Think about it too, in this environment, it is safer for two people to be together.

If they are separated, it will only increase the chance of accidents.


In the charcoal stove, accompanied by the sound of burning firewood, the warmth gradually rose in the room, and Xia Mutong had also removed the pair of mechanical legs at this time, and then...from the huge backpack behind her, With difficulty, he pulled out a... folding wheelchair.

Seeing her skillfully unfolding the wheelchair and installing the battery, I was speechless.

She is well equipped, right?

It's a wheelchair and a mechanical leg.

However, in such a big backpack, apart from these two things, there is nothing else.

This makes people a little helpless.

But... I can't say anything to her.

Unfamiliar after all.

After tidying up and saluting, I took out the daily necessities that I carried with me, looked at the room, and thought it would be quite troublesome to wash up, as there is no electricity and we can only burn it with fire.

There is a room at the back that can be used for a fire. It looks like a kitchen, but it should not be used for a long time.

After thinking about it, I asked Xia Mutong to sit down, and went upstairs to take a look. As I thought, there is almost no difference in the decoration style between upstairs and downstairs.

There are also five rooms in a row with one bright and four dark.

The front lobby on the second floor has a balcony.

Others, there is nothing to say.

After thinking about it, considering Xia Mutong's legs and safety, in the end, the two of us decided to rest in the east master bedroom downstairs.

Fortunately, there is no threshold in this room, otherwise the wheelchair would be quite a problem.

After deciding everything, I carried the fire cage, Xia Mutong controlled her electric wheelchair, and the two walked into the bedroom.

There are no lights in the bedroom, but there are two standing candlesticks on both sides of the entrance, and there is also a candlestick on the desk. The candles are all new.

Light it up directly, and the firelight immediately illuminates the room, but the dim candlelight cannot make the whole room bright and transparent, but instead gives people a vaguely dark and weird feeling.

The candlelight flickered, and the charcoal fire in the stove also added a third of warmth to the room.

"Xia Mutong, are you in the mood for a chat?"

Sitting in front of the desk, A Yuan will bring us some food anyway, so I'm not in a hurry to sleep now, after thinking about it, I still plan to communicate with Xia Mutong first to see if there is anything I missed.

Xia Mutong sat in a wheelchair and controlled the wheelchair to wander around the four corners of the room, looking left and right, as if she was very curious about this room.

I didn't stop her either, just sat on the chair and watched.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Xia Mutong asked without looking back while watching.

"What do you think of this village?"

What else can we talk about?Want to talk about girls' cosmetics?

In this environment, this occasion, this situation, what else can we talk about, except for the task, everything else is nonsense.


Hearing what I said, Xia Mutong's wheelchair stopped suddenly. Then, she turned her head and stared at me with a very strange look. Those scarlet pupils made people feel a little creepy.

Of course, I'm not a coward, so I just stared at her for a while... She smiled slightly, and the flickering candlelight against her pale face made her look even more eerie and terrifying.

"Since it's your topic, let's talk about it first."

After a while, she spoke quietly, and I frowned, trying to suppress the weird feeling in my heart.

Regarding this Xia Mutong, I don't know the basics, so I have to reserve three points for what I say. She said that she is the person in charge of Province L, but who will prove that she is?

Therefore, I cannot fully trust her.

However, since she asked me to speak first, I will not be polite.

Thinking of this, I followed her example and said quietly:

"This Taiping Village... is quite weird. I don't know if you have noticed that the location of this village seems to faintly conform to the form of gossip."

Hearing what I said, Xia Mutong nodded, frowning slightly.

"I've also noticed this, and I've also seen some differences in the style of the rooms in this yard, which seems to fit the characteristics of the dead gate."

What she said was all nonsense. Since I can tell that I have noticed that the village conforms to the gossip style, I can naturally also notice the problem of the dead door. These are not the main topic. What does she want to do?

Take my word for it?

"Then... do you think this has anything to do with the village stele at the door?"

Among them, I have a vague feeling that the name of this mission, the bloody village stele, the gossip-style house, and the "dead gate"-style courtyard where we live all seem to be involved, but the connection between What it is, I'm not sure yet.

I would like to hear her opinion on this.

However, just when she was about to speak, suddenly... from the main hall, there were two 'clangs'.

Chapter 11 A Yuan

Two muffled sounds followed by a cold and stiff voice came into the room.

"Two guests, tonight's supper will be delivered."

Hearing this voice, I looked back at Xia Mutong, she nodded to me, then manipulated the wheelchair she was sitting on, and followed me all the way to the door.

In this environment, as long as you are a smart person, you will not be alone easily. Once you have rich experience in this game, you will be vigilant during the mission.

And Xia Mutong also understood what I meant, I was really afraid that this temporary teammate living together would not have any sense of self-defense at all.

That would make me suspicious of her instead.

Speaking of which, from the time I entered the village to now, I haven't had time to look at my phone carefully, I have to look at it later.

Thinking about it, Xia Mutong and I came to the gate, I first took a look outside along the crack of the door, however, everything outside was normal, the lights in the distance were still on, the person standing at the gate was also Ah Court.

I didn't ask for the specific surname, nor did I have the opportunity to ask.

"Is it A Yuan?"

To be on the safe side, I still asked first, the voice outside was a bit stiff, and it took a while before I responded: "I am A Yuan."

Until now, I opened the door and glanced outside the door. A Yuan was holding a food box in his hand. It was not a modern style, but an ancient one, stacked layer by layer like a cage. Wooden food box.

Looking at this five-layered food box, there was no hot air coming out at all, which made me think it was a cold dish, and I couldn't help but feel helpless for a while.

"give it to me."

"After you finish eating, please put away the plate. I will come back tomorrow morning to clean it. Also, the electricity will be cut off after 12 o'clock in the evening. Please pay attention."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

A Yuan probably knew that his voice was not pleasant, so he didn't like to talk too much, so he just nodded, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of A Yuan leaving, I always feel that her walking posture seems very strange, there is an indescribable sense of incongruity, but the shadow can communicate, which shows that it is not weird.

Well-known weirdness is unable to communicate with human beings, not to say that they have no IQ, but most weirdness, at least in my opinion, they are all creatures with chaotic logic, completely out of line with human thinking.

The two sides are like creatures of two dimensions, they even obey completely different laws of nature, and cannot communicate at all.

Lifting the food box, the height of the food box on this floor is about 1.1 centimeters, and the height of the fifth floor is one meter. With the handle, it is about [-] meters in height. Such a large food box, A Yuan carried it It seemed to be very relaxed. I don't know where the cooking place is, but I can calculate it based on the time between A Yuan's departure and his return to deliver the food box.

The distance should not be very close, that is to say, such a young girl, carrying a food box weighing more than ten kilograms, walked for nearly 10 minutes, but she didn't look tired at all.

Of course, this can be explained by Ah Yuan's good health. After all, he is a rural person, so his body is naturally much stronger than that of urban people.

You can't ask a programmer to compete with a farmer who works in the field every day.

He glanced back at Xia Mutong, turned around, and came to the main hall. Under the portrait on the front wall of the main hall, there were five pieces in the middle hall. Underneath, there was a half-closed Eight Immortals table, which can be used after being pulled out.

I didn't ask Xia Mutong to help, so I walked over and pulled out the solid wood Eight Immortals table, and then opened the food box.

The moment it was opened, a gust of hot air rose into the air, instantly bringing warmth to the cold skin.

It was still hot.

This is somewhat unexpected.

"Wow, it looks quite rich."

"Hmm... As far as this small village is concerned, it is indeed very rich."

What can a poor village have to eat?Killing a chicken and slaughtering a sheep is fine.

And this food box is almost full of similar things.

But what is surprising is that there is actually a fish in it.

This reminds me that beside the entrance to the village, there seems to be such a stream. I don't know where the source is, but it looks like a long flowing stream.

Probably the villagers intercepted a part downstream and made a fish pond.

After all, where does such a big fish come from the creek among the mountains in this winter?

Put all the meals in the food box on the table, which happens to be four hot, four cold, and one soup, plus two bowls of rice.

As far as this impoverished village is concerned, this is a relatively hearty meal, and I don't know how much the system gave.

But think about it... Is the system still short of money?

1 point worth one hundred thousand dollars!

In the eyes of the system, the points of us players seem to be worthless.

MD... Anyway, I was trapped by the system, I could have left, but I was pulled back abruptly.

During the meal, Xia Mutong and I looked at each other, and then... a rock-paper-scissors decision came out who wanted to eat.

In the end, I was the one who lost. Then, I tasted each dish one by one, waited for about 5 minutes, and after confirming that there was no problem, Xia Mutong started to eat.

After all, in an unfamiliar environment, one must always be vigilant. Even if the villagers are good, who knows if there will be any black sheep.

After a meal, I was both a father and a mother. I cleared the table first, put the leftover plates back into the food box, and then spread the quilt for her. It's like when I gave birth to a daughter older than myself.

This feeling... really sucks.

"Go to sleep."

After starting a business, I also feel very tired. Although eating has replenished all my physical energy, but after a day of driving, it is difficult to subside mentally. But... Xia Mutong didn't go to bed right away, but faintly looking at me.

"Let's decide who will keep watch tonight."

Hearing this, I was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously glanced at her.

"What do you want?"

"You also know that starting at 12 o'clock tonight, it will be the 21st, which means..."

Looking at her serious expression, I naturally knew what she meant, thought about it, and nodded.

"You're right, let's divide it up, guess the boxing game, whoever wins will watch the night first, and the rotation will take place tomorrow."

Then, Xia Mutong and I decided on the rotation time, which is 12 o'clock in the evening. After all, this kind of small village still goes to bed very early at night, usually around eight o'clock. Just got up.

In order to average, 12 o'clock is used as the base point. Whoever wins will watch the first half of the night first, and the loser will sleep in the first half of the night and be on duty in the second half of the night.

And there is no doubt, of course... I lost.

Of course, if you lose, you lose, and I won't make trouble for no reason.

Laying headlong on the bed, ignoring Xia Mutong, closing her eyes... her body quickly entered a sleep state.

Chapter 12 Wizard

All night.

Neither Xia Mutong who was on vigil in the first half of the night nor I who was on vigil in the second half of the night found anything happened.

There are still goose-feather-sized snowflakes floating over the entire village. Maybe it is the reason why the environment has been man-made in recent years?

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