Tokyo Voice Author: Anonymous Xiaochen


I am a social animal with a normal outlook on life, values, and love.The world view has been shattered after my soul crossed. It was a coincidence, smooth sailing, unexpected, and resigned to standing in the position closest to Two-dimensional... Yes, I became a voice actor. PS: I wish the book friends good health, winning the lottery, and the mother fox who was rescued in the mountains by a woodcutter in her previous life, finally cultivates a human form in this life to repay her kindness. PS: There is no book friend group. [Anonymous friend Xiaochen]

Prologue travels through looking around at a loss

Yin Ze had been sitting paralyzed on the ground for nearly 10 minutes.

But he hasn't been able to recover from the feeling of splitting his soul.The throbbing pain in his head was gradually lessening, but he also became more and more at a loss.

I vaguely remember swiping my phone and going to the toilet... But now my hands are empty, the phone and toilet paper are gone, and even the Yuxi that I just took a few sips of in my mouth is gone.

Subconsciously sniffed and sniffed, there was no intoxicating overnight sauerkraut-like deadly smell in the air after a night of mixed digestion of beer, white wine and barbecue in the stomach.

Something miraculous happened, he was no longer in the toilet.

Also miraculously... the urge to defecate that tormented him from the endless drowsiness was gone.

Yin Ze rolled his eyes and slowly scanned the strange apartment.

The area is small, with traces of tidying up but still messy, the floor is laid on the spot, magazines and a small radio are next to the sheets, and a little farther away is an open black laptop.There were a lot of post-it notes on the cabinet, and some clothes and trousers were scattered on the back of the chair.

Just looking at these Yin Ze can more or less imagine the daily life of the owner of the house - lying on the floor listening to the radio and playing computer, and sleeping with a half-read magazine on his face when he is sleepy.

While thinking, the sense of nothingness caused by labor pains and trance also subsided, and the sense of touch, hearing and vision gradually returned to normal.

It's like waking up from a dream.

Or in other words, finally realizing that this is not a fantasy or a dream.

"Damn..." After a while, Yin Ze squeezed out his voice.

Sunlight pierces through the gaps in the curtains, fine dust floats in the beams, the second hand of the clock ticks, and the sound of cars passing by outside can be heard in the distance.

There will be no such extreme high-definition dreams.

There was even a bowl of instant noodles with books in front of him, mineral water with the cap unscrewed standing beside him, and the screen of the laptop was paused on a certain variety show video.It seemed that just now "he" was pouring hot water and preparing to eat and drink.And Yin Ze's stomach is feeling hungry right now.Everything is so seamless.

Except that he was really sure that he was squatting in a pit before.

Perplexity and bewilderment seemed to submerge Yin Ze like a tide.

Pursing his lips, feeling a little thirsty, he subconsciously touched the mineral water. It was not a farmer, but a new brand and logo that he had never seen before.

Squinting, it seems to be Japanese?

Yin Ze was silent for a moment, then turned his attention to the magazines, sticky notes and notebooks again.

Handwritten, printed, and artistic hiragana and katakana fill the field of vision.

Yin Ze, who was supposed to spend the holidays happily, was promoted and raised later, but this time he was really dumbfounded.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yin Ze stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, staring blankly at the face he didn't recognize at all, as if his mind had been disconnected.

Suddenly in an unfamiliar environment, he once thought it was a dream, and then thought it was kidnapping. Even when he saw the face change, he thought of Brother Cage's "Face Changing".

Was he involved in some secret plan? In a few minutes, the blond-haired and black-haired beauty agent would break in with a gun, and take him into a Ferrari to race with the enemies who were chasing him.Bazooka rampage through the city.Afterwards, you will encounter crises such as air crisis, gale rescue, nuclear bomb countdown launch, etc. After several twists and turns, you will successfully break the enemy's world clearance plan, and finally kiss and embrace the female agent before the sunset.

But plastic surgery will not even change your body shape, right?

Let alone nails and moles, the change in fat and thin and skeleton is so fucking outrageous.

Yin Ze turned on the tap and washed his face with cold water to cool down his nerves.Wipe back the hair that has reached the ears, and examine it.

The typical appearance of an East Asian teenager, with a faint Johnny-like Japanese appearance, looks a bit like Kashiwahara Takashi in "Love Letter" at a glance, but the dark circles and acne have been greatly reduced.

But the facial features are really good, straight and three-dimensional.

... But in this case, even if Tian Le Yan Zu Yi Jian Wei Jian Ting Feng Chengwu is the ultimate fit.It can't eliminate the horror of looking in the mirror and it's not your own face.

Yin Ze returned to the laptop and started surfing the Internet hesitantly.

No matter what happens, no matter how weird it is, I'm still on Earth.

As a result, World Time violently killed him in a single second.

2009 10 Month 15 Day.

It is not the local time but the network real-time update.

Yin Ze was stunned for a while, and got goosebumps all over his body.

He clacked the keyboard, tried his best to start frantically searching for the hard-to-change established facts of history, country, and geography.Compared to these, his ability to spell and read Japanese freely is already a big discovery.

Fortunately, there is no alien invasion, no extraordinary evolution, no gate to another world, and no biochemical doomsday.

There are seven continents and four oceans.

The modern history of the world still begins with the October Revolution.

Lao Maozi is still separated, and Er Mao is still ashamed of the speed of light.

At a cursory glance, it doesn't seem to have changed, but upon closer inspection, it's confusing.

Leonardo da Vinci was a woman, nicknamed Lisa, who left a pair of classic self-portraits handed down from generation to generation.

There is a Nobel Prize in Mathematics.

Beethoven was deaf in only one ear.

Newton was hit by an apple thrown by a brat, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he discovered gravity.

Lao Cao actually resisted and finished writing The Red Mansion.

The national football team beat the blood and luck and scored three World Cups.

Unconvinced after losing to the Empress, Brother Feng fought several more rounds, and was crowned a "nine-defeated woman".

Zhi Ye was finally given a big champion.


Ah this.

Although it looks similar, there are some places that are strangely wrong.

Yin Ze looked for those social softwares unbelievingly, and tried to log in to his own account. As a result, some platforms did not exist at all, or there were no such users.

Parallel world... Yin Ze thought of this.

The huge world trembled out of track, how could traces of him, an ordinary person, still remain.

Yin Ze smiled reluctantly, trying to digest this god's prank.

His spirit and thoughts were ups and downs, and his stomach was growling, so he simply ate the cup of cup noodles that was about to soak.It was clean in a few minutes.

Then, with an empty head, he lay on his back on the floor and said quietly.


A word says a thousand words.

Maybe if I have another cigarette in my mouth and squat in the toilet, there will be a turnaround.

Yin Ze, whose head was in a mess, was suddenly startled by the piercing call.

Fumbling to find the phone in a hurry, he hesitated to answer it for a while.

After all, such a weird thing has already happened. If you answer this call, you will be haunted to death by a female ghost at night, right?

Are there any strange things in this world?

Although it can't be found on the Internet, there is still a dark side that ordinary people don't know, that is, the inner world.

For example, the source is swallowed by demons, the mother earth is at stake, and people in this world have been infected and lost their fighting potential, so they gather their forces and engrave the summoning array to capture geniuses from other planes, hoping that the brave can lead humans to fight.

He is this unlucky brave man.

But if there are a bunch of combat partners of the opposite sex, it can also soothe a trace of grief and anger.

When he was uneasy, he, who was proficient in Japanese unconsciously, looked at the name of the note——the head teacher.


Yin Ze scratched his hair in confusion and pressed answer.

The impatient voice of questioning immediately pierced into my ears like a sharp sword.

"Takizawa-kun, you still didn't come to class today, didn't you promise me yesterday?"


"A boy's breach of promise is a sign of spinelessness. No matter how you avoid it, the difficulties will not disappear by themselves. You have been on leave for more than a month. This is the juncture of graduation. Are you really planning to end it like this?"


Silence makes the other party more dissatisfied.

"Do you plan to learn to be an ostrich for the rest of your life like this, pretending to be a fool? Do you want to be a glass that shatters at the touch of a touch! Do you want to be weak, shameful, and become a joke in others' mouths!"

Yin Ze tried to open his mouth. He instinctively wanted to speak his native language, but his tongue had its own persistence. He racked his brains to organize his brain and switch between two languages.

In the end, I squeezed out a sentence of Japanese with a level of confusion of ten with weird tones and no brains.

The female teacher on the other end of the phone seemed to have caught his reaction, and was slightly taken aback.

"Crying and tears, can solve the problem?" The female teacher's words were sonorous and powerful.

Yin Ze covered his face helplessly.

"The teacher knows that this is the most sensitive and delicate stage of your life. It is understandable that you will be disappointed and sad if your sincere feelings are not responded to, but if you sink like this, do you think you can change other people's minds?" At the other end began a tirade with a bitter conscience.

"I, I'm fine." Yin Ze spent a long time trying to speak a normal sentence bluntly.

"When will you go back to school?" the female teacher asked forcefully.

"Uh, the day after tomorrow?"

"Yesterday you said tomorrow, today you said the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, wouldn't you just say next year?!"

"The day after tomorrow! I will definitely come the day after tomorrow! Believe me!"

"The day after tomorrow, I will come to you directly!"

Yin Ze felt a little tired looking at the call that was roughly hung up.He wanted to say directly that you made a wrong call, but how can this be explained.

Worrying around in a few circles, he began to look around the hut.It looks like it is rented, basically it looks like a person living alone.Half of the leftover fast food and drinks were stored in the refrigerator, and a special space was set aside for some plastic figurines in cool clothes.Shaking out a wallet from his clothes, there were documents and some banknotes in it.

The profile picture on the student ID card is very strange. He is obviously handsome, but his eyes are a little timid, melancholy, and he looks very naive.

Takizawa Satoru...

Called this name, then this little brother is dead.

The mood is really complicated.

With the thought of looking for some more clues, I rummaged through the box again, and finally found a notepad at the bottom of the drawer.

It's a diary.

Who can write a diary these days?He himself pretended to write for half a month when he was a child and then completely forgot to update it.

Yin Ze muttered, and silently began to peek.

The timeline started when I was in high school, and the previous ones were written in daily journals, which were lackluster.But it is enough for him to build a basic character image.

An ordinary high school student who has never joined any clubs and is keen on part-time jobs.In my spare time, I read comics and often watch dramas.

A certain girl named Huixiang often appears between the lines.

Reorganized the family and wrote complaints about the stepfather.It seems that she is unwilling to join my mother's new family, so she rents a house by herself and only calls occasionally.

Because of this, I don't like to ask them for money, so I work hard to be self-reliant.In the future, if possible, I hope to join my favorite animation industry, so I have saved money to buy a digital tablet and do reading exercises.

When the diary was two-thirds of the way through, the text suddenly became agitated.

Huixiang's friend discovered Takizawa's hidden thoughts, and led everyone in the class to fight.

Family reasons make Takizawa unconfident, even a little inferior, lack of close friends, and never deliberately concealing A Taku's hobbies, unfortunately, the light novels in the schoolbag were poured out.

The students flipped through the seductive illustrations of the big-breasted elf girl, and passed them on to each other while laughing and jokingly giving pointers. For a while, the classroom was filled with joy.

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