiangwei could defend very well.

Qiangwei is a natural time-space genetic warrior, the most perfect. Her sensitivity and ability to time-space are enhanced, even stronger than Liangbing herself.

Liang Bing's use of time and space is probably better than Qiang Wei's experience.

But it is this experience that is the most difficult to achieve.

Liang Bing once calculated the space-time calculation of Qiangwei's limit.

The goal is to deliver the God Killing Blade.

Cold ice can be delivered in 0.3S.

As for Qiangwei, after being trained and trained by Liang Bing, she can even react in 0.29 seconds.

Of course, reactions are reactions, and operations are operations.

Qiangwei's calculation ability is actually far inferior to that of Liangbing.

In other words, if Qiangwei felt that Ruoning was constantly using time and space to attack from various angles.

Just play defense.

Maybe Ruoning will not even think about hurting Qiangwei even if she fights for the rest of her life.

Of course, Qiangwei can't hurt Ruoning either, because a time-space conversion attack requires powerful time-space calculations.

It is impossible for Qiangwei to compare with Ruoning.

To put it simply, Qiangwei's current state is that she can feel the fluctuations of time and space, but she cannot use the fluctuations of time and space to perform extremely fast calculations.

In other words, if you can feel the attack of other people's space-time warfare, then you must have time to defend.

But it's impossible to fight back.

But again, this is actually a kind of computing ability. Once Qiangwei uses the computing foundation of Devil One, it will be easy to crush Ruoning.

The space-time warfare itself is a kind of almost unsolvable warfare.

Ruoning and Qiangwei are users of space-time warfare at the same time.

Whoever calculates faster is more powerful.

This is why it has been said that without the power of the astrocomputer, it will never be a first-class power in the universe.

A celestial computer can fully support the computing power of the entire force, and strengthen all of these at any time.

Based on its own genes, increase computing power.

Including the support of combat experience and the support of combat awareness, there are all of them.

Through the integrity of the genes, to better undertake the computing power, this is also the reason for the pursuit of perfect genes.

The closer to genetic perfection, the stronger the future will be.

From Luo Xinghe's understanding, it is the celestial computer, which can forcibly increase the ability to reach the level of this person's future strength.

The integrity of genes determines the quality of talents, and the direction of genes determines the direction of talents.

The reason why Luo Xinghe was able to fight against the celestial computer was not only because the known universe did not understand Saiyan genes, but also because Luo Xinghe had already become a perfect body.

And it is a special battle god who uses spiritual energy to enhance combat effectiveness.

The celestial computer cannot measure spiritual energy at all.

A person's spiritual energy is theoretically unlimited, but it may also be extremely low.

This again has to do with will.

In short, these two seem to be different genres. In fact, according to the future, the future of genes is visible to the naked eye, and the future of spiritual energy is infinite.

But for Qiangwei now, it is obviously impossible to get in touch with such a high-end concept and combat power, and it is useless to understand.

These theories were all researched by Kesha, Karl, Di Hongkun, Luo Xinghe, who really stood at the top.

Not to mention Qiangwei, Ruoning and Hua Ye didn't distinguish too clearly.

Therefore, Luo Xinghe felt that he had no interest after watching it for a while, but Kesha watched it with gusto.

"Xinghe, if you have perfect Saiyan genes, will you be stronger?"

Luo Xinghe gave Kesha a blank look and said.

"At this stage, we have already broken away from these genetic theories."

"Even if it's the basis of your continuous upgrade of angel genes, the ultimate apex is just like you."

"But can you beat me?"

"Before the theocracy meeting, maybe you can use some means to fight against me."

"After that, you don't even think about it."

Keisha said softly: "You are right, I feel a sense of oppression when I stand beside you now."

"As if you could devour me in one gulp at any time."

"It's scary, and it's scary."

"Is this feeling the qi in your theory?"

Luo Xinghe smiled and said: "You grow up very fast."

"I just felt the sublimation of spiritual energy before, and now I have slowly begun to feel the existence of Qi."

"Kesha, you really deserve to be the most talented person I'm optimistic about."

"If you hadn't betrayed me back then, maybe you would be stronger today than you are now."

Kesha didn't speak anymore, she knew that Luo Xinghe would never forget this matter in his lifetime.

But, even looking back at those years, she would still do it.

Because even Keisha, who is more powerful today, might make the angels extinct back then.

Luo Xinghe's strength and power made the known universe target angels.

Originally, as long as Luo Xinghe didn't make a move, he could just frighten everyone.

But Luo Xinghe pursues to be stronger, and constantly picks things up, and the final consequences can only be borne by the angels.

Keisha is not afraid of death, let alone trouble.

But what about the angels?What about the other angels?

Could it be that these female angels launched the battle of the raging sea regardless of their lives, just to better meet death?

As the leader of the female angel, I have to make a choice. This choice itself is a choice to sacrifice my love and everything about myself.

Chapter 125

Following a few conversations between Luo Xinghe and Keisha, the battle between Ruoning and Qiangwei also entered a fever pitch.

After all, Ruoning has rich experience, and has been fighting on the front line for so many years, so she naturally gradually understands Qiangwei's state.

After all, she herself is good at using space-time warfare.

With a flick of the black and red long sword, she no longer used her best way of space-time attack.

In the past, Ruoning's sharp attack caused them great trouble because they were all facing enemies with non-space-time warfare.

Why Ruoning has never been sure to face Liang Bing.

Because Liangbing is also a god who is good at using time and space to fight.

Making full use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses is always the most suitable and correct method in battle.

Ruoning realized that facing the most perfect successor of the time-space gene, his time-space tactics might not be very effective.

But it doesn't matter, even if Qiangwei goes to the sky, facing the experienced Ruoning, it's good to be able to hold on.

Yes, including all the main gods watching the battle, everyone is not optimistic about Qiangwei.

Of course, in addition to Liang Bing who personally trained Qiangwei, there are also teammates of the Demon Legion who accompany him day and night.

Ruoning rushed forward in an instant, attacking Qiangwei with absolute speed.

In the air, there seemed to be a distorted black streamer.

The long sword in Ruoning's hand suddenly pierced Qiangwei's side.

No matter in terms of speed or strength, it was almost impossible for Qiangwei to block this blow.


The Kunza Arena is made of solid alloy stone, which is very hard.

But at this time, because of Ruoning's powerful slash, Qiangwei smashed into the wall like a meteor.

The dust all over the sky was lifted up with Qiangwei's painful cry.

Ruoning suspended in mid-air with a sneer.

"That's it? What about the perfect space-time gene? It won't just break when touched."

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