"Let's not sit down, since it's a sitcom, we have to stand in front of the camera." Hidaka Mana got up and shouted, urging the man to act quickly.

Isn't it online training?How come it's a melodrama?

Yin Ze was reluctant to be pulled to the table, and the two stood side by side.The younger senior only reached his shoulders, and the height difference was vividly reflected.

"This is a rain drama." Hidaka Mana first stated the background solemnly. She seemed to show her childhood experience and attitude on the film and television drama set, and seriously explained the plot to the male protagonist, "In the heavy rain, I was a victim A passer-by stuck on the street. You pass by and want to help me go home. But I am a vigilant and indifferent person, you have to try to remove the barriers in your heart and gain my trust."

"Can I just go home without doing anything?" Yin Ze asked sincerely.

"No!" Hidaka Mana did not give any room for maneuver.

"Then you are determined to fight the right thing. If you don't give me any feedback, I'm helpless. What should I do? Can I add some settings to my character to reduce the difficulty?" Yin Ze frowned.

"What setting do you want to add?" Hidaka Mana slightly raised her head to look at him.

"On the surface, I am an ordinary member of the society passing by, but behind my back, I am a senior magister who works for the Meteorological Bureau and can control the weather." Yin Ze said quickly, "In a situation where you would not accept my assistance, I can Send out the forbidden spell directly, call out the sunny sky, and solve all this perfectly."

"This is a serious answer. You don't think that there is magic in reality, do you?" Hidaka Mana accused.

"In reality, are there really trapped passers-by who are stubborn and stubborn?" Yin Ze retorted, and then paused.It seems that it is possible to have...

"Okay, let's get started." Hidaka Mana clapped her hands like a director to signal all groups to act.

The mobility of the Staff is terrifying, they have even released a rainy scene sound like hot oil in a frying pan

The former child star's younger senior has entered the play at the speed of light, incarnated as a young girl who was drenched in water.She brushed her messy hair, clutching her shoulders, shivering from the cold wind, and kept looking left and right, as if she wanted to call a taxi.

Hiroshi Mori snapped his fingers chicly, and the background sound immediately joined with a roar of thunder, and the atmosphere of the live broadcast was in place again.

Pushed to the corner to wait for the attack, Master Yin, who has attracted the attention of thousands of people, is in a very complicated mood now.

Chapter 140 Nine World Famous Paintings Part Four

In the evening, the winter wind was howling, and then the sky was dark and thunderous.The rain clouds gathered one after another, cutting off the moonlight, and the hazy drizzle like gauze mist connected the ground and the cloudy sky.

The sky is ferocious, and the current rain has been poured in like a vast ocean. The raindrops have no gaps, like straight streams of water running through the sky and the earth.

The torrential rain began to wash the whole world.

The weather is the girl's mind, it is cloudy and sunny, and it changes so quickly, even if there is a weather forecast, it is useless.

Heaven and earth are empty.

The bustling and chaotic commercial streets in the past are empty, only the modern buildings cast in steel and iron stand erect in the wind and rain, looking from a distance, like huge reefs.The drain on the corner of the street was gurgling, trying to channel rain into the sewer system.

The whole city was dominated by rain, and there was thunder from time to time, and the flashes of lightning burned everything into white light, and then turned back to darkness a second later.The ever-burning neon is diluted into a continuous iridescent halo, but like a small light ship swaying on the black sea, it seems that it will soon be swallowed up.

Akina Mana stood under the narrow eaves of the roadside shop, staring at the emptiness of the moment.She had both hands in the pockets of her warm jacket.

"It's so cold..."

The girl has been standing here for half an hour, and she has a premonition that there will be heavy rain in the afternoon, but the numerous work tasks make it impossible to get off work on time.Xu Shi, the harsh section chief, was scolded by his boss again, and came back to vent his anger on ordinary employees like himself.

Akina Mana stared blankly at the black rain curtain outside.Shrinking here is like a baby bird nesting in an eggshell looking at the huge and dangerous outside world, instinctively afraid, and instinctively escaping.

Peace is rare, and it has been a long time since I finished reading a book, drinking a cup of tea, chatting with my girlfriends and laughing until tears came to my eyes.

Graduated for more than ten years.Many friends are married and become full-time housewives. They no longer carry bags and baskets, and their makeup styles have become stable and restrained. Those male students who are full of life are always frowning, not only losing their hair, but also gradually developing horizontally.

Parents are still nagging as always, but they have upgraded from focusing on studies to focusing on marriage.Every year when I celebrate my birthday, the sense of crisis of the two elders doubles, because I am one step closer to becoming an unwanted older leftover girl.

In family calls, "Have you got a boyfriend?" has replaced "Have you eaten yet?", and has become a greeting for parents and mothers.

Love is love, and marriage is marriage. It is a big mistake to regard the two as the same thing.

Memories are such things, they are blurry, but deeply pierced in the atrium of the heart, it seems to remember everything, but can't really remember all the details, memories are naughty to disgusting things, it has been atomizing itself, and finally Only the strongest emotion or the picture of a mere impression remains.

The earphones are Koji Tamaki's version of "First Love". The singer from Hokkaido seems to have a lonely chill in his singing.It makes people hear the ending of broken love from the song called first love.

Sometimes she really thinks too much.

For example, at this time, when I heard this song, I suddenly thought of who my first love was for no reason.

Is it the handsome basketball senior?

It's a pity that the young girl who is full of enthusiasm has been forced into half a yellow-faced woman by the high pressure in the workplace, and now she is facing the bald section chief as a whole, time spares no one.

Really good, the oily-faced, flirtatious and pedantic section chief is really good~

Even the golden songs in the earphones couldn't cover up the section chief's disgust.

Akina Mana took off her earphones irritably, she leaned forward, the wind howled, and her loose hair was instantly wet.

I really wanted to go home and rest soon, but after waiting for a long time, I didn't see a taxi.I wanted to rush out in a flash of my heart, and even ran and avoided to go home.But the rain is getting heavier, and if you plunge into it, you will be drenched in water within ten seconds.

In case of cold, it is impossible to ask for leave.

Thinking that she might have to go to work for a few days with a cold, shaking her nose and feeling weak, she decided not to bother and wait for the bus.

However, I don't know if everyone is blocking the car, waiting patiently for a long time, but still nothing.

In solitude.

A drowned dog longing for freedom suddenly joined in, and his gesture of covering his head in vain to shield the rain was really embarrassing.The narrow eaves barely accommodated two people.

Akina Akina glanced at the person who was sheltering from the rain behind. His forehead and hair were wet and stuck to his forehead like an octopus. Seeing her gaze, she raised her head and smiled flatteringly.She was nervous and moved away without saying a word.

The lightning flashed again, illuminating the eaves of an isolated island, followed by rumbling thunder, like drums of support behind the rain-curtained army.

"What a coincidence, you are also hiding from the rain here." The man said kindly.

"No coincidence, you can go." Akina Mana was not in a good mood.

The man was choked for a few seconds, and he put on a pure expression again, "The world is so big, but you and I are fortunate to meet, it is also a fate. The rain is heavy, everyone is unlucky, why bother to drive people away?"

"Then I'm leaving?" Akina Mana raised her eyebrows.

The man pursed his mouth, his chest heaved slightly, he seemed a little bit aggrieved, but he still said reluctantly, "This lovely and straightforward lady is really a knife-mouthed bean curd heart."

"It's inexplicable, I don't know what it means." Akina Mana frowned, planning to stay away from this person, and was about to step into the rain.

The man quickly reached out to dissuade him, "Don't go."

"What do you want to do?" Akina Mana remained vigilant, "There is no reason, why don't you let me go?"

"Reason?" The man paused for a while when he heard the words, turned his head a few times, and then pointed to the sky with a serious face, "High-altitude clouds, rain and lightning have very strong energy, which partially combines nitrogen and oxygen in the air to form Nitric oxide, which is then oxidized to nitrogen dioxide in the troposphere."

"So what?" Akina Mana was at a loss.

"Nitrogen dioxide is one of the causes of acid rain." The man explained, "I was only in the shower for a few minutes, and my skin was already corroded. This is the premise of my thick skin. I really can't bear to be so delicate and beautiful." The people who were born, added red spots and sores."

"...and this?"


"Then, that's fine." Akina Mana's thought of running away was dispelled by scientific wisdom, so she had to shrink back.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, stretched his body, moved his footsteps lightly, and approached slightly, "This rain will not stop for a while, the wind and rain are miserable, it is inevitable to be cold, standing still is boring, meeting is rare, why don't you chat time?"

"I'm not interested in spending time with strange men." Akina Mana refused indifferently, "Sir, please respect yourself."

"We were strangers a minute ago, but now we are acquainted, and we will soon be familiar. Why should we only limit ourselves to the life we ​​are used to? Life is short, so we should boldly touch the beautiful things that we have never touched before. Vigorous enough to quell the rainstorm, a fiery encounter."

The man cocked his mouth and smiled, and stretched out his hand to brush back his wet hair. His micro-expression was just right, making him appear unrestrained and charming. He also recited a poem from Manyoshu like a poet, showing his cultural heritage. .

"There is faint thunder, and the sky is cloudy. But I hope that the wind and rain will come, and I can keep you here."

That self-confidence is particularly dazzling, presumably I see how charming Qingshan is, but I think Qingshan should be like that when he sees me, that's what he said.

When the lady heard the words, she couldn't help but folded her hands because of the cold.

"It's too bad, this kind of low-level approach." Akina Mana was very contemptuous, too lazy to look at him, "This face looks like a sloth, I really don't know where you got the confidence to pretend to be the domineering idol drama Actor."

The man's charming smile froze immediately, and his eyes changed from astonishment to solemnity to confirmation, "What, what? Is my current appearance set like this?"

"Otherwise? Could it be that he is still a beautiful boy at the end of the century?" Akina Mana asked with a sneer.

"Sloths can be called stupid and pleasant, right? Especially big eyes, cute, not aggressive..." After a while of surprise, the man stammered and defended.

"I said that euphemistically. Please correct me. From the position of your foramen magnum close to the center of the bottom of your skull and the ability to walk upright, you should be an australopithecus." Akina Mana said seriously, her eyes seemed to admire humans The brilliant culture itself, "a real living fossil, a humanoid self-propelled material in the eyes of historians."

"I didn't expect my current skeleton to be so old-fashioned..." The man secretly gritted his teeth.

"Sir, I don't want to be too rude. Since you don't have a natural and superior appearance, you should work harder on your skills, but your chat is very rough. Coupled with this exquisite body, your oiliness is already overflowing." Man out." Akina Mana continued to dislike her.

"Are you trying to say that not only do I have no skin, but my soul is also boring?"


"Presumptuous! How dare you speak wildly about Australopithecus, my human ancestor 200 million years ago? How could I have such a bold offspring!" The man sulked.


"Cough, I was excited for a while." The man sorted out his mood and returned to a reserved posture, "After listening to what the lady said, I know you still misunderstood me. Chatting with you, even sending you home, is definitely not out of secular reasons like love. .”

"I just want to send a strange woman home for no reason, and I still claim that I have no strange thoughts. Do you think I'm a middle school girl who is easy to deceive and has no experience in the world?" Akina Mana sneered.

"I don't have the slightest vulgar idea. I really just want to send the lady home." The man said righteously, "You can trust me."

"So great? So upright? Are you the human body of the Giant of Light?" Akina Mana snorted coldly.

"It has not been sublimated to that level, but it is also the embodiment of the righteous light in the world. To tell you the truth, my surname is Hong, and my name is scarf. I am acting in this life, and I only want to sweep away the injustices of the world and put down evil spirits." The man clasped his fists with enthusiasm.

"Do you really dare to say that you didn't see me as an order on a rainy night, so you want to take advantage of the danger to win my favor?" Akina Aina asked in a serious voice.

"Why do I want to win your favor?" The man wondered, "When the road is injustice, you draw your sword to help. This is what a hero does. For the past 200 million years, I have always acted like this."

"...Are you really an Australopithecus?" Akina Mana was startled.

"Isn't this the setting?" The man scratched his head in confusion.

"I don't care, you don't look kind, and you talk like a ghost, you must be a bad person, please leave immediately." Akina Mana stomped her feet.

"Isn't that a bit too much? Isn't it reasonable?" The man squinted.

"Okay, then you can prove that you have no love or evil thoughts in your heart." Akina Mana raised her small chin, "It's not okay to make far-fetched arguments, there must be a reason."

"I thought women were sentimental," the man said sadly.

"Isn't rationality bad?" Akina Mana said.

"Okay, that's great. Speaking of lovers in the world, they will be together for a long time, and they will be parted if they are together for a long time. I have been in love for many years, and I like girls who are more rational." The man nodded in approval.

"I admit it, you really like me." Akina Mana narrowed her eyes.

"You are so skillful in taking meaning out of context, you are making trouble, you are unreasonable, it is not the type I said at all."

The man shook his head, then said coolly with his hands behind his back.

"If a person does not grasp the core of the relationship between the two parties in a rational way, but resorts to vague, subtle, emotional, and fragmented descriptions and performances of the expectation of love, then this person is bound to experience failure and walk away There are many detours. Love is like Sadako, it’s a ghost, I’ve heard about it, but I haven’t seen it, and I finally saw it, but it just crawled out of the virtual world on TV. In the end, the dimension is different, People and ghosts have different paths. If you pursue a person, the greatest sincerity is sincerity, then this kind of love is very cheap, it is equivalent to confessing 'I have nothing'."

"What does this have to do with your goal of sending me home?" Akina Mana was puzzled.

"Because I don't even have the sincerity for you!" The man patted his chest.


"Tao is ruthless but righteous. What I do is kind and righteous. In nature, it is the same as stopping to wait for the elementary school students to cross the zebra crossing, or helping the old lady cross the road." The man said.

"I'm sorry, but you are not allowed to prevaricate with noble reasons like helping others." Akina Mana was as unquestionable as a referee announcing a player's foul.

"Why?" The man's offensive faltered.

"Writing a composition that deviates from the topic will get zero points."

"Well, in the final analysis, the lady still thinks that she is super attractive. If you don't believe me, I resisted your beauty, so I always resisted."

The man lowered his voice and spoke extremely fast, killing every word.

"However, from a scientific point of view, the so-called love is just a process of stimulating the thalamic nerves of men and women to transmit dopamine hormones. If dopamine hormones are secreted for a long time, the brain will feel tired. Therefore, after falling in love, hormone secretion will gradually decrease until it stops completely. And this period of time from when the secretion is strong until it stops is commonly known as the 'love shelf life', the time is very short, about three months, after three months, either break up, or turn into a family relationship."

"So?" Akina Mana frowned.

"So, all the men who tearfully swear to their girlfriends to love you for 1 years, in principle, can be classified as 'scumbags'." The man clapped his hands angrily, "Obviously just three months, But he said that for the rest of his life, he dared not go to the hospital with his girlfriend to test for dopamine, what is the difference between this behavior and the villain who promised to give the king a light change notice but only cared about withering and tragic scenes?"

"Suppose, even if I have a ten thousandth sincerity towards the lady, but with my character, I will never really put it into action, because I am not a scumbag, and now you should believe that I am just a simple , Completed a yellow label task, want to send you home, right?" The man was looking forward to hearing the final sentence.

Akina Mana pondered for a few seconds, then raised her head and asked, "But how can you prove that you are not a scumbag?"

The man's face turned pale.

I'm coming.

The "Infinite Self-Proving Hell" composed of endless "How do you prove it?"The lethality of this kind of martial arts is second, and the main reason is that it is already invincible when it is released.

He admits he admits, pretends to be stupid and then pretends to be stupefied, he kneels and let him kneel, the tigress shows her might.

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