It's just that Yunfeng and Xiaoyixian didn't choose to take the road leading directly to Wutan City, but chose to detour through the Warcraft Mountains.

Naturally, it was Yun Feng's arrangement to do so. After all, although the little doctor is now a nine-star Dou Ling, his cultivation base was improved by swallowing poison, and he lacked actual combat experience.

This time, Yun Feng took the little doctor around the Warcraft Mountains to improve his combat experience.

It just so happens that there is still a period of time before the one-month period that Yunfeng and Yafei agreed at the beginning, and it is really suitable for the little doctor to fight the monsters in the monster mountain range to improve his combat experience during this time .


Half a day later, in the depths of the Warcraft Mountains.

Yun Feng and Xiao Yixian were walking in the dense forest, and the roar of monsters could be heard from time to time, which added a bit of chilling meaning to the dangerous depths of the monster mountain range.

"Master, this seems to be the territory of Wufengbao, right?"

After the little fairy doctor followed Yun Feng for a distance, he quickly discovered the abnormality and asked immediately.

Although the Black Wind Leopard is not as vicious as the Amethyst Winged Lion King, as a fifth-order monster, the Black Wind Leopard is also one of the most powerful monsters in this mountain range of monsters. I don't know how many mercenaries and powerful members of big families died. Under the sharp claws of the Black Wind Leopard.

Now that he found that he seemed to have broken into Wu Fengbao's territory, the little doctor couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

She had already guessed why Yun Feng took her around the Warcraft Mountain Range, but she didn't expect that the first training object Yun Feng found for her was one of the rare fifth-order monsters in this Warcraft Mountain Range——Wu Leopard!

You must know that the fifth-order monster is a powerhouse comparable to the fighting king, and because the monster is born with a strong physical body, the average fighting king is not the opponent of the fifth-order monster!

Now she is only a nine-star fighting spirit, and the secret record of ten thousand poisons she cultivates is not a skill that is good at fighting, and she doesn't even have much mastery of offensive fighting skills. If she fights Wu Fengbao under such circumstances , she really has no idea in her heart!

Chapter 803 Black Wind Leopard, First Battle!

Hearing the little doctor's question, Yun Feng immediately nodded and said, "Yes, this is indeed the territory of the Black Wind Leopard, and your next task is to hunt and kill that Black Wind Leopard."

From the moment he entered the Warcraft Mountain Range, his huge divine sense covered the entire Warcraft Mountain Range, and this black wind leopard was the training object he specially chose for the little doctor from among the many fifth-order monsters in this Warcraft Mountain Range. !

One of the reasons why Yunfeng chose Wufengbao instead of other fifth-order monsters was that Wufengbao was different from ordinary leopard-type monsters.

Although the black wind leopard is as good at agility as other leopard monsters, its own attack ability is not as outstanding as the leopard monster. Among the fifth-order monsters in this monster mountain range, the black wind leopard can be said to have the highest attack ability. One of the weakest monsters.

And the reason why Wufengbao was able to earn a great and fierce reputation, and its reputation in this Warcraft Mountains is even inferior to the Amethyst Winged Lion King, the biggest reason is that Wufengbao is good at using poison!

Once infected by Wufengbao's toxin, even the Douhuang powerhouse will be in danger. Over the years, most of the mercenaries who fell in Wufengbao's hands and the powerhouses of the surrounding forces have fallen in Wufeng Under the venom of the leopard, there are not many strong people who are directly killed by the black wind leopard!

And the toxin that Wu Fengbao is best at is perfectly restrained by the Enan poison body of the little doctor, and nearly half of his strength is directly abolished. The threat to the little doctor is also greatly reduced, and it is difficult to cause fatal damage to the little doctor. threaten.

It's just that the little fairy doctor didn't know about these information, because the little doctor fairy was just an ordinary doctor in the past, and he had only heard of the powerful monsters in the monster mountain range, and probably knew the scope of their activities.

As for the abilities and characteristics of those powerful monsters, the little doctor knows very little.

Therefore, after hearing that Yunfeng gave her the mission to hunt Wu Fengbao, Xiao Yixian's heart sank in an instant.

It's not that the little fairy doctor didn't think about giving up, or that she begged Yunfeng to find another partner for her to practice, but after meeting Yunfeng's unquestionable expression, she could only swallow the words that came to her lips Going back, he said seriously, "I understand."

Although she hasn't been in contact with her cheap master for a long time, she also knows that her master has a character of saying nothing.

If she disobeyed the wishes of her cheap master, she might be expelled from the sect on the spot!

"The black wind leopard is active within a radius of a hundred miles. What to do next is up to you."

Yun Feng didn't care about the little doctor's little thoughts, and after casually dropping a word, his figure flashed and he disappeared in place.

If he stayed here, there would still be luck in the little doctor's heart, so Yun Feng simply left this area directly. Anyway, he can observe the little doctor's situation through the mysterious light technique at any time, and he doesn't worry about the little doctor encountering It was too late to rescue after the accident.

Seeing Yun Feng leaving just like that, the little doctor's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

She thought that her cheap master would be there to help her, but she didn't expect Yun Feng to leave this area directly, and she didn't know where she went!

Of course, it's not that the little doctor has never thought that Yun Feng is actually just putting on a show, and is actually hiding somewhere around at the moment, observing her situation. After all, Yun Feng had secretly told the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King Escorting her away from the Warcraft Mountains, it doesn't seem too surprising that the old tricks are now repeated.

But the little fairy doctor didn't dare to gamble!

Because she knew very well in her heart that her cheap master's actions this time were actually showing her an attitude, that is, he would not intervene in the next battle, and she needed to find a way to deal with it by herself.

Just when the little fairy doctor was a little distracted, there was a clear and crisp sound of a branch breaking in the surrounding dense forest.

Hearing the sudden sound, the little fairy doctor was startled, and quickly came back to his senses, looking vigilantly at the direction of the sound, and at the same time, the poisonous fighting energy in his body was unconsciously activated.

Hundreds of miles away, Yun Feng, who condensed the mysterious light mirror, saw all the actions of the little doctor, and couldn't help shaking his head immediately.

Maybe it's because of too little experience in life-and-death fights before. Although the little doctor's vigilance is not weak, his experience is still too little after all.

If it is an experienced mercenary, he will never focus on the direction of the sound like the little doctor.

Because the monsters living in the Warcraft Mountains are not stupid, especially the fifth-level and above monsters, their intelligence is no less than ordinary people, and because they live in the Warcraft Mountains, those monsters are more cunning than ordinary people , The experience is also richer!

"I hope I can improve my memory in the future..."

Looking at the figure of the Little Doctor Immortal reflected in the Xuanguang Mirror, Yun Feng thought to himself.

Although the Black Wind Leopard is a fifth-level monster, and one of the most dangerous monsters among the fifth-level monsters, because the poison it relies on is restrained by the Enan poison body, the threat to the little doctor is actually Not too big.

As long as the little fairy doctor is careful and doesn't get directly hit by the black wind leopard, at most he will suffer a lot and his life will not be in danger.


Just as the little fairy doctor was wary of the direction of the sound, there was a sudden sound of wind behind her, and before she could react, a sharp claw glowing with green light came out out of thin air, piercing through the poisonous grudge. Defense, slap her hard!

Unprepared, he was suddenly attacked, and the little fairy doctor was directly sent flying by the huge force, and hit a towering tree not far away.

The white dress behind her has long been torn by sharp claws, and there are a few more hideous wounds on her back. Bright red blood gushes out, staining the surrounding clothes red.


Feeling the scorching pain coming from behind, the little fairy doctor couldn't help moaning out loud, but the whole person cheered up, carefully guarding the surroundings, and at the same time took out a pack of medicinal powder from the vast ring, and directly patted the wound on the back superior.

Under the action of the medicinal powder, the bloody wound on the little fairy doctor's back quickly scabbed, and apart from looking miserable, it didn't affect her much.



Just as the little fairy doctor was vigilant about her surroundings, a roar like thunder suddenly came from her right side, and at the same time, a shrill wind sounded from behind her, approaching quickly.

With the previous lesson, the little fairy doctor was not completely attracted by the roar this time, and immediately moved to the side to avoid it.

It's just that the little fairy doctor's reaction was not slow, but the sudden roar still attracted part of her mind, so that her movements were a little slower than usual, even though she avoided the sharp claws protruding from behind, However, a few strands of black hair were cut off by the fierce wind.

Chapter 805 Beast Instinct!

A hundred miles away, Yun Feng nodded slightly as he looked at the image reflected in Xuanguang territory.

As the saying goes, you will grow wiser if you eat a ditch. After suffering a dull loss, the little doctor's response is obviously much more mature this time. Next, it's up to the little doctor how to launch a counterattack!

After all, the task he entrusted to the little doctor was to hunt down that black wind leopard, not to save his life under the attack of that black wind leopard!

The little fairy doctor doesn't know about his master's intentions.

After avoiding Wu Fengbao's attack, the little fairy doctor looked at the black shadow not far away, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Although Yunfeng didn't tell her any information about Wu Fengbao, she also noticed some characteristics of Wu Fengbao from the previous two brief confrontations.

First of all, it is the common speed of leopard monsters. The black wind leopard is extremely fast and has a strong figure, and it has an advantage in this monster mountain range full of vegetation.

Secondly, this Wufengbao is extremely cautious. With the strength of a fifth-level monster, against a nine-star Dou Ling like her, Wufengbao is still constantly probing, and there is room for two attacks!

And the most important point is that Wu Fengbao is good at using poison!

She could feel a large amount of poison remaining in the wound on her back. If it wasn't for the fact that she possessed the Evil Poison Body and was extremely restrained from the poison, the poison alone would have killed her!

In addition, she still had a vague guess in her heart, that is, Wu Fengbao's attack ability seems to be extremely limited!

Because she is only a nine-star Dou Ling cultivation base, and she doesn't have any self-defense treasures on her body. If she is attacked by a fifth-order monster under normal circumstances, she may be seriously injured on the spot or even die directly, but Wu Fengbao is only on her body. Only a few wounds remained.

Although the wound on her back looked horrifying, it was actually not serious. Otherwise, the wound on her back would not have healed and scabbed quickly under the action of the medicinal powder she refined!

"No wonder Master asked me to hunt and kill this Black Wind Leopard..."

The little fairy doctor watched the black figure not far away vigilantly, thinking secretly.

If it is a fifth-order monster that is good at attacking, even if it is not as agile as Wufengbao, it is extremely dangerous to face her with her current strength, and it can even be said that she is close to death.

In contrast, Wu Fengbao, who is good at using poison and is suspected of having insufficient offensive ability, is undoubtedly much less of a threat to her.

Even if she is only a nine-star Dou Ling now, her level is lower than that of a fifth-order monster that is comparable to a Dou Wang powerhouse, but in the case of restraining the opponent, the risk is much smaller.

Wu Fengbao didn't know what the little doctor was thinking, but he looked at the little doctor with a little bit of doubt.

One must know that even those rough-skinned and thick-skinned monsters in the Warcraft Mountains can't last long under the poison attached to their claws. How can this weak-looking human woman be alive and kicking after being poisoned by its poison?

However, the doubt in Wu Fengbao's eyes didn't last long, and soon disappeared.

Although I don't know why its venom didn't affect the human woman, but judging from the feeling that the human woman gave it, even without the help of venom, it can easily hunt her down!

This human woman with thin skin and tender flesh must taste much better than those monsters with rough skin and thick flesh!

Thinking of this, Wu Fengbao's eyes glowed fiercely, and saliva even flowed out from the corner of his mouth, dripping on the ground.


Wu Fengbao suddenly let out a muffled roar, and then turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the little fairy doctor, and its sharp claws went straight to the throat of the little doctor!

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Seeing that Wu Fengbao had abandoned the previous practice and directly chose to attack her head-on, the little doctor was not angry but happy, the fighting spirit surged in his body, his long and slender fingers were faintly black, and even his black hair It was also stained with a layer of soul-stirring purple.

If her previous speculation is correct, except for the toxin, this black wind leopard is not strong in its own attack ability, then this black wind leopard, which is a fifth-order monster, may not even be as threatening to her as those who are good at attacking. Tier [-] Warcraft!

And as long as she finds an opportunity, she doesn't even need to inflict much damage on the Wufeng Leopard. As long as she can let the wound bleed, she can inject the toxins in the Wufeng Leopard into Wufeng Leopard's body. Black Wind Leopard!

If Wufengbao relied on its own speed advantage to deal with her like before, then she might not be able to hunt Wufengbao successfully, and she might even be exhausted by Wufengbao, and eventually fall into Wufengbao's hands.

But now Wu Fengbao has given up her greatest advantage and directly attacked her from the front, which is undoubtedly the best opportunity for her!

Wu Fengbao, who had been rushing towards the little doctor, sensed the change of the little doctor, and suddenly paused when he jumped towards the little doctor. His not-so-huge body abruptly changed direction, and landed at a distance of more than ten steps away from the little doctor. position, a pair of animal pupils looked at the little fairy doctor in surprise.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but it actually felt a fatal crisis from this human woman just now, as if as long as it gets close to this human woman, it will immediately fall into a life-and-death crisis!

Wu Fengbao has always trusted his own intuition. In fact, it was able to make a great reputation in this monster mountain because of its keen intuition!

Therefore, after realizing the fatal crisis, although Wu Fengbao was in shock, his body instinctively reacted to avoid it!

Seeing Wu Fengbao suddenly gave up confronting her head on, a look of disappointment flashed across the eyes of the little doctor.

Her speed is far inferior to that of Wu Fengbao. Originally, she thought that she could take advantage of the opportunity of Wu Fengbao to attack her head-on to counter-kill Wu Fengbao, but she did not expect that Wu Fengbao suddenly gave up for some reason. Shoot her directly.

"Huh? This little leopard has such a keen intuition?"

Hundreds of miles away, Yun Feng, who was paying attention to the situation of the Little Doctor Immortal with the help of the Xuanguang Mirror, saw this scene in his eyes and couldn't help saying in surprise.

Although the intuition of Warcraft has always been keen, it is rare to see one as keen as Wufengbao.

It's just that Yunfeng was only surprised, and then turned his attention away from Wu Fengbao, and returned to Xiaoyixian.

It was just a fifth-order beast, even though its perception seemed to be a little extraordinarily sharp, it was not enough to make him pay too much attention.

In contrast, Yunfeng is still more concerned about the situation of his registered disciples!

"This little leopard is so sensitive, I want to see how you respond..."

Looking at the figure of the little fairy doctor reflected in the Xuanguang mirror, Yun Feng thought to himself.

Wufengbao was originally known for its speed, but now it has shown a keen perception far beyond ordinary monsters, which is enough to raise the difficulty of hunting Wufengbao for the little doctor.

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Yun Feng also wanted to see what method the little doctor would use to hunt and kill this Black Wind Leopard under such circumstances!

Chapter 806 Confrontation, fierce battle!

Yun Feng followed the battle between Xiao Yixian and Wu Fengbao with a mood of watching a show, but the parties involved and the party Leopard were not as relaxed as Yun Feng.

Especially Wu Fengbao, after intuiting the deadly threat brought to it by the little doctor, Wu Fengbao had a faint feeling of retreating in his heart, just looking at the thin-skinned and tender human woman in front of him, he felt a little nervous. reluctant.

Because in the past, most of the people who were able to go deep into the Warcraft Mountains and break into its territory were those rough-skinned human mercenaries and other Warcrafts, and it did not dare to leave the Warcraft Mountains to break into the human world to hunt, so that since its birth I have never eaten a human woman with such delicate skin and tender meat!

Now that a delicious meal is delivered to the door, it is really unwilling to give up just like that!

For a moment, Wu Fengbao fell into a struggle.

The little fairy doctor was also a little nervous, because her cultivation was far behind Wufengbao, and the most important thing was that her speed was far behind Wufengbao, and she was quite familiar with the Warcraft Mountain Range. It is far worse than the Black Wind Leopard.

If Wu Fengbao decides to use her speed and familiarity with the Warcraft Mountains to deal with her, or simply walk away, she really has no way to successfully hunt this Wufeng Leopard!

Once the black wind leopard is allowed to run away, or is exhausted by the black wind leopard, then naturally the task assigned by my cheap master will be impossible to complete!

In this way, one person and one leopard, each with their own thoughts, fell into a strange stalemate, watching each other vigilantly, but did not make any moves!

It's just that this stalemate didn't last long. In the end, Wu Fengbao, who was a monster, made a decision first, glanced coldly at the little doctor, and slowly backed away, gradually hiding his figure in the dense forest.

Even though this human woman has posed a fatal threat to it, it is still unwilling to give up such a delicious meal easily!

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