and so……

Only then did he have a reply to Luo Ye, and Heathcliff did not dare to answer too much, because he was worried that if something was wrong, he might be caught by them.

"It's too good to be true, it's nothing more than borrowing the power of the magic weapon."

Heathcliff laughed a few times and hurriedly brought the topic away, he was even more afraid that Tongzi would ask how he saw through the two-sword style swordsmanship, but the girl didn't mention it face to face, which made him secretly relieved and hide the original statement for now To the bottom of my heart.

In fact, Heathcliff didn't know that he was impulsive at the time...

Indeed, the ability to compare bugs was used, so very few people might be able to see something strange from that competition.

Even if he didn't use the super support afterwards, the filthy black spots left over from that scene that day were enough to prove that his identity was absolutely abnormal.

Fortunately, no players have raised any objections for the time being, but if someone is the first to stand up and make a real impact, even if Heathcliff has the ability to cover the sky and cover the sun, it may be difficult to stop that mouth that is open to everyone. The end of a betrayal seems to be expected.

"I don't know how the president plans to arrange for the two of us?"

Luo Ye sensed that the other party was still secretly frightened by what she said, and I'm afraid he would not dare to use his authority again in such an arrogant manner to cheat blatantly in the next period of time, so he chuckled a few times and gave him the opportunity to go down the steps. Talk and ask casually.

"Based on the level of the two of you, being a team leader is probably inferior... But I don't think the two of you are greedy for power? Or just follow Asuna first. Next, we will launch a strategy about the layer. Please work harder."

From a balance point of view, Heathcliff naturally wanted to break up the three people who had a good relationship so that they would not form a small team to overshadow his own power.

But he didn't have too many worries about this aspect.

Even if all the people under him instigate rebellion, so what...

Besides, I should be able to hide my identity so far, right?

After a little deliberation, he immediately gave his own reply, and the conditions offered were quite suitable for Tongzi and Luoye's wishes, and in a sense, they could also stop their mouths from talking nonsense.

"Then respect is worse than obedience, and I will leave first."

Luoye cupped her hands to signify that she was ordered to retreat, and hurriedly dragged Tongzi and Asuna, who were still a little confused, out of the meeting room.The two of them didn't seem to expect that the progress would be so smooth and so fast, and they breathed a sigh of relief, holding their chests that rose and fell to varying degrees, expressing that they didn't know what to say.

"The president must have taken the wrong medicine today, right...why does he seem so cowardly? He's not like the previous him at all."

Asuna couldn't help but whispered in such a weak voice, she didn't understand what tricks Luo Ye used to make the man stay silent as if he was facing an enemy.

"Did you forget that according to everyone's judgment, you can tell that the guy is definitely assigning attributes to defense and blood volume? I'm not praising him for his speed and quick response... but I feel that the It was clear that something was wrong. He was also worried that I would go on talking, so he quickly offered conditions to send us away."

Luo Ye woke up concisely, and he did not dare to let the three of them stay in the conference room anymore because he hit the opponent's weakness.

The fewer people who discover his secret, the better...

Especially the staff inside the Knights of the Blood Alliance must not know.

Otherwise, the most powerful guild he had worked so hard to build for a year might collapse completely the moment he learned the truth.

Although it is true that he looked down on all sentient beings from the perspective of a god and watched them fight to the death, but it is undeniable that Heathcliff has feelings for this guild that has poured a lot of his heart and soul into it.

From this point of view alone.

God is not invulnerable.

Chapter 0537

Even though Akihiko Kayaba is the creator of this virtual world, creating all things in the world, and his power is overwhelming, but there are still corresponding weaknesses...

Tongzi knew very well that what she needed to do was to grasp the almost slim possibility and complete the unprecedented act of killing gods.

"I always feel that it's shameful to say this! Don't stand behind others and act as a narrator and talk to yourself over there! Besides, who did you learn from the second disease? I don't play this trick OK?"

Tongzi stared at him in embarrassment without laughing or crying. Standing behind him on purpose, Luo Ye, who was whispering in a nonchalant tone, subconsciously stretched out her hand to pinch his waist. Meat.

Obviously, the previous words were said by someone on purpose, otherwise, under normal circumstances, it would not be possible to see such a full-fledged secondary language appearing in daily life.


Originally, she was in a low mood after coming to the Knights of the Blood League, but she was teased by him like this, and she was amused in an instant, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with this nonsensical move.

"Isn't this imitating you and Kuroyukihime? You two used to give people this kind of feeling. By the way, Tongzi, your taste is really unique... In the past, you only wore black coats at most. Are you trying to be handsome with double scabbards on your back?"

Luo Ye flicked the crisp metal hilt with his fingers until he heard a buzzing sound.

After coming to Heathcliff to report, Asuna had to hold a meeting because there were still matters in the guild, so she was naturally pulled away as the deputy head.As newcomers, the two of them are not yet qualified to participate in that level of discussion, so naturally they can only wander around the headquarters of the Knights of the Blood Alliance.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles, and they can be regarded as going deep into the enemy's line to inquire about information.

"The thing about swords and swordsmen can be called being deliberately handsome? The midnight coat is just another one I got by chance, okay? I also got the two-sword style inexplicably! Didn't I want to do it on purpose!"

The blood alliance's requirements for members have always been to pursue quality and ignore quantity. With nearly half of the people going to the meeting, there is no one in the magnificent palace-like guild at this moment, leaving only light and shadows in the building. Create an indistinct outline.

Seeing that no one was bothering her around, Tongzi simply kept silent, lowered her head, and quietly took Luo Ye's hand.

If one can observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that the girl's fair and jade-like face is as gorgeous as if covered with a layer of rosy clouds at this time, and she hums and sings without explaining her behavior.

What about the long-lost alone time...

For her, isn't this an opportunity to satisfy her little selfishness?

Luo Ye smiled dumbly, and didn't point out her actions, but silently grasped that soft and tender jade hand, and interlocked her fingers together.

Walking slowly in the aisle and corridor paved with marble tile floors, listening to the clear and crisp footsteps of the two synchronized tracks, the heartstrings of each other seem to be quietly approaching each other.

Gradually overlapping thoughts, Luo Ye suddenly stopped, staring straight at Tong Zi, whose eyes kept flickering and avoiding, and regardless of whether she was in the enemy's base camp or not, she lightly put her hands on her Her fragrant shoulders moved up along the delicate collarbone and snow-white neck.

Feeling the numbness from the skin, Tongzi trembled slightly, vaguely aware of what might happen next, even though she had experienced it many times before, she still acted like a budding The girly deer bumped around, and she was so nervous that she closed her pair of black beautiful eyes tightly.

And just when Luo Ye's big hands that seemed to have mysterious magic power were about to wrap the girl's face, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from the other end of the corridor, making the two of them jump out of this kind of situation suddenly. In the feeling of being flirtatious, he came back to his senses in shock.

"Yes, someone is coming."

Tongzi lowered her head shyly, not having the demeanor of being a great master before, she shyly fell behind Luo Ye, not wanting others to see her delicate appearance like a little girl.

On the other hand, Luo Ye cast his gaze in that direction rather displeasedly, wanting to see which lunatic would dare to interrupt his business.

The hurried steps resounded for a few seconds and then stopped abruptly, followed by a cold and sharp blast.

"I said, so you two newcomers are here! Hurry up, I have a task for you two here! Now that you are in the guild, you have to do things according to the guild's orders. Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have a relationship. Already!"

Klatir, who had conflicts with them before, was walking towards this side with a sneer at this time, speaking very fast and badly, with a gloomy and cold light in his slender eyes. Feel the shudder.

"I haven't heard anything about the two of us having to accept entrusted tasks after we come here. If something really happened, wouldn't you go to Heathcliff? He didn't even ask, where do you have the right to decide on your own? Really Do you think we don’t know that you can’t think carefully? If you fall in love with whichever side is cooler, go there quickly, so as not to force me to initiate a PK. Although such items are indeed quite rare, I don’t mind teaching the blind scumbag a lesson.”

Luo Ye raised her eyebrows, and waved her hand to signal the other party to leave before he got angry.


Clattier didn't seem to expect that Luo Ye would refuse so decisively, without any hesitation at all. I'm afraid that even Heathcliff himself came to him and claimed that he had a commissioned task, which probably wouldn't help, and he couldn't turn around the Buddha.

At the same time, he was also secretly startled by the sudden discovery of his scheme.

If you don't even ask for proof, you will directly block the channel for accepting commissions...

Isn't he afraid that there is a task assigned to him?

Looking at the other party with a cloudy face, Klatir racked his brains desperately trying to come up with a countermeasure. It is impossible to just let this guy join the guild smoothly and comfortably.

Chapter 0538

Keeping Klatir's ulterior motives in sight, Luo Ye reckoned that there would still be a lot of troubles in the follow-up. Since the other party held grudges against him and others, they would inevitably play tricks behind their backs.

After a few contacts, it is not difficult to find that he is similar to Kibaou, a person who must pay for everything, and even some insignificant things can be infinitely magnified and turned into a life-and-death conflict in his eyes.

Luo Ye, who had a similar experience, had to think about this matter, no matter how generously she ignored it like before.


In the safe zone of the town, players are immune to any damage. This is an absolute rule set by the creator, Akihiko Kayaba.

Even if someone once created the gimmick of 'death', the sword was hung in the belly of the high platform and dissipated into fragments, but afterwards, it was deduced by many smart people that they just used the teleportation crystal to leave at the moment when the durability of the equipment was worn out. , to create illusions to deceive the public.

Therefore, it's not just Klatir who can't do anything to them, Luo Ye can't do anything to them in the safe zone. This is a mutual bondage.

If he really wanted to defeat the other party's conspiracy in one fell swoop, it meant that he had to release the corresponding rumors, so that it would be possible for Klatir, who was always staring at him, to take advantage of it.

Originally, Luo Yezhuo felt that it might not be long before the game was cleared. Even if he let the other party go, it would be okay. One of the two parties is in the Dark Nebula and the other is in the Knights of the Blood League. In fact, it is difficult to have any social contact. The reason for Na is probably irrelevant for eight lifetimes.

But who would have expected that after Tongzi's defeat, Luoye would follow the agreement and join in...

Kayaba Akihiko's incarnation, Heathcliff, has a strong desire to win over every master in the game. As for what Luo Ye is plotting in private, he doesn't know, but in his opinion, it is nothing more than keeping all unstable factors firmly in place. Just hold it firmly in your hands, not to mention how clever the tricks are.

"You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others. I just don't know what you will do after learning this information..."

Mo Ran discussed and decided on a strategy in her heart, and Luo Ye had her own arrangement on how to properly handle this matter.Of course, just to be on the safe side, he still wouldn't leak the news to Tongzi, and he didn't want that girl to worry about it for no reason and affect his mood.

So.The first is to contact the innocent little white mouse.

Sitting leisurely on a chair, tapping the desktop to make rhythmic crisp sounds, letting the warm sunlight shine through the glass windows into the room, Luo Ye pulled out her own data panel and dragged it with her fingers, which is not too long. The list of friends quickly came to a conclusion. Although I felt a little apologetic in my heart, my hands were not idle, even if I contacted a member of the Knights of the Blood League who had social contact earlier.

And this moment.

In a certain room in the headquarters of the Knights of the Blood Alliance not far from his room, a suspicious voice suddenly resounded.

"What? You mean that Luo Ye and that kid have taken on the task of escorting props together? Are you going to leave the city tomorrow morning? Is this serious?"

Klatir paced back and forth in the room, weighing the reliability of the news, so suspicious that it was difficult to easily come to a conclusion.

Although the hateful guy had been silent and depressed for several days after he came to the Knights of the Blood Alliance, he should take action, but what if the other party deliberately released news to lure him into the bait?It's not like there's no such possibility.

"I learned this personally from that hot-blooded guy, Godfrey. It's not like you don't know that guy has a rigid personality, and he is unlikely to lie. If he didn't happen to have the relevant mission information, I'm afraid it wouldn't have happened at all." A few people will know. That guy Luo Ye was careful, he only contacted the president. Okay, I'll get you all the information you need, but don't forget the reward. I don't care when you arrive what to do."

Someone whispered so in the dark room, and said this sentence coldly with a slightly impatient expression, and immediately left without wanting to stay here too much.

Klatir believed it to a point of [-]% when he heard this. There is no doubt that there is nothing wrong with it. If the trap was deliberately released, there is no need to hide it so covertly. Determined in secret.

Hmph, when I finish this matter, I'm afraid I won't stay in this guild anymore.As for the promised reward, it's a good idea...


It is said that Luo Ye's strength is not bad, but he still has to make arrangements to ensure nothing goes wrong.

It seems that only those people can be contacted?

"Ahahahaha! In this way, Luo Ye, you will definitely die! Of course, don't worry, I will let that hairy girl of the swordsman in black accompany you soon!"

Glancing at his left arm, Klatir couldn't help laughing ferociously, as if anticipating the future scene and couldn't help it, he looked like a madman, and his spirit was close to madness and collapse.

After nearly a year of being trapped in Aincrad, the emotions of many players have become extreme, and it seems that they are particularly prone to radical agitation due to the influence of certain factors.In addition to external factors, it is also related to their original character not being so tough and strong.

Those who can maintain the silt without staining in such an environment...

But it's really rare.

Although the progress of the strategy is quite gratifying, that's right.

But it took a year to reach the first floor.

There are already a large group of people who hold a pessimistic attitude towards the bleak future, and don't think that the group can really escape from the death game smoothly. What keeps them going is nothing more than the psychology of not wanting to die just now.

At present, this peace is already in a precarious situation.

It is not difficult for the players to persist for another year or so.

But if the time is longer, I am afraid that everyone will be on the verge of collapse.

Rules collapsed and morality collapsed.

At that time, all etiquette will probably cease to exist, and the whole of Aincrad may turn into a purgatory on earth.

Chapter 0539 Ambush Calculation

The sky is slightly bright, and a round of daylight is slowly rising from the end of the eastern horizon.The hazy fog covering the entire Hanging City has not completely faded away, and an indistinct figure appeared at the gate of the city, and was irritatingly questioning the young man walking in front of him loudly and ironically.

"Is this the good job you're talking about? The two of us ran all the way to the border to deliver supplies?"

Hou Ze Rui Er didn't quite understand why Luo Ye came to him on purpose and claimed that he had a good errand to complete. He still had a trace of complaint in his heart for "seducing" Yuna away, but when he realized that he couldn't seduce the girl After his heart was pulled back, he could only hide this resentment temporarily, and didn't want to provoke the other party because of it before his own strength was not strong enough.


In fact, Ruiji is also very clear that a large part of the reason why Yuna has been staying at the Nebula Nebula is because she has found a real friend there, and it is really not Luo Ye's influence.

It is still undeniable that men and women are different.For example, under normal circumstances, normal people have more same-sex friends.Even if Rui Er had known Yuna offline for some years, the progress of the relationship would definitely not be as fast as Yuna, Tongzi, and Asuna.

"That's right, haven't you always wanted to know some of our powerful secrets? After this mission is over, it's okay to tell you."

Luo Ye smiled and patted the boy's shoulder, drawing a big cake.But he is not completely lying, and he will definitely reveal a trick or two to the other party at that time.

Hearing that he made such a promise, Eiji, who was still dissatisfied, immediately opened his eyes, even if he still had resentment, he restrained himself, and snorted coldly, pretending to be reluctant.

"Let's just trust you once, let's go on the road."

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