The moment I kicked up, my whole body was bounced back. In the final analysis, although the evil spirit body is powerful, but the physical body is still at the level of ordinary people, no matter how powerful it is, I want to kick the anti-theft The door is also almost impossible.

The figure flew backward in an instant, but instead of standing up immediately, I let go of the evil spirit body in an instant.

The body fell backwards, and the evil spirit body emerged directly from the body, turned around suddenly, and grabbed the arms of the two-meter-tall clown!There was a growl in its face!



The male and female voices made different sounds, one sharp and the other low, and the voices immediately echoed in the room. After seeing the evil spirit body, the clown was stunned for a moment, then turned and ran away!

The weird smiling face opened its mouth without the slightest hesitation, and the sides of the mouth seemed to have no stress, and instantly expanded to about one meter, and bit down on the clown fiercely! !

'puff! '

Rotten blood spewed from behind the clown in an instant, and at the same time, the clown exclaimed: "Don't play~ don't play~~"

don't play! ?

How dare you treat me like a ****! ?Just play if you say you want to play, and leave if you don’t want to play! ?

The body of the evil spirit pressed up instantly, and at the same time, opened its mouth, tilted its head, and bit down on the clown's neck fiercely from the side! !

'Crack! ! '

The triangular teeth completely overlapped up and down, making a sound like metal colliding!

"You invited me first, don't you want to play?"

In order to avoid being consumed by the remaining time of the evil spirit body, I try not to use the evil spirit body as much as possible, but I have to use it at this time. I stretched out my hand and instantly grabbed the head of the clown who wanted to fly away, while the other Hand, directly grabbed the clown's shoulder, and slammed it to the ground hard!

'Boom! '

The ground was covered with dark red blood and was instantly smashed to pieces. Immediately afterwards, I looked at the clown's head in my hand and opened my mouth.

And it is still screaming: "Don't play! Don't play!!"

'Crack! '

The clown's head in his mouth feels like a bursting beef ball. The moment he bites into pieces, a strange fragrance wafts in his mouth. Then, he picks up the clown's body and gnaws it violently. Blood splattered everywhere.

However, this rotten smell is extremely sweet to the evil spirit body.

The clown ate the rest in threes, fives and twos. This clown is obviously not in the form of an evil spirit, but has a physical weirdness. It is estimated that this guy's strength is at most a B-level weirdness. It should not be aware of it, or I didn't realize that my soul is an evil spirit body.

Otherwise it won't catch up.

In a few seconds, the clown disappeared, and the evil spirit returned to the physical body in an instant. At this moment, my body was already covered with rotten and smelly plasma. Although the smell was very unpleasant, I didn't care much about it at this time He reached out to unlock the door and left without looking back.

As for why?

The battle between the evil spirit body and the clown made a lot of noise. Although the time was short, it should have attracted the attention of some weirdos. I didn't plan to open Wushuang. I guess there are many weirdos stronger than me. Don't If Wushuang didn't make it, but put himself in it instead, the gain would outweigh the loss.

In addition... I also discovered a little bit, and I don't know if it's just a coincidence or true.

These weirdnesses, the more similar their shapes to humans, the lower their strength.

It's like this clown, who looks like a human being and can even speak, but his own strength is almost to the extent that I crush him, and he can't even count as a battle.

A face-to-face meeting took just seconds.

He quickly rushed into the dense fog, ran to the opposite side of the street, and hid first, in case he bumped into the weirdness attracted by the sound halfway, it would be even more troublesome.

Hiding in a dark corner, he took out a wet towel and wiped it on his face. The smell of blood was so unpleasant that it was a little sticky.

Just as I guessed, when I just hid and took out a wet towel to wipe my face, the lights in the distance suddenly started to flash, and then, a thing shaped like a human body flashed quickly in the bright light. Pass.

That thing seemed to have no limbs, and it was floating in mid-air. With the flash of the light, I saw that its skin was wrinkled, like a mummy, and its eyes were two It was a pitch-black hole, and the whole body seemed to be of exactly the same color, very similar to the color of cement, but with a hint of luster.

I remember closing the door on purpose when I left, but this weirdness seemed to have penetrated the door directly and entered the room.

I didn't dare to stay, turned around and left, the floating monster was a bit weird, and it felt very dangerous to me.

For danger, it is safest to turn around and walk away.

So, I immediately chose the direction to go, and continued to set off to a safe point.

When walking, try not to make any footsteps, the shoes are sneakers, I will not be like a silly woman in some movies, wearing high heels in such a horrible environment, it is simply delivering food.

Going forward, the dense fog became thicker and thicker. The original viewing distance was about five or six meters. Now, two or three meters is the limit. It feels like being wrapped in a dense fog. in the fog.

"This fog...does it deepen as time goes up?"

After sniffing, the air is filled with the smell of moldy, rotten and burnt, with a slight smell of blood, which is not easy to describe. If you express it in cooking, then prepare a plate of stinky tofu, roast it thoroughly, and then sprinkle it with Some pig blood, put some apples and fatty meat that have been rotten for more than ten days, stir well, then lie on the edge of the basin and take a deep breath, probably this is the smell.

After just now, 15 minutes have passed, but the distance forward is not enough. It seems that the maliciousness of the resident missions to advanced players is still obvious.

If this continues, I can only strive to survive for two hours.

After thinking about it, I simply stopped and walked to a small shop on the side of the road. This is a supermarket. Although the room is full of mess, at least it can be seen that it is a small store with a full range of items. There were still some plastic bags stained with dried blood on the ground.

The human world feels like the real world that has been rotten for hundreds of years.

I found a corner and squatted down. I turned on the phone and took a look. There was no signal in the phone, whether it was wifi or 5G, but the game app could be opened normally and check the progress.

Looking at the distance, it takes about eleven or twelve kilometers from my home to a safe point, but now, I have only walked less than one kilometer, and most of the time is spent avoiding the weirdness in the front, panning back and forth, but the forward movement But very few.

Chapter 37 Heavy (89/120)

At this speed, even if it takes two hours, it is impossible to reach a safe point.

"The main road is full of weirdness...then how should I go?"

According to this point of view, there will be a low-level monster every 500 meters on average, and once the war starts, it will immediately attract the arrival of high-level monsters. In other words, it is better to survive for two hours than to rush to a safe point. Is it practical?

"I don't know how much distance Lu Haochen's ability can cover at one time."

Forget it, it's useless to think about it now, let's think about the next plan.

It is necessary to continue on the road, but be careful and careful, the speed cannot be increased at all, and the visibility around the surroundings is also decreasing. It is not easy to be attacked by weird ones. Although the evil spirit body cannot die, the body is definitely unable to bear it of.

"Forget can go as far as you can go."

Without contact with people, there is no 30-second safety period. That is to say, if I stay here for 1 minute, the chance of being discovered is 30.00%. I can't stay in one place for too long.

Being my consistent style, even if I become a little emotional, this aspect will not change.

In the case of not using the evil spirit body as much as possible, I don't have many means now.

Three time-outs, one free prop, two paid props.

There was nothing I could do just now, and in that state, using the Evil Spirit Body was the fastest way.

The weirdness in this mode, at least not so elusive, there will be a reminder before it appears again, which is a very good thing for me.

At least you don't have to work hard to decrypt it.

The general policy is determined, so now it is implemented. I don't want to encounter the weirdness just now. It feels very weird and dangerous to me.

Thinking of this, I poked my head out and looked around to make sure there was nothing wrong before continuing on the road.

In fact, in this case, it is not a big problem to look around.

The thickness of the dense fog allows me to see clearly only two or three meters around. It is a very dull feeling that makes people panic. The surroundings are terribly quiet. There is not even a trace of wind, and even the sound of my own footsteps is clear. can be heard.

Through the light, one can barely see the white light under the street lamp, but no matter what goes in, what can be seen is probably only a shadow.

As the progress progressed, the world... began to become weirder.

Because I walked forward along the wall, I gradually discovered that some strange things began to extend from the wall, as if... some human tissues growing on the wall.

These tissue-like things look like they are alive.

When touched by the hand, there will be some warmth and slipperiness, and a faint sense of beating rhythm can be felt, which should be similar to a heart.

In the beginning, there were only a few sporadic ones, but as we walked forward, there were more and more of these things, and these things, which resembled human tissue, gradually joined together, and a strange smell of blood radiated from the surrounding air .

Originally, it looked like something like a muscle, but as it went deeper, things like blood vessels began to appear on the wall, mixed with these humanoid tissues growing on the wall, and the blue blood vessels seemed to be still flowing wearing something.

In order to avoid special circumstances, I didn't cut open these blood vessels to see what's inside, being cautious is my consistent style.

I began to want to avoid these things. After all, human tissue grows on the wall, which feels very weird no matter how you look at it.

After a little hesitation, in the end, I chose to walk into the building next to it, walk through the neighborhood and walk up the street from the other side, to see if there are similar things on the street over there.

Although this will waste some time, it is still the most important thing to be safe.

Thinking, I walked into the community, but... as I walked into this community, I found that there were more of these things.

On the street lamps, on the ground, on the walls, these things that resemble human tissue are crawling everywhere, giving people the feeling that they are alive, and the liquid in the pipes is still flowing.

Frowning slightly, I didn't continue walking, but turned around and went back to the street just now, and unexpectedly found... there were not so many human tissues just now, and now there are more!

"What are these?"

Confused, I reached out and touched it, and felt a warm feeling in my hand, which was slightly higher than the temperature of the human body, no, strictly speaking, it was slightly higher than the temperature of the skin.

In other words, these things are really tissues similar to the human body, and they may even be some human tissues.

But why are these tissues alive?

Could it be that there are creatures that can 'live' in the world?

Frowning slightly, I chose another direction to observe. Sure enough, as expected, these things seemed to be growing.

But strangely, they seem to be able to perceive the human line of sight.

When I returned to this position again, the street lights here were also occupied by these organizations.

Judging from what I saw, at least the two nearby streets are covered with this kind of thing.

"Is it a creature... or..."

I didn't say the last two words, but there is no doubt that this is weird based on experience.

But... what kind of weirdness is this?

After a little hesitation, he took the step out and took it back.

It seems that this direction probably won't work. Looking back, I can't see anything clearly except for the diffused thick fog and the light bulb the size of a jujube stone in the distance.

But... I still chose to turn around and go back.

The road ahead is really confusing. This kind of human-like tissue growing everywhere makes me very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, I looked back again, but... this glance made my scalp tingle!

Just when I turned around, there were some more things on the wall.

On the original wall, there were only some tissues like human muscles and blood vessels, but now, tissues like arms without skin have grown, and there are legs, but... these are not so attractive things Well, there is no such thing as any kind of legs that are playing around here, because they all have one characteristic, that is, they have no skin!

All the tissues don't have any skin. These arms and legs that grow on the wall don't have any skin. They are completely human tissues exposed to the air. The most disgusting thing is that these things still tremble and twitch slightly!

"Look...these things respond to sight, and stop growing once you look at it."

This is easily deduced from the fact that when I look at them, they do not grow in any way, but whenever the gaze is diverted, they appear suddenly.

It's as if the growing process is omitted entirely.

Looking at those twitching tissues, I frowned slightly.

Forget it if you don’t go back.

Chapter 38 Hahahahahaha

The growth rate of these tissues is just too weird.

Maybe something else will grow next time.

In the current situation, I'd better not move on, I don't know what these things are, and it's best not to turn around now, I'm afraid that if I turn around, some weird things will grow out of these things, then But it's troublesome.

Thinking of this, I began to retreat slowly. Fortunately, these things did not change when they were directly observed by the line of sight, but always retreating like this is not a solution.

Now I can only retreat to a place where I can't see it, and then I can talk about it.

What the hell is this?

Could it be some weird special accessories or special abilities?

No... now is not the time to think about that, whatever it is, I don't want to touch it.

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