"Student is going back?" Eishi Sakura returned from the yard at some point, swept away from depression, and regained his vitality.At this time, there was even a bit of enlightened Buddha's intention and kindness on his face.

"Yes, boss." Yin Ze said.

"Hey, don't call me the boss, it sounds strange, it seems to be cold and only related to money. You can call me senior or uncle." Eiji Sakura said kindly.


This is the gentle way of leadership. His generosity is not really generous, but just wants you to thank him for his generosity.

"President, I understand." Yin Ze said shrewdly.

"Hey, why do you still call it that?" Sakura Eiji was quite dissatisfied in the end, "Why are you suddenly so stupid that nothing will happen?"


"But forget it, it will be in this hour and a half. In this way, it's dinner time, why don't you just stay and have a meal before leaving?" Sakura Eishi asked to stay.

Is this a scene or the truth?Men think fast.

"If you don't answer, I'll take it as your acquiescence, Zhi Mori, make more delicious food later." Sakura Eishi used "cut first and play later".

"Let's go after eating, I can't let you come here just to do something, right?" Sakura Edmori also came to talk.

"...In that case, forgive me for bothering you." Yin Ze replied.He always felt that something was weird.

"Well, good, good." Eishi Sakura was very satisfied when he saw that the dinner appointment was successful.

A certain person went and came back, and had nothing to do for a while, so he had to find Sakura-san again to help her with her homework.

During the period, I informed the parents about the low-grade fever, but after measuring the temperature with the thermometer in the medicine box, it was found that everything was normal.

There is no reason.

Yin Ze frowned and turned on the phone.

"Tauren chief: I have something to do at night, so you can go about your daily routine outside."

"Yoshi-P: The chief director dares to slip away?! What's the reason? If not, don't blame me for cutting your main job!"

"The tauren chief: Sakura classmate's father left me for dinner."

"Yoshi-P: Haha, do it beautifully, I'll wait for your good news."

"The tauren chief:?"

No.60 Eight episodes of heart-to-heart talk

It was about 20 years ago.

The father-in-law was rather rough and heroic, with a snow-white beard like a lion's mane. Just looking at his appearance and temperament, he knew that he should be a character with a story when he was young.

Fortunately, Zhisen is not like him, fortunately.

The father-in-law was sitting at the main seat, wearing a casual plain gown that had been washed to fade. He was full of energy and bearing, very much like those heroic villains with outstanding martial arts skills and great ambitions in Xiangjiang martial arts movies.Sitting on the left and right are uncles, cousins ​​and other relatives, just like the elders of the sect and the offerings, so grand.

The palm of the old man holding tea is broad and strong, and the calluses on the back of the knuckles faintly reveal the hard work and difficulty of being a martial artist in a foreign land in his early years.

Before entering the private room, Sakura Eishi had already managed to get through with other aunts, six wives, nephews and nieces with famous brand clothes, trendy toys and signatures of popular idols. A father-in-law is not one to be pleased by material gifts.

After several polite conversations, the relationship has not been shortened in the slightest.

Based on the idea of ​​loving each other and enhancing the relationship between the family.Sakura Eiji reservedly suggested "have a drink".

The father-in-law's heart of clear mirror and still water, the realm of heaven and man that was one with nature was finally shaken, and his half-closed eyes opened, like a child seeing Kamen Rider, the pupils changed from silent to hot.

The childhood sweetheart's mother-in-law was obviously reluctant, but the future son-in-law agreed to come to his hometown for a treat.

The father-in-law hid his joy well.


Presumably our dad usually likes this, but because our mother is too strict, what I said today can be regarded as a slap in the face.

Eishi Sakura, who was immersed in meeting the woman's parents for the first time, did not notice the frowning expressions of the other uncles, cousins ​​and others.

This is also impossible.

Eishi Sakura, in his 20s, is talented and goes upstream. He is proud of love and shopping malls. He wears a handmade suit and wears a famous watch for the first time. He has the momentum and confidence that things will be done. peak period.Occasionally irrelevant unruliness is completely understandable.

"Would you like to go to the next table?" The second uncle who seemed taciturn suddenly said, "The young man is upright and upright, and he is very polite in his work. He is a good person and someone who can be entrusted to. Come back later and toast That's it. Just enjoy yourself today."

What does it mean?

What is this nonsense?

Tell us Xiao Canglong of Edogawa to go to the table with those children and drink juice and coconut milk together?

I usually play cruel workplace wine games with a gold content of several million or tens of millions, like the small scenes that are commonplace now, can I still not be able to handle it?

"How can there be such a reason, today I have the responsibility to accompany our father to make him happy." Sakura Eishi said filially.

"...Okay." Seeing that he was determined, the second uncle stopped talking.

"Not bad." Father-in-law nodded for the first time, and said with some approval, "There is still a bit of masculinity."

Eiji Sakura was very happy to be affirmed by his beloved father.

A happy marriage is at hand.

What happened next was quite ordinary.

It's nothing more than cooking wine and talking about heroes, starting to chat while drinking.The uncles began to discuss and give detailed guidance on the current world situation, make far-sighted judgments on crude oil prices and stock market changes, and also discuss the plot after the fourth season of "The Crying Little Pineapple", which is the favorite of the grandchildren. Valuable comments were given.It also made a summary on the issue of global warming, emphasizing five principles and three obligations.

Sakura Eishi listened to the teachings with an open mind throughout the whole process, added words and compliments from time to time, was flexible and decent, and showed the appearance of an elite.

The atmosphere in the private room was hot for a while, and even the father-in-law talked more.

In the blink of an eye, several pieces of beer were wiped out, but the dishes on the table remained unchanged.

Seeing this, Sakura Eishi nodded slightly, this meal is considered to be a good companion for the old man, right?Look at how my mother-in-law is greedy for our dad on weekdays, she just went to drink.

Unexpectedly, just when they thought it was about to end, the father-in-law and second uncle who didn't change their expressions began to pack up the empty bottles on the table, ordered a few bottles of high-grade shochu that looked bluffing just by looking at the packaging, and started eating and drinking again, as if they had just sat down. A piece of beer seems to have never appeared before.

The second round... Sakura Eishi had a premonition.

I have seen a lot, and so do the clients, dinner, singing, barbecue, changing places, business is like this, let alone a wedding?

understand.It doesn't matter, I still have the energy to spare!

So continue to laugh and laugh, beaming.

Eiji Sakura tried his best, and finally waited until the few bottles of shochu that smelled and smelled were all emptied.

At this point, after he leaves the table, he can just take care of himself.

"Does the waiter have peanuts?" Father-in-law said suddenly, "It's best to fry them in a wok with less oil until they are crispy, and then sprinkle with fine salt."

Eiji Sakura was slightly delighted when he heard the words, is this the dessert session before leaving the banquet?Showa people just have a sense of age. They don't take the usual way, but they like peanuts to finish.

And the second uncle, third uncle and other Dharma protectors made offerings, and the solemnity on their faces deepened.

More than ten minutes later, when Sakura Eishi saw his father-in-law ignoring Xiaozhan, throwing peanuts into his mouth, while grabbing a shochu bottle with one hand to toast with others, and even opened up a new battlefield, going back and forth between relatives and friends at other tables to kill all sides It can be said that when Zhao Zilong was reborn, he was completely dumbfounded.

The Rolex elites have gradually reduced from drinking and talking to the ultimate life. Fortunately, the second uncle is really a good person in the world and has helped him several times.

But everything is in vain, Eiji Sakura has already pushed open the door of purgatory.

However, the elites are firm-willed, with a sweet mouth, one mouthful of father-in-law, one mouthful of our father, always keeping in mind the primary purpose of this battle.

After thirteen rounds of drinking, the final judgment finally came.

It's just that the slightly red-faced old man pulled him over with a smile, and began to hide his needles, asking kindly, "Why do you like my daughter?", "What do you like about my child?", "How do you know each other?", " Who has the final say in the family in the future?", "How do you plan to develop in the future?" And so on...

The father-in-law squinted his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth, as harmless as a Maitreya Buddha, extraordinarily kind.

But the atmosphere at the dinner table became subtle in an instant. Everyone stopped talking, or pretended not to care, or observed from the corner of their eyes. Even the kind and generous second uncle became awe-inspiring, staring at this drunken and ignorant young man.

Everyone is waiting for this good young man with lax consciousness to utter the words from the bottom of his heart inarticulately, uttering key words related to major events in life.

This is a harsh torture under the guise of gentleness, and the time left for the parties to organize their speech is no more than three seconds.

Because the old man will pick up the soju bottle at any time, and end the topic within a few seconds before the answer is given.Just leave a sentence such as "Since you haven't thought about it, let's think about it again", "Marriage is not child's play", "That's not what Zhisen said before"... and the opinions from the people who are different after hearing the truth. eyes.

At this moment, Wan Jian added to his body.

Eiji Sakura's head was instantly clear, and his heart beat slowly, but soon lost to the influence of alcohol, his thinking became uncontrollably dull and chaotic, and he completely forgot all the bright and beautiful belly drafts earlier.

Few people can fabricate facts in this kind of situation without changing their face, very few, almost none, even Sakura Eishi, who has evolved into a social elite from a generation of test kings, is not exempt.

If it is normal, he will be able to talk in an orderly manner.

But in a trance, the red-faced young man was tongue-tied, and in a panic, he said what was in his heart.

The atmosphere changed again.

So there was no confidence, fear, and the defense line collapsed.

Afterwards, according to outsiders, he was defenseless, and he even shook off the question of when he was a child and wet the bed.

It's terrible.

I would like to list the "Lao Zhangren Wine Bureau" as the first echelon of many meals.

Now is the time to learn and apply.

After all, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

Although everything is undecided now, it can be regarded as a preview and a temptation to be reserved.

Let me explore, to fade away the halo of handsomeness and talent on you, put aside these filters, and see the original sincerity and courage!

Time flashed by quickly, the group of demons danced wildly, and the private room where the most holy master was located turned into a warm family living room.

The delicacies on a large table are all Sakura Edemori's specialty dishes.There are not only friendly pork chops, custard, and hamburger meat, but also Southeast Asian dishes, such as spicy tuna, Vietnamese-style shrimp floss, and chicken wings with pandan. .

At noon, the hostess still cooks dry-planed rice, which is simple and trouble-free, and dinner is so grand.

It really is the behavior style of a loving mother-in-law.

Thinking about it over the years, my mother-in-law has also said many good things for herself.

As the saying goes, when a son-in-law meets his father-in-law, the more he drinks, the more right he is!

Even though it's not at this level at all, it doesn't matter, this time it's the youth version of the supreme wine bureau!

"Can my junior drink alcohol?" Eiji Sakura said slowly.

"Occasionally." Yin Ze said sincerely, "When I have a drink with my friends, I will drink the same Bond at home to increase the fun of life. In addition, I will drink a little with my colleagues at company receptions and other occasions."

"Student, I can be considered your elder. It's rare to get together today, why don't you have a few drinks and talk about the past and present, inside and outside, wouldn't it be great?" Eiji Sakura suggested.There are skills such as elders, rare, and drinking in the words.

"Old...Senior, no, uncle is still interested in this?" Yin Ze changed his address several times.

"That's not true, you've come all the time." Sakura Eishi said happily, "It's rare that you have brought out all the good wines in your collection, so you can enjoy them all."

Enjoy it, use it in the hands of the stronger party in a personal relationship, the lethality is very impressive.

"I came here today by bike." Yin Ze scratched his head.

The perfect reason is worthy of being able to surpass the king of the exam head-on in terms of academic ability.

"It's okay, at worst, let your Aunt Zhi Mori drive you back. It's really impossible. My house is quite big, and I feel a little dizzy, so I just go to sleep. It's okay." Sakura Eishi laughed.

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Yin Ze didn't care, but he said it out of habit.He doesn't like to trouble people.

"Student, look at my bottle." Sakura Eishi took out a bottle of extremely exquisitely packaged wine from nowhere, "Although you may not understand, this is a gift from my partner, and I am not willing to open it. It's a rare good..."

"Oh? This is awamori shochu? But looking at the packaging, it's a type you've never seen before?" Master Yin's eyes brightened slightly, observing carefully.

"You know?" Eishi Sakura was taken aback.

"Of course. This is Okinawa's specialty drink." Yin Ze said in a tone of teasing his parents.

drinks? ?

"Different from sake, this is a distilled liquor that is a specialty of the Ryukyu Islands. It is basically available in restaurants in Okinawa. The locals also call it island wine, or even abbreviated as island." Yin Ze added.

"What's the difference? Isn't it all wine?" Sakura Mioyin asked casually as she watched the interaction between her father and the tutor.

"First of all, the brewing process is different. Distilled wine is formed by heating and distilling fermented wine, such as liquor, whiskey, brandy, and vodka."

Yin Ze took it at hand.

"This technology was introduced to Japan from China in the 15th century. The generally accepted route of transmission is first to Ryukyu and then to Kyushu. Okinawa's beaches, soba noodles, and Miss Aragaki are naturally famous. But Awamori with a long history is a small Some people will think of it first, think about it in the Tokugawa shogun's tribute catalog, there is this one."

"It's so good, why don't other people do it too?"

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