"It's love. It's love on the surface, and it's also love deep down." Sakura Eiji recited affectionately, full of emotion like an actor in a stage play, "Emotion, your thorns have stabbed the people trapped in it. The eyes of those who love you! Love, you are like coal. When it burns, you must find a way to cool it. Let it do what it wants, and it will burn a heart!"

Just by reading some sentences, can this be forgiven?

Sakura Mio, who was eating silently at the side, was skeptical about this.

After all, it is quite rare for these two to disagree and quarrel.

"Juliet, the brilliance of your face shames the stars as the sun's light fades a lamp. Eyes stream light from the sky through the air, and the birds think the night is over and begin to sing. I would be you. mittens so you can caress your face."

Eiji Sakura has both voice and emotion, his lines are clear and powerful, and he has the demeanor of an actor.

Sakura Mio's eyes widened, and she found that with just a few words, the unhappy mother began to waver!

"What's wrong, my love! Why are your cheeks so pale? How did the rose on your face wither so quickly?" Sakura Eishi stretched out his hand and asked a question.He expected an equally poetic answer.

Sakura Zhimori curled his lips, turned his face to the side, and still said clearly: "...Mostly it is because of the lack of rain and dew, but the tears in my eyes can irrigate them."

"Alas, the path of true love is always rough and hard. Even if the two love each other, war, death or disease invades it, making it like a voice, a shadow, a dream, a thread in the night. As short as the lightning flashed, Heaven and Hell were revealed in an instant. But before one could say 'Look!', the darkness swallowed with its mouth, and the bright things turned into chaos."

Sakura Eiji clenched his fists resolutely, showing a mellow smile like old wine.

"Listen, Hermia, I will marry you. If you love me, I will be before you."

"My good Lysander, by the strongest bow of Cupid, by the purity of the dove of Venus, by the supernatural power that binds souls and protects love, by the fire that burns the queen of ancient Carthage. I And I swear to you, I will definitely come."

Eiji Sakura finally dealt with the crisis, and walked forward generously, walked around the table, and hugged his wife who was sitting opposite.

"Huh? Just sang a few lines? Mom, did you forgive him just like that?" Sakura Mio asked in surprise.

"What is forgiveness? I didn't do anything wrong." Eiji Sakura had a black line.

"No way, too, too despicable, this is what he said at the wedding scene... At that time, he and the groomsmen rehearsed Shakespeare's operas, Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer Night's Dream, just to show me His love." Sakura Emori rested her head on her husband's chest, recalling happiness.

"Wow, it's so romantic." Sakura Mio raised her eyebrows and continued to take a bite of her meal.

"That is, what an amazing person I am. At that time, everyone praised my arrangement, except that your grandfather thought it was quite sour and superficial." Eiji Sakura said proudly, "But that belongs to the It is a special case when a scholar meets a soldier."

"I don't know what Mioyin's wedding will be like in the future. It would be great if the man is as responsible as your father, loves life and has no lack of humor." Sakura Edmori sighed, "Your father and I met in college. Yes, in the blink of an eye, you are about to go to college, and you don’t know what kind of people you will meet.”

"Association is a good thing, but there are both true elites like me and people who are fake."

Sakura Eishi let go, dragged the stool over, sat next to his beloved wife, and said calmly.

"A few days ago, I went back to school to participate in the class reunion, and I saw the most beautiful face contest held in the school. Anyone who is a bit ambitious and committed to opening up the future will not waste time participating in this kind of farce. It's really degrading for Lao Shizi to shake hands and bring goods seamlessly, you have to pay attention, don't be fooled by those people's acting skills."

"Forget it, these are still too far away. By the way, Mio Yin, I've found a tutor for you, and I'll be there in the afternoon." Sakura Edmori said.

"Oh." Sakura Mio nodded.

"How about the price?" Sakura Eishi couldn't help asking.

"It hasn't been negotiated yet. The other side said that we can try it first. If the effect is good, we can talk about salary. It's very friendly." Sakura Zhimori said with a smile.

"So unconfident? Can't you be poor? Don't think about saving money in this kind of thing. The exam will be at the end of the year. You should go to a strong institution to find a foreign teacher and swipe my card." The pillar of the family is always convincing.

"Others are in the same school as you, not ronin, fresh graduates, and they were ranked in the top ten in the third category of liberal arts that year." Sakura Zhimori patiently added.

"So that's the case, then I can feel a little more at ease." Sakura Eishi thought for a while.


"I'm going to the company, Mio, talk to the tutor later to see if he has real skills. Although the deviation value is high, it is high, but there are two differences between being able to do the questions yourself and being able to teach others to do the questions. talent." Sakura Eishi reminded, "If you really think it's not helpful, just push it away, don't feel that there is something like embarrassment."

"I know." Sakura Mio agreed crisply.


President Sakura changed the animal-style pajamas into a workplace president's fan suit, put on polished leather shoes, and went out to his Mercedes-Benz AMGS65, which represents successful people.Sit in the driver's seat, adjust the rearview mirror slightly, move slowly, and in a short time, you are a few streets away.

It was a little congested, and he inadvertently revealed his Rolex watch to check the time.

At this time, a powerful motorcycle with black and gold color scheme came into view.

Every man has a knight's heart in his heart. Even if he sits in a good car that can beat the AE86 in terms of social status, he will still cast his eyes on that kind of Baoju that gallops in the wind.

At this time, the big yangma was in the other lane, and the car he was slowing missed each other.The rider is strictly wearing a cool helmet, and the tail of the windbreaker flutters gently. The back is indescribably chic, even if it is placed in the special shot, it does not feel inconsistent at all.It seems that the protagonist is heading to a harsh battlefield.

When I was young, I should be like this, handsome as a flame.

Eiji Sakura looked at the figure that was getting further and further away in the rearview mirror.

All of a sudden, the clothes looked familiar.

... Does Mio sound have the same style?

The middle-aged man scratched his head, finally shook his head, did not think too much, and drove away.

ten minutes later.

Mercedes-Benz, dignified reproduction.

Eiji Sakura, who was holding the steering wheel, was bewildered and had a serious expression on his face.

Ask for leave today, write the leave note by yourself, and approve the leave note by yourself.

And he came back like lightning.

No.60 Chapter Four Tutor

dong dong.

A polite knock sounded on the door.

After the door is opened.

"Why do you feel that you have lost weight? No matter how hard you work, you must remember to rest and eat on time." Sakura Zhimori looked at the young people outside the door, frowning like an elder and said, "Most young people nowadays are sub-healthy. Not health conscious."

"Don't worry, Aunt Zhisen, I have always combined work and rest, and my Taoist heart is firm, and no one can shake it." Yin Ze smiled happily when he heard this, and took advantage of the opportunity to lift the exquisite gift box in his hand, "I have prepared some special care for my visit today. "

"It's too polite to be too polite, and there are gifts."

Sakura Edomori took the bag, but quickly recognized that it was a product of Kyoto Nishijinori.This kind of fabric is luxurious and thick, and the price is not cheap. It is a luxury handicraft, and it must not be said to be an ordinary gift.The hostess took this good gift and complained instead.

"What are you doing with all this money, isn't it too outlandish?"

"Hey, it should be. I have a very close friendship with classmate Sakura. The last time I came to the door in a hurry, I didn't bring anything. This time I made up for it. Besides, I have a lot of income recently, so there is no such thing as saving food and money. " Yin Ze said with a smile, "The tie is for uncle, and the bag is for you."

"Is there no part for Mio?" Sakura Emori chuckled and asked jokingly.

"Of course I won't fall behind. It's better to say that for her, I have tried my best during this time. Among other things, I have specially traveled all over the major bookstores, compared and screened each other, and consulted famous teachers from all sides before finally deciding on this one. A big gift package——"Yuyuelongmen·College Entrance Sprint to Sea of ​​Thousand Questions"!" Yin Ze's expression was lifted when he said this.He neatly put the schoolbag weighing more than ten kilograms behind him on the floor, and immediately made a heavy sound of knowledge, as if it was filled with a pile of earthen bricks instead of light and fluffy paper pages.

"Well, she will definitely like it." As a parent, Sakura Edomori said in admiration, "Stop sticking at the door, come inside."

"Okay, excuse me." Yin Ze changed into his slippers and walked into the living room generously.The Sakura family's mansion has a large area, good lighting, and a good location. The interior is also well-maintained and spotless. It is definitely a dimensional difference from his own kennel.

There was heating in the room, so Master Yin took off his coat.

"Mione, the teacher is here." Sakura Edmori went upstairs and knocked on the door.

The girl in pink and white pajamas pushed the door out and looked curiously at the living room.I saw a familiar person with his hands behind his back, approaching the cockatiel named "Beethoven" like an old cadre, as if he was learning the language of birds to chat.After feeling the gaze, the man turned around, smiled and waved his hands, and behaved very warmly.

Sakura Mio's heart tightened suddenly, her expression changed instantly, she stepped on her slippers and retreated into the room again.


Why does the borrower run away like a creditor?Yin Ze was a little confused and scratched his head.

Seven or eight seconds later.

Sakura Mione reappeared, her hair was not like the simple and easy bangs sticking on her hair before, but was quickly tidied up and tied into a short ponytail.Looks a lot neater.Although the remedial measures are limited, but the subconscious has to do it again.

"...Why is he the tutor?" The girl walked a few steps closer to her mother and asked in a low voice.

"Is this strange?" Sakura Edmori said naturally, "With his academic ability, it's normal for him to be a tutor and have a part-time job."

"...I mean, why did you hire this tutor?"

"The reason is very simple. We are acquaintances. You two are good friends and colleagues in the firm. There is no gap in communication. It is good to let him help you with your homework. And isn't Dongda University your goal? Having an active TU student would also help."

"Then you should say hello to me in advance." Sakura Mio whispered softly, twisting her fingers, "I wasn't prepared at all, I didn't wash my hair today, how rude."

"It's also up to me. Don't you just talk about it at lunch, the tutor will come in the afternoon." Sakura Zhisen was a little amused. , does it matter?"

"Of course, people who don't know each other will not have entanglements in the future, and acquaintances will meet every now and then..." Sakura Mio forced to argue.

"Okay, don't delay, the teacher is standing there waiting for you. With his qualifications, if he really becomes a tutor, the hourly salary is not cheap." Sakura Edmori urged.


For some reason, Sakura Mio sounded a little hesitant, and finally got the courage to go downstairs.

"Wait a minute." Sakura Edmori reminded helplessly, "Where are your textbooks and pens? Do you have a study session empty-handed?"

"Oh oh."

The girl hurriedly went back to her bedroom, holding her teaching materials and guidance books, and stumbled downstairs, but the closer she got to the tutor, the slower her pace.

Why do you look reluctant to pay back the money?Yin Ze thought to himself.

"Long time no see." Sakura Mio spoke first, but after a pause for a long time, her momentum weakened, and she was stuck for a long time before saying, "...senior."

As if being impacted by an invisible energy, Master Yin leaned back slightly, his eyes flashed with confusion and wariness.


The man frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

I'm afraid this is the first time I've heard her say this name.Although in terms of age and school age, there is no problem at all, but strictly speaking, the two are at the same time in the industry.In addition, he is also the golden partner of the first Daime in the night of fierce battle video game city, playing video games together, visiting exhibitions, eating ramen noodles, and drinking coke in big bowls, it can be said that they are good buddies in various senses.

Just imagine, if your college roommate suddenly reservedly calls you "this classmate", "this teacher", "this comrade", does it mean that you have done something unintentionally to damage your friendship? So that others are so disgusted and indifferent, ready to draw a line?

Thoughts turn in an instant.

"Since the last time we went to watch the fireworks together, we haven't seen each other very much. It's strange to say that we didn't meet each other on the set." The man said kindly, "I haven't seen you for a few days. You are more mature and stable, and you look better."

"Oh..." The girl turned her head with a pile of books on her chest.

Is this over?

She even used the evaluation she dreamed of being mature and stable, but she was indifferent, with wandering eyes and absent-mindedness.

Is it.

Is it...

"Don't you want to study? Or, do you hate being forced to study?"


Master Yin was silent for a moment, then suddenly understood everything, and smiled slightly.

"If this is the case, don't worry. Before I came here, I knew that I was lacking in this aspect, so I specially communicated with a certain principal and a certain director who are full of peaches and plums, and even communicated with the leader of my school. After many battles, they showed their prowess and gave me more than a dozen sets of study plans, teaching plans, and materials for the exam. They also asked the seniors and classmates who are also doing teaching support work in the school to help. They are all proven by years of practice. You And don’t be intimidated by the materials that weigh more than ten kilograms. With me, who has been here, doing targeted brushing questions, every practice of yours will not be in vain. So don’t think I’m just going to the meeting alone, but There is a whole high-quality team behind me. Examination is a major event in life, and it is related to the rest of your life. I will never miss you, so don't worry, I am never ambiguous when it comes to major events!"

These words are full of emotion, and the punctuation marks are full of confidence and motivation. It is short of beheading chicken heads and burning yellow paper.

It is also true.

After receiving a call from Aunt Zhisen, he, who has always been decisive in fishing, thought about it for a long time uncharacteristically, and finally decided to help.

And once you nod, you can't be perfunctory.So I sought help from many sources, spent every day in the library flipping through the test papers, and communicated with powerful people inside and outside the school. The life corridor was maintained at about 230% for several days. The basic memory and active thinking were very efficient. Compared with the exams in the past, The storage of question types in the brain has more than doubled.

At present, I am helping students analyze the unified examination, and I can be regarded as a good hand. Even if I go to apply for a famous private school, I am completely qualified in terms of ability.

As for the famous schools with unique exams...even if they are the leaders in the education industry, they can't guarantee that they will teach one to pass the other. It still depends on the students themselves.

In short, it is related to major events such as the college entrance examination. Since you have passed it, you must be serious.

"Do you believe me?" Yin Ze asked deeply.

"I believe it." Sakura Mio nodded of course.

"Look at me." Yin Ze said again.


"look at me."

Driven by this toughness, the girl looked up at the person in front of her.

——Same as the fireworks show that night, nothing changed.It's clearly a familiar face, it's clear that they used to sit so close to chat and eat together, and they clearly shoved and yelled and played like elementary school students.

But when his eyes touched his eyes, he subconsciously wanted to run away.

The heart is racing.

The base of ears and cheeks are slightly hot.

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