Hibiki Hongye hugged her head with a greenish face, and began to think desperately.

On the side, looking at the auspicious reminder of Xingyu, Judai couldn't help being frightened for a while, and didn't dare to have any opinions because Xingyu interrupted his appetite. After all, what he said before can be regarded as arranging Xingyu. spoken.

Then, in Judai Congxin's eyes, Xingyu smiled.

"Tudai, you still underestimate me!"

"Xing, Teacher Xingyu, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand!" Judai smiled uglier than crying.

"I'm talking about what you said before, even if you continue to help Hibiki as a wingman, it's impossible for me to knock you out and send you to Asuka's bed. After all, you are the only one who should be punished in that situation. But if you are knocked out and sent to Asuka’s bed, it’s not good for them! So I will choose a more reasonable punishment method, such as making you unable to duel for a year, or this method is better Is it reasonable?"

Judai's face began to twitch, and he kept shouting words such as devil and devil in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it at all, because he couldn't guarantee that after he showed his true thoughts, Xingyu would He will not punish him from now on, if he is really unable to duel for a year, he will suffocate to death.

"I remembered! After the accident of the worshiper, I also searched for ways to restore the worshiper in various countries in this world. Then during the time in the United States, I accidentally found a little girl who was haunted by darkness. Just use a dark duel to help her erase the darkness that entangles her, and that little girl's name is Rui Ji McKenzie." After thinking hard for a long time, Xiang Hongye finally showed an expression of sudden realization.

Xing Yu nodded and said: "So that's the case, there is no repayment for saving your life, only a promise with your body."

Xiang Hongye said with a bitter face: "Mr. Xingyu, I can't take this kind of joke. I was just out of good intentions at the time, and I really didn't intend to ask her for anything in return."

Xingyu smiled and said: "Well, I'm not joking, but don't think that Rui Ji's thoughts are all for revenge, I can see that you, the hero who saved her from the darkness, at that time Since then, it has become the only pillar of her soul, after all, she was really alone at that time, and no one could rely on her."

"Alone, no one can rely on? Wait, doesn't she have a father?" Xiang Hongye frowned.

"Judao, please explain the situation at McKinsey."

Judai glanced at Xingyu, and the way he looked at Hongye also began to change, because he was extremely annoyed now.

Why do I want to discuss things about Teacher Xingyu here? I know that Teacher Xingyu has surpassed ordinary humans in all aspects, but I still carelessly said bad things about Teacher Xingyu at a place not far from Teacher Xingyu. The matter has come to this point, and I have no way to reverse the situation. I can only think of ways to divert the trouble. Brother Hongye in front of me is the best target. After all, he was the one who started this topic at the beginning, and Brother Hongye also expressed his desire to If he calculated Teacher Xingyu's thoughts and wanted to divert Teacher Xingyu's dissatisfaction, brother Hongye could not be more suitable!According to Teacher Xingyu, it means that a dead fellow Taoist will not die a poor one!Anyway, brother Hongye, I'm sorry, when you get married, I will toast you a few more glasses to show my apology!

"A ba ba ba ba..."

Thus, Judai opened the high-speed divine language, and explained the situation of the father and daughter Rui Ji and Professor McKenzie in a fast speed.

Then, when Hibiki Koye was blaming herself for not being able to deal with Tragodia ahead of time, Judai suddenly changed the subject.

"Brother Hongye, didn't you say you were going to start a duel with Teacher Xingyu with stakes? There is still a long time before the banquet starts, so it is a good opportunity!"

"Judai?! You?!" Xiang Hongye, who was still blaming herself, was stunned for a moment, looked at Judai with a face full of astonishment, and almost flinched.

Xingyu glanced at Judai with a strange expression, he has grown up a lot.

Xingyu can guess that Judai wants to bring disaster to the east, but if he complains to Xingyu at this time, it is a conspiracy against Xingyu. After all, Xingyu can know that Judai arranges his own affairs, so he will naturally Knowing that Hibiki Hongye wants to initiate a duel, whether it is using conspiracy or conspiracy is to calculate the astrology, it will not end well, it will only make Judai's ending even worse, so doing that is not at all It's not a disaster, it's just about dying together.

Therefore, Judai chose another method, starting from Hibiki Hongye's side, which was just a trick to Hibiki Hongye, and didn't think much about Xingyu. After all, Xingyu originally had the idea of ​​a duel with Hibiki Hongye. Especially after Hibiki Hongye proposed to launch a duel with stakes, it was even more impossible to let Hibiki Hongye go, and Hibiki Hongye didn't know that Judai was almost black now, in Hibiki Hongye's impression that Judai He was still the child with a duel brain, so in a short period of time Judai will not have any troubles because of the sound of Hongye. As for the future, we will talk about the future, and now we will transfer the dissatisfaction of Xingyu.

Chapter 841 Chapter 820 Three Star Language VS Hibiki Hongye, Full Firepower

"I have no objection. I just want to see how far you have grown after more than ten years. As for the issue of betting, as long as the bet is fair enough, I am happy to accompany you!"

Xing Yu said with a smile on his face, but Xiang Hongye felt that he could see an extremely sharp blade from this smile, which could bring him endless crises.

Hibiki Hongye couldn't help feeling a little panicked, but as a duelist, he really didn't want to miss the opportunity to duel with a powerful duelist, especially if this powerful duelist was the hero deck user he had longed for since he was a child. king.

"Then, Mr. Xingyu, please accept my challenge, but let's forget about the bets, and just have a normal duel."

In the end, Hibiscus Hongye didn't want to give up the opportunity and asked for a duel, but recalling what Judai said, he still felt a little complacent, so he gave up the so-called bet after saying sorry to his sister in his heart.

However, just because Xiang Hongye wanted to give up, it didn't mean Xingyu was going to let it go.

"Hongye, this is an idea you came up with yourself. How can you let it go like this? It's more interesting to add a bet! Let me think about it, um, according to what you said, if you win, I will Suppress the thought of being afraid of trouble and try to give Hibiki a chance, if I win, you can try to date Rui Ji."

Xiang Hongye said with a darkened face, "No, Mr. Xingyu, this bet is not fair, is it? If the bet is equal, shouldn't I also try to give Rui Ji a chance?"

Xingyu spread his hands and said: "Isn't this a matter of course? My situation is different from yours. Your parents have already seen Rui Ji as a daughter-in-law. Even in their eyes, you will never leave for seven years. The status of the unfilial son of the news is not as high as that of the filial daughter-in-law. In this case, it is already difficult for you to sever the relationship with Rui Ji. Naturally, I can't bet on the exact same conditions. That's the real injustice."

Hearing this, Xiang Hongye's face turned black, and he even felt that his eyes were completely dark. He didn't know what the little girl had grown into back then. Under such circumstances, his parents actually decided on her as a child. Daughter-in-law, this is deliberately trying to trick him, an unfilial son.

On the side, Judai looked at Hongye with sympathy. Brother Hongye is still too naive. He completely believed Teacher Xingyu's words so easily. It seems that Brother Hongye still needs some lessons. Otherwise, in this era Sooner or later, he will be fooled by other dark duelists, so this lesson should be taught by Xingyu teacher.

"Okay, Judai, let Yubel help us, and teleport us to an uninhabited area. I plan to use my best deck for the duel with Hongye, so I still need to hide it."

"No problem, leave it to us, Yubel!"

"The transmission has been completed!"

After the words fell, the three of them came to a wilderness, and Yubel's figure also appeared beside Judai at the same time, with an expression on his face, she was very happy to see Hibiki Hongye being deflated, no matter what Said that she was sent to the universe because of Hibiki Hongye, even though the root cause was herself, she still felt unhappy with Hibiki Hongye.

"Mr. Xingyu, after careful consideration, I think we should not add—"

"How can there be so much nonsense, you are still not a man, if you are a man, you can readily agree to a duel!"

Before Hibiki Koye finished speaking, Yubel interrupted his words, and Yubel even directly controlled Hibiki Koye's duel disc to unfold on its own.

Hibiki Hongye was suddenly at a loss for words, while Judai put a hand behind his back with a smile on his face and silently gave Yubel a thumbs up, so that he could cooperate. An honest person like Brother Hongye really needs to be trained.

Seeing this, Xing Yu also smiled and launched a duel board.

"Sarcasm! The duel has begun! Let me see your strength!"

Seeing the self-starting duel disk, the corners of Xiang Hongye's mouth twitched a few times, but in the end he didn't say anything, no matter how honest he was, he could still tell that the guy from Shidai was a [-]-year-old boy, and Xingyu also made it clear that he would Teach him a lesson, he can only do his best to win this way.

"Mr. Xingyu! I will do my best!"

"Let the horses come!"

"Duel!" X2

"Tsk, will you attack me first?"

Xingyu couldn't help but clicked his tongue, while Xiang Hongye breathed a sigh of relief, they were all hero decks, who didn't know who, for hero decks, the second player has a great advantage, so , his chances of winning should be higher.

"Forget it, let's attack first! It's my turn, draw cards! Magic card, hero arrives! Pay half of the life value, and I will special summon Bubbleman from the deck as an attack! Because of the effect of Bubbleman, I draw two cards Card!"

"Half-blooded opening, Teacher Xingyu really didn't intend to release water at all, brother Hongye looks like it's going to be miserable." Saying so, there was no sympathy on Shidai's face, only the schadenfreude of dead friends not dead poor daoists .

Xiang Hongye rolled her eyes directly, Judai, you guys don't plan to act anymore, bullying honest people is not like that.

"The effect of the Dushanren, discard the demonic person in the hand, specially recruit the Dushanren and place the increment person; the effect of the increment person, liberate the Dushanren and specially recruit yourself and the bionic person; the effect of the bionic person, send the shadow mist girl Go to the graveyard; the effect of the Mist Girl, add Blood Demon-D to the hand; the effect of the bionic man, except the Solitary Man will be merged and added to the hand; Demonic Man; the effect of Blood Demon-D, liberate Incremental Man, Demonic Man, and Bubbleman to special summon Blood Demon-D in defensive display."

"The effect of the second Demonic Man, except that I specially recruit the third Demonic Man; the mask of the magic card changes, sending the Demonic Man to the cemetery, and special summoning Dark Claw; the attack means summoning Skyman, the effect of Skyman, Liquid Man Adding cards into hand; magic card fusion, merging Skyman and Liquid Man, and special summoning Sunrise Man; the effect of Sunrise Man, adding Miracle Fusion to the hand; the effect of Liquid Man, drawing two cards and throwing one card; magic Card Miracle Fusion, except the Demonic Man and Bubble Man, and special summon the Absolute Zero Man."

After a set of the most succinct storytelling, under the sluggish eyes of Xiang Hongye, Xingyu's field was already full of five monsters, the Bionic Man, Blood Demon-D, Dark Claw, Sunrise Man, and Absolute Zero Man. People are nothing, but Gorefiend-D, Dark Claw, Sunrise Man and Absolute Zero Man are enough for him to drink a pot.

Chapter 842 Chapter 820 Chapter [-]: You Jinxia Hastily Exited

"I'll cover three cards, the round is over, Hongye, it's your turn!"

[Star Language: Hand: 6 →... → 2 HP: 2000]

Hibiki Hongye shook his head, and his face became serious. He now believed what Judai said. Judging from Xingyu's performance in the last round, it was really not easy for him to defeat Xingyu, but as a duelist , he wouldn't just give up like that, let alone that the so-called bet was forcing him to do his best.

Xiang Hongye said with a serious face: "Destiny Hero Gorefiend-D, the card that was widely circulated at the beginning, I still have some understanding of its effect. After placing D-Power at the top of the deck, it can nullify the effect of the card on the opponent's field. The effects of all monsters, and can also invalidate and destroy the magic and trap cards that target the cards on your field! However, Mr. Xingyu did not place D-power at the top of the deck, Mr. Xingyu, you use It should be Blood Demon-D from another world, right?"

"That's right, my Gorefiend-D is a different world version, so it can play its effect without placing D-Power, but this effect is also weakened because of this, it can only negate the desired effect of the monsters on the opponent's field, and Cannot invalidate and destroy the magic and trap cards that target the cards on the field." Facing Hibiki Hongye with insufficient information, Xingyu finally did not choose to keep the effect of Gorefiend-D secret, he could see that Hibiki Hongye wanted to kill him. As an idol, it doesn't matter if you cheat outside of the duel, there is no need to overdo it in the duel.

Hearing Xingyu's explanation, Xiang Hongye also heaved a sigh of relief. If the Gorefiend-D in another world has all the positive effects of the Gorefiend-D in this world, he really can't think of how to win. Fortunately, it is not yet. Worst outcome.

"My turn, draw cards! I activate the magic card, Pot of Greed, and draw two cards!"

"The Pot of Greed? Hongye, have you forgotten the effect of the Dark Claw on my field? The effect of the Dark Claw is once a turn. Randomly choose one card to exclude! Dark Claw, Shadow Soul Reaper!"

"Heh!!" You Jinxia raised his claws with a playful sneer, and rushed towards Xiang Hongye.

"How could I forget! At this moment, I activate the Quick Attack Spell Card, and the effect is blocked! This card can only be activated when the opponent activates a monster effect, the effect is invalid, and the monster is destroyed! I negate the effect of the Dark Claw, and Destroy it!"

An iron cage appeared in front of Xiang Hongye out of thin air, and the dark claw that launched the charge did not have time to stop, and rushed directly into the iron cage, and then was locked up like this, and the iron cage was destroyed together.

"Phew! I finally got rid of the troublesome Dark Claw! Next, I activate the magic card, TAKE OVER 5! Send five cards from the top of the deck to the cemetery. Next time in my preparation phase, this card will be in the cemetery. In this case, I can select a card with the same name as this card from the deck, hand, or graveyard, banish it together with this card, and I draw a card!"

With that said, Hibiki Hongye picked up the five cards that popped up from the top of the deck, looked at them and sent them to the graveyard.

"No wonder your first target is Dark Claw, it's for the grave."

"My cemetery is not just a pile of tombs. I will activate the magic card, subspace duel, and both players will choose three monster cards from the deck, and display them in turn. The side with the lower attack power of the displayed monsters will receive 500 points of damage. And send the monster card to the graveyard, and the side with the higher attack power of the displayed monster will add that monster card to the hand!"

"So it turns out that Gorefiend-D only seals the effects of monsters on the field, and most phantom heroes have the ability to activate effects from the graveyard, so as long as this card causes you to receive any damage, you can use it from the graveyard The phantom hero is placed in the magic trap area, right?"

"That's it. However, Mr. Xingyu, you can also deliberately choose monsters with lower attack power, but you only have 2000 HP left. If you lose three times in a row, you will only have 500 HP left. Only It takes a fireball to defeat you!"

Xingyu raised his eyebrows, wouldn't it be so, Hongye, could it be possible that he would also set fireballs in the deck?Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you let it go or not, I won't change my pace because of it.

Shaking his head, Xingyu selected three cards from the deck, and Hibiki Hongye also picked three cards from the deck.

"My first one is this!"

"The hero of destiny is determined!" "The hero of phantom is poisonous!"

"The attack power of the determined man is 1600, and the attack power of the poisonous man is 900, so I received 500 points of damage and sent the poisonous man to the cemetery! But at this moment, there is an incremental man, a shimmering man in my cemetery and The effect of doubling people is also activated, I put these three cards in the magic trap area!"

"Did you pile up three cards and send them to the cemetery directly through TAKE OVER 5? It seems that your card drawing luck is also pretty good! Let's start the second card!"

"Heroes of Destiny and Divine Man!" "Sacrificing chestnut balls!"

"The attack power of the divine man is also 1600, and the attack power of the sacrifice chestnut ball is 300, so I received 500 damage again, and sent the sacrifice chestnut ball to the cemetery! But at this time, the drama I just sent to the cemetery The effect of the poisonous man is also activated, and I place the poisonous man in the magic trap area."

"It's actually a sacrifice chestnut ball. It seems that you have gained a lot in the elf world! Then the third one!"

"Elemental Hero Mist Lady!" "Phantom Hero Assault Witch!"

"The attack power of the shadow mist girl is 1000, and the attack power of the raid witch is 2700. This time I lost, so I suffered 500 points of damage and sent the shadow mist girl to the cemetery, but at this moment, the shadow mist girl and the increase The effect of measuring people has also been activated, I added Skyman from the deck to my hand, and then placed the increasing people in the magic trap area!"

"I activate the effect of the Phantom Hero Raid Witch in my hand. When this card is face-up and is summoned by a superior, it can be used as a monster instead to release the trap card on my field! Because Raid Witch is an effect activated in the hand, So it will not be affected by Blood Demon-D! And the four phantom heroes in my back field are all placed in the magic trap area as trap cards, so I can liberate them to summon the raid witch! I will place them on the field as The poisonous man and multiplier who are continuous trap cards are released, the superior summons, and the phantom hero raids the witch!!"

The cards of Toxic Man and Multiplier turned into light together, wearing a hat like a magician, and a blond witch holding a large gun appeared on the scene.

[Phantom Hero Assault Witch: Effect Monster, Eight Stars, Dark Attribute, Warrior, Attack Power: 2700, Defense Power: 1900]

[Effect: When this card is face-up and is summoned by a tier, it can be used as a monster to release trap cards on the field.

①: This card can only be activated when it is successfully summoned.Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the opponent's field.During the turn this effect is activated, you cannot Special Summon monsters other than "Hero" monsters. 】

PS: Chapter 3, there is another chapter today.

Chapter 843 Chapter 820 Chapter [-] Bold Thought·Second Change

Xing Yu stroked his chin and said, "A raid witch? But under the control of Gorefiend-D, even if you summon the raid witch, there is no way to activate the effect and destroy my backcourt."

Xiang Hongye said in a deep voice: "There is no way to destroy it, so I won't destroy it for the time being! I activate the magic card, phantom fusion, and send the fusion material monster determined by the hero fusion monster card from my hand and the field to the graveyard. Fusion Summon [-] Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck. If there is a fusion material monster in my Spell and Trap Zone that is used as a continuous trap card, I can also banish that monster card as a fusion material! I banish the micro on the field. The light man and the incremental man, merged and summoned the phantom hero worshiper!"

Arms folded, wearing black armor, the ninja-like hero appeared for a long time, but this time he stood opposite Xingyu.

"Enter the battle stage! I use the Assault Witch to launch an attack on the Blood Demon-D in defense mode, phantom surprise attack!"

"It's really a monotonous attack! Then I also activate the effect of Sunrise Man at this moment. When our hero monsters other than Sunrise Man declare a battle attack, they target a card on the field. Card Destroyer! I will destroy your admirer on the field, Sunrise Ray!"

"Boom!" X2

The cannon fire from the Raid Witch and the light from the Sunrise Man hit the Gorefiend-D and the Worshiper at the same time, destroying both.

"This moment is what I've been waiting for! Quick-play magic card, scrap fusion, activate, I will exclude Mist Girl, Bionic Man, and Liquid Man from your graveyard, Mr. Xingyu! Fusion Summon, Phantom Hero Trinity!!"

"So that's it. Trinity can attack three times in one round, which is enough to clear the monsters on my field! But it's only limited to clearing the monsters on my field. They can't even cause damage to me, and even All the monsters on your field will be destroyed by the effect of Absolute Zero!"

"That's not necessarily true!" Looking at the magic card Necromancer Phantom in his hand, Hibiki Momiji also smiled. The effect of Necromancer Phantom is to special summon an opponent's monster destroyed by battle in this round, Although the monsters summoned by this effect will be destroyed at the end of the round, it is enough to give a fatal blow to the star language with only 1500 HP when all the monsters in the field are destroyed.

"Trinity, launch an attack on the Sunrise Man, and the phantom will burst twice!"

"Don't worry! It's not your turn to attack yet! Because you used waste fusion to get rid of my Liquid Man! Therefore, the effect of Liquid Man is also activated. Once a round, this card becomes a fusion summon of a hero fusion monster." The material can only be activated when it is sent to the graveyard or when it is excluded. I draw two cards from the deck, and then discard one card from my hand! Then I open the cover card, trap card, and expand the new universe!"


"The effect of the expansion of the new universe, select any number of Neo-Space monsters and Neo-Space monsters with the same name from my hand and graveyard, and special summon them to the field in defense position! However, the effect of the Special Summoned monster is invalidated, and As long as the monster Special Summoned by this effect is on my field, I can't Special Summon monsters other than Fusion Monsters from the Extra Deck! But it doesn't matter, even if the effect cannot be activated, it is enough to be used as fusion materials, and I have no intention of Summon monsters other than Fusion Monsters! Therefore, I summon Elemental Heroes Neo-Space and Neo-Spacian Dark Panther from Graveyard in Defense Position!"

"Xinyuxia and Dark Panther?! Send two cards to the cemetery through the effect of Liquid Man! This way, it's really troublesome!" Xiang Hongye frowned.

"Trouble? No, no, no, no! The real trouble starts now! I open another cover card! Quick-play magic card, super fusion! Discard a card in my hand, and I can choose monsters on both sides of the field as fusion materials! "

"Nani?! Monsters on both sides?! Could it be?!"

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