In the Styx galaxy at this time, Karl and Luo Xinghe sat facing each other.

On Carl's desk, there is a crystal ball, in which Liang Bing appears to use the image of a devil to brainwash the little devils around him.

Luo Xinghe curled his lips, looking at the wanton and arrogant Liang Bing.

"This guy has such an arrogant personality. I really don't know what you like about her, Karl."

"Your plan was destroyed by the devil this time. The devil wants to fight Hua Ye and steal Ruoning's star life."

"You have to help Hua Ye, boil the frog in warm water, and let Hua Ye trade void information with you step by step."

"Are you ready to fight against Liang Bing?"

"Is this your true love?"

Karl looked up at Luo Xinghe, his eyes fluctuated.

During this period of time, Luo Xinghe stayed in the Styx galaxy, discussing the void theory and ultimate fear with Karl.

After all, Luo Xinghe came from the modern era, and some of his ideas and knowledge are beyond the framework of the Xiongbing Company.

Carl had a heated discussion with Luo Xinghe before.

Karl believes that the destruction of the Kamigawa civilization is speculated to be rules and order, and the void is just a kind of nothingness, a kind of cosmic will.

Luo Xinghe believed that there were external forces, even human factors, and when they were strong enough to break through the barriers of the void, they would become truly immortal gods.

Luo Xinghe is not a god known for wisdom and knowledge, in Karl's impression, Luoshen can only fight, and is also terrifyingly powerful.

But after discussion, Karl discovered that Luo Xinghe was not that simple. Perhaps, Luoshen's wisdom was beyond everyone's understanding.

As soon as Luo Xinghe said those words just now.

Carl suddenly reacted.

Whether Luo Xinghe himself knows some secrets, or other kinds of knowledge, otherwise it cannot explain the deep understanding of the void, but he cannot analyze what happened in the known universe.

Of course, Karl doesn't understand.

"Today's scene is actually what Hexi wanted."

"It can also be said that the devil's participation in the war is Hexi's plan."

"This is a struggle for the Legion of Angels."

"However... I really didn't expect that after Hexi came to power, he would act in a completely different way from Kaisha. I'm really surprised."

Luo Xinghe was stunned for a moment and said.

"That's not right... what does this have to do with Hexi?"

Carl said calmly.

"It seems that Ruoning used her ability to snatch Hexi's star life."

"Actually, Hexi deliberately gave his star life to Ruoning."

"At the first theocracy meeting, maybe Hexi noticed the desire for star life."

"So I left behind and deliberately lost my star life, and Ruoning snatched it away."

"The spearhead of Liang Bing has shifted from the Angel Legion to the Hua Ye Legion."

"After all, it's Kaisha who has a huge enmity with Liang Bing, not Hexi who is hiding in the dark."

"Liang Bing really hates angels, and even gets rid of them quickly, but angels can't take care of themselves, demons are extremely powerful, and Kesha has fallen. With Liang Bing's character, I am afraid that the hostility towards angels will decrease."

"At this time, the appearance of Xing Ming will attract Liang Bing to take action."

"Of course, maybe it's just that Liang Bing took advantage of the trend."

Luo Xinghe frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Carl stood up slowly, walked to the side of the oil painting again, and gently swept the portrait of Liang Bing with his right hand.

"I love Liangbing more than anything else."

"Leng Bing's character is too kind..."

"It's not enough to bless Liang Bing with all the good things in the world."

Luo Xinghe looked at Karl with his mouth wide open.

"Fuck, what is this guy talking about?"

"He is saying that the cold ice of the demon army is kind..."

"She's kind and der."

"Sure enough, Xi Shi is in the eye of the beholder. A man with a brain in love is really unreasonable, with zero IQ."

"Licking a dog is real cowhide."

Karl looked up at the stars as if they were organizing their language, and spoke slowly after a while.

Chapter 118 Hua Ye Borrows Soldiers

"The known universe is at war."

"Lieyang is ready to move and expand."

"Styx is ready to help Hua Ye and join the battle."

"The angel is too busy to take care of himself, and is being watched by Hua Ye."

"The four major forces in the known universe, except for the demons, all plan to join the war."

"Will the other three parties let the devil of Liangbing wait for work, waiting to be a fisherman?"

"No, the demons will definitely be dragged into the water, so that they will fight desperately."

"Since you have to participate in the battle sooner or later, from the perspective of Liang Bing's wisdom, it is better to choose the most beneficial way to participate in the battle."

"Obtaining star life and offending Hua Ye may be the most profitable."

"When it is necessary to move forward, of course we must choose the most favorable path, so that it is in our interests."

"Liangbing is acting for the balance of the entire universe and the lives of the soldiers of the demon army."

"It's no exaggeration to say she's kind."

"Able to let go of the tens of thousands of years of grievances with the Angel Legion, and act with the overall situation of the universe."

"She has righteousness in her heart, she is extremely intelligent, and she is the most perfect goddess."

Luo Xinghe only felt a wave of anger gradually welling up in his abdominal cavity.

"Hey! Why do I think this is your self-guided strategy for licking dogs?"

"Obviously it's just that Liangbing has taken a fancy to Hexi's star destiny."

"Let you speak mysteriously and mysteriously."

"What? Carl, you are a dihua licking dog?"

"I see that even if Liangbing farts, you think it's delicious."

"This special stealing other people's weapons makes you say that you have a kind heart."

Luo Xinghe only felt as if a friend beside him was a dog licker, and all he thought about every day was how to serve the goddess.

The goddess told you bluntly, I'm going on a date and a room.

You have to figure it out yourself.

"Ah, my goddess must have gone to talk about serious business, talking about business cooperation with hundreds of millions of dollars in simple terms."

That's okay, when you see the goddess lying with the man.

"Ah, my goddess must have bought a luminous watch, and asked her boyfriend to see if the luminous watch is good."

"It must not be what my friend said, she cheated."

At this time, as a third party, he would definitely be blown away by this dog-licking friend.

Luo Xinghe hurriedly interrupted and scolded: "It's alright, alright, stop licking, and get down to business, when will your body get used to it?"

"I can't wait to try my hand with you."

"How about, let's try first? My body is rusted after staying here for several days."


Luo Xinghe wants to take the dog fiercely now.

Karl looked at Luo Xinghe helplessly, he knew Luo Xinghe didn't believe it.

But if Liangbing is really that simple.

How could she have been entangled for 2 years when Keisha led the Angel Legion.

Ordinary people have long been wiped out by Kaisha.

Liang Bing, she just wanted people to see her side.

Karl looked at Luo Xinghe with reproach in his eyes.

How can you think of my goddess like that.

Seeing that look, Luo Xinghe clenched his fists tightly.

Carl's eyes changed, and he became calm again.

"Ten days, there are still ten days left, I promise to make Luoshen return home in high spirits."

"Damn? I still have to wait here for ten days."

"Carl, are you deliberately fooling me and restricting me here."

Suddenly, a signal came from the entire Styx galaxy.

Snow appeared at the door and said respectfully.

"My god, Luoshen, the ancient evil god Hua Ye is here to pay respects."

Karl nodded slightly and said, "Ask him to come in."

Luo Xinghe smiled and said: "This guy is quite anxious, he can't wait to come to you."

"It seems that Liang Bing wants to steal Ruoning's star life, the news is true."

"He's also impatient, and doesn't want to use his own strength to fight against the combination of angels and demons."

Although Luo Xinghe didn't believe Karl's trick, it was true that the devil took a fancy to Ruoning's weapon.

Luo Xinghe rubbed his chin and looked at the door.

"Speaking of which, the original book said that He Xi's life was taken away by Ruoning."

"Then Liang Bing tried to snatch it, causing Hua Ye to put the black hole in Kunsa. For Kunsa, Liang Bing sacrificed himself."

"It was very sad when I watched it. The cold ice was sacrificed."

"The three kings also went to the black hole to fight the landlord together."

"Is there really a plan?"

"Otherwise, why did Liang Bing choose to seek Ruoning at this time to grab her star life?"

"Could it be that...Karl, the licking dog, really understands Liang Bing's heart?"

"No, no,'s not so mysterious."

When Luo Xinghe was thinking about something, Hua Ye staggered out of the shadows.

The whole person is lazy, with a frivolous smile, and looks very confident.

Hua Ye knew in his heart that he was cooperating with Void, and Karl must want to know about Void.

I have what Karl wants, and I won't turn my face.

But unexpectedly, Luo Xinghe was standing beside Karl.

Hua Ye's complexion changed, and he walked up in exaggeratedly fast steps.

"Ah He, I was bullied miserably."

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