The expression on Linnai's face did not seem to be fake, her eyes were looking directly at me, there was a trace of firmness in her eyes besides worry.

However, facing Rena's kindness, I could only shake my head.

"You can't help me, this time... it should be a sudden mission, and it's still a single person."

Rena frowned slightly.

"Then... Miss, can you tell me what kind of mission it is?"

Looking at Linnai's worried eyes, I hesitated a little, took out my phone and looked at it.

In the mobile phone, there is indeed no reminder, and the APP is still very calm.

Frowning slightly, he nodded.

"Since you want to know, then... tell me."

Linnai is a player, so she doesn't need to hide, and Youdao is one person's plan and two persons' plan. If Linnai can think of something from a place I didn't expect, wouldn't it be a good thing?

After telling the details, the expression on Reina's face was wonderful.

However, he might have been a little surprised at first, but in the end, his entire face was pale with fright.

"Until just now, after that Mr. Wang died, until now, nothing has happened again."

After all this is said, I feel a little better. Sometimes, having someone to help share my fears can really help my mind a lot.

At least now... Regardless of whether Reina can help me or not, as long as she can listen, I will relax a lot.

Reina sat there blankly, and after a while, she let out a long sigh of relief.

"This is the eldest lady. If I... I'm afraid I'm so scared that I don't even have the strength to speak."

Looking at the expression of lingering fear on Linnai's face, I couldn't help feeling a little funny.

Obviously he had never encountered it before, but he was so scared that he was so frightened. If he really encountered it, according to Linnai's current psychological endurance, it is estimated that it is really not good.

"Have you thought of a good way?"

Rena shook her head with a wry smile.

"Miss, you also know that I am not as smart as you, how could I think of a solution so quickly."

I smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, think about it slowly."

I closed my eyes, wanting to take a rest, but just as I closed my eyes, suddenly, Rena said something.

"Miss, I really want to think of something!"

"Is it?"

Subconsciously opened his eyes... what appeared in front of his eyes was that weird long neck! !

Its face was almost close to mine, with a pair of eyes full of resentment, staring straight at me! !

The mood that had just been relaxed suddenly tensed up, and my heart couldn't help but feel as if it had been squeezed severely by a big hand!

With a clever body, he turned back suddenly!

I fell off the sofa directly, and when I stood up again and opened my eyes, everything in front of me returned to normal.

Rena looked at me in surprise, and was slightly taken aback.

"Miss, did you just see me...becoming like that again?"

At this moment, fine beads of sweat appeared on my forehead, and my breathing became short unconsciously. I glanced at Linnai, and nodded with lingering fear.

Rena bowed her head slightly and remained silent for a moment.

"Miss, although I don't have any good solutions, I have come up with a stupid solution to temporarily solve these problems."

"any solution?"

I frowned slightly and asked a question.

Rena got up.

"Miss, go back to the room now. From today onwards, I will try not to come into your sight until you can confirm the specifics of this mission, and then we can discuss other things. This is also... Linnai, an idiot. It's the only way I can think of."

Frowning slightly.

The method that Linnai thought of, I naturally thought of it too, but always avoiding it is not a solution, but now, this is not a solution, it has become the only way.

This fear can strike anytime, anywhere if the trigger cannot be found.

Moreover, until now, none of these human-based weirdnesses have attacked me in any way.


It is undeniable that there is still the possibility of attack.

If I just let it go, it would definitely be courting death.

But if you don't relax, your body won't be able to handle such a tense mentality.

"Then... that's it. I won't go out these two days. As for the food, you can leave it at the door of my room on time, just let me know."

Rena also nodded with a bitter face.

"That's the only way to go, miss..."

Rena raised her head and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Heh, what's so hard about it, it's all about saving your life, if even saving your life is hard work...

Forget it, it's useless to think about it, let's go back to the room.

"Then... I'll go back to my room first."


Linnai nodded, hesitated for a while, but followed up with some reluctance, and followed me all the way to the door of my room.

Looking back, seeing the worried look on Reina's face, I smiled.

"Don't worry, I just won't go out for a few days. Your eldest lady, I am a standard otaku. This little problem is nothing to worry about."

Although I said so, the worried expression on Rena's face did not decrease at all, and she just nodded.

"Then...Miss, be careful, I've been downstairs all the time, remember to call me if you need anything."

"it is good."

While talking, I slowly closed the door, seeing Linnai's worry and reluctance, I could only sigh helplessly.

The door closed slowly, seeing the light in the corridor getting darker and darker, the gap in the door getting smaller and smaller, at this moment...

A scarlet eye suddenly appeared from the darkness, and at the moment before the door closed, it was full of resentment... staring at me!

'Boom! '

The door... is closed.

The scarlet venomous eyes also disappeared.

Holding my hand on the handle, my mood surged for a moment, which made me feel a little uncomfortable all over.

After staying for a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking back at this familiar room, he sighed helplessly.

"It seems... In the next few days, I really have to stay at home."

Chapter 10 Half-Human, Half-Ghost

When I came back, it was already noon, and with the incident at Mr. Wang's house next door, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon.

The sky is not yet dark, and there is already a sunset in the distance. It is near dusk, and people will relax subconsciously.

The orange-red clouds at dusk, the gentle breeze blowing on the balcony, although it is more than March, the weather tonight is very good, the night is cool, but it is only about ten degrees, which is considered a very warm weather.

After closing the door, the surroundings became closed and quiet, turned on the light in the room, and adjusted it to a warm orange color, turned around and came to the computer desk, ready to play a game.

I was fine at first, but now the main defense is still weirdness. According to my current understanding, those weirdnesses should not appear when there is no one around me.

That's weird in itself, why do those weirdnesses have to show up in someone?

From the woman in the bathroom that I first met.

Her face is half human, half ghost.

Then there was a man I met when I walked out of the bathroom. What I saw from him was a weird man wrapped in bandages.

and then?

And then... Rena?

What she showed on her body was a hunchback with a neck as long as [-] centimeters, no hair, and a dark brown weirdness all over her body.

Then... Chen Qinghua?

Fat, bloated and dirty weird.

Thinking of this, the mood to play the game suddenly disappeared. Nonsense, if someone else recalls those scenes and still has the mood to play, that can really be called a hero.

I'm not anyway.

"Strange... these weirdnesses, why do they seem to have a certain relationship with this person?"

I won't talk about the first two, I'm not familiar with them, but Rena...


What does a hunchback represent?Represents humility.

No hair?

What does hair represent?represents protection.


What does the neck represent?An outstretched neck represents curiosity?


What does dark brown skin mean?Incomplete?

Suddenly, I seem to have found some patterns.

But... from Chen Qinghua's body, I can't see anything similar, it's greasy, fat and messy, it doesn't look like Chen Qinghua's appearance at all.

Greasy and fat...does it mean a big appetite?Ambitious?

Dirty... is it sinister?

The cockroach that crawled out of his mouth and burrowed into his it his mother?

Frowning slightly.

If these weirdnesses represent the darkness in these people's hearts or a certain personality, then... Chen Qinghua needs to re-examine.

Of course, this is just speculation, and I don’t need to think about it that much for now, maybe it’s just that I think too much.

But this got me interested.

"The man with the bandage... the bandage means injury, is that man traumatized?"

If these things can be calculated with normal logic.

"Then that double-faced."

Half human, half ghost, that is, one side is glamorous, and the other side is sinister and vicious.

The woman's half grimace was terrifying, her body was covered with black hair, and her body proportions were uncoordinated.

Covered with black hair and uncoordinated proportions... There is no way to deduce this point, but it can only be simply speculated.

"Black hair, usually with that kind of curly black hair, probably some private places, the proportion is not coordinated...Does it mean that I can't live with my hands and feet? Is it a pheasant? Live on...that kind of business? "

Slightly frowning, he took a notebook and drew the strange state of these people while recalling.

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