What Hermione was thinking, Kate had no idea.

It was her own thoughts that flew to the sky because of the teaching that just ended briefly.

As she had only watched the elves planting vegetables a few times, she knew very well that she had nothing to teach Hermione.

Even Hermione wanted to ask, except for those who specialize in planting these, there should not be many people who can satisfy her curiosity.

That's what Kate was thinking about.

At Hogwarts, there are very few spells that are divided into specializations. After Kate has read through the textbooks of the spells class, she has only seen one or two spells related to the professional field.

It can be said that Hogwarts is more like a basic education school that teaches middle and high school courses.

The magic learned in it, except for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, is basically general-purpose technology that can be used in daily life, rather than professional knowledge required for work.

And not everyone who graduates from Hogwarts does well.

They almost became those wandering street wizards, relying on their magical powers to cheat food and drink among Muggles.

If you are better, you can either continue your self-cultivation and study, or enter the Ministry of Magic.

In short, if you want to continue to improve your professional knowledge, apart from continuing to choose teachers to be taught, you can only explore by yourself.

In fact, Kate has also thought that there is no such thing as a university in the magic world, because there are few people and there are fewer positions for talents in specialized fields.

Of course, there is also another reason, that contemporary wizards are not as good as one crop, and many old wizards don't want to pass on the knowledge they have studied all their lives to young wizards who have no talent.

Throughout the whole book of Harry Potter, there are very few people who clearly pointed out that there are talents in a certain area that others cannot match, and they are willing to work hard in this field.

Harry can be a Quidditch player without being an Auror; Snape is the best potion genius in a century; Neville, a person with a mid-to-low academic performance, is enough to be a professor of herbalism after graduation. Prove its talent.

Others have not clearly shown any special talent, such as Hermione is a generalist.

A little bit of everything, but not as proficient as those talented people.

Perhaps there will be another preparatory course at Hogwarts. Students who are about to graduate can sign up if they want to sign up, and those who don't want to sign up can graduate directly.

Those who sign up fill in the subjects they are best at, and properly learn some of the essence of the masters in the corresponding professional fields.

After two or three months of study, you will know whether you are suitable for further study. At that time, according to the comprehensive judgment, the master will choose whether to let him study by himself or teach in person.

In this way, he can find a good successor for those masters.

It's just that this idea is too simple, and it can be foreseen that it will be difficult to implement. For example, some people are good at several things, but they can only choose one of them.

Another example is that some people are just ordinary talents, and they cannot be compared with those who really have outstanding talents.

In a few months of short-term study, it is also a question whether these people will be depressed due to their mental imbalance.

Also, how to find so many masters who specialize in the niche.

These are all problems, not to mention that she is just an ordinary student now, even if she has such an idea, it is impossible to be adopted.

Maybe... After she graduates, she can try to sprint to the position of headmaster of Hogwarts?Anyway, when she graduated, Hogwarts would no longer be infested by the devil.

To become a principal just because of such a flash of inspiration is a bit of a mentality of making dumplings just to be jealous.

"Hermione, I was thinking..."

She was about to tell Hermione about these unrealistic fantasies of hers when she realized that her shoulders were heavy.

Turning his head, he realized that Hermione had already fallen asleep.

Children are always prone to sleepiness, especially in such a laid-back environment.

Kate smiled silently, carefully picked her up horizontally——

call!Although it is a bit difficult, but I can hug it!

She called out the elf in a low voice, and let it take them to the guest room, and then Kate quickly walked to the bed and put down the kitten in her arms.

Outside the window, several silent fireworks bloomed quietly in the sky. These were the fireworks prepared by the old butler in advance.

Kate raised her head and looked out the window for a while, before bumping her head, and looked at Hermione who had wrapped herself up in a ball and was sleeping in the dark.

"Merry Christmas, little Hermione."

She smiled slightly, pinched Hermione's little face, walked out of the room softly, and closed the door.

Chapter 68 Christmas Stickers

Early the next morning, Kate discovered that her manor had been decorated with Christmas decorations, which was as grand as some large parties.

It's just that in such a big manor, apart from the three elves, there are only her, Hermione, and the old butler. It's a bit boring.

So under her begging in every possible way, the old butler finally agreed to let the two of them go out to the Muggle world, but the spirit will always follow them secretly.

Naturally, Kate would not refuse to have a bodyguard, so she happily dragged Hermione out of the manor early in the morning.

The streets of London are full of festive atmosphere, and the people coming and going are filled with festive joy.

"Kate, you haven't visited London before, have you?" Hermione acted as a little guide, leading her through the streets and alleys.

She remembered that Kate hardly ever went out.

"I went out once a long time ago..." Kate couldn't help sighing as she looked at the foreign faces all over the street.

When she first moved in next door to Hermione's house, the old housekeeper tried to take her out as well.

It's just that at that time, she was immersed in the state of mind that her family was wiped out, she was forced to flee, and she was desperately eager to return to her previous life.

When she suddenly went out and came into contact with these faces that were extremely unfamiliar to her, she couldn't help but wanted to run home and hide.

Seeing that she was really resistant to going out, the old housekeeper didn't force her anymore.

As time went by, Kate knew that she would never go back, so she could only gradually accept her life in this world.

But at that time, in order to protect her, the old housekeeper didn't want her to go out any more, so she completely started to stay at home.

Kate regained her senses, only to find that Hermione, who had been holding her hand just now, disappeared somewhere in the crowd.

She frowned, and just as she wanted Jingjing to help her find someone, someone patted her shoulder from behind.

As soon as she turned her head, a cold and sweet touch touched her lips.

Kate blinked, staring blankly at Hermione, who was smiling all over her face, holding an ice cream to her mouth.

"This taste is delicious! Do you want to try it!" The little lion's bright black eyes were particularly bright against the roadside lights.

Kate was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses, tilted her head slightly, held her wrist, and licked it lightly with the tip of her tongue.

Sweet and refreshing.

"Delicious." She rolled her eyes and commented happily.

Hermione couldn't stop the smile on her face, and she also tasted it, her eyes were so cold that she narrowed her eyes: "Oh! It's really refreshing to eat ice cream in winter!"

As she said that, she suddenly thought of something again, and looked up and down Kate with some surprise: "Why are you not afraid of the cold today? Have you used a heat-preserving spell?"

Soon, her gaze was fixed on the bracelet on Kate's left wrist, and she frowned unnaturally: "This bracelet...who gave it to you?"

"This?" Kate generously stretched out her hand to show her, "This is an alchemy tool, made by my ancestors, it can adjust my own temperature, and I won't be so afraid of the cold in the future."

Hermione was startled, and scratched her face in embarrassment: "So it's something from your house, I thought..."

"Huh? What do you think?" She asked puzzled.

"It's nothing! Anyway, with this, you won't catch a cold because of the cold!" Hermione immediately changed the subject.

Kate smiled, stretched her neck, leaned over to lick another mouthful of ice cream, and smiled contentedly: "Let's go, there seems to be a playground ahead."



After playing wildly outside all day, the two of them returned home yawning as the evening approached.

If you consume too much energy during the day, you will get sleepy at night, not to mention children like them who are still growing.

As soon as Hermione was sent back to the guest room to take a shower, Kate walked towards the study while yawning.

"Kate, why don't you rest first and open the presents tomorrow."

Hearing the old housekeeper's persuasion, Kate shook her head disapprovingly: "It's okay, someone said that it only makes sense to unwrap Christmas presents on the same day!"

She winked at the butler, then took out a crystal ball-shaped music box from her purse and handed it over.

"Grandpa housekeeper, so can this little thing be given to you as a Christmas present?"

She looked at the old butler expectantly.

"Gifts for others are bought with family money, but you are my family, and I don't want to use family money to buy them for you."

"But I'm still too young to make money by myself, so I went to the amusement park to play darts and won this for you!"

The music box in her hand made a pleasant sound as she fiddled with her fingers. The old housekeeper looked down at the expectant girl, and carefully took the music box from her hand.

In the past, such cheap and crude Muggle items would not have caught his eyes at all.

But this is different.

It was the first gift from the children he had raised since he was a child.

"Thank you, I like it very much." He gently hugged her, then turned his back, raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Go to the study to unwrap the present."

Kate smiled playfully, and she knew that the old housekeeper would be happy to see this.

She happily ran into the study room, and the moment she turned on the light, she was stunned.

Is this room full of presents real?

Can she really know so many friends?

After dismantling them one by one with suspicion, she suddenly realized.

The gifts on the ground were all from the family that had some friendship with her family before - because she has returned to the magic world this year.

And only those on the table were gifts from her friends.

Harry gave her a book on how to exercise and strengthen your body... Well, it's very practical, and she will thank him very much when she goes back.

Ron gave it... well, it was a standard gift from the Weasley family, a pale pink sweater with a big S on it.

What Qiu Zhang sent was a set of magic stationery, which was already very practical compared to the first two, and there was also a reply letter attached.

But Kate didn't have time to look at them, so she could only put them on the desk temporarily. It would take her half an hour to unwrap these presents.

Almost all pure-blood families with names and heads in the magic world sent gifts.

Even the Malfoy family sent a book called "List of Purebloods", and the concept of the 28 pureblood families was put forward by this book.

What is this for?Remind her not to forget the friendship of pure blood?

Kate flipped through it casually with an inexplicable expression on her face, only to find that there was a small card the size of a bookmark inside.

There is also a line of immature handwriting on it, saying happy birthday and drawing a rose.

This was... Malfoy writing to her?

That Malfoy who always taunted her at school?Are you sure it wasn't replaced by someone?

Kate carefully looked at the word for a long time. It was neat and neat, and it didn't look like it was written by a boy.

But are there any other girls in the Malfoy family?

Did she feel wrong, or was the world a fantasy?Oh, this world is originally a fantasy, so it's okay.

Not knowing what mood to look at this little card, Kate felt really upset when she saw it, so she simply put it back in the book and stuffed it into the bookcase behind her.

Then, the things sent by other families were classified separately.

It may be that these people don't know what they like, and someone even gave her a doll bear!

Considering that the bear is not ugly, let's put it in the guest room!

After quickly placing the presents, Kate yawned, her already tired spirit was only left sleepy after being excited.

There are still Hermione's presents... Oh yes, Cho Chang's letter hasn't been opened yet.

She rubbed her eyes, opened the letter and lay down on the table to read it.

It's just that after watching halfway, the eyelids have already started to fight up and down.

"Kate? Are you here?" Hermione walked all the way from the room after taking a shower, and saw this man lying on the table and falling asleep.

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