'click!Click! '

The sound of the chopping board in the kitchen came again, and one could imagine the scene of the corpse being dismembered and cut into pieces without looking at it!

Why is this guy letting me eat?

reason?result?Or simply for no reason?

No, I can't think of any information about it at all.

What is the function of a mirror?

Reflect light?

Back and forth, if I take the opportunity to escape now and open the door, will I encounter the street?Or another space?

Back on the street... I will encounter countless weirdnesses, but if I open the door to another dimension, I will encounter a second change in the angle of the world in the mirror. What will the change be then?What kind of weirdness in the mirror will I encounter?

Leaving...is dangerous, not leaving...just as dangerous! !

This, this is simply killing people! ! !

At this moment, my brain was going to explode. I moved my eyes subconsciously, and began to relieve my anxiety by other things in my sight. This is a very ordinary room, which looks like it is really inhabited. The room is complete with furniture and props, even a color TV is hung on the wall of the living room, but there is no popularity in the room.

There is no dust on the ground, no traces of use in the corners, the ceiling, floor, furniture, tables and chairs, as long as they can be seen, they are almost all black. If it is not for the difference in angle and now my vision is much stronger, I can distinguish The details of many colors may not be able to see the difference between these things at all.

Under the weak light, the surrounding environment can be detected by the reflection of the light. I don't know why the light in this world is so weak. Whether it is on the street just now or in this room now, the light... is almost faint. Invisible.

Why?Is it because of the refraction of the mirror?So the light is barely visible in the mirror?

My mind is full of doubts. I can't see where the dim light around me is coming from. The light here doesn't seem to come from any direction at all, but it exists by itself, so I can't find it at all. any light source.

I'm already familiar with this weird environment. Although I'm curious why it happened like this, I'm not in the mood to live here. After all... the guy in the kitchen is too scary now. what do i eat

Looking around...huh?Didn't notice just now, there is a window over there?

Wait, there is a fish tank in this room?

If I didn't see the familiar fish tank style, I would have thought it was a wardrobe at first glance, because the glass of the fish tank has no reflection at all.

Can't something in a mirror reflect its reflection?

Wait...Why do things in the mirror world have no reflection?Shouldn't the mirror itself be a reflection?


No, I really can't think about it anymore.

I looked at the fish tank suspiciously, as expected, there was no sound of water in the fish tank, thinking about it too, a group of weird people, would they really raise fish?

No, no, this is not what I should think about now, I should think about how to leave!

Leaving aside the weirdness, at least it looks like it won't hurt me before I eat. This is a rare chance for me to be free, and I think... how to escape?

Mirror world, mirror... the mirror in the mirror world doesn't reflect?

what is the reason?

Confused, I came to the fish tank. Normal fish tanks are made of glass, so it is reasonable to say that some people's reflections will be reflected to some extent, but... this fish tank seems to be dyed black, and there is no reflection of light at all.

Chapter 60?

When I stood in front of the fish tank and reached out and touched the surface of the fish tank lightly, a strange noise suddenly came from my ears.


His whole body trembled, his scalp went numb, he controlled his neck slightly stiffly and turned his head to look at him.

"take a look……"

Before I could finish speaking, the strange man suddenly raised his hand, and the kitchen knife, which was covered in blood and rust, was already stained with bright red. The blood flowed from the kitchen to the living room, leaving a bright red trace along the way.

"Sit ~ good ~"

He flicked the kitchen knife violently, and the blood on the knife immediately splashed on my clothes, but now I don't care anymore, I gritted my lower lip and nodded.

Then, under his gaze, I walked upside down...to the dining table, took a deep breath, hesitated, and finally chose to sit on the chair.

Seeing me sitting on the chair obediently, he seemed to be very satisfied and nodded, then slowly turned that huge body, finally turned around and walked into the kitchen again.

Seeing his figure disappearing at the kitchen door again, I couldn't help feeling my scalp tingle for a while. If this guy wanted to kill me just now, he didn't need to speak at all.

In other words, this guy's purpose is not to kill me, so what is his purpose?

Let me eat?

What is this for?

Based on conjectures, I was able to deduce several possibilities.

And based on his behavior, I deduced the most likely one of these possibilities.

He... wants me to stay?

He doesn't want me to leave, so he just wants me to stay. If he simply wants to kill me, he doesn't need to let me eat...

In other words... He wanted to let me 'eat' this behavior, so as to stay completely.

Then the only possibility is... there is something wrong with the food! !

Of course, it's not a problem with the ingredients, although human flesh is not a good ingredient.

The most important thing is...the ingredients may have some special properties attached to them.

So... what would this property be?

I am a person from the watch world, and this is the mirror world. From the very beginning, until now... I don't feel any special state attached to my body.

Except for a cold.

As a person who looks at the mirror world, I can't understand the mirror world. He gave me something to eat, could it be...

Let me adapt to this mirror world! ?

However, if I, a person in the mirror world, adapt to the environment of the mirror world, will I still have a chance to go out again?

If a person from the mirror world eats the things in the mirror world, will there be any special effects? ?

Other than that, I can't think of any other possibilities!

He has no reason to keep me alive, and there is no need for him to specifically ask me to eat. Apart from this, I can't think of any other possibility.

He wants me to stay with him?

He wants to assimilate me into this mirror world through food?

From the very beginning, I was wondering why I could understand his voice, and why what I said would become a voice he could understand.

Why... the game will give me a time limit of '24 hours', if it is simply to escape the strange hunt, there is no need to escape from the mirror world within '24 hours', then the only possibility can be deduced ! !

In the mirror world, I will be gradually assimilated!

According to the rule of 'replacing shadows' mentioned at the beginning of the game, that's not just nonsense, but a real replacement! !If I can't escape within the time limit, I will be assimilated by the mirror world! !

The moment the inference was established, I couldn't help feeling my scalp tingle!

I can't eat what he gives! !

Otherwise, the rhythm of assimilation will be accelerated!

The weirdness will hunt me down for 24 hours, and I only have 24 hours to escape, which means... once more than twenty or forty hours pass, I don't need to run away anymore, because I have already been assimilated by the mirror world at that time! !

What to do... use a world watch?

Wait...there's a window over there?

Although that guy stopped me from continuing to explore the aquarium just now, I clearly feel that the aquarium feels like glass!

But... that is a pure black glass that does not reflect light at all!

In other words, the windows of this world are also made of glass!

Jump out of the window?

I don't know which floor this is, let alone what's outside the window... But, I have an evil spirit body!The evil spirit body cannot harm the weirdness in the mirror, but can it cause damage to the environment?

Thinking of this... the little finger of his right hand moved slightly, and a black shadow emerged from above the finger, and then... swiped across the dining table.

'Crunch! '

Accompanied by a piercing sound, a trace was indeed left on the board!


The monster noticed it! !

It doesn't matter to me now, though, because I've found a way to escape!

I stood up suddenly from the chair, and then the evil spirit body stretched out directly from behind, and the entire upper body was instantly revealed in the air. At the same time, I also heard footsteps from the kitchen!

Immediately afterwards, the arm of the evil spirit body stretched instantly!

'Crack! ! ! '

Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, the black window was indeed shattered in an instant. Immediately afterwards, the hand of the evil spirit body grabbed the window frame and yanked it fiercely...

My body was pulled out in an instant, and at the same time, my feet were also quickly retreating.

I don't know if the weirdness noticed something, but after hearing the sound of glass breaking, his footsteps suddenly started to speed up.

'No ~ allow ~ go ~'

From the kitchen, there came that weird and noisy voice, and there was manic anger in his voice.

It is estimated that if it is caught, it will be torn to pieces!

But it's a pity, since I know that I can stay away from you by going backwards, and with the help of the evil spirit body, I can naturally leave this space easily. As for what will happen in the next space...

Then you will only find out in the next dimension!

The figure retreated suddenly, the evil spirit body had already smashed the window completely, and looked down...

When the scene below came into view, the situation really surprised me... because, the bottom is like an endless abyss! !

I can't see anything, whether it is in the distance or below, it is all pitch-black, but directly below this window, there are black windows one after another, continuing row after row!

This is a high rise?

I don't know what it is, but it can't stop my footsteps. The figure was pulled out of the window in an instant, and then the evil spirit body suddenly returned to the body, watching the weird stride from the room. He ran over quickly, at this moment his pair of white pupils were filled with bloodshot eyes!


I watched him make a roaring sound, smiled, and...before falling, sent him a universal gesture.


"Shit you!!"


Guarantee the quality first, let’s mess with these today _(:з"∠)_

Chapter 61 I see through!

Show a big middle finger!

The body fell downwards, I turned over, and at the same time as I fell, I suddenly stretched out my hand, and the evil spirit body in my right hand suddenly broke away from my body, and my sharp five fingers clasped against the wall! !

'Crunch! ! ! '

Accompanied by an ear-piercing rubbing sound, five fingers were deeply embedded in the wall, and the body was tightly pulled. At this moment... I even felt a layer of friction between my spiritual body and my physical body , it feels as if... the soul cannot completely hold the body.

Weird feeling.

There was no weird head protruding from the broken window. After I jumped out of the window, the glass of the window was recovering rapidly.

When I fell, the glass was almost fully repaired.

When I clasped the wall with the claws of the evil spirit body, the glass could no longer be seen to have been damaged.


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