"It's okay." Kate rolled her eyes with a smile, "With you here, I feel at ease."

The old and the young smiled knowingly at the same time. Dumbledore turned his head and looked at the slightly distorted patterns on the armor in amazement.

"This is an alchemy equation? It seems that you studied it very hard during the two months of summer vacation."

Although he didn't dabble too much in alchemy, just the unusual aura above it was enough for him to look sideways.

In just two months, he could reach this level by self-study. I am afraid that even a genius is not enough to describe the child in front of him.

"Very good, but something is missing."

He muttered in a low voice, and with a wave of his wand, the armor that exuded an unusual aura suddenly became ordinary.

As if it was supposed to be like this.

Kate looked at his hand in amazement. Although her aura had changed, she could feel that the effect of the characters she had carved had not been affected, but had been slightly strengthened.

The avatar made by her and Dumbledore might really be able to conquer the diary.

"It's not too late, let's try first." Dumbledore walked to the table and took the diary out of the box.

The armor in front of him suddenly creaked, as if it was adapting to his body.

Kate silently took two steps back, using her consciousness to control it to walk over and sit down.

The fingers made of steel struggled for a while, and after they became flexible, they picked up the quill pen and wrote a few words in the diary.

"My name is Catherine Wynyard." The ink flickered on the paper, and was quickly absorbed, leaving nothing behind Li Ze.

Dumbledore looked up at her in some surprise.

"It doesn't matter," Kate shrugged, "it doesn't know who my aunt is anyway."

Anyway, it fell into Lao Deng's hands, so it was destined not to see Catherine.

While they were talking, some text suddenly oozes from the paper: "Hello, Catherine Wynyard, my name is Tom Riddle, how did you find my diary?"

"From Grindelwald, that old guy tried to do something to me and was killed by me." The armor continued to write according to Kate's intention.

The diary quickly blurred out another line: "You killed him? That lunatic who called himself Grindelwald?"

Kate paid attention to Dumbledore's reaction at all times, and found that his expression could be described as calm as water, and she couldn't help being quite amazed.

It seems that as long as you are prepared, no one can make the White Demon King feel a little emotional.

She pursed her lips, manipulated the armor and continued to write on it: "Crazy? No, he is Grindelwald. I found him in a mysterious prison. But it is a pity that the former Dark Lord couldn't even send Avada Kedavra Can't resist."

When this line of writing disappeared again, Kate found that the armor sitting firmly on the mountain began to shake slightly. It should be that the diary began to use Legilimency to explore this memory.

But she had expected this a long time ago, and injected into the avatar in advance the fragment about Voldemort killing Grindelwald in the previous Harry Potter movie.

Of course, it's the version without Voldemort himself.

This memory seems to be true or false, and the diary used Legilimency to wander through the avatar's undefended brain for a long time, but it was still unable to judge the authenticity of the memory.

So it fell silent.

"When I killed Grindelwald, I saw him holding the diary in his arms all the time. I thought it was something new. It turns out that I let go of my brain and let you in, and you can't tell the truth from the fake."

Kate decided to stimulate it again, "Forget it, why don't you hand it over to Dumbledore and let him see what you are."

Now the diary is not calm at once, and the handwriting is quickly revealed: "Do you know Dumbledore? You belong to him!"

Oh, I'm sorry, Lao Deng is standing opposite you right now.

Kate secretly laughed for a while, and continued to write: "Dumbledore is just an old conservative. Although he defeated Grindelwald, he couldn't kill him at all."

"And I killed him easily, which proves that I am better than Dumbledore. I didn't expect you to be afraid of such a useless old guy. It's really boring."

Seeing her tone as if she wanted to give up on herself, the diary trembled violently.

"You won't hand me over to him! Because you are still inferior to him, that is Hogwarts, you haven't fully owned that school yet, and I can help you! Only I can help you surpass him!"

Kate raised her eyebrows, and turned her head to look at the central figure of their topic.

After going around in circles for so long, I finally got to the point.

"Hogwarts? I'm not interested in that kind of school."

After finishing writing, the armor closed the diary with a snap.

Kate's body trembled, and part of her consciousness came back, which lifted her spirits.

She just said so many bad things about the black and white demon kings, so she won't be hated by Lao Deng.

Subconsciously looking at Dumbledore, he saw the old man sitting on a chair, staring at the diary calmly, as if thinking about something.

After a while, he raised his head and asked, "Why don't you continue?"


"Why don't you keep asking about it?" he repeated patiently.

Kate was a little nervous when he saw it, "Because...because you have to take the lead at all times, and you can't be led by it."

Her idea is very simple, to create an absolutely strong image when talking to the diary.

This image is so strong that it can easily kill the first generation of the Dark Lord, and he is superficially dismissive of the White Lord, but actually cares to death.

That's right, the image she created was actually a sissy version of Voldemort himself.

You see, isn't it just right to use Catherine as the material!

But this Voldemort is the future Dark Lord Voldemort who will kill without blinking an eye, and the consciousness of the Horcrux in the diary is the immature Tom Riddle.

Even though Tom in this period is already well-established, he will still be attracted by this sissy version of himself in the future unconsciously and fearfully.

When the time comes, the diary should be attached to her instead of her being controlled by the diary.

Dumbledore adjusted his half-moon spectacles, and what appeared in his azure blue eyes was not the precaution and exploration of a young wizard who could have such a city, but the gentleness when facing the younger generation.

"I think you've done a good job," he leaned lightly on the back of the chair, and praised in a gentle tone, "I thought I needed to remind you how to guide it, but now it seems that you alone can do it. "

Hiss...Old Deng, don't boast like that, she's going to panic to death.

Kate subconsciously took half a step back and opened her mouth in embarrassment, but her mind was blank and she didn't know how to respond.

If Dumbledore was tempted because of his performance, or if he was afraid and defensive, she could still show his tricks.

But she scolded him and Grindelwald, it's fine if he wasn't angry, but he even started to praise her!

Kate didn't know what expression to put on to welcome his compliment, and even wondered if this was the calm before the storm.

It's not that she can't hear compliments, but just think about it differently. If she were the White Demon King, how would she react when she saw a child showing intelligence comparable to an adult?

Even if it's not jealous, at least try it out, how can there be such a braggart?No matter how you think about it, it's strange.

As a result, Dumbledore started to see off the guests after complimenting her: "You are also tired today, go back and rest, we will make an appointment next time to continue."

Kate was taken aback again, pointed at herself, and then looked at the armor beside her: "Then it..."

"Please send it back to its original place." Dumbledore stroked his beard, "You can't let a centenarian do this kind of physical work, can you?"

But she's also just a teenage human cub.

After a while of silence, Kate manipulated the clone to stand up staggeringly with quite a headache.

One person and one person bowed to Dumbledore at the same time, and left the office together.

Author's Words: Push Books


When [Ghost Slayer: Blade] foresees that his end will be miserable, he vows to protect Ji Guoyuanyi's wife and daughter with his whole life;

When [Blade Tooth] the world's top-level powerhouse turned into a girl overnight, Yujiro vs. Jiang Zhu at night fell below, and the humiliation gave up the title of the strongest creature;

When [Magical Girl Madoka] Madoka faced Witch Night, she made a wish, "Do you still want to flirt with Homura~";

When [Slashing the Red Eyes] the strongest general of the empire, Estes, sneaked into her sister;

When [The Kingdom of Gems] the gem people sent tens of thousands of crystal fleets to the moon and threw the undead moon people into the sun;

Fesya, who has been traveling in various strange worlds, gradually discovered something wrong with herself:

She is becoming a god...

The world involves—Slashing Crimson Eyes, Saber, Demon Slayer, Kingdom of Gems, Seraph of the End, Turning Spider, Magical Girl Madoka

Chapter No.17 Hermione's Birthday Present

After relocating the armor in the armor corridor, Kate temporarily left the avatar in it. She didn't know what magic Dumbledore used to combine the avatar and the armor inseparably.

Unless the armor is damaged, she won't be able to get the avatar back for the time being.

On the way back to the dormitory, Kate sees the ghost of Nearly Headless Nick inviting the ghost of Slytherin, Baron the Bloody, to his Deathday Party.

When he saw Kate, he floated over excitedly and circled her: "The eve of Halloween this year will be the anniversary of my [-]th birthday, Miss Safik, are you interested in joining me to celebrate?"

"Halloween?" Kate frowned pretending to be distressed. "Sorry, I made an appointment for a physical examination that day. As you know, my health has never been very good, and I need regular checkups."

Nearly Headless Nick sighed in disappointment: "It's a pity, but I wish you a speedy recovery."

"Thank you." Kate nodded to him politely, then quickened her pace and walked down the stairs quickly.

Even if it was Halloween, she was not interested in a party full of ghosts, but it happened that she did have to have a physical examination that day, so it could be used as an excuse.

I remember that the Iron Triangle was also invited in the original book, but obviously, it would only seem out of place for three big living people to attend this kind of ghost dinner.

She had to find a chance to remind them that if they were invited by Nearly Headless Nick, they had to find an excuse to decline.

After returning to the dormitory to rest for a while, Kate cleared out her still somewhat confused mind and reset it.

Today she is a bit more courageous than usual.

Not to the diary, but to Dumbledore.

What was the character set she made before?

Introverted, a little timid and cautious, very defensive, and will hide himself in various ways in the face of people who are stronger than himself.

In fact, she knew that with Dumbledore's eyesight, he would not fail to see some of his previous disguises, but most of the time, he just didn't say anything.

Because he was able to confirm that a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, no matter how deep-minded he was, would not be a threat to him.

And her own background also doomed her not to go in the direction of Voldemort.

A girl who was labeled as Dumbledore's faction from birth, a little deeper in the city, a little stronger, can't even be said to be a bad thing for him.

So Kate played happily, and Dumbledore also pretended to be happy, and the two maintained a false friendship in a tacit understanding.

But today, as if she had let herself go, she belittled him and his old lover in front of Dumbledore.

She thought, even if Dumbledore was as broad-minded as the sea and didn't get angry because of this, there would always be some mood swings.

But no, not at all.

Now she really doesn't understand what the old Dengtou means.

Psychologically speaking, people's behavior will not be for no reason, there will always be a motive.

She did this, first to trap the immature Tom in the notebook, and second, to take a closer look at Dumbledore's attitude.

After all, being able to let her participate in the study of Horcruxes shows that she already has a certain status in Lao Deng's heart.

But this is not good news for Kate, she has to see clearly whether Dumbledore loves her as a junior, or wants her to take Harry's place.

Otherwise, it would be foolish to think that Dumbledore treated her as one of his own, and then the White Demon King plotted against her, wouldn't that be a big deal?

So what was Dumbledore's motive?

Do you really love her?Or deliberately indulge her?

In all fairness, Kate is inclined towards the first type, because Dumbledore has really treated her well this year.

Through this year of getting along, she can also feel that this centenarian really cares about her like a granddaughter.

But people are like this, the more you look forward to, the more afraid your hope will fail.

So she has always maintained a certain degree of vigilance against Dumbledore, so that in the future, once something she doesn't want to see happens, she can face it calmly.

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