
Gengtian Lisha muttered to herself, she looked down at the screen of her mobile phone, and soon fell into a brief silence, she just looked at it for a long time, and asked softly.

"Can I swipe pictures?"

"Well, whatever you want."

The girl who got permission swiped her pale finger across the screen, occasionally zooming in on the drawing to appreciate the details.

"This is a three-view... draft of game art?"


"That's it." Zhongtian Lisha pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Is this the norm for commercial use? Accurate, clear, without blank spaces and impressions, it's a method I don't like very much."

"You should be more casual, right? Unrestrained, just like the expression in your graduation work?" Yin Ze said.

"Well, the most important thing is that this is a level that I may not be able to do." Taneda Risa nodded, her tone was complicated.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Yin Ze sensed the abandonment and unwillingness in the other party's voice.

"There is no need to say such things, I am still very clear about my position."

Gengtian Lisha looked at it carefully for a long time before returning the phone, holding the warm coffee with both hands in the summer.

"Speaking of which, I stopped art and chose dubbing halfway through... Compared to someone who dreamed of acting since childhood, I'm actually nothing. Sure enough, as long as people escape, they have to pay the corresponding price."

"You are the main player now. Many people who have worked hard for a long time have not been able to get this recognition." Yin Ze said.

"...Life is full of surprises." Taneda Lisa paused, "I didn't expect to receive this job. I really came here for ordinary roles at first."

"Is there any dissatisfaction?" Yin Ze asked.

"How dare you, it's just that the character is so perfect that I feel incompetent. If I fail to live up to the expectations of the staff and the audience, what should I do?" Taneda Risa rubbed the smooth body of the can with her fingers.

"Speaking of which, you're nervous."

"Of course."

"What about now?" the man asked with a smile.

"Of course now... Huh?" The girl was slightly taken aback, and only then did she realize that her heart had calmed down at some point.Obviously, when it was recorded before, it was still beating fast. When I came out to rest, and when I took the time to read the script, I would unconsciously think of various reactions after the animation was broadcast.

But after being led to other topics by someone, the trace of uneasiness disappeared without a trace.

"Although it's a buy-one-get-one-free coffee, it's still effective." Yin Ze said happily.

Taneda Risa took another look at the guy next to her.

I can't help but think of what I saw in the park that day, the "hero debut".

I couldn't help shaking my head and laughing.

Did you treat me like a child?

What a rare, funny and kind person.

No.20 Chapter [-] Then I go?

Before you know it, autumn is coming so soon.

Time flies so fast, I'm getting used to it.

"Miss Tantian, have you had lunch yet?" Yin Ze twisted the cap of the pepper soy sauce soda bottle tightly, and he didn't want to open it again in his lifetime.

"No, not yet." Zhongtian Lisha couldn't help rubbing her stomach, "The main reason is that I'm not very hungry yet, and I don't plan to eat."

"It's good to put something on. I'm going to go to the convenience store downstairs to buy some. What do you want, bread? Rice balls? Or a microwave set? I'll bring it along." Yin Ze got up.

"Then it's better to go together." Taneda Lisa said casually, half-jokingly, "By the way, return the favor of hot coffee. What do you want? Bread? Rice balls? Or a microwave oven set?"

"The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by the fountain. Although this is just a bottle of coffee that doesn't cost much, it can't be bought for mere bread." The man shook his head.

"Oh, but I haven't drank all of it. If I only count what I drank, the two beef buns are more than enough to pay back." The girl said leisurely.

"Okay! Just two beef buns, that's what you said." Yin Ze clapped his palms and smiled.Just a rough calculation, he made a net profit of 800 yen in this wave of operations.


The two of them headed towards the elevator together.

Facing the closed elevator door, the two looked at each other strangely.

"Don't worry, I won't compete with you." Yin Ze was the first to express his attitude, gesturing that you should ask first.

"It's not like I can say the second line to the elevator every time...!" Zhongtian Lisha was half annoyed.

"Then under what circumstances would you say it?" Yin Ze asked curiously.

"I won't say it under any circumstances." Taneda Lisa snorted, "except when reading lines at work."

"Seiyuu is indeed one of the few professions in modern society who can eulogize secondary school at will." Yin Ze nodded, "So in the morning, were you actually practicing lines from another set?"

"No, currently I only have the job of Bingguo." Taneda Lisa said, "Did I say it, I'm a newcomer."

"Oh? So it's just a feeling? Then, do you usually have any settings for your second-year lines? Do you have a specific background story?" Yin Ze asked like a brother in the setting bar.

"...Why do you want to know so clearly?" Taneda Lisha squinted.

"Because I'm curious." Yin Ze said in a deep voice, holding his hands on his chest like a girl.

"It's useless to be curious, I won't tell you." Zhongtian Lisha was firm.

"How can this be?" The man was a little sad, "Every time Chitanda-san speaks, I run to the ground to show the fruit of 'truth', exhausting myself. But now I don't care about my doubts , Turning a blind eye. Sure enough, no matter how rose-colored the relationship is, as long as the sugar coating is torn off, it will be full of the word 'use'!"

"It would be great if Oreki-san dared to speak up for himself like you." The girl said, "This way the story will definitely be complete."

"Have you read the original work?" Yin Ze tilted his head.

"Read it, how about you?" Taneda Lisa hummed.

"I, I didn't." The man admitted for a rare time, and told the truth once, and he didn't cover it up with his signature panacea quotes.

"Come and see it for me, how can the main character know nothing, he's so unprofessional." Zhongtian Lisha was dissatisfied.

"No, this is actually justifiable." Yin Ze stretched out his hand to explain.

"What? Simple laziness?"

"...that's a very small part. Characters serve the story, and the story guides the characters. A particular character doesn't stay in one state throughout the book. Growth, lows, sadness, excitement, etc., at different times , the image will be different. It is true that after reading the original work, although the understanding of the work will be more delicate, but it is inevitable from the perspective of God, it is difficult to develop from the beginning to the end from the linear perspective of the character, and even It is also impossible to empathize with the fans of the authorities."

Yin Ze shook his head, and expressed his understanding in a slightly serious manner.

"Right now, I am with Oreki-kun. I implement the energy-saving principle. I find it troublesome and a little awkward. And like him, I don't know who I will meet in the future, what will happen to me, and what will bring me What a change, so it is real and vivid. If I knew that there was tragedy and regret ahead, I would not be as comfortable as I am now, and I would only secretly think in my heart, 'You have to stand up, Houtaro', and split apart .”

"There is indeed such a saying." Taneda Lisa nodded her approval, but she quickly emphasized her tone, "But the important thing is that you can be lazy at the same time, right?"

"This, this is also the sacrifice I had to make in order to synchronize with Oreki-kun." Yin Ze said with a sigh, "After all, I am also a social person with terrible self-discipline. But now for this scene, the computer is not working." Turning on the phone disrupts the work and rest, leaving only silence in the ordinary days."

"After the animation is over, remember to make up the original work." Taneda Risa said firmly.

"That won't do."

"Why? It's all over, so it doesn't affect you anymore?"

"Because." Yin Ze's tone was deep and full of wisdom, and he smiled slightly, "...Maybe there will be a second issue."

"—Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,women won't like girls."

Naneda Lisa made a long, complaining voice. She opened the small bag and took out a palm-sized book that could be read even on a crowded tram, and forced it into the man's arms.

"I've finished reading it, and I'll forward it to you, remember to read it later."

"Well, how embarrassing this is." Master Yin refused, but actually accepted it happily and smoothly.

The two looked at the elevator door at the same time

"By the way, why hasn't this elevator arrived for so long, and it has been parked on the fourth floor..."

"I don't know, do you want to take the stairs?"

"Or, I see that the vending machine sells eight-treasure porridge, do you want to eat it?" Yin Ze pointed to the back.

At this time, the door of the safe passage was pushed open with a creak, attracting the attention of the two of them.

Yasuhiro Takemoto appeared panting with plastic bags in both hands. He is a middle-aged herbivorous man in the traditional sense. Although he is involved in the art industry and knows the concept of design and fashion, his clothes are mainly in simple and plain gray tones. , the hairstyle is also in a natural state that has not been taken care of, and the behavior still carries the habits of the student days.

Ordinary talent.

"Supervisor, didn't you go back to work in the company?" Yin Ze waved his hand and said strangely.

"No, no, I think since you're all here today, you might as well stay until you finish preparing." Takemoto Yasuhiro said with a smile, "I just went downstairs to buy lunch, and the elevator seems to be malfunctioning. After all, Mr. Nagasaki is fast." He is 60, and climbing the stairs is too tiring, so I bought it for him."

"That's right."

"Haven't you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, I'm planning to go downstairs."

"Then don't delay, I bought too much this trip, help me and eliminate it." Takemoto Yasuhiro smiled sincerely.

The beef buns are started in such a wonderful way.

The three of them opened the plastic bag and began to share the simple but substantial lunch.The rest area in the corridor suddenly became lively.

"You are really busy. You seem to be drawing in any spare time." Yin Ze immediately took out the picture book after seeing Takemoto Yasuhiro sitting down, and started writing while eating.

"Because there are a lot of waste drafts, and it's not so much about drawing out, but actually coming up with ideas." The supervisor said softly, "But human beings are always unpredictable creatures. Sometimes there are too many ideas. Just screening, a few hours It’s over, there’s not enough time.”

The man nodded, lowered his head and bit the meat bun, his eyes inevitably turned to the white paper of the picture book.

Yasuhiro Takemoto.

The supervisor gave me a very different feeling.

There are not many familiar animation supervisors, which is naturally a reason. More importantly, from the perspective of works alone, Takemoto Yasuhiro's strength is indeed outstanding.

Storyboarding is a very ideological thing, as long as the meaning is in place.In fact, on so many sets, most of what men see on screen is scribbled.

But Yasuhiro Takemoto is very clear.The strokes are simple and the number of strokes is rare, but very clear.

The most irreplaceable thing about painting and the technological invention of the camera is that it can do subtraction, and it can mobilize everyone's imagination to complete the imagery.

To sum it up, it is a time-consuming skill in itself, which is very good at expressing the painting skills of Takemoto Supervisor.I'm afraid his working experience is quite stable, starting from the most basic position of animator who is only responsible for the middle part of the original painting, and reaching the current state step by step.

Of course, a top painter is not necessarily a good director.It's just that such a solid foundation is still rare.

Thanks to this highly completed draft, Master Yin can roughly imagine the finished product just by looking at the crude video of the dubbing session.

Yasuhiro Takemoto's characters are very vivid and full of life.The narrative rhythm is stable, and he has a strong control over the atmosphere and theme of the whole drama, which is a rare control.I heard that he is also deeply involved in screenwriting. I think it should be because of this habit of controlling the overall situation and good habits.

In the eyes of the brilliant lens language master, the world is different from ordinary people.

Art is such a thing, in the shadow of an optimal solution to a problem, there is always a better solution hidden.Those unconstrained ideas, you will suddenly realize it the moment you see it, but before you see it, your imagination will be exhausted and you will not be able to touch the corner of the clothes.

It is a precious product of the fusion of aesthetic accumulation and personal characteristics.

In the first episode of today's contribution, there is an unforgettable scene.

This is the first time that the girl in the play wants to know the answer from the boy. What blooms in those lively eyes is pure, clear, and refreshing desire.The beautiful hair stretches like living vines, covering the classroom, and the flower language is the innocence and touching love. The magnificent eustoma is in full bloom, firmly binding the ordinary male high school students.

There is no language or express, but everyone knows that the boy can no longer get rid of him.

This impact is almost like overflowing from the camera, it is fanatical and unstoppable.

Even though most of the atmosphere is quiet, you can still experience the unusual dynamic expressiveness in the paper world.

This supervisor must be an enthusiastic and cheerful person in life. Only in this way can he be so good at grasping the details of life.

"Is Mr. Wu Ben married?" Yin Ze asked politely.

"I started a family a few years ago." When Yasuhiro Takemoto talked about this topic, he was a little shy like a child. "My daughter is also 2 years old."

"That's great." Yin Ze sighed.Career, family, and the two biggest hurdles in life have already passed. Creators like this with extraordinary talents can gallop towards their dreams from now on, without restraint.

"My child is very well-behaved. Every time before I go to bed, I will come to tell me to go to bed early. I will dress myself in the winter morning. As long as I tell her, I will remember it well, and sometimes I will stand in reverse. Teach me at her mother's side..."

When Yasuhiro Takemoto talked about his own children, he became active. He said that he would accompany his daughter to hot springs, watch movies, go to the aquarium, go to parent-teacher meetings, celebrate Doll's Day, and watch her grow up step by step.

In the end, he took out his mobile phone, and the lock screen was a photo of him and his daughter.The little girl was riding on her father's shoulders, pulling her hair and beard. Although her father complained a lot, his eyes were full of happiness.

"Has she watched the animation you made?" Taneda Risa asked with a smile.

"Yes, but those I just participated in the original painting, I have not yet led by myself. I hope that one day I can be a children's show, and give this gift while she is still young. I prefer daily stories to battles. Ah. There are joys, dreams, hopes, and helplessness, and then, tell her that people are kind and will work hard to become strong."

Takemoto Yasuhiro looked at the photo with soft eyes and said.

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