"It's okay, I don't need it." Mari Haneda didn't care much about such trivial matters. In fact, she was only wearing socks after entering the door, and she smiled, "Anyway, the owner of the house also said please leave, right?"

"That's it." Sakura Mio said as she buried herself in clumsily knotting the garbage bag.

"Come on, try it." Mari Haneda still took a clean porcelain bowl from the bowl sink, poured two-thirds of it, and handed it along with the bamboo chopsticks, "Be careful it's hot."

Yin Ze took it, with bursts of emotion.He has never done such time-consuming things. First, he is lazy, and second, he is really inexperienced. For the first time, he may have to cook several chickens to get something, which is too wasteful.

The hot air is floating upwards, the golden-colored chicken soup is shining under the chandelier, and there are many oil droplets floating on the soup surface, floating left and right with slight shaking, silky and tight.It also smells the medicinal fragrance of Codonopsis pilosula and Astragalus membranaceus.

"It's so delicious, is this stewed by the old hen?" Yin Ze was not in a hurry to drink, but was blowing.

"Yes." Haneda Mari scooped up another bowl for Sakura-san, and even picked out chicken wings and chicken feet.

"Is there any difference between hen and rooster stew?" Sakura Mio, who seldom entered the kitchen, was puzzled.

"The rooster doesn't have much oil or water, it's not that pure, and it's not good anyway. I don't know the scientific truth, but the old people say so." Yin Ze said.

"Actually, it's all right, but the male chicken is more delicate. Compared with the hen, the stewed soup will be bland and not so delicious. The fat melting point of the hen is relatively low, and the fat is easily stewed out during stewing. The forged chicken soup naturally tastes better." Haneda Mari said more comprehensively.

"...I see." Sakura Mio nodded.

"Hmph, have you touched your blind spot of knowledge?" Someone squinted and joked, very much like a bank card gentleman at home talking about his weight.

"I know now, so it's not a blind spot." Sakura Mio retorted angrily, "The so-called growth is from immaturity to maturity!"

Yin Ze took another sip to clear away the oil, and the snow-white soup immediately appeared in front of his eyes. After taking a sip, there was an indescribable fragrance rippling between his lips and teeth, which could not go away for a long time.

It feels strange.

There is an inexplicable thing running all over the limbs and bones.

It's not a seasoning, nor is it unappetizing.is something more indescribable.

The wooden houses that fell on the high mountain, the big yellow dog leaning over the open space in front of the door and sticking out its tongue, the distant stone road filled with mist in the morning, and those not far away in the clear summer night sky when I was a child wearing big underpants, twinkling stars.

He suddenly remembered that he hadn't had this kind of soup for a long time.

Originally, such a troublesome dish that needs to be kept on fire for several hours, the probability of appearing in the life of fast-paced young people is really too small.

After working and living alone, you will find that rice bowls and small noodles are the ultimate answer for bachelors. Even if you want to treat yourself on a rest day, when you go out with colleagues and friends, you will choose barbecue, steak, and flatbread pizza, which can satisfy your taste buds. Strong and exciting food, drinks are naturally cold beer and spicy liquor, and for leisure, it is light and fragrant fruit wine.

Anyway, it probably won't be the old soup soaked with goji berries, red dates and ginger slices.

To cook a good soup, it is best to prepare an old chicken that is more than 2 years old, bled, remove hair and soak in water for a few hours.

Those old buddies who go to work only to get off work, who has the kung fu.

In my impression, the place where soup is eaten the most is at home.Only family members like mothers and grandmas will spend most of the day tinkering with these, and serve the dinner table in the evening when the wind is exhausted.

At mealtime, the local channel on the TV was broadcasting "You and Me at 06:30", talking about the things in the neighborhood, about which floor was leaking, there were protests downstairs, unscrupulous people threw pet excrement at high altitude, Arousing public outrage, a huge hornet's nest appeared in the residents' homes, and the firefighters tried their best to remove it... These are small things in people's livelihood, but the family watches them with great interest. Old people of the same age are harsh.

Dinner ended with a laugh and a bowl of steaming chicken soup, if there was one on the table.

The kind old man would still say to himself, this is good and nutritious, please drink another bowl.

Yin Ze looked at the empty porcelain bowl and sighed silently.

"Why don't you talk?" Mari Haneda was a little confused, "Is it too salty?"

"No, the taste is just right, everything is just right." Yin Ze said softly, "I am very happy to be able to drink this at home. Thank you."

Chapter 130 Five

The holding tank has a limited capacity.

The three people present shared the food. In the end, Master Yin only drank two bowls of soup and ate a chicken drumstick. The two Lipai adults present took the initiative to give up the most delicious meat and dishes to the youngest partner next to the coffee table. It is a traditional culture that respects the old and loves the young.

"Are you full?" Yin Ze asked kindly again.

"I'm full." Sakura took the initiative to avoid looking at each other, and silently wiped the oil from her mouth with a tissue.

"Really? I don't believe it." Yin Ze questioned with deep eyes.He looked at the girl's cute and round face with baby fat, while suppressing the doting nature of mature primates wanting to tease the cubs of the same kind, while reasonably doubting her real appetite, he said gently, "I'm not full." That is to say, no matter how poor you are, you can’t afford poor education, and no matter how hard you are, you can’t suffer children.”

"I'm so full."

"That's good."

Why didn't I find that the fighting power was so strong when I was eating before? Alas, young people who are growing up have a good appetite.

"Are you still hungry?" Haneda Mari asked.

"About seven minutes, it's about the same. You shouldn't be too full for dinner." Yin Ze stretched his waist.

"Then go to bed early, and try to get your body back to normal. We do dubbing, because we are afraid that there is something wrong with our voice." Mari Haneda reminded.

"That won't work, I still have something to do, I guess it will take a while." Yin Ze shook his head slowly.After being nourished by high-end cuisine and nutritious soup, the spirit has reached its peak. It is not a problem to fight in front of the computer tonight until noon the next day.

"It's not a late-night variety show, is it?" Haneda Mari cast a suspicious look.

"If it's really that, why should I be so sad and worried. In fact, it's a man's agreement." Yin Ze sighed.He glanced at the time and found that before he knew it, a few more hours were wasted, and the success rate given by the life corridor had dropped by a few percentage points.It cannot be delayed any longer.

"Spirits and ghosts." Sakura-san said as she wanted to put away the bowl, but found that Mari Haneda was one step faster, and her proficiency was quite high, so she was already cleaning the table with such kung fu.She finally looked at the owner of the house, a little ashamed of lying about her appetite, "Look at your unsatisfied look, let me prepare some supper for you."

"You don't know much about single men. There are no cooks for cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, and geese, but instant food and beverages and beer are a stable supply every week." Yin Ze talked eloquently, "the whole wheat bread in the refrigerator and Leaving aside the biscuits, there are compressed biscuits, wholesale chocolates, and some canned food with a long shelf life in the cabinet. Even after the fever passed, I bought a home first aid kit for a rainy day. In addition, I always carry fire tools with me, and there is an easy-to-peel fruit on the keychain Knife. Even in the face of the crisis of the zombie outbreak and the end of the world, I have confidence..."

"Survive?" The girl frowned in disbelief.

"It's to be a full-bodied ghost." The man said proudly.

"After all, these are cold things, I'd better go buy some cooked food." Sakura Mio thought for a while.

"It's time, where else can I buy it?" Yin Ze tilted his head.

"Late night cafeterias are everywhere. It seems that you still don't understand the night side of this city at all, and you don't understand the extravagance and prosperity in the shadows at all." Sakura Mio hummed softly, giving old-fashioned pointers.

"A junior who has never survived the whole night dares to talk about cultivating immortals in front of the master who has become a god?" Yin Ze was quite disgusted. Haven't the roads been crushed yet?"

"Who said that! I also have a record of not going to sleep until five o'clock in the morning!" The girl raised her head.

"That's it, I'm seven o'clock." The man raised.

"Ten for me." The girl called.

"I'm in the afternoon." The man doubled.

"I won't sleep!" The young girl studded.

"I'll reincarnate directly!" The man lifted the plate.

"Are you two children...?" Mari Haneda was a little speechless after taking out the apron that was basically unused.Obviously a certain person has reached the age where he needs to shave every day, but he can always cut his age perfectly and get along with middle school students smoothly.

"You can still make such a fuss. It seems that you really haven't eaten enough, but you should avoid heavy oil and salt at night, and it's troublesome to go out. Do you have noodles? Let me cook some." Haneda Mari ask.

"That's true. Occasionally I will download a little." Yin Ze said.

"Ouch? I thought you didn't start the stove at all." Mari Haneda was surprised.

"Except for cooking noodles, the process is simple and you don't need to wash the pot. It's quick and convenient. The taste only depends on the seasoning in the bowl. Even a lazy bachelor can't refuse."

"So, you are very good at seasoning?"

"A handful of fine noodles, half a bowl of high soup, a cup of water, five qian lard, a spoonful of soy sauce from the old Chen family in Chinatown, and then two sticks of crispy Wangzhongwang ham sausage..." Master Yin said poetically Chanting the exclusive secret, "Of course, it still depends on fate. I cook very competitively. Sometimes it is delicious, and sometimes it is a suffering."

"Isn't it just that the ratio depends on the mood, and it all depends on the trick?" Sakura once again issued an interactive application.

"Are there any accessories? Can't there be only one bundle of noodles?" Haneda Mari said and opened the refrigerator.The first thing that catches the eye is a large box of happy water, even bottles of lemon tea, coffee and long cans of beer.Then there are the reserves that should be in the normal family refrigerator, such as eggs, green onions, tomatoes and other versatile ingredients.

Because the parents are busy, the younger brother is a purebred instant noodle fighter, so the housekeeping of the Haneda family is basically managed by the older sister in an orderly manner. The girl has never seen such a family refrigerator that looks like a convenience store drink cabinet?Immediately, I was angry with this unhealthy lifestyle, but these things were placed very regularly, even according to the price. It was hard to tell whether the owner of the house was heartless or had a unique pursuit of life. ...

"How do you usually take care of your three meals a day? You don't always eat out, do you?" Haneda Mari turned around and asked with a sigh.

"Not always." Yin Ze paused, then smiled awkwardly at the scrutinizing eyes, "Occasionally I eat twice a day."

So that's the case, the girl nodded expressionlessly, she probably understood that this is the version of Yuma Haneda who ran away from home and survived alone.

"If you have time, let's learn some simple recipes." Mari Haneda said softly, "There are many dishes that are not troublesome but have a balanced business. I will teach you another day."

"Since you have said so." Yin Ze couldn't refuse, and chose to accept this kindness.

"There are so few ingredients, and what can be used... just tomato and egg noodles?" Haneda Mari felt that there were not many choices for the ingredients at hand.

"Okay, whatever, I don't care." Yin Ze has always been careless.

"You seem to have a lot of experience in noodle food?" Mari Haneda took out a rubber band from nowhere, tied up her naturally falling hair high, exposing her fair neck, tied it into a neat ponytail, and began to deftly Beating eggs and cutting tomatoes, chatting.

"I eat a lot, I just have some experience in judging." Yin Ze said with emotion, "Let's not mention the ramen shops here all over the streets and alleys. My favorite is the sauerkraut shredded pork noodles. The authentic Laotan sauerkraut made by myself The lard is deep-fried until it smells fragrant, and then boiled in water. The meat is cut into large pieces, covered with red sweet potato powder, and pepper is the finishing touch. Salty, spicy and fresh, a bowl full, hearty, no matter how unappetizing it is They will all be aroused by gluttons, and they will be eaten clean."

"Sauerkraut? Do you mean pickled vegetables?" Chef Haneda didn't know much about it.

"It can be counted, alas, one day I have a chance to bring back an altar, so that you can taste it too." Master Yin once again spoke harshly without writing a draft.

"Okay, I've remembered this sentence, and I will honor it later." Haneda Mari chuckled, and the speed of the movement in her hand did not slow down, "Go and rest, I will be fine soon."

A man who grew up under the red flag cannot do things like stop working and wait for results.So he came to the saved computer and touched the board, intending to race against time and complete the achievement of "one-night miracle with a single pen" again.

Sakura Mione looked at Haneda-san who was busy cooking noodles, and then at the guy who was writing and drawing without saying a word.

For a while, the house fell into an eerie silence.

Sakura still dragged the stool to the screen.

"what are you doing?"

"Draft the design draft."

"Is this another graffiti that is going to be uploaded to the trumpet?" When it comes to the trumpet, a secret that only two people know, the girl can't help lowering her voice like a spy discussing matters.

"No, commercial." The man explained.

"Oh, outsourcing."


"It's quite strong, and can accept commercial-level orders."


"You write so fast."


"Why are you still posting photos of the real thing?" The girl said worriedly when she saw the cut and paste operation.

"Increase efficiency, and all I choose are public materials." The man explained again.

"How did you subtract the details?"

"The value of the color scale is reduced, and the redundant layers are subtracted."

"Oh, this smear is easy to use, what are the parameters of the brush?"

"Choose a basic soft-edged brush, set the spread to 25-30%, turn on the transfer, and set the strength to 23-30%. If you find it troublesome to find a 59 brush in the basic brush, you can use it directly."

"Why is your layer switch colored?"

"I set it myself."

"Red, green, and green are so advanced, what's the use?"

"It's useless, simplicity seems unusual."

"Why use a mask to erase some after coloring with layer properties?"

"Because the gray scale is very important, the contrast between the coldness and warmth of the picture..."

"I just found out that it has a pure Chinese interface? I have the genuine Japanese version, and I can give it to you if you want it." The girl discovered the new world again.

"...It's getting late, you should go home, right? I remember that your home is not far away? If you delay the subway, it will be closed." The man finally turned his head.

"Let's play again, and taxis are the same." The girl shook her head.

"But I need to concentrate now, boy, let's watch some TV." This sentence is occasionally heard by a certain bank card gentleman.

Sakura-san left the work area sullenly and walked towards the cooking area.

"What's the matter...Are you still hungry? Shall I make more noodles?" Mari Haneda asked cautiously.

"I'm really full this time." The girl blushed slightly.

"Are you trying to imitate my style?" Mari Haneda greeted with a smile when she saw the girl was cautious and interested like a lobby manager entering the back kitchen to observe.

"Just to watch your handling methods and habits, and, actually, I will also be a little bit." The girl hesitated and said.

Haneda Mari's mind is more active, and now I haven't heard the two of them quarreling. Someone is concentrating on the screen, and the girl probably has nothing to do. After thinking about this, she simply invited: "Then you will take over and try?"

"Can I change people temporarily?" The girl seemed very hesitant.

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