There's nothing new under the sun, just repetition, and repetition, that's the nature of life.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a series of brisk sports music sounded in the studio. This is to remind everyone who has been sitting for a long time to get up and move their bodies. Health is the most important thing.

Master Yin was very active. He threw the pen and stood in the aisle. He danced vigorously, bouncing and twisting his waist in a very organized way, with skilled limbs and full of heritage.

"Is this yoga?" Takemoto Yasuhiro was curious.

"This is the young eagle of radio gymnastics for elementary and middle school students taking off and the times are calling." The man said proudly.

After a stretch, everyone will default to pick up water, eat snacks, chat, and then return to work.

And at this time, it was also the time when Takemoto Yasuhiro began to stand on the sidelines in recent days.

Making animation sounds interesting, but after the creative stage, you just have to immerse yourself in the work. It is a very boring job, and the time is squeezed out, and the level of hard work is not as easy as that of the civil engineer.The painting department of the studio is in a clean state of silently drawing drafts all year round, and it is rare to have good things and happy things.And Kyoto Animation is a meritocracy, and it is a relatively rare staff composition with more women than men.

In such an environment with clear soup and little water, if you throw a piece of high-quality small yellow beef fresh meat in a hot pot, what kind of water will splash, needless to say?

At first, this group of people would talk about painting skills from the beginning, and gradually they directly discussed the philosophy of life.

"Mr. Yin, why do two people, pen pals who are far away in the sky, have never met before, but they have an emotional connection?"

"I think it should be because they like each other?"

"Hee hee, does Teacher Yin have such a pen pal?"

"Yes, his name is Li Hua. He is the chairman of the student union of a certain school. He always actively participates in various activities beyond his control. His English is up and down, but no matter what, he always tries his best to ask me to help him speak foreign languages. A friend writes."


"Ms. Yin, I have a friend. She recently met a nice person. She has an excellent image and rich connotations. Her excellent conversation also reveals that she is a person with a story. I want to go further with him. What should I do? "

"Did he still say that he doesn't want to fall in love, that he doesn't believe in love? Huh, he's just a scumbag, but he's just wearing a disguise of being emotionally hurt to attract sympathy and arouse girls' curiosity. When the time comes, he will pretend Excitedly said, 'I thought I wouldn't love, but until I met you, I was just waiting', making the woman mistakenly think that I am a special existence. You must beware of such bad guys, and you must not be sloppy!"


"Yin Sang, what is that love?"

"Oh, idiot. It's all the past, let's not talk about it, love, I think it is a curse, I have gradually lost confidence in it."


"Love is simple, desire is complex, simple love comes out of a whole wonderful soul and a noble character, complex desires come out of greed and want. Love is mostly selfless, and desire is mostly selfish Yes. When love narrowly becomes a goal, it becomes a desire. So I hope you can read more books, cultivate your body and mind, bask in the sun all the time, and become a person with great love."

"Okay, okay."


"Brother Yin, Brother Yin~ I can't figure out the perspective and structure here." A young girl in her early 20s who just stepped into the workplace held a drawing paper and came to ask for advice with a full face.

"Have you ever looked for references? Painters must learn to find references. We can't create things out of thin air, we just describe and re-understand nature." The man earnestly taught.

"I found it, but this action is too rare." The girl was distressed.

"Indeed, then sit down here, and I'll tell you about the transition relationship of the bones here." The man happily began to modify it.

"Yin Jun, I also have a problem." Several people followed behind.

"But it doesn't matter. Only by solving the bottleneck and jumping out of the comfort zone can we continue to make progress." The man sighed.As expected of the future backbones of Kyoto Animation No. [-] Studio, not only are they young and talented, but they can also serve as teachers for those who have arrived. They treat themselves as passing outsourcers with courtesy, as if they refuse to let go of any opportunity to practice. With this will, why worry about not improving your painting skills?

Although it is back to discussing the topic of painting skills, the names of these guys are getting closer every day.

Yasuhiro Takemoto turned his head and cast complicated eyes at the juniors in the workplace behind him.He sorted out the materials slowly, looked at his watch, got up, and rushed into the harmonious academic seminar behind him.Just like the old man who beats mandarin ducks in picture books, he doesn't know the gentleness in the world.

"If you have any questions, please ask in a few days. I want to talk to him." The supervisor said.

"But we still have doubts." The girls argued.

"Let's find Mr. Kigami."

"The master craftsman is busy, don't bother me."

"He's reading the newspaper over there, and he's already read two copies... Besides, Ohno, you're clearly sitting next to Mr. Kigami, why did you come here? It's so easy to become a painting director at the age of 25. Was it shaken?"

Yasuhiro Takemoto was one of the Four Heavenly Kings at any rate, and had a certain right to speak. A group of young girls who had just graduated had no choice but to succumb to the pressure from the leaders, and went back to their work sullenly.

"What's the matter?" Yin Ze didn't forget to correct other people's manuscripts.

"You seem to be well adapted to this environment?" Takemoto Yasuhiro asked.

"It's okay. At least you will turn your head when you talk to me. Larger outsourcing companies have internal chat software. Even if they are sitting at the same table, they don't talk at all, and all communicate by typing." Yin Ze said, "That's called plain as water."

"Okay. The missing part of the middle sheet has been filled in, much faster than expected." Takemoto Yasuhiro said carefully, "I am working on the storyboard and layout of the last episode, but I still have to Lacking some practical support and inspiration, would you help out if you could?"

"This..." The man showed embarrassment.

"Hey, the last paragraph is full of charm. Miss Taneda was asking before, what kind of animation will become here. As the leading actor, you must have a unique understanding. Even if you don't use a pencil, verbal suggestions are still valuable." Supervise with emotion.

"Okay then, it's about moving the chair." The man kicked his legs and feet easily, and then sat on the swivel chair and moved to the supervisor's station.


"This is the prototype of my plan, take a look." Takemoto Yasuhiro took out a copy.

"Isn't this very detailed?" Yin Ze opened it and quickly scanned the picture.In terms of storyboards, these stick figures are beautifully drawn.He has seen a lot of drafts when dubbing, and this is definitely considered exquisite among them.

"Do you know this passage?" Takemoto Yasuhiro asked.

"Of course, who do you look down on? I've read the original novel." Yin Ze nodded heavily, looking very confident.

"Using this as an ellipsis to end the content of the animation, I think it is very appropriate. I want to be perfect. Before that, I went to the realistic location to collect scenery and took a lot of photos. I was also thinking about the background of this section, but I was not satisfied no matter what." Yasuhiro Takemoto took out a stack of photos.It is Takayama City in the northern part of Gifu Prefecture, slowly said, "Hida Ichinomiya, next to Mizuno Shrine is Crouching Dragon Sakura, and April 4rd is Takayama's Girl's Day. I think it must be an evening, and there are dancing flowers in the evening. Cherry blossoms."

"But this is not enough. I want a more moving and intense expression. At least, there is a bulging shot at the moment when the flower dance and the girl are stunned." Use the mirror, take this paragraph out."

"What's your worry?" Yin Ze just asked.

"A short period of excitement may be unbalanced, because this second surprise is just Oreki-kun's imagination, and the rest is a tacit understanding and agreement that is unspoken. I plan to present the most beautiful scenery in this countryside. To prove the beauty of this agreed place." Takemoto Yasuhiro said, "To put it bluntly, I want everyone to challenge the upper limit of their strength, come up with the best paintings, and present the most exciting ending."

"But, it's not just a simple talk, right?" Yin Ze pondered.

"Yes, although the company does not lack manpower, it is impossible for me to ask for help at will. Each team has its own work to do. But I also have one of the biggest variables, which is your existence." Takemoto Yasuhiro Without concealing it, he said, "With your technology, it's a pity that it's just the middle one. With such amazing efficiency, if it is added to the original painting process, the improvement of the entire process will be amazing. In addition, Meixuan, who originally specializes in exquisite illustrations Painter, landscapes, backgrounds, and freeze-frame scenes are even more familiar to you. I dared to have this kind of ambition."

"So it's a new outsourcing?" Yin Ze scratched his head.

"Well, but this is my own request. When the production is completely fine, it is not good in the name of the company. This time, I personally entrust you." Takemoto Yasuhiro nodded.

"You are really greedy."

"Sitting behind him is a master who can affect the quality of the work in the shortest time. As long as it is normal animation supervision, he will never remain indifferent."

"Supervisor Takemoto, so what is your standard?" Yin Ze asked after thinking about it.

"Of course it's the best." Takemoto Yasuhiro clenched his fist.

"...Although it's not very good to say this." The man was silent for a while, "but it will be a bit hard to match my upper limit. It's not about the technical level, but about efficiency and rhythm. I want to use the working hours of ordinary dramas to make A drama version and a movie-level episode, no matter how you think about it, it’s a bit difficult.”

"I also started from the most basic animation before, and I have never been unfamiliar with it. Even if I don't sleep, I will keep up with it." Takemoto Yasuhiro said quickly, "This is not a delusion, but it is possible to operate. Bing Guo It is a drama itself. In this performance, the scene occupies a large part, and there are no other fast-moving images, and several people can complete it. As long as our storyboards, layouts, and original paintings are fast and good , absolutely no problem!"

"The ending is so good, what will you do in the second season?" Yin Ze scratched his head.

"Let's wait until that day comes." Takemoto Yasuhiro smiled, "So, you accepted it."

"It's okay, anyway, I'm sure I can sleep." Yin Ze said in a deep voice, then smiled and nodded slightly.

In the first few weeks of using the life corridor, I successfully sorted out the gains so far.And began to delve into things that had never been dared to climb before.When I was doing the final fantasy, I was far from digesting my perception and knowledge with the help of external forces, and my skills hadn't knocked on the door that was pushed and kicked open by all the amazing and talented people throughout the ages.

Now finally a 'Master of Hypocrisy' in the field of skill.Now if you can leave traces in the ice fruit, it would be the right time, and it couldn't be better.

"I was curious about what you two were whispering about, but it turned out that you were planning such a big event—"

A sigh came from behind him abruptly.

"The two of you just want to make a series-quality TV episode within a limited time? Takemoto, you really are..." Masaharu Kigami smiled helplessly while shaking his head.

"Uh, I also know that some people are overreaching and idealistic, and even if they are not careful, there will be a bad chain reaction..." Takemoto Yasuhiro saw the master craftsman, and remembered the things he was criticized at the beginning.

"—It's really exciting!" Kigami Masaharu's eyes were shining, and his voice was loud and affirmative.



"Yeah, one of you is a professional supervisor, and the other is a fast-paced graphic artist with profound knowledge. After taking care of storyboards, layouts, a large number of key original paintings, and animations, you are left with coloring, CG, and post-processing. There is still a chance. of."

Masayoshi Kigami said with satisfaction.

"The infinite pursuit of beauty and the incisive and vivid use of techniques are art. Takemoto, you have always been a soft guy without aggression, and you have finally revealed the ambition and domineering that creators should have. Very good, let me also Let's get involved, as a master, of course you have to help your disciples."

"Ah, but you have other things..."

"Of course it was done at the same time." Masaharu Kigami said with great confidence, "I have been fighting since the early days of the animation industry. What kind of turbulent river has I never flowed? There is no shortage of amazing creative legends in the industry. I am already young. After half a century, I may retire from the front line in the near future, before that, let me be one of the anecdotes who are admired."

"Besides, it just so happens that this is an opportunity."

The old painter restrained his expression of joy towards his disciple and looked at someone.

"Yin Jun, Takizawa Jun, although you are painting with paper and pen these days, you are still a member of modern digital painting, whether it is special effects, photos, textures, 3D, as long as there are effects, you can make the best use of them. The tools are improving, and the techniques will be iterative, which is of course. However, I also want you to see what the high level of traditional hand-drawn animation is like—” Masaharu Kigami narrowed his eyes and said, “I almost The achievements of ten years, just look at it with a cold eye, take away those that are useful to you, and discard the old ones, don't care about it, and don't have to have pity."

"Unbearably terrified..." Yin Ze bowed his head in respect.He felt the stubbornness and recognition of the old painter.

"Good boy." Kisami Masaharu gave him a pleased look.Nodded, turned around and left.

"It's broken now." Takemoto Yasuhiro sighed, "If Mr. Kigami also comes, you can't be slack. He really dares to ask you to redraw. In terms of creation, you can quarrel with the president until you blush. Rough. If he doesn't nod at that time, maybe the show will be postponed, and the episodes will be used as a shield..."

"It's a circle back to the original place, right?" Yin Ze was speechless.

"Just kidding, just kidding." Takemoto Yasuhiro waved his hand.

"I'll go to Brother Westinghouse to borrow a laptop first." Yin Ze said.

"Why?" Takemoto Yasuhiro asked.

"He has modeling software in his computer. Didn't Kishang-san say that? I'm a utilitarian. As long as it can produce results, I will use any means." The man said, "This is true, all tricks are dedicated to Bing Guo Already."

"Go all out for your creation, as it should be." Takemoto Yasuhiro gave another fearless, childlike grin.

No.40 Chapter Nine Steps, Submission, Extension

It is the darkness before dawn, the time when late night meets early morning, and the outside world is decadent and blurred.

For five consecutive days and nights, Takemoto Yasuhiro kept falling asleep and waking up at his work station.Every time a box of drawing paper is consumed, the thoughts pause, and the Wolong cherry blossoms rest on the hair tips of the teenagers and girls.When he looked up, he could only see the desolate white table lights, and the tiredness of his body came like a tide.

A handful of cold tap water was poured on the cheek, and the cold touch spread from the face to the whole body at once, and the stimulation made Takemoto Yasuhiro wake up for a moment.

The look in the mirror is very haggard, with a pale complexion. It has not been taken care of or bathed for nearly a week, and the smell of fast food and energy drinks is still lingering. It is dilapidated like a lonely homeless wanderer.

The nose feels a little stuffy, probably due to overwork and cold.

Takemoto Yasuhiro shook off the water stains on his hands, left the bathroom, and walked through the dimly lit corridor to the painting department on the second floor.There were still a few lights on there, and a beam of light was projected.

Between the empty flat floor and the connected tables and chairs, two figures from behind are silently working hard.

The wind blown by the vertical fan seems to have a mechanical texture, and the sound of the computer case humming and running is also heard. Compared with the daytime, this place is more boring and lonely, without the barking of dogs and the noise of passersby from the street. Laughing, and the young staff who are not energetic discuss interesting things, the breath of life is so barren.Here is the most realistic creative hell, there is no spark of thought collision, only one stroke after another repetition.

Takemoto Yasuhiro let out a sigh of relief, slowly returned to his seat, picked up a brand new pencil, ignored the tiredness that came back soon after being walked in the cold water, and returned to the imaginary cherry blossoms again.

But the touch is still there too.

Are the two people behind them monsters?

Takemoto Yasuhiro asked himself wordlessly.

It’s been almost a week, staying in the studio almost all day long, solving the sanitation problem the fastest, eating in the shortest time, sleeping in the shortest time, it’s like a fire cooking oil, a strong wind blowing a candle, squeezing out the limit of burning.

In this penance-like state, the two of them remained silent and became reticent, as if they had turned all the strength of their bodies into emotional fuel and spilled them into the manuscript paper.

Looking at the unceasingly produced, exquisite original paintings one after another, the supervisor only felt a little scary, and only then did he realize the weight of his impulsive ambition and what kind of assistance he had called.

Yasuhiro Takemoto grew up step by step from the bottom link, and has also experienced troughs and difficulties, but he still believes that these few days are one of the most painful experiences in his career.

The best, keep giving the best, in the face of a huge workload, endlessly dig out until the soul and energy are vomited, both physically and mentally exhausted.

The two behind were indifferent, with expressionless faces, hitting their own extremes time and time again efficiently and steadily.

Are they really human...?The structure inside is definitely different from mine.

Yasuhiro Takemoto couldn't help but reopen a can of refreshing drink, he drank it roughly, dripping from the corner of his mouth, wet his collar, and made it dirty.

I can't lose either, I am a person who shoulders a new future, and I still have the strength to spare!

The wall clock on the wall faithfully records the passage of time, and the hour hand moves slowly.

The long night, the long silence.

Yin Ze and Kigami Masuji stopped writing at the same time and turned their heads away.

Yasuhiro Takemoto was lying on the table, still holding the pen in his right hand, but he fell asleep on his arm at some point, and let out a long snoring sound, which was quite ear-catching.

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