Kate immediately closed her eyes and turned her head, scolding him angrily: "Idiot, do you want to kill me! If I die, you will no longer be able to get the real way of eternal life!"

The diary phantom, who was so arrogant because he successfully summoned the basilisk, stopped laughing abruptly, and had to hiss again.

After a while, it said: "I have turned it around, you can open your eyes."

This is the time to compete for courage. An old monster who has lived for hundreds of years can be afraid of death, but he cannot lose to a broken diary in terms of momentum!

Kate gritted her teeth, opened her eyes bravely, and saw that it really didn't lie, the basilisk really turned around obediently.

"It turns out that this is the monster that has been hiding underground in Hogwarts."

She couldn't help but stepped forward and carefully looked at the huge monster in front of her.

Even with her back on her back, she could still see the emerald green of the basilisk, with the gorgeous light unique to the poisonous tongue, and its body was as thick as the trunk of a tree.

"Very good." As she said, she moved her position, signaling the two people behind the stone pillar not to act rashly, "Can I pet it?"

The diary doesn't say anything.

She explained again: "Don't get me wrong, I just haven't seen an old monster older than me for a long time, so I'm a little excited."

With such a thirteen or fourteen-year-old skin, but with a mature tone like an old man, it really feels a bit out of harmony.

But the diary only shook for a moment before agreeing to her request.

Kate licked her lips nervously, stepped forward, stroked its wet scales lightly, and asked innocently, "By the way, is it male or female?"

"Gender?" The diary let out a weird rhetorical question, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"Because... two generations of Dark Lords were male, I was wondering what gender their loyal servants were."

The diary was silent, probably speechless about her reasons, but still replied: "Male basilisks have bright red feathers on their heads, while females don't."

Kate looked up and there was indeed a feather, it looked like a male and had to be spanked.

She sighed regretfully: "It seems that I am the only woman among the old monsters living in this world. What a pity."

After speaking, he turned around and said, "Next, let it go out and kill a few students at will. I guess it probably shuttles back and forth in the school's pipeline."

"Hmph, you're smart." Diary laughed lowly and hissed, and the basilisk, which had been quiet before, began to move.

Kate deliberately didn't look back, but kept walking forward, her eyes constantly anchoring the position of the stone pillar where Dumbledore was standing.

"Is it behind my back now?" she asked deliberately.

The diary secretly laughed at her greed for life and fear of death, but had to answer: "That's right, don't worry, it won't kill you without my permission."

"That's good."

Kate smiled slightly, put on the sunglasses directly, then quietly pulled out the wand from her arms, and turned around at lightning speed: "Thunderbolt explodes!"

Powerful sparks immediately hit the basilisk's eyes, and the sparks from the explosion looked dazzling in this dark night.

『 空~白|小|_说-|群/』|_6/9/8/9.2_58~5_~0__

.| The basilisk screamed, the black blood from its eyes splashed onto the ground, and its tail swung wildly, almost knocking Kate to the ground.

"Catherine, what are you doing!" The howl was mixed with the scream of the diary, "Snake King! Kill her!"

After finally avoiding the attack of the tail, Kate looked at the head of the basilisk in a panic——

Those two yellow eyes, as huge as light bulbs, have been injured by her explosive spell, and they probably won't be able to open in a short time.

Although it wasn't completely blind, the current basilisk obviously couldn't see the target clearly. It could only listen to the diary's incompetent roar, twisting its body blindly to find Kate's location.

"Grandpa! Professor!" She roared loudly, while blocking a tail sweep from the basilisk with the Iron Armor Curse, she released a conspicuous blue flame to mark her current position.

The two old men behind the stone pillar finally showed their figures, and Dumbledore rushed directly in front of the basilisk and released all kinds of magic.

"Miss, you get out of here first." The old butler came to her first, and temporarily dragged her out of the attack range of the basilisk.

Kate frowned, looking at Dumbledore who kept casting spells to try to suppress the basilisk, but was unable to succeed because of the strong magic resistance of the basilisk itself.

"No, I can help!" She raised her wand, and the blue flames sprayed from between the wands stretched infinitely like flexible vines, entwining the basilisk's body bit by bit.

Although magic resistance is high, snakes hate fire.

The basilisk that was bit by bit by the blue flame screamed wildly and struggled more violently, but the more it struggled, the tighter the flame was bound.

Kate beckoned, and countless golden threads also extended from the gap in the secret room, tightly binding it together with the flames.

And Dumbledore also struck while the iron was hot, using the Imprisoning Curse to temporarily seal its actions with her.

The three forces exerted their strength at the same time, and even the basilisk couldn't break free for a while.

The old butler looked at her in surprise: "Your flame..."

"Don't worry about it so much now." Kate interrupted him, stepping forward regardless of the obstruction, the wand in her hand kept outputting flames.

The diary next to it was still incompetent and furious: "Dumbledore?! Catherine, you liar, you have been lying to me from the beginning!"

"Shut up!" Kate kicked the diary into a damp corner, "Who has the time to listen to your bullshit now!"

A tool man must have the consciousness of a tool man!

Except for the head, the basilisk in front of him was completely wrapped in blue flames into a burning earthworm.

It's just that the strong magic resistance makes it bound at most, and it's basically impossible to burn it with this kind of fire.

Kate could see the blood-stained eye sockets in its skull, and the row of razor-sharp fangs inlaid in its wide open mouth.

This is a fang that can destroy even a Horcrux, so stay away.

She took a few steps back subconsciously, and stepped back directly to Dumbledore's side: "Professor, how should we kill it?"

In this magical world, there are not many spells that can really kill such a large monster with rough skin and thick flesh. It is estimated that even the Killing Curse can only make it lose some blood.

Kate reckoned that Lao Deng might choose to use the superb Transfiguration Curse to inflict blood on it, or just use Vulcan to clear the way and burn it over.

However, Dumbledore pondered for a moment, then imprisoned it with a magic spell, turning his head to look at the old butler behind him: "Rand, it seems that it's time for you to take action."

Kate was taken aback, then turned her head subconsciously, and frowned when she saw the old butler's slightly hunched body: "Grandpa butler?"

Why didn't she know that the old housekeeper had such a powerful spell, which was enough to kill the basilisk?

The old butler calmly looked up at the basilisk which was bound immobile, "Give me 10 minutes."

"Okay." Dumbledore nodded, put away his wand, turned around and left with Kate.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Kate broke away from him eagerly, "Professor, how can I let the butler grandpa stay here alone to deal with the basilisk?"

Before Dumbledore could explain, the old butler took the initiative to say, "Trust me for now, Miss, just stay outside for 10 minutes."

After looking at him with complicated expressions for a moment, Kate finally turned her head away, ran to the corner to pick up the diary, then turned around and said, "Okay, just 10 minutes, not even a second longer."

She glanced at the diary in her hand, frowned in disgust, and walked out of the secret room with it alone.

Dumbledore glanced at the old butler, with a look of helplessness on his face, and followed him out.

As the entrance to the secret room was slowly closed, Kate lit up her wand and spread the diary on the ground: "Tom, do you have anything else to say?"

In front of Dumbledore, the diary will show its ghosts.

She gritted her teeth and turned to look at Dumbledore: "Professor, the secret of the Chamber of Secrets has been found, and the basilisk will be wiped out soon. I will entrust you with the Horcrux of this mysterious man."

"Oh?" Dumbledore asked with interest, "I thought you wanted to do it yourself."

Kate shook her head: "I really want to destroy it, but since the demon king can create one Horcrux, there may be two, three, or even more.

If you have a way to find traces of the other Horcruxes based on this Horcrux, you may be able to truly destroy him. "

She didn't say how she knew the diary was a Horcrux, and Dumbledore didn't ask.

He just took the diary, dusted off the dust, and smiled in a low voice: "I'm very happy, Kate, you are better than I imagined."

In today's battle of wits to hunt and kill the basilisk, Kate's magical power, wisdom, heart, and courage far exceeded his expectations.

He was very glad that he hadn't lost sight of this little girl when she was still a jade in the rough, and was very happy to be able to participate in her growth.

"No...professor, I'm not as good as you imagined." Kate shook her head, looking worriedly at the door at the entrance of the secret room.

I don't know how the old butler is doing inside.

Even though she is still calm enough now, she promises that if something happens to the old housekeeper, she will definitely set fire to the entire secret room, including the diary.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked towards the Chamber of Secrets with her: "In any case, I reserve my judgment."

The two didn't talk anymore, but waited patiently for the 10 minutes to pass.

Author's Note: Today is also 6k, and the two chapters are considered finished!

Chapter 38 The Old Butler's Secret

Sorry everyone, I posted the wrong chapter again, please refresh it, thank you!


[Main task 5: Assist Dumbledore to find the secret of the diary, the task has been completed! 】

[Main line extension task: find and eliminate the basilisk hidden in Hogwarts, the task has been completed! 】

The voice of the system suddenly sounded in her head, Kate was taken aback, a little unable to bear the excitement in her heart, she took two steps forward: "Professor, grandpa..."

"Well, it seems that 10 minutes has come." Dumbledore nodded, and stepped forward to read a paragraph of Parseltongue.

The moment the secret room was opened, a disgusting stench of blood came oncoming.

Kate caught off guard and took a big breath. Although she covered her mouth and nose with her hands in time, the smell that kept drifting into her nasal cavity still irritated her spleen and stomach.

She paused with an ugly face, couldn't help the churning in her stomach, ran aside and retched.

In the secret room, a slightly hunched figure stood in the middle, and behind him was the corpse of a basilisk dripping with flesh and blood.

Blood was all over the place, and there was a stench of flesh and blood everywhere.

Dumbledore walked up to him, and used a cleansing spell to help him clean up the blood that was splattered on his body: "Thank you."

The old butler nodded calmly, looked around at the sea of ​​blood, and then at Kate, who was still retching at the door, a slight crack appeared on his condensed face.

He walked over quickly, wanting to stretch out his hands, but thinking that those hands had just killed the basilisk, he immediately retracted them.

"Miss, are you okay?" He asked with concern.

Kate raised her head with a pale face, resisting the churning in her stomach: "No...it's okay, I'm just not used to it, just get used to it."

She just didn't expect that the old butler would make the scene so bad.

The floor of the secret room was almost soaked with blood, she didn't dare to go in, so she could only bite her lip at the door with an uneasy expression.

Seeing the huge corpse in the distance, Kate frowned, and immediately looked away: "Grandpa, are you injured?"

"I'm fine," the old butler smiled faintly, "Let us deal with the rest, Miss, it's been a hard day, why don't you go back and have a rest before going to enjoy the Christmas study tour, how about it?"

Kate glanced hesitantly at Dumbledore in the distance, and seeing that the other party also acquiesced to the old butler's plan, she nodded with a pale face: "Okay, then I... go back to the dormitory and change."

As she spoke, she bowed to the two of them, and then quickly returned to the same place, holding her nose.

After her figure had disappeared into the tunnel, the old butler restrained the loving smile on his face and walked slowly into the secret room.

"Next time, I'll come in after I've packed up, and see how my lady has been smoked?"

Dumbledore smiled innocently: "I'm thinking that it's unlikely that we will encounter monsters like basilisks as enemies in the future."

He adjusted his glasses and continued: "Speaking of which, when are you going to tell Kate your identity? In the past 10 minutes, the child was restless and worried about you."

The old housekeeper's face darkened: "In a few years, let's wait for her to be able to handle things better."

"Rand," Dumbledore kindly reminded, "that kid is much stronger than you think."

"Then she is also a child." The old housekeeper glanced at him, and casually kicked a piece of flesh and blood under his feet, "Let's clean up here first, leave the usable materials on the basilisk, and I will give it to the young lady."

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, "Understood, you old fellow."


After half an hour of washing in the bathroom, the bloody smell surrounding her was washed away.

In her previous life, she was just an ordinary person. Even if she was lucky enough to have more experience than her peers, she had never seen such a big scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Along the way, Kate was trying to clear her mind with Occlumency techniques, trying not to think about the bloody scene.

Anyway, he is still an adult, although he will be stimulated, but after technical resolution, it will not be to the extent of leaving a shadow.

But she didn't realize before that the old butler who was always by her side had the strength to kill the basilisk.

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