What the hell is in this house! ?

I must have opened the door the wrong way!

This world should not be like this!

Slowly raised his head, and glanced at the class name on the top of his head, that's right...it's class one every three years, this is my classroom, that's right!

But... what the hell are those sitting inside?

No... I can't stay any longer, something will happen! !

Walk!must go!

However, the moment I turned around and wanted to escape, there was a sound of the classroom door being opened behind me, and a chill rushed up, which made me shiver all over my body, and my hands... Almost subconsciously, I wanted to press the world watch, but... the voice behind me made me startled.

"Liu Yunyan, what are you going to do?"

The voice is the same gentle feeling as always, which makes me stunned!

In my impression, the weirdness in the APP task does not communicate with humans at all, and even the language does not exist. They are just mechanical and crazy to eat human souls. However... the familiar person behind me The unfamiliar and gentle female voice is undoubtedly a human voice, and... she actually called out my name? !

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt...Maybe things are not as simple as I saw.

So... my right hand was directly separated from the physical body, and the arm of the evil spirit body stretched suddenly, ready to go all out at any time. Everything became extremely slow and clear. At the same time, I slowly turned my head and blocked the arm of the evil spirit body in front of me.

I thought that if I turned my head again, I would face a monster with a ferocious face, but... when I turned my head, I found that the teacher in front of me was still... the teacher in Liu Yunyan's memory.


Staring blankly at the teacher in front of me, I was a little dazed.

What I saw just now, is it a hallucination?

No... Impossible, there is an evil spirit body, it is impossible for me to see hallucinations!

What did I just see?

Why is there such a horrible scene?

Wait... Looking carefully, the surrounding environment has not changed in any way, and time has not paused. The wind outside the window and the sound of car horns in the distance still exist... From Fangzheng's memory, the APP incident When it happened, the world would definitely switch to the interworld, but the surroundings... didn't happen at all.

Strange...what the hell happened?

"Liu Yunyan, are you okay? Is your injury not healed yet? Why don't you go to the infirmary to rest?"

The teacher in our class is a female, under [-] years old, not bad looking, and has a gentle personality, so she is very popular with male students, and she herself cares about every detail We, and so the female classmates, have no dislike for her.

"Ms. Zhang... I, I'm fine..."

Up to now, I haven't figured out what happened, but the surrounding environment hasn't changed at all, which means that the APP task didn't happen, but what exactly are those I just saw?

"Come in if you have nothing to do. The classmates miss you very much, and it's time for the exam soon."

Teacher Zhang said softly, she was about to hold my hand when she stretched out her hand in front of me, I remembered the scene just now in my mind, and instinctively retracted it with a trace of fear hand.

Teacher Zhang didn't hold my hand. Seeing my face, there was a hint of surprise and disappointment on my face, but it didn't last, it just passed away, and then shook his head.

"come in."

Looking at her gentle voice, looking at the natural and unchanged environment around me... With three points of uncertainty, I gritted my teeth, and followed Teacher Zhang into the classroom.

I glanced at the classroom, but there was no change. It was still the classroom in Liu Yunyan's memory, and it was still the classmates in Liu Yunyan's memory. They had different emotions on their faces, and they turned their gazes to me one after another. However...just now That scene no longer existed.

what happened?

This question, until I sat in my seat and looked at the test paper in front of me, I still didn't understand it.

What am I seeing?

Scary teacher with a weird smile?

Classmates with specious and distorted faces?

The gentle, kind and beautiful Teacher Zhang?

Classroom and classmates as usual?

what happened?

I looked around and observed for 5 minutes, but I still didn't find any changes. The classroom...is still the same classroom, and the teacher is still the same teacher.

Everything is like an illusion.

With a trace of confusion and doubts, I quickly finished the paper, and then I was the first to hand in the paper, and said to Mr. Zhang, 'I'm not feeling well, I want to take a breath. '

Teacher Zhang didn't say anything else, just nodded. To put it bluntly, the midterm exam is not a big exam, it's just a test inside the campus.

Without any accidents, I walked out of the hallucination-like horror classroom just now with a three-point panicked mood.

The door was slowly closed, and I subconsciously glanced back, but... this glance once again made my hair stand on end.

Those classrooms that I just looked at as if they hadn't changed from day to day, now look so dim... The ground is covered with dark scars, which are the color of dried blood, and the faces of each student are distorted and hideous, and at this moment... …Ms. Zhang standing right behind me had that weird and ferocious smile on her face, and those eyes were less than ten centimeters away from me… I could even clearly feel her breathing The smell of stench and blood!

She... Just like that, with a weird smile, her eyes so bright, looking at me... Slowly, she closed the door.

'Crunch~ bang! '

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of the door moving, the door closed with a 'bang', the horrible scene disappeared in an instant, the cold sweat soaked the underwear in an instant, the pupils kept closing and opening, breathing in this instant... Can't help but pause!

'Gollum! '

Forcibly swallowing a mouthful of saliva, I looked around... It was still the normal classroom corridor as always, the corridor was so quiet, and the sound of pens and snakes in the classroom could still be heard in my ears, Outside the window... a few sparrows were standing on the branches of the tree, chirping freely, and in the distance, the sound of the car's horn was still there...

Standing at the door, for a long while...he took a sharp breath.


In an instant, I felt my whole body regain consciousness again. A gust of cold wind blew by, making me shudder, almost instinctively, making us turn around suddenly, and look backwards at the door of the classroom...

On the window, there were drops of dark red marks, inside the window... one by one ferocious and distorted classmates, on the podium, that face with a strange smile, just stared at me like this.

Breathing, couldn't help but hastened, the heart, pumping blood continuously, instinctively took a few steps back, but suddenly stuck to the window, making a muffled sound that echoed in the corridor!

'Bang! '

In an instant, my mind suddenly woke up, and I turned my head and left without hesitation!

Can't wait! !Absolutely can't wait!

I read that right... that classroom is definitely not normal!

The black traces of dried blood, the hideous and distorted appearance of the students, and the weird smile of the teacher are absolutely abnormal... I have an evil spirit body, it is impossible for me to have hallucinations!

He lowered his head and glanced at the watch, which still displayed the words "Watch World", subconsciously reached out and took out the mobile phone in his trouser pocket, and after a glance, he found that there was no change on it.

Neither the APP nor the text message has any reply, which means that at least... at this stage, I should not have entered the mission, but why can I see so many weird things?

Wait... am I thinking wrong?

I was thinking the opposite?

It's not because I have a ghost body that I can't have hallucinations, is it just the opposite, because I have a ghost body, so I can see those things?

From Fangzheng's memory, I know that he has not experienced missions other than resident missions, which shows that this person is still very lucky. In his memory, I can't find a similar situation, and it is impossible to find a similar situation. .

Because what's going on now, I don't know yet.

I did see it...but nothing happened. The teacher, classmates, and even the whole classroom have changed the style of painting. Why can I walk out of it safe and sound?

This is not in line with the characteristics of APP tasks.

The footsteps still walked forward without any pause, walking faster and faster, and the surroundings gradually became quiet. At first, I didn't care about it. After all, students are taking exams at this time, and it is impossible for any students to still be there. Wandering around the academy... But when I was about to reach the door, I unexpectedly felt that something was wrong.

"What's wrong...I haven't been to this school, at most I've seen Liu Yunyan's memory, strange, what's wrong??"

As I was walking, I looked around and found that there was no one in the playground, even the chirping of birds had disappeared unconsciously, and the honking of cars had disappeared... an empty and silent playground In the sky, even the sound of the wind does not exist...

what happened?

What made me feel so weird?

I suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and subconsciously observed the surrounding environment.

Even in this environment, at least I can still observe calmly, but... what is wrong?

Nothing had changed, the playground was unusually quiet, I looked around, and subconsciously looked back... and just this one glance made my hair stand on end! !

In the classroom of Class One, Class Three, in the dark classroom... Dozens of weird, distorted faces that seem to be in pain and smiling, are tightly pasted on the classroom windows, and pairs of faint green glasses , just look at me like this.

That is, my teacher...and my classmates.

Chapter 3 Let me go (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻

Back then, when I was a child, I was innocent, holding a red paper and pasting it on the porch, on the day of universal celebration, under the brilliant light, it caught people's eyes.

A piece of red paper was pasted on the window. On that festive day, even if it was minus [-] or [-] degrees outside, I could still wear big cotton boots, enduring the cold and almost unconscious toes, and ran on the snowdrift without knowing sorrow. On the stage, laugh out loud with the innocent voice that belongs only to children.

Now this scene...how similar.

Has anyone... ever pasted red paper on a window?

Even if you don't like it very much, at least you don't hate it, right?

So what if... replace those red papers with human faces?

In the classroom on the third floor... on the three rows of windows, one by one... was deformed due to the pressure, grim and painful, with half-smile faces, just like when I tightly pasted the red paper on the windows , the whole window was covered with bright red color, and a pair of green eyes full of malice, just staring at... the only person standing in the empty playground... me.

The skin was agitated, even if I was wearing heavy clothes, even if the evil spirit body fed back the strengthened body, I still felt the biting cold, breathing... At this moment, I couldn't help but pause, my hair stood on end , Scalp numb.

Even the heart seems to have stopped at this moment!

Clenching fists with both hands, I looked at the three rows of windows, what attracted my attention the most... was not the two rows of windows covered with human faces, which should be the windows where the students were located according to their positions, but... That belonged to the podium, that... a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar to me.

I can feel that those classmates are not a big threat to me, the biggest... is that teacher, but... I can't believe it, logically speaking it shouldn't be!It shouldn't be like this! !

Why can I see the world in the watch world?

No... After all, is the classroom really a world?Why am I seeing this?Even if there are evil spirits, this shouldn't be the case!

Do not understand!

However, the more I can't figure it out, the more I feel scared... At this moment, the passage of time becomes extremely slow, as if the whole world has stopped, and every second makes me feel that I have fallen so far General fear!

I wanted to escape...but, my body seemed to be frightened by fear, and I couldn't even move!

Just now... What the hell did I take the exam with a group of things! ! !

Are those really my classmates! ! !

Fear is constantly eroding my sanity!

Finally... Fear turned into anger!

When a person is pushed to a real corner, most of them will burst out their last bit of strength and struggle. This is the instinct of survival, and turning fear into anger...is also this instinct.

"Uh! Uh ~ [Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The anger transformed from fear made me, who had already stopped breathing, shout out with all my strength... However, I only yelled out of my mouth, the voice changed suddenly and stopped, and the rest of the voice... ...It is the sharp roar of the evil spirit that has already left the body!

The moment the upper body left the body, the surroundings instantly became quiet, the campus...it was still the same campus, the windows, the same windows, the dozens of bloody, painful, grim faces disappeared, in exchange for... ...and it was still the same classroom as usual, as if... nothing had happened.

But I know very well that it is impossible for me to have hallucinations.

Then why on earth did I see those things... Could it be... Isn't that something in the APP! ?

However, it is impossible for the soul in reality to persist for too long. I have seen the souls of those who died countless times in the hospital. In just ten minutes or less than half an hour, they have completely turned into ghosts. The air, not even a trace left...

In the end what happened?

What the hell did I see?

Watching the window vigilantly, however... as if playing hide and seek with me, after the evil spirit body appeared, the vision...disappeared, and everything returned to normal again, but...there was no sound of birds chirping , only the occasional honking of cars speeding past.

Turning my gaze, I glanced at the branch... The dozen or so sparrows were all standing stiffly on the branch, like a one-to-one model. If it wasn't for the reflection of my figure in their eyes, and the With a quick glance, you may really think that it is a sparrow figure.

But... in their eyes, it's not just me, it should be said, it's not just...'me'.

In their line of sight, I clearly saw the reflection of my evil spirit body.

Animals... can see evil spirits.

That said, animals can see ghosts... wait, with that said, should I try bringing a sparrow or something next time?

Animals can see evil spirits, which proves that they have certain sensory conditions for weirdness and supernaturalness. It seems that when I come into contact with Shaha again, before I get close or before it sees my figure, it has already Know how dangerous the evil spirit body is.

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