It is already faint to break through the level of technology and reach the field of law.

In that instant, how many long stabs were there?

Ten times, a hundred times...

Or is it a higher level number?

"The Hammer of the Wind King—!"

Luo Ye smiled instead of anger in the face of this blow that contained the heart of killing, and released all the ultra-high compressed air used to cover the holy sword forward, and the violent wind pressure roared away the snow along the way. Carved a path that was clear and empty and cracked.

The Windbreaker, which once slammed thousands of armies on the battlefield against the Saxons, has once again reappeared in the world.

Although Kenneth is covered with mercury for defense outside his body, and possessed Cu Chulainn, a hero in Celtic mythology, through means similar to the divine descent technique, but his inner essence is still a delicate and weak mage after all. It's not the kind of domineering and cool melee mage.Luo Ye only needs to break through thousands of skills with brute force, and use the simplest and most brutal means to forcibly defeat his offensive.

The beast-like sixth sense made Kenneth immediately realize that this move was invincible. He forcibly interrupted the attack of swinging the gun, jumped on the ground with all fours, rolled sideways with amazing agility, and narrowly escaped the attack. Stormrage blowing from the front door.


The earth trembled and the wind howled.

The attack remained undiminished and landed on an abandoned residential building not far away, and it was destroyed and turned into ruins. The building materials collapsed with a crackling sound, and the wood, stone chips, smoke and dust flew and splashed.

This is just the power of a single blow, and it is almost as if it can cause such damage to a pond fish. Shizhi finally understands why people in the other world choose to fight at night.

If there were so many gods fighting on the road during the day, God knows what kind of social turmoil it would cause, and the people's hearts would have long been living in a kind of inexplicable fear.

Fortunately, there aren't too many people around here... a few of them are probably asleep, as long as a magic barrier is set up to surround those few, they can continue to maintain the mystery.

"Sister Sakura, we have to take action too! Staying here will only add trouble to Luo Ye. Come on, let's go! Evacuate the crowd!"

Hugging Miyu's small body in his arms, Shiori ordered with a serious face, and glanced at the two people who were already wrestling with real knives and guns not far away. The surrounding buildings with a radius of more than ten meters have suffered. If they hit all the way, who knows how much damage it will cause to the already deserted Fuyuki City.

"Okay! Maybe we can find Ma Po... No, Father Yanfeng. As a member of the church, he is also responsible for supervising this area. He should be able to provide us with some help. We must reduce losses and not let Innocent ordinary people were hurt."

Matou Sakura did not receive the baptism of cruelty and despair, and she also had the same thoughts as Shiori.

Evacuate the families that are on the path of the two, and hinder the families that can be observed but will not be affected. This is the only thing they can do at present.

"But before that, we have to send Miyu home...There is an enchantment set up by my father over there, and it's not so easy for outsiders to get in."

Running wildly on the way home in the snowy night, Shiori was still thinking about Luo Ye's instructions, knowing that as long as he followed his words, he would be absolutely right.In case he desperately brings Meiyou with him, it is impossible to guarantee that the temporary barrier will fail, and the aura of the god child will leak out and cause even more trouble.

Besides, it is undeniable that having a child will affect the movement...

"Sister, Dad, Dad hasn't come back yet."

Miyu, who is like a newborn baby who is still ignorant of the world, doesn't know what the meaning of what happened just now is. She just knows that her close family members haven't come back yet, so she instinctively feels a little bit about this title that is equivalent to mother. kind of care.

"Father will be back soon, Miyu stay at home obediently and wait for us. If you are sleepy, go to bed first, absolutely nothing will happen."

Seeing that young and innocent face and big innocent eyes, Shiori just recalled his sister, caressing the girl's soft black hair like this with sobs, he could only get away with white lies like this To achieve the current goal, it is impossible for Meiyou, a little loli who is only six years old, to step into that level of battle.


Although she naturally felt that her sister's words were not true, but based on her trust in her, Miyu still simply believed that her father should be fine, she obediently nodded her head, and did not continue to say anything .

On the other hand, Matou Sakura, who saw the previous situation clearly and had a particularly deep impression, asked Shiori hesitantly.

"That, that... Shiori-senpai, have you seen clearly? What does that sword that uncle just took out look like."

Although the incomparably sacred light only shone for less than half a second, anyone who saw it for the first time would be deeply attracted by the dazzling glory and immersed in the incomparable beauty.

"Well, I've seen it too. The tsuba is made of gold, the hilt is inlaid with gems, the body of the sword is printed with elf inscriptions, and the sword's sharp blade cuts iron like mud... If I'm not wrong, this should be King Arthur's The holy sword Excalibur."

After hesitating for a while, Shiori expressed his own analysis, and truthfully stated the information he found under Matou Sakura's astonished expression.

"Father seems to have a lot of connection with that legendary figure, and he seems to have summoned him directly during the Holy Grail War in the other world. He said so himself, and I don't know if it's true or not."

"Hey, hey! Just summon the famous King Arthur of Britain? Don't you need a holy relic..."

Matou Sakura always felt that her world view had been completely subverted, and the amount of news was so explosive that she couldn't recover for a while.

Regardless of what another world means, she is sure that a medium must be used to summon a heroic spirit.


The other party is using their own body as a medium.

But at most, I have heard of the Holy Widow, and I have never heard of the Holy Widower!

Chapter 0581 The mastermind behind the scenes

After Shiori sent his younger sister Miyu to the mansion's enchantment and told him to stay there obediently, he and Sakura hurried to the surrounding areas to evacuate the crowd to prevent the battle between the two from causing greater turmoil, thus bringing the inner world to a close The ruthless and cruel side is revealed to the public.

Hypnosis magic and suggestion magic are not profound skills, even a rookie who has just entered the magic way can use them, Shiori and Sakura are even more talented and brilliant when using them.

What's more, there are not many residents in Fuyuki City now, as long as the families that still exist within a few hundred meters or a kilometer around here are hypnotized, it is impossible to hear the fighting sound from farther away.

"But I still have to contact that priest Ma Po. I guess I'll have to find a reason for the gas leak or something. I still vaguely remember that the delivery phone number in his store is..."

Shiori paused and murmured to himself, but he still turned his worried eyes to the direction of the long-lasting sound of metal collisions and explosions in the distance, Yushou couldn't help feeling He clenched his fists and gritted his white teeth lightly, feeling somewhat unwilling.

A strong sense of powerlessness permeated the girl's heart.

But she had to admit that it was a battlefield that she could not set foot on at present.

What he said was just a glimpse, but Shiori could roughly tell that the man seemed to be possessed by some kind of evil thought, and at the same time half of his body was covered with mercury.Is that beast-like keen speed and superb spear skills really something that modern humans can resist?

Although I know that Luo Ye is quite powerful, but I haven't seen him take many shots.Facing this kind of extremely fast melee fighter, I am afraid that many methods were too late to be used by him, right?Besides, it wasn't his magic workshop over there, and he fought the opponent with real knives and guns, and the result was really hard to say.

It's useless to imagine so much at the moment, and we can only go there to provide support as soon as the arrangements are made.Even though that fellow Luo Ye told them not to get close and leave quickly, Shizhi always felt that he couldn't leave his adoptive father behind so easily.

When Shiori was breathing and thinking wildly in his heart, Matou Sakura couldn't help but said something weakly, with a little hesitation and embarrassment.

"Um... Shiori-senpai, if I heard correctly, that person barked like a dog before. Could it be that he was possessed by a dog-related heroic spirit?"

"Well, you heard it right, it is indeed a dog barking. So, I have a way to confirm the identity of the other party."

Although at first glance it is just an insignificant detail, it is not difficult to analyze the true identity of others based on this point.

There seem to be very few heroes in history who can have a relationship with dogs and use magic guns well.

"Hey, Shiori-senpai, what are you doing with your phone?"

Matou Sakura looked at Shiori with a face full of surprise and took out his mobile phone to log in to the browser. He was a little dazed and confused.

Didn't he say he was going to help Uncle Luo Ye?She was still looking forward to what the senior sister could do to help.After a long time, he actually took out his mobile phone from his pocket, did he make a mistake?

"Go to Google and search for keywords... It should be easy to identify the heroes who have a relationship with dogs and guns in history, right? Although we are magicians, we must learn to use modern tools flexibly Okay? If it doesn’t work, I took a few photos before, maybe I can search for something famous based on the pictures.”

Shiori said this in a natural tone, trying to help his adoptive father in his own way, doing his best.

Although the expression on Matou Ying's face was a bit weird, she really felt that "what the hell is so reasonable, I can't even refute it", she nodded in agreement and really hoped that she could confirm the identity of the other party as soon as possible.

And turn your sights back to the main battlefield...


With a hoarse and hysterical roar from his throat, Kenneth seemed like a magic dog from hell, tensing his body covered in blue tights, his limbs were covered with cracks like a bolt of lightning. Crashing on the ground.

He looks like a ghost, and his shadow is like a raging wind, dodging the wind breaker coming from right in front of him.The flowing silver-white liquid gradually covered every part of the body, like an impenetrable metal armor, enveloping the whole body in a small space, forming an unparalleled strong defense force. A metal chariot rumbled forward, trying to break through all difficulties and obstacles.

Every step trampled and crushed on the road surface formed a mark several centimeters deep. Even the snow couldn't withstand the astonishing heat and began to melt into water vapor quickly. The white smoke spread around the scene, blocking Luo Ye's movement With his sight, he could only trace the sound to determine where the opponent's attack came from.

"Good guy, even though he is close to losing consciousness, do you still know how to use formal clothes?"

It's not that Luo Ye hasn't come into contact with Director Ken's most proud magic spirit outfit, Moon Spirit Essence, before.Using mercury weighing 140 kilograms as a carrier, it is made by using the physical characteristics of mercury combined with the fluid operation that the magician himself is good at. It integrates offense and defense, and can be called a very powerful automatic weapon. Indeed, it once brought him No small trouble.

It's just that although Director Ken over there has a similar usage, he doesn't directly wrap mercury around the body to form an external armor.After all, he was only a mage of the long-distance attack system at that time, and he was not possessed by Cu Chulainn as he is now, thus gaining unparalleled close-combat ability.

The strong wind blew straight towards the front door, and the barbed tail of the thorn magic spear was as fast as thunder, and it hit Luo Ye heavily in an instant.


Using magic power to transform into an armor covering the whole body, Luo Ye could barely block the blow. In the next second, several flowing long whips emerged from Kenneth's back like tentacles, swishing towards him, every time All of them carry hundreds of kilograms of power, dripping and pouring out huge potential kinetic energy.

As a first-level lecturer of the Clock Tower Spirituality Department, Kenneth has a thorough grasp of his favorite magic dress, the Moon Essence Liquid, and it has almost become an instinct rooted in the subconscious, even if he loses himself at this moment, he can get familiar with it command and use.

"Mad dog who lost his mind, get lost!"

Kicking vigorously, trying to kick away Kenneth, who was closely attached to him like a shadow, Luo Ye's kick with a thousand pounds of strength suddenly slammed, but he felt as if he had kicked on a steel plate tens of centimeters thick It seemed that the whole person was shaken violently by the reaction force and backed up a bit.

Concentrating and releasing the magic power of his whole body, he also gained a speed that did not belong to Kenneth in an instant, and his strength was far superior to crushing the opponent.

The slashing supported by huge magic power made Kenneth a little tired of parrying. Even if his skills were good, he couldn't withstand the fierce force of his almost free magic power.

Luo Ye has been bathed in dragon's blood and been a dragon knight. She has gone deep into the Holy Grail and passed through the roots. The huge energy condensed in her body is infinitely close to a ground vein.If he hadn't split most of the energy to evolve his own small world in his body, the torrent of magic power that erupted from every move would be comparable to the Holy Grail in human form, which could continuously release one after another light cannon.

His physical fitness is tougher than Kenneth's, and his magic power is stronger. Although he is slightly inferior technically, he can definitely gain an advantage by relying on the open and close tactics similar to Lily.

Although Kenneth almost lost his self-awareness, his beast-like instincts still sensed that the previous tactics didn't seem to have caused much damage to him, and even the opponent's layer of armor condensed with magic power couldn't be penetrated.

Just when he was slowly retreating and was planning to find an angle to launch the next round of attack with a more flexible speed, a cold and undeniable order suddenly resounded in his mind.

"Use the treasure!"

Kenneth's body involuntarily posed under the command, even though he barked like a wild dog reluctantly, the huge magic power still gathered uncontrollably on the real red magic gun.

The scarlet red thunder lingered around the tip of the spear with a whimper, a surging power was quietly formed, and the killing blow was ready to be launched.

"Is this going to use the treasure directly? The people behind the scenes can't stand it anymore?"

It's not hard to notice that this doesn't seem to be in line with Kenneth's original strategy of relying on flexibility to roam and gradually gain the upper hand. Luo Ye can probably see that there is something wrong with his current situation, not so much because of being caught by Ku· Qiu Lin's fighting consciousness was possessed, it was more like being controlled by someone, and then he started a series of actions involuntarily.

The other party probably had some insight since he came out of Kotomine Kirei's shop, so he sent Kenneth to test his tone first, so as to confirm Luo Ye's strength and level, and what kind of attack method and combat mode he had. What are there, and this is the intention to launch the next offensive.

Although it is said that the enemy is clear and the enemy is not clear about the specific origin of the enemy, it is not difficult for Luo Ye to analyze one or two strange things from Yu Kotomine Kirei's words earlier.

If he guessed correctly...

The opponent is estimated to be the final winner of the last Holy Grail War, and the Ainsworth family is right.

It's just that they didn't kill the rest of the contestants as others imagined, but made puppets like puppets to control them?

No wonder why Kenneth's movements are a little stiff and unnatural. I'm afraid it's because the dignity he abides by in his heart is constantly struggling to regain his body?


Even if he was in the color rank, he couldn't get rid of the control of that clan, he could only let it be driven with hatred, and even the last trace of strictness was trampled into the soil ruthlessly.

"Speaking of which, you are also a poor person. No wonder you are destined to be inseparable from the spearman."

Luo Ye smiled dumbly, and the moment the words fell, her expression changed suddenly, and the holy sword in her hand also shone with light.

But compared to that bewitching and ominous red light...

The star-made holy sword in his hand is obviously much more holy and Lingran, like the only morning star in the dark night, it is so bright and dazzling that it makes one lose one's mind.

Chapter 0582 Doll Kenneth

The red red flames condensed on the tip of the spear like a hopping bird, and the air became scorching and hot as if it was about to be torn apart. The ground was shaken by the huge magic power gathered on the magic gun, causing stone chips to fly up The ground was cracked, and the surrounding houses that were already crumbling couldn't bear the impact of the wave and collapsed.

The air is howling and screaming, as if thousands of birds are screaming, red thunder is ringing around the barrel of the gun, and the curse is fully released, releasing endless power, as if the next blow is ready to be thrown out .

"Gloriously meet death under my gun—!"

Perhaps it was because of using his own treasure, Cu Chulainn's consciousness gradually gained the upper hand in the chaos, he shouted loudly in such a mad manner, then jumped high and high, the blue figure stagnated in the air for a long time In a few seconds, the magic spear that had not been stored for a long time was thrown forward forcefully.

The crackling sound exploded in an instant, and a meteor with the speed of sound fell to the ground in one blow, and struck straight at Luo Ye.

The Spear of Piercing Death Thorns, the cursed spear that will surely pierce the opponent's heart when stabbing, belongs to the deadly stab of the magic gun Gaebolg.

It is a move that reverses the "cause and effect" that means the order of things. The moment it is released, the "effect" that penetrates the opponent's heart will be created first.Because the heart was pierced, the [cause] that the gun hit a hit occurred from behind.If you are not quite lucky, it can be said that a move is determined to be a move that will kill you if you release it.

Because when it was released, there was already a result of penetrating the opponent's heart, even if he killed the opponent first, this result could not be changed, and the trajectory of the gun could not be cancelled.

No matter what method you use, you can't defend or avoid it...

This is true in theory, but there will be flaws in practice, after all——

Since ancient times, the gunmen are lucky E.

Cu Chulainn and Diarmuid belong to that kind of rather tragic characters.Both are heroes in Celtic mythology, their lives were full of ups and downs, and they failed to end well, and they both ended up being framed and tragically killed.Even participating in the Holy Grail War, where servants of Heroic Spirits fought each other, ended in suicide.Involuntarily obeying the command spell, he was personally killed by his favorite gun.

Kenneth is also a tragic figure in almost all worldlines. His beloved fiancée is madly in love with his subordinate, and his magic circuit is damaged by a shredded rake. shot.And this world line is even more tragic. It was directly made into a doll controlled by the Aindsworth family, unable to control every word and action independently.

So three people superimposed together...

If the lucky value fails to fall, the negative number has already been calculated.

Compared with Luo Ye, who has been favored many times, it is obviously more than one level behind.

Although the theory of luck is illusory, it does exist and will affect people.

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