That clear voice spoke in an emotional whisper.

"There are boundless and vast grasslands, warm and sunny skies and light winds, white deer feeding with their heads down, and huge mottled and bleak relics bearing the years."

"There is a heavy epic in the wind that blows the leaves of the grass. There are poems that echo in the church covered with vines. There are dragons and princesses and knights. There are travelers and fate, and there are swords and magic."

"It's just the beginning."

Adventurers let the fallen leaves fall.

"Look up, there must be a fantasy in the distant sky."

He rode on the chocobo, like every simple and dreamy teenager in the past, with a gentle arc in the corner of his mouth, so he rushed towards the horizon full of brilliance, clouds and unknown.

The camera moves up, and the title that everyone is familiar with, but has been reborn from the ashes at this moment.

"Final Fantasy 14: Rebirth"


Tsuchiya Hongliang stayed in front of the computer screen, and was so shocked by this CG for a while that he didn't know what to do.He tried to connect to the game again, but was prompted that the server had been temporarily shut down and a new version needed to be downloaded.

……new version?

Xiong Xian unconsciously held his breath, he felt as if he knew a fact beyond the imagination of all players, he tried to click to download.

Obviously just clicking the mouse, but it feels like leading to another different world.

Everything that men whisper is there.

Wind, grasslands, dragons, swords and magic, as well as miracles and fantasies.


Everyone in the business department was cheering, they were high-fiving each other, and some were even crying.

Yoshida Tomoki touched his cheek unconsciously.

There are so many wrinkles.

"The pressure on the server has increased sharply. Fortunately, a lot of preparations have been made in advance..." A colleague who stayed at the post was reporting.

"The number of visits to the official website is overloaded..."

"Throw the statement letter and version update that I wrote before, all at once, damn it! I can't bear it anymore!"

"Oh, President, are you willing to come out? Hey! Why did you kneel down? I can't stand it! Could it be that the organization finally knows my ability, and you plan to hand over the position of president to..."

"I'm so weak--!"

The business department was in dire straits for a while.

"Finally bid farewell to the past." Yoshimoto Mihiko looked at the notification that the server on the laptop had been temporarily shut down, sniffed and raised his head to sigh.

Yoshida Tomoki looked at his old comrade-in-arms, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but finally turned his head away stubbornly, trying not to let others see his embarrassed appearance.

In the end, he was turned back by the non-staff outsourcing team leader.

"Oh, you're jealous, let me see?" Master Yin said seriously.

"No." Yoshida Satomi quickly wiped his eye sockets with the back of his hand, he opened the beer ring, and drank with his head held high.

"Why drink alone? Do you think I'm not worthy of waiting?!" Yin Ze proficiently bowed the fire, wishing to bring the rhythm up.

The producer of the R&D team has been suffering for a long time. After hearing the words, they came over to hug, kiss and persuade them to drink.

Everyone was rushing to tell each other, pounding the table with excitement. The R&D department, which was always full of oppression, was like a execution ground. At this moment, it was as relaxed and harmonious as a class in a cultural gala.

"Finally let go of this responsibility. In the past few years, the shadow of the failure of the previous work has been following me. No one wants to bear the label of 'National Series Sinner'." Yoshimoto Mihiko and several art team members returned to the vicinity of the work station , a long sigh.

"Are you really planning to resign?" Yin Ze asked while drinking beer.

"I have always been working according to the needs, and I want to draw something for myself." Mihiko Yoshimoto paused.

"Slave master Yoshida is willing to release him?" Yin Ze asked again.

"The work of art is very inclusive, but in addition to the painting itself, we need to master more knowledge and a wider aesthetic. I have always depicted the fantasies that players and Yoshida want. Then this time, I want to paint my own. So He will not only let me go, but also bless me." Mihiko Yoshimoto said with a smile, "What about you, do you want to come too? The era of MMORPG is coming to an end, and the future is the world of mobile terminals. Your strength is not bad. , come with us."

"No, I think life is pretty good now."

"That's fine. This circle is very small. They are the people who change jobs. This recasting of the world has made up for the regrets of the year. There should be many people who want to leave." Mihiko Yoshimoto thought for a while and said, "So in the future It's my turn to give you the contract. Oh, yes, be careful Yoshida, if our art team suddenly lost some backbones, he will definitely find productivity from you."

"Haha, don't threaten me, the new version has just been launched, and it's too late for everyone to go on vacation." Yin Ze waved his hand.

"...he is already working on 3.0."

"Hey! Doesn't this guy need to sleep?!"

"Hahaha, you have to be this kind of person to dare to do such a thing. Let's go for a walk, let's go to dinner, today is the president's treat!"

Everyone hooked their shoulders and put their backs behind, leaving behind the heavy burden like a mountain, with a relaxed smile that hadn't been seen in many years on their faces.

They tried their best to repair a world, try to save a world.

Now, the new world is there.

Even if you don't know what the future holds.

But everyone has shed the last drop of sweat.

So no more regrets.

No.18 Get well soon

Final Fantasy 14's desperate remake decision caused an uproar in the game industry.This game has been bad-mouthed by various media and players before. It is not only recognized as the shame of the series, but also successfully became a negative teaching material for role-playing games due to various redundant systems and fatal mechanism flaws.

Even after the managerial changes, a plethora of additional patches made the situation better, but only to the point of turning "unplayable" into "barely playable".

In the end, almost everyone acquiesced that this game will die silently, and it can only be used as a classic failure case for people in the industry to reflect on.

A few days ago, the game shut down the old server with a CG called "Rebirth", announcing to the world that it was reborn from the ashes.

Now that the rhizome is rotten, the patch is beyond salvation.

Then make a Final Fantasy 14 from scratch!

What makes my peers lose their hair the most is that these guys actually update the old version of the patch and develop the new version at the same time.

It is also because of this that no one knows that they are secretly holding back their big moves.

Those old players who stayed in the game after setbacks were ecstatic. This is a rare two-way trust. The players and the production team did not give up on each other until the end.

More people are very interested in this operation that violates normal business practices, and those lost players and new players come in large numbers.

Yin Ze also didn't know how Yoshida Tomoki persuaded the boss to let him redevelop it. You must know that this is a poor work recognized all over the world.

Everyone’s reposting is nothing but hype. You, who have suffered many disasters and are dying of illness, have not been buried in the ground, so it’s fine if you don’t have a proper burial, but you want to have another one of the same color and the same style while it’s hot, and you’re still as good as the boss. Isn’t this something else? High EQ style resignation letter?

But obviously Yoshida also has his own considerations.

The "Fall of the Moon" event in the game is an extremely clever plan. First, it smoothly solved the iteration problem in the plot, and the disaster of the collapse of the entire server camp has attracted a lot of attention and attention from the game community. Eyeballs, together with the wonderful CG and players completed an epic curtain call.

Whether it is commercial or creative, this kind of overturning and starting again, even with a bit of paranoia that is not afraid of death, and attacking failure again is a very romantic thing in itself.This counterattack out of responsibility and dignity, no matter what the outcome is, is enough to be recorded in the history of game production.

All magazines and media are reevaluating, and a large number of players are also pouring in.

After bidding farewell to a group of old comrades in the business department, Yoshida Satomi began his watch.

Newborn Eorzea.

The capital of the desert, Ul'dah.

A golden city standing in the desert of yellow sand, a carriage slowly driving in the wind and sand.

There is a burning smell in the air.

Beautiful flower girls trot across the cobblestone road with baskets in hand, shirtless and robust sword fighters enter the arena amid cheers, and budget-minded businessmen enthusiastically sell special products brought from afar.Aristocrats in brocade clothes enjoy singing and dancing at the high-level, while wild children in coarse short shirts take the opportunity to steal an apple from the fruit stand.The strong men wrestled their wrists to show their strength in the Adventurer's Guild, and the hungry refugees snuggled up in the corner of the marble, dreaming unrealistic dreams.

Rough and wild, sexy and unrestrained.

Today, a man with destiny came here.

He slowly walked into the bustling main city, and after completing the basic formalities with the local trade union front desk lady, he met with the friends he had made an appointment with in advance.

My friend is a member of the Larafil tribe, and her height of less than 1 meters allows her to ride the bus and visit the zoo for free for the rest of her life. Even if her innocent and immature facial features cut through the skin of her car, she will be forgiven helplessly.Even the female anchors who generously rewarded will be forcibly refunded.

She is also wearing a spiritual robe and holding a staff in her hand.There is no noble and mysterious black magician, but a young Coser who goes to rub candy on Halloween.

However, this kind of cub is trying to raise its head, looking up at the little giant who is several times taller than itself.In the voice chat, the voice of the middle-aged uncle was astonished, even terrified.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Is there any problem?" Yin Ze wondered.

"Of course!" Yoshida Satomi, who was far away at the company's workstation, said in shock to the computer screen, "Immersive online games, if you pinch this kind of character, won't you react?!"

"What qualifications do you have to say about me? I think you are an imposing seven-foot man, but the avatar in the game is actually a harmless magic girl who I feel pity for? Is this to satisfy your own selfish desires or have other plans? Shouldn't it be Are you still thinking of defrauding innocent players of their gold coin equipment, or even playing with other people's feelings?" Yin Ze said contemptuously.At the same time, he manipulated his macho character to put his arms around his chest and shake his head.

"That's better than you, right? It's just the beginning of a human form, and the ancient god is incarnate." Yoshida Tomoki was speechless.


Yin Ze did not deny that he exaggerated a little and used too much force when creating the avatar.

But art is always lonely and extreme.

The macho Luga tribe has sharp hair like a hedgehog, shining eyes like a lion, and strong arms like an orangutan. The incarnation of Master Yin is even the best of his kind.

First of all, the strong back shows strength, and the different colors and double pupils represent the fate of destiny.Protruding cheekbones, narrow jaw, small eyes like mung beans, nose like garlic, always smiling face exudes the humility and politeness that upper class people should have.Of course, the hairstyle is also standard for tough guys, bald!

The skin color is a rare and charming purple, which is the focus of fashion everywhere.The body surface is covered with tattoos of various colors symbolizing arrogance, just like a rainbow dragon tattooed on the body.

Born with a vision, his appearance is so extraordinary that he must be a fighter among roosters, and finally matched with the ID "Northern Gun King Bridal Chamber Undefeated√" floating above his head.Even more murderous.

"Where can I pick up the professional task of the spearman?" Yin Ze asked, "I want to be worthy of my nickname."

"Sorry, there are no spearmen in this main city." Yoshida Tomoki said in a cold tone.

"Then you asked me to set the birthplace here?" Yin Ze was dissatisfied.

"As the appointed warrior of light, of course you have to set the knight for justice and protection as your main job, spearman? That's for later." Yoshida Satomi said.

"What? Be a T? That won't work, I want to output." Yin Ze is not a team member.

"The knight can carry and fight, and the damage is not bad. He is not just a defender, but a fighter."

"So it's the big brother who can take on single-band missions? Okay, I got it. I'll pick up the mission."

"Wait a minute, before that, there is a big event. Please re-edit your character model. As the designated Warrior of Light, how can you look like the elite monsters in the branch line?! Please strictly follow the image in the CG to re-edit Pinch. Also, the name needs to be changed. With this kind of ID, won’t it be a drama to be called by others during the plot? How decent is it?” Yoshida Tomoki is like the party A who returned the proposal angry.

"You don't have to be so strict... Sir." Yin Ze spent a lot of time making this model.

"How could my teenage dream be a purple, naked, muscular, bald man with a sheep beard?!" Yoshida Satomi was heartbroken.

"The name change card and fantasy potion are too expensive." Yin Ze tried to prevaricate.

"It's easy to handle. Later, I'll charge you ten plastic surgery packages."

"Why don't you just adjust a few parameters in the background?"

"My God, you actually said such disobedient words. I am a game lover, and I would never do such an act of using power for personal gain!" Yoshida Satomi was resolute.

"You filled me with props, and I won't change them." Master Yin also tried to be tough.

"Then I have to take back your equipment at random in the background." The selfless producer threatened sternly.


Like an obsessive parent with a desire to control, the producer finally forced the man to become what he wanted in his mind.

The purple bald man of the Lujia tribe disappeared, replaced by a slender and handsome human swordsman with handsome bangs.The technology and efficiency of plastic surgery and bone replacement made everyone cry in Thailand next door.

Yoshida Satoki manipulated the young girl who studied black magic to circle around this pretty boy a few times, and selfishly made the voice actor Sang impromptu howl twice. After hearing the voice in the CG as he wished, he seemed to have successfully married his idol The star chasing girls at the scene were so happy.

"Put yourself in a fighting stance..."

"One more Yingwei smile..."

"There are still too few cool poses, and then I have to talk to my colleagues about adding actions and optimizing the camera and camera functions..."

Producers are busy.

Master Yin felt that he was simply a Barbie doll in the hands of a young girl, allowing her to put on clothes and pants, and put on eighteen appearances.

"Enough! My original intention of playing this game is to overcome difficult dungeons and experience the architectural scenes and character monsters I designed. I don't have time to play house with you." Yin Ze put away his sword and left in a principled manner. "I'm going to do the main mission."

"Alright, after all, you can only wear more beautiful clothes if you have a higher level." Yoshida Satomi readily stopped taking screenshots, "You can ask me anytime if you don't understand anything during the game."

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