But the well-known shortcoming is that even if they only know a little corner, people will talk about it, and what they don't understand depends on their own imagination and guesswork.

The work has a high degree of attention and a lot of discussions, but not all of them are encouragement and praise. On the contrary, criticisms and accusations are also vast. Find some fun for yourself.

For the latter, the supervisor and other production staff expressed their understanding.

"If people don't create, they will always stand at the highest point of aesthetics, looking down on suffering and sweat. And when you stop creating, your talent is no longer important, and all you have is taste, but taste will change. It coerces you, makes you exclude others, and narrows you down. So...create." The friend on the set seemed to be feeling emotional, and said as if he was talking about himself.

My good friend always has his own opinion about the world.

Matsuda swiped the page sincerely, taking the criticism into his eyes.

"The production level is average, I don't know what to brag about"

"Am I the only one who thinks that middle school students being heroes in death online games is illogical?"

"The painting of this episode is too broken. Is the production team serious? It's a mistake to be able to do it well. It's a problem with attitude."

"The rhythm is too chaotic, can this also be an outstanding masterpiece of the season, Japanese animation really has no future"

"The voice actor's roar is really harsh"

"These few seconds of fighting are too much fun."

Matsuda sincerely read the comments, and felt slightly blocked.He is very clear that the production team did not slow down. On the contrary, they basically produced one episode after another seamlessly. Everyone is like a precision machine. During the serialization, it is a protracted battle. Everyone is mentally and physically tired.

The anesthesia of alcohol still dominates the senses, he endured the discomfort of stomach churning, and clicked into his blog.

Although he didn't have the habit of keeping a diary since he was a child, when he came to Tokyo, he still applied for an account to record this impulsive choice.

When I am free, I write about daily chores here and there, filling the tree hole with negative energy. There are also what I saw and heard when I was part-time job, and there are also behind-the-scenes records when I was a voice actor.This kind of fragmented self-entertainment essay is of course inferior to serious writers, and the page views are all in single digits.But with the growth of voice actor status, there are also many passers-by who follow the CV form and personal tweets.

The latest article on the blog is a small essay of less than a hundred words.It tells about a very normal thing - when the first episode of "Sword Sanctuary" was broadcast, I watched and celebrated at home with two friends who are also voice actors.

Attached are two photos of those two people lying on the floor sprawled drunk. Of course, their faces were covered with raccoon emojis. I wanted to use mosaics, but the style of the photos suddenly changed. It became the evidence collection photo of the murder scene, so I gave up.

There are messages in the comment column, but the content is completely different from the warm essays.

"The acting skills are very raw. I really don't understand why I was selected. Maybe it's luck. After all, this celebration is really exaggerated."

Matsuda held his drowsy head sincerely. He had an impression of this user, because this person had already commented on many articles, and they were basically accusations. He didn't understand why he was so stubborn.

He clutched his hot forehead, poured a glass of cold water and drank it to relieve the alcohol.After thinking about the wording for a few seconds, he replied to the paranoid person.

"We will continue to sharpen our technology and present works that satisfy everyone."

Unexpectedly, the other party replied quickly, making people wonder if he was browsing his blog.

"Anyone can say something about such a scene. Anyway, you have already got the role. Even if your performance is mediocre, you will not be replaced midway. And choosing you shows that the production team's vision is not very good. Now people are criticizing publicity more than quality. , and as it should be.”

Matsuda sincerely tapped the input.

"Trust me, whether it's a voice actor or other Sta..."

Before the input is complete, the other party has added a comment.

"Your performances are too inconsistent. Are you really selected fairly in the audition? Is there no shady scene? The person in the article is Takizawa from the same company. He plays tricks in this drama, relying on his face and marketing The guy. Everyone else is the same, ugly and dramatic—”

Matsuda faltered slightly when he typed sincerely.

Is the audition competition fair?

He recalled the many faces he saw that day, many of whom were well-known seniors and powerful factions.Even the rookies of the same period, Takizawa...


On that day, in his heart, the only competitor he set up for himself was not anyone else, but his good friend.

I’ve seen that person look homeless, I’ve seen that person reading at night with the lights on, I’ve seen that person stepping out of the door in thin snow, I’ve seen that person showing strong empathy in front of the microphone The appearance of ability.

Makoto Matsuda didn't have much to be proud of, but on that day, he won.

This job, this role, was taken from my best and most respected friend, with all my strength, and with dignity.

Almost quickly, after glancing at the slander again, a surge of anger burst out of his heart, the perfect combination of anger and drunkenness.

Matsuda sincerely and quickly deleted the gentle sentence he was typing, and replaced it with a counterattack.

"I don't care about my personal criticism, but the slander of other people is absolutely unforgivable. People like you who don't understand anything will only hide in the shadow of the web page, and there is no such thing as a coward who dare not even reveal his name. Qualified to tell them what to do!!"

Standing in the digital forest, everyone is wearing a white camouflage mask, the mask covers the ferocious face, surrounded by only creepy laughter.

These nicknames and words are all dark projections.Data is constantly being copied, mixed, and stirred by gears.

The acid-bubbling pumice forms the skeleton, soaked in the wax pool of dreams, forming simulated muscles, as perfect as the sage recorded on the slate, holding the dull and monotonous brush to paint the future with a layer of gray.

A pack of menthol cigarettes at the end of the roll

"Memory is the fragrance of flowers~ We agreed that no one can forget~ Guarding the sunshine in the dark night~ Sad but pretending to be strong~ You are braver than me in the waiting days~?"

Yin Ze was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

We all know that the best way to ruin a song is to set it as an incoming call reminder and alarm clock.Therefore, men are always happy to change their ringtones, constantly revealing the fact that their souls are getting greasy and aging to the outside world.

After opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was the design draft on the computer screen, and he was still holding the digital pen in his hand.

The community-animal-specific overclocking function of the Life Corridor is terrifying. After it is activated, it can fall asleep as fast as a wild man. It only needs to be charged for two hours, and it wakes up as a brick-moving hero full of energy.With this unsolvable trick alone, Master Yin can single-handedly pull up the average index of involution in the entire industry, opening up an era of overwork and sacrifice unprecedented in ancient and modern times.

It’s just that it consumes too much nutrition, but if the supply can’t keep up, the waist will feel empty and painful.

"I'm drawing, I'm finishing it, I'll leave it to you..." Yin Ze resumed the memory before going to bed.Picking up the phone to answer, opening your mouth is procrastination.

Yoshida Tomoki really deserves to be the production-oriented devil who even includes the time of employees going to the bathroom in an Excel sheet. Since the desperate producer found that his ability to catch up with drafts is top-notch in East Asia, he has continuously reduced his working hours and tried his best. Make the most of it, test his peak.This is really similar to how the food delivery platform calculates the limit value of the rider's labor force through big calculations, so as to continue to increase the load...

In the past few days, the house has been filled with all kinds of warm and warm greetings from the producers who are fighting to the death.The enrichment process of the liver map makes the man feel that he is actually a cartoonist, or the kind of crazy suicide school who has to update three episodes a week.

In addition, according to the theory of workplace relativity, Brother Yoshida has not been so comfortable for a long time.

For any difficult and time-consuming tasks in the art group, just pack and compress them and leave them to Mr. Yin.Every time I work overtime, I say please, and then send a pleading emoji with folded hands, and wait a few days before waking up from under the work station and getting up to take a look.

Yo?The source file is already lying in the mailbox!

It's fast and good with little feedback. Where can I find such a conscientious foreign aid?If he still had good thoughts in his heart, he would have turned evil to the sidelines, dressed himself up as a phoenix warrior, drove a van to the residence, tied him into rice dumplings with nylon ropes, and turned him into the business department, and worked as James in the company together. Bond is gone.

"What are you talking about in your sleep?" Bojing Yiping's doubtful voice came.

"Oh, it's you, what's the matter, what's the matter?" Master Yin came back to his senses and continued to draw the line.

"...It's Matsuda's business." Bojing Ippei was silent for a while, "His social account has been hacked."

"What?" Yin Ze was stunned, and his smooth writing stopped instantly.

"You can go to his blog and Twitter account to see." Bojing Yiping said.

After hearing this, Yin Ze immediately switched back to the desktop, clicked on the webpage, and logged in to the Twitter account and blog.

Matsuda’s sincere social accounts have always been simple and indifferent. After all, he would not brazenly reprint swimsuit photos to attract attention, and he would not think hard about daily content in order to increase fans like Shimadzu Bungo.Although it is a public account active as a seiyuu, in addition to routine promotion, it is just some personal emotions and scattered daily records.The number of attention and being followed is very small, and the comments are even rarer.

But now it is very hot, or rather, noisy and messy.

"A voice actor is obviously a profession that serves the audience, so don't you just plan to accept compliments?"

"Being accused of poor skills, you become angry? Open fire?"

"As an actor, professional ability and conduct are too insufficient"

"I'm a public figure after all. Are you okay with this?"

"The reason was that a user kept talking nonsense on Matsuda's blog. It happened that Matsuda drank a lot of wine that day. He couldn't hold back for a while, so he had a fierce argument with him. Both sides refused to admit defeat. Matsuda finally posted a special article to reprimand these people. Follow-up You should have figured it out. Anyway, it ended up like this." Bo Jing Yiping sighed, "His reply was quite sharp. To be honest, I never thought that he, who has always been stable, would compete with others to this extent... "

"I think what he said is quite right. Is there any problem?" Yin Ze swiped the mouse wheel to browse quickly.

"The problem is not that what he said is right or wrong, but that he said it." Bo Jing paused for a while, "It's not good for the main player to end the game in person to compete with the black fans."

"What's wrong? I looked around and found that his sharpest words are 'coward' and 'shameless'. He is still too conservative, and he only uses such polite words when he curses." Yin Ze said .

"No, you mustn't make any more fools." Hearing that the tone was a bit strange, Bojing Yiping said repeatedly, "If you also catch someone scolding, it will be even more chaotic."

"Who has a discerning eye can't tell who is disgusting here? What's the reason for your preoccupied tone?" Yin Ze asked.

"When flies come, do they care whether it's a rotten egg or a cream cake? Surrounded by mosquitoes, do they care whether their body was a hero or a villain?" Bojing Yiping felt helpless, "The audience thinks it's not good. Say it, even if it's unreasonable. It’s all the convenience, even the right, given by his position. No matter how unwilling you are, you can only accept it, because you are facing a huge group, so big that you can’t single out some of them to debate, you want to If you say it, you can only say it to the whole group. And the most important thing is that you make money from this group.”

"Even if the performance is okay, the audience yelled and threw mineral water bottles on the stage, finally annoyed the actors, and after a few complaints, they immediately became very angry and felt that they were being provoked?" Yin Ze asked.

"Yes. Because someone else bought the ticket and spent money." Kashiwa Ippei said.

"Don't talk so high-level, this matter can't be extended that far. But having said that, sometimes I really think your society and system are sick. Politicians wearing slogans are often canvassing votes on the street, standing on the street and yelling at everyone who passes by. Bow, the sincerity of the posture, the greatness of the volunteers, like a bodhisattva who helps the world, and turns around to pick up girls and toss newcomers. What about group consciousness, strictly follow the hierarchical order, obey the group and authority, in fact, I am eager to be subdued. Convergence consciousness, do not cause trouble for others, put The opinions of others are regarded as the basis and standard of behavior, but in fact they imply that others should not bother themselves, and when they are offended, they are harmonious on the surface, and secretly make small reports." Yin Ze said with some amusement, "The mind is still particularly sensitive, and modern society is still very sensitive. Well, a few decades ago, I was more arrogant, and I cut my belly when encountering things. Maybe it’s a bit rigid, and it can’t represent everyone. There are indeed differences. I just want to ask, are you tired of living? "

"...It's useless for you to say these things to me." Kazumi lay flat on his mattress at home, rubbing the corners of his eyes, "The office tried to persuade Matsuda to issue a general apology, but he didn't want to, and said it would be better to close it directly." social account."

"it is good."

"Not very good. He just took over "Sword Sanctuary" and is on the rise. I heard that his name is on the candidate list for the Newcomer Award." Kashiwa Ippei said, "Now I don't say anything, just close the account, those Netizens who are not satisfied will not get the following, and the comment area is gone, and they will only complain in other forums. This still has an impact on Matsuda’s reputation.”

"Then what solution do you have prepared?"

"Let's deal with it coldly, things on the Internet will be fine after a while."

"What about the office?"

"Everyone in the industry knows that he is kind. The agency still supports him, and will help him find more humble jobs like narration and bragging. The resources of the fan drama are temporarily suspended, so as not to be bored. The guy with ulterior motives sees you The CV table is booing again."

"How long will this have to wait?" Yin Ze asked.

"I don't know." Kashiwai Ippei said.

"Does he know about these arrangements?"

"We've communicated, and he understands, but he's still somewhat disappointed. I hope you can talk to him. After all, you two have the best relationship, and that's the main reason why I made this call."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Yin Ze hung up the phone, saved and tidied up the files in the computer, took a coat casually, and went out.

In the middle of the night, the street is like a calm river, and the street trees stand silently, with heavy shadows.

The Yamahe R6 with black and gold color scheme has not arrived yet, so he had to move out the pretty pink lady who had been in limbo, lifted the dustproof plastic, started the engine, and plunged into the night and neon.

The route to Matsuda's house has long been memorized. He turned around the same street corner and avoided those nightlife people. After ten minutes, he saw the old low building that was quite similar to his own dwelling.

The vicuna parked slowly by the side of the road covered with sycamore leaves, with one foot on the concrete road to support the car body.But unexpectedly saw a familiar face.

"Yan Ping-jun?" Yin Ze stretched out his hand to greet him.

The man looked over and was quite surprised, and immediately raised his hand at him, "Yo, it's been a long time."

"The change is not small." Yin Ze said with a smile.At that time, he was full of vigor in the concurrent meetings and dumpling-making activities. The sports boy with the appearance of a college student has become more mature. With the streetlights and moonlight, his unshaven beard made him look less lively and more calm.

"You are still the same." Iwahira Suruga nodded and paused, "You are still here at this time, are you looking for Matsuda?"

"Yeah." Yin Ze got out of the car, "You know everything?"

"Of course." Iwahira Suruga showed a wry smile, "To be honest, I haven't seen Matsuda blushing and thick-necked when arguing with others. I didn't expect him to be so tough, and he just closed the account without sending an apology."

"It's pretty good, at least there won't be any lumps in my heart." Yin Ze said.

"I just think it's a bit of a pity. That guy, he came here with great difficulty, and the Rookie Award is close at hand, but he met this one." Iwahira Suruga pursed his lips, looked up at the calm night sky, "...Actually, the one who made trouble on his blog was a classmate of Matsuda's in the training center."

"Really?" Yin Ze was slightly taken aback, but this was unexpected.

"I also know that person. Like Matsuda, he also ran from his hometown to Tokyo alone. He worked part-time and took audio lessons at the same time. If I insist, he is not a bad person. As long as he is diligent and thrifty, he and Matsuda have a lot in common topic, I vaguely remember that they discussed how to make the most of weekend supermarket sales." Iwahira Suruga said slowly.

"If you have no grudges, why would you do this?" Yin Ze shook his head.

"It's very simple." Iwahira Suruga looked at the man, the bitterness on his face deepened, "It's jealousy."


"At that time, that person's grades were always among the best, he was proficient in various skills, and he didn't repeat a grade. He graduated very smoothly and then entered the office." Iwahira Suruga continued, "But it stopped here. After a long time For a period of time, he could only act as a passer-by, and he always failed in the audition. He lived in a very tight financial situation. In the end, he still had to work part-time to survive. He had obviously completed the prototype of his dream, and gritted his teeth in this high school in Tokyo. After completing the courses in the consumer city, I took the most critical and difficult step, but suddenly found that I couldn’t go on, and there was no way to go. At this time, I suddenly found that my classmates who were similar to me were advancing by leaps and bounds like a rainbow. Obviously Matsuda is the same as me, not only that, but the other party has retained the grade and failed the election, but now they leave me far behind..."

"This is a dead end. His impression of Matsuda is still the same as before. He didn't think about the efforts made by the other party after the separation." Yin Ze said.

"Yeah. But sometimes, even if you understand it, you still can't face it." Iwahira Suruga said softly, "That person must have worked hard when he debuted, but he didn't get the corresponding reward. If he didn't have the opportunity to participate, he had to Working around, worrying about falling into the muddy ground of the "slow death of newcomers" warned by the teacher, I will be impatient, and a vicious circle will start to rotate. In the end, although I have worked hard, I am exhausted physically and mentally, but there is nothing and no expectations."

"Where is that classmate?" Yin Ze hesitated for a few seconds, "Is it impossible to just stand in front of me?"

"It's not me... It's just that it's not too bad." Iwahira Suruga twitched his lips, "I've been here for a long time, and I've been wandering around here for a long time, but I just didn't go up."

"Why don't you go up?"

"I met Matsuda very early. At that time, everyone was motivated and bragging every day. He said that he would be a great success if he could maintain a stable life with his voice in the future. Although I was encouraging at that time, I was a little bit uncomfortable. Look good." Iwahira Suruga looked at the old low-rise building nearby, "This job is not a particularly good job, and the competition is quite fierce. Most of the people who want to do it are quite twisted."

"Matsuda, how should I put it, the timbre is quite satisfactory, and it is not an irreplaceable superb level. Although the performance is very serious and dedicated, there are many unknown people with excellent skills in the industry. The image conditions are also slightly worse, and the general trend and popular Idol voice actors don’t match well. The most important thing is that they are not good at communication, even if they are kind and honest, but I think this will become a shortcoming instead.” Iwahira Suruga said, “After the class, I thought, if I It's going well, I must find a way to take this guy with me. I didn't expect...you have already had several main characters, and I'm still adding modal particles. You're just fine, I'm really surprised, Matsuda."

"Remember that word I said earlier? Jealousy."

Iwahira Suruga gradually clenched his hands together, his voice a little painful.

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