"Okay, let's make it so, let's shift our position today. By the way... Ying Lili, I want to call a few more people, is it okay?"

Luo Ye thought about it for a while and found that he almost missed a few people. He patted his head and recalled their importance. He thought about sending out invitations later.Maybe someone else will agree to it?

"Of course it's okay. The place over there is huge. No. 30 people can live there without any problem!"

Ying Lili has no idea about this aspect, and has never shown off her family background much.But the speaker had no intention of listening carefully, and it was not difficult for Luo Ye and Shi Yu to know from that sentence that this girl is really a little rich woman.

The foreign-style mansion where I usually live in covers an area of ​​several hundred square meters, right?There is also a vacation home in the suburbs!This has far exceeded the financial resources that the middle class should have, right?

Besides... isn't her father just a diplomat?Logically speaking, the income should not be enough to have so many properties in a place like Tokyo where every inch of land is expensive.

Going deeper may involve a lot of gray interest industry chains, and they all wisely choose not to talk about it. After all, this is just a unilateral guess.Maybe other people's income can be so high?Or parents and grandparents left a large savings?

It's all possible!

"Well, senior...can I ask who you want to invite? Could it be Teacher Eromanga who hasn't met us yet? I just communicated with her on the Internet before. That's all."

Poshima Chukai raised his hand and said timidly, the sudden speech made the atmosphere of the scene suddenly drop by a full three degrees Celsius.

Don't mention which pot is not mentioned!go to sea!

Luo Ye secretly glanced at the trembling girl with angry and reproachful eyes, and then realized that she had been stared at by the other three with weird eyes, and they were throwing a lot of questions in unison.

"Aren't they mother and daughter?"

"You, you, you, you, aren't you interested in Teacher Eromanga?"

"Can you explain to me what's going on? You're a perverted and unaware soul!"

Chapter 0306

Although Luo Ye was seriously suspected by a group of people that he was interested in the fair-skinned, beautiful, young and beautiful Izumi mother and daughter, otherwise why would he invite others so graciously?He even did not hesitate to offer quite favorable conditions to win over and confuse people.

But hasn't he done nothing after all?

Therefore, suspicion is nothing more than suspicion. At most, they stared at Luo Ye with anger and anger. On training-style creation.

No matter for anyone, this is still the first time to experience the experience, and there is no doubt that one needs to be prepared before then, otherwise I am afraid that the time will be very busy, and there will inevitably be a commotion.

"A change of clothes, creative tools... These are all must-haves. In addition, don't forget snacks, cosmetics, and all kinds of miscellaneous things."

Luo Ye did not forget to give special instructions, lest some of them carelessly forget these details, especially after paying more attention to the careless Yamada fairy, and then said seriously with a sullen face.

"As for those who want to bring comic books, games, and novels over, don't worry. We used to fiddle with planning and creation, but we didn't have the intention to make those names. There will be more time for fun in the future, if it is true We can come up with copywriting and character design within a week or two before the start of school, haven't we been much more relaxed recently?"

He undoubtedly wanted to reproduce the game of Ship Girl in this world in the shortest possible time.

Of course, the quality must be guaranteed before that.You can't use it casually to fool people, because you are eager for quick success and instant benefit and ruin the player's experience.

But after all, it is a mobile game that everyone can do!In terms of difficulty, it is not very difficult, and the program is well developed.An experienced work team can come up with N template frames in minutes. At most, they will struggle with UI, value, probability, etc., and discuss how much the shipment rate of rare ship girls should be adjusted to. Within the range that the players can bear.

As for the biggest selling point of the ship girl type game and the difficulty during the creation period, it is precisely the aspect of character design.After all, most of the players are here for the young and beautiful cute girls, who will tell you those fancy operations?

As long as Lihui is beautiful and easy to lick, and the voice is cute enough and nice enough, it can already satisfy the potential psychological needs of many people.

The other is portability, let’s talk about the use of fragmented time.

After all, almost all GalGame games these days are still limited to the PC side or the console side, and game manufacturers still focus on these two items, and rarely get involved in mobile games.

Compared with traditional end-games, mobile games have the advantage that they can be played anytime, anywhere, making full use of the fact that most people in modern cities are so busy all day long that they don’t have the luxury to spare time to sit in front of the computer. A large number of casual players who don't have the time to play computers and consoles.

But it wasn't until someone ate the first crab that the world realized that the potential spending power of casual players was not inferior to that of high-end core players due to their huge base, and then countless people flocked to join the mobile game industry.

At that time, the whole industry will suddenly become a mixed bag, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts will emerge one after another.

If Luo Yezhen launched the Ship Girl game at that time, I'm afraid it would be easy to be submerged in the endless turbulent tide and make no progress.Not to mention that it is difficult to get out of the fiercely competitive market, even if it has some achievements, once it is targeted by the unscrupulous Penguin Company, it may not be long before a woman with a gun and a woman with a sword come out to seize the market.

But as for now...

Penguin is still only guarding its own one-acre three-point field, and it is far from developing to the point where it will be involved in any industry in the future.

Therefore, a self-made planner like him can also seize the opportunity to develop at a time when the market has not yet been flooded by capital.

If the quality of the game itself can attract a large number of players, it might as well be the first to occupy the market and stabilize its footsteps.As long as the follow-up continues to develop steadily and continuously, even becoming a giant is not impossible.

He also has confidence and expectations in this regard.Zhuo felt that if Jianniang was a big success, it might be possible to follow up with games such as Onmyoji and Helper Dog that were very successful in the world he was in.Let people in this parallel world also appreciate the uniqueness of those cultures and those worlds.


It's better to get the game out first and then say these words.

There was also news from Hongsaka Zhuyin, saying that the program was almost built, but there were still some details that needed to be discussed with Luo Ye.The specific mechanism of the game needs to be well confirmed, rather than hastily relying on verbal conclusions.

And Luo Ye also sent over a dozen completed pictures of the characters. Those exquisite and beautiful pictures of the characters made even Hongsaka Zhuyin, who is well versed in this way, feel a little surprised. It's not from the hands of ordinary painters, and the desire for talents is haunting my heart, so I can't help but feel a little itchy.

Even though she knew that this was the talent that Luo Ye spent a lot of effort to attract, she was still eager to gather more capable people under her banner to fill her creative team.

And Luo Ye also sensed her ulterior motives, so he had to be vigilant secretly, so that he would not be kept in the dark when the girls were poached away one day.

Of course……

In addition to using emotions to tie people to the same front, Luo Ye feels that it is still necessary to be able to intuitively provide benefits and benefits for the other party, and to establish a relationship of mutual benefit and mutual assistance.

Some people may think that this may be too skillful, but it is indeed an indisputable fact.You can't just plan for one person and do nothing, and then just rely on relationships and feelings to win people over, right?What's the difference between that and prostitution?

In the original book, the reason why Benizaka Akane was able to poach people from the Lessing Software club organized by Ai Lunya was precisely because of this point, which gave Eiri and Shiwa more opportunities and room for improvement.

And this is exactly what An Yilun cannot provide.His idea was too whim, and the reason for his success is entirely due to the hard work of the girls. Apart from snatching relationships, he is an out-and-out top-notch prostitute...

Knowing the reasons for other people's failures, Luo Ye naturally can't say that he is repeating the same mistakes and continuing this mistake.He figured that once the Ship Girl project is implemented and developed, the people involved in it will also become famous in the industry, and the benefits in all aspects will be far from lacking.Therefore, he is not playing with the girl's feelings, is he?

Chapter 0307

Although eating soft rice is something that many people feel extremely envious of, but if you really say it, it will undoubtedly not be good for your reputation. Luo Ye is also not ashamed of behaviors of this nature, thinking that he can never become a person who is not good at hanging. A top-notch prostitute who works hard.

For example, after recruiting all the girls into the club, all the work is left to them to do.On the other hand, I just watch the show from the sidelines, and most of the time, I even blatantly seek out new lovers to have fun with, and I can only talk about creation, and I have to ask others if I can't even list the proposal.

Sure enough, he still couldn't be so shameless...

Everyone met for a training camp in the holiday villa of Ying Lili's family, to concentrate on the ship girl project.Therefore, before I had time to eat lunch, I hurried back home to pack up my belongings to cope with the schedule, and I was ready for the closed special training.

This is not the frolic of the past!

Luo Ye's words might as well be a little harsher. If you have such an idea, you might as well stop coming from the very beginning. You can stay at home and feel happy and relaxed. There is no need to suffer hardships and tortures with the group.

With his warning, even Yingli Li and Yamada Goblin, who often fish and slack for a living, dare not neglect, realizing that this is by no means a leisurely vacation.

If you really don't work hard, I'm afraid your position in the small group will be shaken precariously.

Originally, a lot of people have joined in recently. If you really think that you can retain your identity by relying on the relationship you made with Luo Ye before, it is tantamount to nonsense.Although Bo Dao is a newcomer, his potential and talent are extremely high, and his level will not be much worse in time.And Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is even more amazing, she has already stepped into the echelon of best-selling light novelists, and she is also thinking about the idea of ​​the new work Pure Love Hundred Papa.

Just these two people can already bring great pressure to the two golden retriever dogs, not to mention the long-famous teacher Eromanga...

It is said that Luo Ye wants to invite the reclusive mother and daughter over, but I don't know if he can succeed.

Of course, this is not something they need to consider.A series of problems almost fell on Luo Ye alone, as for the girls, they just need to go home and prepare to pack their things.

But now he followed Ying Lili to a conspicuous position at the intersection and waited for Sayuri Sawamura to arrive by car.Ever since she said that she was going to invite a group of people to the holiday villa, she was very interested, and she sent a sentence to Ying Lili after a while, which made the girl feel a little troubled and distressed.

Mother, you must be too sad about this matter, right?What kind of ecstasy soup did that guy pour you into!Could it be that some ulterior secret really happened during that morning?

Ying Lili was unavoidably skeptical, but after seeing Luo Ye's expression of helplessness and depression, the heart that was still hanging suddenly softened, especially when she noticed that this guy was carrying a bag on his shoulders. After seven or eight big bags, I couldn't bear it.

"How about? Shall I help you get a few?"

Transferring a studio is easy to say, but it is undoubtedly a very cumbersome and difficult thing to implement.Bits and pieces, such as computers, digital boards, and drawing tools are props that must be brought over.

Ying Lili suddenly realized that she was just carrying a small bag of things in her hand, and Luo Ye didn't know where to find the strength to carry those big bags of things, and she couldn't help feeling a little scalp numb just looking at it.

"Forget it, it's just your small body. I'm afraid it will collapse after a bag of resistance. I can hold it, and it's very easy."

Luo Ye moved the bag of things up and down to show that there was no problem, didn't you see that there was not even a drop of sweat dripping from my forehead?

That's what she said, but in Ying Lili's view, it was completely an act of deliberately showing off in front of girls.

In order not to lose face, many boys like to show that they are omnipotent in this way, but in the end it is themselves who are often the ones who suffer the most.She looked at Luo Ye's 'forced smile' expression, and felt a little bit sorry, embarrassment was on the one hand, but on the other hand, she couldn't tell what it was like.

"Give these two bags to me! It's easy for you to take less!"

After all, before Luo Ye could react, the girl forcibly pulled the big nylon bag from his hand.



In the next second, her hands sank down suddenly, and she couldn't help letting out a shameful cry, grinning her teeth and trying to lift it up, panting from exhaustion, but it still wasn't very effective.

Hmm... On the one hand, Ying Lili was weak and sick when she was in junior high school, and she caught colds at every turn, which affected her development.On the other hand, she stays at home all day long and doesn't do much exercise. Her strength is pitiful, and even lifting some heavy objects is quite difficult for her.

"No need, no need. What are you doing? Oh, that car must be your mother's car, right? I saw it at the traffic lights. Tsk, this technology... It's really worthy of being a road killer Ji?"

Luo Ye, with her sharp eyesight, spotted Sayuri Sawamura who was tens of meters away from a distance. Not to mention her crooked driving, she even seemed to stop on the wrong road, which showed her poor skills.

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

Ying Lili was able to go down the steps, and quickly put her things on the ground and only grabbed the handles. After waiting for several minutes, she saw her mother Xiao Baihe driving a large and imposing jeep towards this side.Wukong was surprised that Luo Ye's eyesight was so good that she noticed it a few minutes ago, and she quickly waved in that direction, fearing that her mother would not see her and was about to jump up excitedly from where she was.

"Is it there?"

Sayuri Sawamura, who had not touched the steering wheel for a long time, seemed a little flustered at the moment. Fortunately, there were not many vehicles on the road. Even though she drove poorly, nothing happened.Otherwise, I'm afraid there will really be a traffic accident in which a female Si Ji hits someone with a car.

Parking the jeep dangerously in front of the two, Sayuri Sawamura wiped away the fine beads of sweat that appeared under her forehead with her jade hands, smiled brightly at the two and opened the trunk of the car, beckoning them to come up quickly.

"Mom! Can't you come down and help us? Didn't you notice that there are so many things? He's already so tired!"

Ying Lili was a little annoyed for some reason, loudly urging her mother who didn't understand the situation and was still sitting comfortably in the car, puffing up her face angrily.

"Eh eh?"

Saying this is undoubtedly the listener's intentions, the original smile on Sayuri Sawamura's face suddenly froze, her eyebrows twitched slightly, and she looked a little embarrassed.

What is the situation?Did the daughter get angry at her biological mother for the wild man outside as soon as she grew up?

Hurry up and give me back that cute and deceitful little Ying Lili back then!

Chapter 0308 This seems to be more than the development of Sanwei

Complaining is nothing but complaining, but Xiao Baihe is also embarrassed to vent her emotions to her young and ignorant daughter, so she can only angrily cast blame on Luo Ye, who expresses a bewildered expression, wishing to kill him in exchange for her daughter's change of heart.

Regarding this, Luo Ye could only smile perfunctorily, and put the several large bags of items he was carrying in the trunk of the car one by one.Seeing this, Ying Lili and Sayuri restrained their little emotions, and hurried forward to help, unable to bear to say that they had left all the burdens to him alone.

"Is it so heavy? How on earth can you carry it by yourself? Such a good physical fitness?"

At first, Sayuri didn't think there was anything wrong with Luo Ye carrying a few large bags, but she understood that the items inside were not very heavy.But when she really picked up a bag of things, her hands suddenly sank, and she immediately realized that the weight was real, without any falsehood.


It's hard to imagine how hard it is for a person to resist Luo Ye with big and small bags.But this guy was still talking to them like a normal person, blushing and not panting, one can imagine how energetic that young body is.

"It's okay. By the way, my wife, have you not touched the steering wheel for a long time? Why don't I drive this car?"

Glancing at the rather bulky jeep, Luo Ye couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Although before Mrs. Sawamura came, they said that they had a lot of things, and it was better to drive a car with a larger capacity to pick them up, but it was too dangerous for the female Siji to go off-road in a jeep, right?

This road killer is perfect.

Luo Ye had to sweat secretly for the journey ahead of the few people, for fear that something unexpected would happen if he didn't pay attention.

"Isn't it because you said you want to drive a bigger car? Otherwise, I don't want to drive this car! It's hard and hard to drive! It's not beautiful at all! The painful car in my collection has finally had a chance to be on the road. That's it It would be a pity to waste it and leave it there.”

Sayuri Sawamura complained rather unhappily, and threw the pot away.

The itacar she is talking about is probably a car decorated with calligraphy and painting of favorite anime characters, animation companies, or character names on the car.It is not uncommon in Japan, and it appears very frequently in major comic exhibitions.

Luo Ye had also heard about this a little bit, and had no time to lament the superiority of their mother and daughter's family, but simply asked for it.

"Why don't you let me drive it? Isn't my wife's technology not good enough? Then I can take the lead. As for you Yinglili, just obediently watch from the side."

In the early years, he also took the driver's license test with Bo Tuan in the university. Although he is not as proficient as those old drivers, he is still much better than the female Si Ji, and he will not make a mistake. A low-level error that even stops on the wrong track.


Hello!What do you mean by letting me watch?Don't always say things that are easily misunderstood, okay?

Ying Lili felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, and stared at Luo Ye with wide-open eyes, but she couldn't tell whether it was intentional or unintentional, it could only be understood as a coincidence.

"It's not impossible, I don't want to work so hard. The question is, do you have a driver's license?"

Sayuri Sawamura is used to living a comfortable and comfortable life, and she doesn't really think about spending so much time and effort on such things.If she didn't want to see her daughter sooner, she might have to ask a special driver to lead the way.

It is undoubtedly good for Luo Ye to make such a statement.The only thing I am a little worried about is... Can he really drive smoothly?

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