"Is this despair?"

There is no hope in my heart, it is empty... no hope, no idea.

He calmly put his hand on the doorknob, hesitated for a moment, thinking 'I'm going to a car with keys and food', then pushed the door open.

What appeared in front of me was a Toyota Domineering. There was no one in the car, but on the front seat of the car, there was a large bowl of steaming noodle soup and some other food. The key was placed on the sensor, and I reached out After pressing a button to start, the car went smoothly... There was a slight roar.

At the same time, I saw a figure of a man in the side-view mirror, holding a bag in his hand, and ran to the driver's seat against the heavy rain.

Before he could open the door, I stretched out my hand and pushed open the car door. Suddenly, the man froze.

Desperation made me not want to say anything at all, but I just took the steaming bag of food from his hand. I don't know what's inside, but the aroma that comes out makes my mouth water.

Under the man's bewildered gaze, I closed the car door calmly, then kicked the accelerator and drove away.

Only the man who was staring at me with a bewildered expression was left, standing blankly in the wind and rain.

Turn on the navigation, drive all the way, and rush along the street to the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara.

This is located in Narusawa Village, only a few dozen kilometers away from Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees. Although the speed of the car cannot be increased under the heavy rain, this is only for other people, and for me now. explain.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Under the violent wind and rain, the car went up to 120 miles, and it took only ten minutes to arrive at the Fujinomiya Narusawa Line in the middle of the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara.

This road, from northeast to southwest, runs through the entire sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara.

I looked up and looked at the surrounding environment in the rainstorm. Because of the influence of the rain, I couldn't see the surroundings clearly, but from the positioning and the faint forest, I can be sure... This is the Aokigahara I want to go to sea ​​of ​​trees.

"Dying... let's have a full meal."

In the empty carriage, I muttered to myself, and opened the lid of the big bowl of noodles, revealing a beautifully arranged tonkotsu ramen, but it was only beautifully arranged before.

And now, because of my extreme speed racing, some soup has been spilled on the seat.

But it doesn't affect the texture too much.

He took the wet wipes left on the car, wiped them well, and then seriously wiped the sides of the noodle bowl clean.

Picking up the chopsticks, looking at the bowl of tonkotsu ramen, clasping his hands together, he said, "I'm starting."

With a sense of ceremony, he ate his last supper.

The bag that the man brought over later contained fried prawns, fried tempura, and other fried foods, all of which were still steaming hot, which satisfied his appetite.

Although... the taste is a bit mediocre, but anyway, this is my last meal.

Eat it with gratitude, then die with despair...

After eating this last meal easily, I opened the car window, caught some rainwater with my hands, and washed my face.

Die...you have to die more comfortably.

Leaning on the back of the chair, I thought about what I should leave behind. After thinking for a long time, I finally turned on the phone, tidied up the slightly messy hair on my face, and recorded this video.

"Dad~Mom, when you see this video, I may not be here anymore. Don't be too sad. Your daughter, I, have also tried my best to struggle, but the result is that. What I have experienced , I can’t explain it to you in detail, I hope you can understand, I’ll ask your elders to take care of you, Shaohe and Ling Nai are very good people, if possible, please treat them kindly, and finally... You two elders live a long life, don't miss me, goodbye..."

Chapter 79 Strong Onlookers (9/35)

Then, leaving a smile, he closed the video, prepared for a while, opened the video again, and smiled at himself in the video.

"Lu Haochen, this section is for you, is it an accident? Don't worry, I found the reason why you like me, probably because of what you saw? I said you should understand this video. It may also bring you trouble, but... I still want to say that although you may be influenced by that thing, I really have a good impression of you, but... Unfortunately, we have no future. In every sense."

That's right... Whether it's my mental state, the evil spirit body, or the existence of the system, we won't have any future at all.

"That's it, you live well, help me take care of brother Shan, Jiang Yulong, and sister Xu Han, and I will trouble you to take care of Bai Juanjuan, that girl has asthma, I hope you can protect her at school , don't let her be bullied because of me, that's all, bye."

Finally, I sorted out my emotions and turned on the video for the third time.

"Silly, I'm sorry, I may not be able to take care of you anymore. From now on...be honest, be obedient, your parents will take care of you, don't bite the fish anymore, don't...don't be disobedient anymore, live a good life. "

Then, turn off the phone and lie on the backrest with your eyes closed.

The information left behind, these four existences, should be the closest to me now.

Don't talk about dogs and dogs, at least... it is the one that has been with me the longest.

"Speaking of which, Shaha is almost five years old, right? It's a pity that I can't go back."

He murmured, seemingly relaxed, but in reality he was soothing the fear in his heart.

Now, it is still noon, but the sky is as black as the bottom of a pot.

After resting for a while, he sat up, opened the door and jumped out of the car, found a random direction, and walked into the woods.

I was still wearing a raincoat, and I was walking hard on the muddy ground step by step. I didn't know what my purpose was, but what I hoped was that something weird would come out and kill me.

Better to be clean and fast, without too much fear and pain.


It was raining heavily, and occasionally, a bolt of lightning pierced the dark sky and illuminated the eyes.

The surrounding area was quiet, except for the sound of rain and wind, only the sound of leaves fluttering in the wind. The already dark sky could not illuminate the forest at all. In front of my eyes, it was almost pitch black, coupled with the barrier of heavy rain , Even if I have night vision ability, the distance I can see is only two or three meters away.

As I was walking, the heel of my shoe suddenly broke. Only now did I remember that I seemed to be wearing high heels.

Reaching out, he took off the high-heeled shoes under his feet and threw them aside, but inadvertently bumped into a round object, which made a crisp sound.

'Click! '

Turning around, I saw...a moss-covered, gray-and-white human skull.

What appears to be the skull of a male.

The pair of holes hidden in the darkness were lifeless, but seemed to be staring at me.

There was an unbearable chill on his back, but... his body, instead, he walked in that direction.

Gradually, the skull became clear. It was a skull covered with moss, without any strange things around it. The only difference was that beside the skull, on the big tree, hung a half meter long rope.

There were black marks all over the rope, which felt like the marks left by erosion after the corpse rotted.

He lowered his head and looked at the skull. His other parts were scattered around. On the bone, there were traces of something biting.

It must have been eaten by some animal.

How about... hang yourself?

Better than being scared to death.

After a little hesitation, I stretched out my hand and touched the noose. It was not high, it was about a head taller than me. I was hanging on it, so I guess only my toes could not touch the ground.

But that's enough.

However, when he thought of the feeling of being hanged to death, he subconsciously rejected this method of death.

After all, I've been hanged twice.

Turning his head, he looked at a tree next to him. It was quite tall, but he probably couldn't fall to his death.

Just as I was thinking, suddenly, in the darkness in the distance, there was a faint sway, which made my eyes subconsciously follow the irregular sway.

'Wow la la ~ clap la la ~'

This is obviously the sound of the grass being swung away. It is strange that such a sound cannot be made, could it be... Lu Haochen! ?

Why is he here?

Just when I was taken aback for a moment, before I had any mental preparations, that figure came out from the darkness.


Just as he was about to call out that name, he suddenly realized... that it was not Lu Haochen who came out of the grass, but a... corpse that had already decayed, with cloudy and pale eyes!

A chill surged from the tailbone to the top of the head in an instant, and the heart tightened even more with a 'bang'. However, this is not over yet!

Right next to the rotten male corpse, the sound of "crash clatter clatter" came again, and another rotten corpse came out from the darkness.

Then, another one, another one... One after another, the rotting corpses walked over from the dark corners, swinging through the grass. ,

They walked over, surrounded by corpses one after another, and surrounded me like this.

All the corpses stared at me with those rotten pale eyes.

But... none of them moved.

Just look at me like that.

Slightly taken aback, he glanced around subconsciously, then turned around, suddenly! ! !

Their eyes all shifted from my body to the noose.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at me in unison.

Is this... let me hang myself?

Up to now, the time has not passed twelve o'clock, and the current time is eleven fifteen in the morning. The world watch is used, and the evil spirit body is also used, so there is only a substitute doll that is still useless... But, also never mind.

Seeing the increasing number of corpses, he stepped up to the noose, hesitated for a moment, reached out...and grabbed the noose.

But those corpses just watched me motionless and didn't make a sound.

"Are you... forcing me to commit suicide?"

Glancing around, my heart calmed down. Looking at the degree of decay of those corpses, it is estimated that each of them has been around half a year to a year, right?

Even the gray-white skull on the ground turned its head around at some point, lay down on the ground, and just looked at me like that.

"It's just death... Heh~ it's no big deal, as if no one has ever died."

With a long breath of relief, he held the noose tightly with both hands. Countless images flashed through his mind, and he handed the noose under his neck.

As long as... I gently stick my head in, I'm dead.


At this moment, the whole world froze, breathing, became so heavy.

Chapter 80 I don't want to die! (10/35)

The body was caught suddenly, and I wanted to pull my arm back, but instead I leaned my body towards the corpses. Without hesitation, I instantly exchanged my hands for a second substitute doll. I let go and let the finger-sized The stand-in doll landed on the muddy dirt!

In an instant, all the rotting corpses let go of me, and this moment is also the best time for me to escape!

That's right... I regret it!

It's like the poem that Li Hongzhang said was left behind at the end.

Laolao's chariot and horse have not left the saddle, and you will know that you will die before the incident!

In the previous period of time, I had already thought about how to die and how to solve all this, but at this moment, I regretted it!

This is instinct, this is nature, this is the reaction any creature will have!

I don't want to die!

I don't even want to die in such a place that no one knows about! !

I want to live!

I want to see the sun tomorrow!

I want to eat it for dinner tonight!

I still want to go home and watch Shaha!

I still want... a lot!

No hope is okay!

It doesn't matter if you don't have money!

It doesn't matter if you don't have a mobile phone!

No car, no TV, nothing, it doesn't matter!

Live as long as you can!

should live!

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