Dimensional Apartment Manager
Page 575
Arriving at the location where the horses were, Krasti and Sanzuo Takayama, the cadre who learned the truth, were waiting there.
Not just horses, but wagons being towed.
"Two, it's been a long time since you saw each other?"
"Mr. Krasti will also join the raiding team this time?"
"Because that makes sense to us."
Sansa Takayama, who was staring at Jiuye and Shumi Elya, opened the car door, and Krasti, who entered first, invited Jiuye and the others to enter.
Makoe also entered the carriage, Naotsuke and Takayama Sansa were in the driver's seat, and Akatsuki was on the horse.
In the carriage, now Chenghui, who had just set off, said the next arrangement.
"The BOSS we want to defeat was originally a reward BOSS in the game. It is a high-risk, high-reward mission dungeon. It originally required at least 50 people to clear it, but your strength can greatly reduce the number of people."
Jiuye knew they wanted to use him, but that wasn't what he cared about.
"Don't worry, I will defeat the boss."
"Mr. Jiuye, that's my line!"
"Yes Yes Yes……"
This is Jiuye's last confirmation in this world, confirming whether he is invincible in this world.
Chapter 63 Yes, strong!
颠簸的马车让乘坐在上面的久叶很不舒服,其实他早就想要吐槽了,为什么不可以直接使用魔法传送过去呢? 可仔细一想,‘传送魔法’在这个世界之中可不是什么容易习得的技能,甚至是不存在的技能,只有特定区域之间能够使用传送门进行移动,而个体来使用的传送魔法却不为人知。 游戏世界的设定一旦变为现实,有很多地方都会出现漏洞跟新的可能性,不知道诚惠是否想过自己创造出完全全新的技能,而非依附于这个世界本身的设定。 久叶自认为自己还算有些创新能力,如果让他在这个世界生活的话,必然会想办法研究出新的魔法。 另外一个方面,久叶也会跟诚惠一样,探究这个世界的根本,弄清楚它到底是一个怎样的存在。 说不定久叶原本的世界也是一个游戏世界,只是他属于那种最低等级、最普通的NPC角色,所以既没有厉害的背景也没有足够的钱财,还真是有够让人不爽的…… 不得不说【地球OL】完全不平衡,拥有‘天赋’的角色们往往可以在出生的时候高一人等,接着依靠这样的优势变得更加厉害。 但是转念一想,所谓的‘高人一等’其实不是什么差别,而是自己内心深处认为自己‘低人一等’罢了,这么一说的话,人活着最重要的果然是自信呢。 当然这里的自信可不是自大,正如‘七大罪’里面的‘傲慢’一样,自大可不是什么能够让人成长的‘属性’。 坐在马车上面如此思考的久叶深深地叹了一口气,那么自己之前的行为算是一种‘自大’吗? 不过久叶拥有足够的实力,只要是在特定的环境下,他就是无敌的存在,所以他本人认为不是自大,而是实话实说。 可不可否定的是,有时候‘实话实说’反而更加容易被认为自大。 就像是在看电影、新番、小说的时候,在评论区说出自己内心的想法,往往会被一些作品的极端粉丝揪出来批斗,否定你的实话。 明明评论的意义在于跟志同道合的人分享、和想法不同的交流,结果却变成了‘黑子’跟‘粉丝’的撕·逼大战,不得不说有的人无聊到了极点,或者是爱到了极点…… 在即将到达目的地之前,原本一直靠着久叶肩膀睡觉的修米艾尔雅醒了过来,她醒过来的一句话就是一个问题,一个询问正对面城规跟克拉斯提的问题。 “你们这两个看起来有不少经验的老道人类冒险者,我问你们哦,你们认为冒险者装备的衣服越少,防御力就越高吗?” 前不久制定完计划的两个人面面相觑,他们把修米艾尔雅的话当作路途中的玩笑话,于是纷纷做出回应。 “其实还要看情况,如果是重装备不好活动的区域,自然是轻装备更加有优势,性价比也越高,等于是表现提升了总体的‘防御力’吧。” 克拉斯提主职业守护战士,类型为猩红骑士,副职业狂战士,每一个职业都是前排,负责冲锋陷阵,因此因地制宜选择装备成了他的第一要项,因为克拉斯提很喜欢输出…… “用通俗一点的话来说,重型装备不合适的区域受到了五百点伤害,但轻型装备却很适合那个区域,本来命中后会有六百点伤害被避开了两百点,如此一对比的话,很显然是轻型装备拥有更高的‘防御力’。” 当然,克拉斯提口中的‘防御力’换算过来就是‘性价比’,并不是真正的防御力。 等到克拉斯提发言结束,身穿法师长袍,全身上下都盖着衣服的他回应道 “克拉斯提说的没错,但非要在‘衣服越少’的情况下得到更多的‘防御力’,那么装备的质量将是最重要的一个要素。” “意思是说那种黄金和钻石打造的装备的区别? ” “不,你的比喻可不对,因为黄金打造的武器在实战中往往比起钻石更加坚硬。” 诚惠的话让久叶想起了看过的一些古代欧洲战争时期的书本,里面有人身穿黄金战甲,但绝对没有人穿钻石战甲。 除开当时‘钻石只有贵人们可以使用’这个条件之外,钻石本身的坚硬无法在战争中体现出来。 理由很简单,因为钻石的硬度高只能防止被利器刮花,它的韧性其实很低,受到外力基本上都会直接碎裂开来。 “这个世界运作的原理我还在调查,系统给予装备上面的数值很可能是一种强化,使用者佩戴之后便会有相应的效果;五十级的戒指跟十级的胸甲,戒指提供的加成跟护甲往往都要高上许多。” 装备等级决定了防御力的高低。 “意思是可以戴着十个戒指,其他部位一丝不挂地跟敌人战斗?” “理论上是可行的……” 诚惠露出许些无奈地笑容,面对修米艾尔雅这个小家伙,他给出了经过思考的回答。 “不,换算一下的话,那样的防御力根本不算是提升吧?” 否定了诚惠的人是克拉斯提。 “全身各处没有装备,只有戒指的话,面板防御力或许会很高,但各处收到的伤害会因为没有‘韧性’跟‘减伤 而出现‘致命一击’的效果,那么一来受到的伤害反而会增多。” “我们只是谈论脱光装备戴着戒指这个方面,而非探讨实际战斗。” “装备的意义不就在于实际战斗?诚惠君,可不要被表面的假象给欺骗了。” “你的意思我也清楚,有点装备在提供面板的同时反而会带来一些负面效果,比如说拥有大量装饰物的装备会干扰视线,但就在防御力方面,刚才我的发言可没有任何错误。” “要穿衣服才行,少使用几个戒指,穿上衣服,会让防御力更高,即便是衣服的等级比起戒指低了很多也一样。” 过去两个人都是负责指挥攻略组的好手,现如今因为修米艾尔雅刚才那种玩梗一般的提问陷入了争执当中…… “我认为因为穿衣服而舍弃掉足够强大的戒指是不对的,面板数值将直观地体现出来,在活动性方面也会大大地增加。” “然而不穿衣服会在受伤时加伤,你没有忘记以前活动里面的BOSS吧?那个必须打落护甲才可以造成有效伤害的BOSS。” 跟刚才一样,克拉斯提的话让久叶想到了‘只有风暴可以击倒大树!’这句台词。 靠在马车边缘的久叶看到修米艾尔雅妄图继续说些什么,他不得不伸手将其嘴巴挡住。 “你别给他们增添不必要的麻烦。” “我是不穿衣服派哦。” “变成巨龙的你就是不穿衣服的吧?” “真是变态呢,龙鳞就是我们的衣服哦。” 这么说的话,修米艾尔雅也就只有在变身为人类的时候可以全·裸了呢,想到这里的久叶认为自己得到了一个无关紧要的情报。 突然马车停了下来,门也被打开,驾驶位置上面的高山三佐和直继向马车之内的诚惠他们搭话。 “诚惠,我们到了!” “会长,我们已经回来了。” 还在因为穿不穿装备而争执的两个人总算是停了下来,他们望着彼此,最后发出一声叹息。 “去跟他们汇合吧。” 诚惠离开之前,他像个超级胜利的小鬼,对着修米艾尔雅伸出了右手大拇指。 看来他是听到了刚才修米艾尔雅‘不穿衣服’的发言,这位面对事情总是一丝不苟的男主人公,也有这么有趣的地方啊…… ———— 冒险者的城市·秋叶原,这就是久叶目前的所在地。 这座城市还留着不少现代城市的遗迹,各处都有活动的冒险者,来到此处经商的大地人倒是不多。 原本因为那场异变而来到此处的冒险者们迷失了方向,最后在诚惠等人的组织下,这才终结了混乱,让大家联合区来。 不过冒险者都市的作用可不在这里,因为冒险者们的战斗力要比起大地人高得多,所以这座城市建造了不少接受委托的公会,开始对周边遭到亚人种侵扰的大地人伸出援手。 穿着带有兜帽披风的久叶四处观察,和修米艾尔雅一起走在队伍后方的他们不怎么引人瞩目,反倒是诚惠和克拉斯提两个人受到了关注。 “会议区域就在那边,只不过这次的计划没有必要举办一场秋叶原自治组织圆桌会议,因为我已经提前通知大家了,所以愿意帮忙的人都会到目的地集合。” 放慢速度的诚惠向久叶解释,这位办事效率很高的主人公再次得到了久叶的佩服。 “你们这些相互合作的公会想必拥有足够的力量吧?为什么还要邀请我过来?虽然让异族们加入你们的公会是一个很好的条件,但你们的目的不只是击杀那个BOSS吧?” 久叶这么说的理由也已经十分明白,毕竟这些家伙可是超高等级的冒险者,他们如果联合起来去攻略迷宫深处的强大BOSS自然不成问题。 再加上这个世界没有了组队的限制,本来的50人、百人副本可以增加更多的人手,让更多的精英加入到攻略组当中,增加DPS。 “久叶先生,我可以去那边买东西吃吗?这个世界的料理看起来意外的不错。” “我带你过去,不要打扰主公他们。” 晓提出带修米艾尔雅去购物,久叶看了幼龙一眼,用眼神告诉她别在这里搞事情之后继续询问诚惠。 “你们很强,这一点我倒是可以肯定,所以说本就拥有实力的你们没有必要如此拐弯抹角啊。” 对于诚惠提出的报酬久叶很开心,这个世界的冒险者是一股强大的实力,异族们跟冒险者们有了联系过后,安全系数也会随之提高不少。 在久叶的提问下沉默下来的诚惠在心中思考着。 他像是在顾虑,也像是在急躁,不过最后他还是恢复了往日的态度,冷静而且理性。 “之前我也说过,我与那位米莱雷克的贤者李·耿恩谈过,他告诉了我一些你的信息,我也用自己的情报做出交换,可到现在为止仍旧拥有很多的谜题。” 诚惠就像是另外一个角度的骨傲天,不过安兹先生一般都是在跟想象中的敌人战斗,但诚惠却是跟眼前的现实战斗。 听到他的回答,久叶很清楚他的意思。 “说白了就是想要从我这里获取我不会告诉你们的隐藏情报,对不对?” “如你所说,既然你都清楚的话,继续隐瞒下去也没有任何作用。” “我倒是不讨厌诚实的家伙啦,不过呢……我自己也不是那种老实人,作为交换,除了让一部分异族加入公会之外,你们还必须提供他们交易时的保障,说白了就是保证他们在这个世界的权益。” “那样的事情是理所当然的,可是否做得到就有待考究了,因为其他国家的玩家、观念不同的大地人都会成为阻碍。” 那就排除! 久叶没有说出这样的话,他的目的可不是挑起战争。 “很好。” 说到这里,去买了甜点的修米艾尔雅跑了回来,不过他的表情不怎么开心。 “很难吃……” “回去做给你。” “说起来上次那位时崎小姐的料理很美味。” “GJ,修米艾尔雅。 ” 多了一个邀请的理由。 “我们到了。” 这时候诚惠提醒久叶,前方站着的是战斗系公会的重要成员跟会长。 诚信(Honesty)的亚因斯、西风旅团的宗次郎·势田跟荠、黑剑骑士团的艾札克以及雷萨立克。 他们都是战斗公会,拥有不同的特性和不同的实力跟作战风格,想必指挥、配合起来十分困难,不过这些都不是久叶要担心的问题。 “诚惠先生!好久不见了啊!” “恩……宗次郎君,你们都准备好了吗?” “事不宜迟!” 宗次郎露出了自信的笑容。 正如久叶所说的那样,他十分佩服诚惠,佩服他的效率跟手段。 可这一次他不会轻易将自己的情报交出去,毕竟久叶并没有让一个好助手逃走的想法。 自己的情报对于他们来说很重要,这就是久叶的底牌。 至于要击败的BOSS,只不过是一个过场、一个形式罢了。
Chapter 64 yes, you don't move here
There is a saying that 'where there is no wind, there are no waves', that is, 'where there is a cause, there must be an effect'.
The result of a thing is indeed a standard for judging it, but if you do not pay attention to its 'cause', then this judgment standard must be biased.
For example, a certain successful person, people always like to praise his innovation and talent, and think that his success is achieved by his own hard work. After investigation, people find out that he married a wealthy farmer before he made his fortune. daughter……
Of course, it does not mean that such a person has no talent or something. After all, for the same 100 million, some entrepreneurs can reduce it to 1000 million, while others will lose it halfway.
"As far as the current situation is concerned, we are the 'cause' and they are the 'effect', but we still need to optimize the process. Have you learned that?"
"Not at all, because Mr. Jiu Ye always said some inexplicable things..."
"It's actually easy to understand."
Jiu Ye, who was sitting on the sofa of the Adventurer's Guild, gave a detailed explanation.
"Our appearance created the 'cause', which is the beginning of everything, and their plan created the 'effect', which is the final end, but if the 'cause and effect' are to be perfectly integrated, the process is very important , so you understand?"
"So that's the case... But for us, isn't it possible to directly cause 'cause and effect'?"
"Right, right?"
Jiuye, who was reminded by Humi Erya, fell silent. This young dragon has grown a lot recently, and her way of thinking is many times stronger than before.
Jiu Ye, who expressed that he couldn't refute it, began to think about what Shumi Airyan said just now, and found that it was true.
Jiuye has the ability to create 'karma', which is by no means arrogance.
Jiuye, who was leaning on the sofa, couldn't help but look up. There was a lamp made of magic stone emitting light above his head, and the light was much brighter than ordinary electric lights.
The Adventurer's Guild [Horizon of Records], where Kuha and Shumi Erya are currently staying.
"I see what you mean."
Shumi Erya is also a dragon who likes to save time in other places, and then spend it on things she wants to do. Presumably this is what many people have in mind, right?
If you can create 'cause and effect' yourself, there is really no need to act with them.
"Mr. Jiuba, didn't you look at the map they provided just now? If you take this Akihabara as the starting point, the exit is north, so the south is where we are going. There is also a huge statue at this location. I Think we'll be easy to find."
In the meeting just now, we talked about the specific destination, as well as the detailed steps and plans.
There is a BOSS under the ground at that location, which is a 50-man dungeon, so it is said that the help of Jiuye and the others is needed.
"That's true, what if they want us to protect them to get the treasures on the way? We may not be able to find all of them, right?"
"But what they asked us to do was to defeat the boss? After all, the real fun of the game lies in defeating the boss!"
"It cannot be denied."
Jiuye remembered that when he brushed his equipment every day and night, and then defeated the strongest event boss, the sense of accomplishment that came out at that time was still very refreshing.
Of course, being addicted to the game is not good, but the world in the game is a world that many players want to experience. Among them, the most interesting and happiest thing to do is to defeat the boss besides exploding equipment.
Some people may say PVP, but Jiuye prefers to challenge the official "strongest" than PVP.
"Don't waste time, let's go! Instead of spending time with them here! It's better to get it done by yourself!"
Shumi Erya looks like a carefree young man, but she is still very reliable at critical moments.
"Don't rush me, I'm also thinking..."
After all, if the purpose of Makoto and the others to defeat the boss is to search for the dungeon safely, then after Jiuye defeats the boss, there will be other powerful enemies.
But...even so, all you need to do is kill all the elite monsters and bosses inside.
"Okay, I've decided. Instead of forming a team with them, let's go and hunt down the boss and all the creatures in the dungeon."
"This is Mr. Jiuye! He looks super handsome now!"
"I hope I won't be slapped in the face."
There are also quite powerful strongmen in this world.
No need to think about it, the boss that needs fifty elite players to fight must be very strong, so Jiuye is a little worried.
But what he was worried about was not himself, but Shumi Elya, this guy was not invincible.
"If there's a problem, and it's the kind of problem that's hard to solve, you can run away by yourself, OK?"
"Don't worry, I will live with Mr. Jiuye's share."
"That's really nice."
Shumi Erya's hair was rubbed, Kuha wryly smiled, but she slapped off her right hand with her tail.
Boom boom boom!The knock on the door came to mind at this moment, and Jiu Ye, who let the outsiders in, heard the voice first.
"Excuse me, both of you, this is the snack I prepared, I don't know if you like it."
"I'm just hungry! I'll eat it together with Mr. Kuba's share!"
"That's troubling. As a chef, I hope more people can taste this dish, and don't worry, there are still many in the kitchen."
"I'm gonna start now!"
The snacks served were beige pastries with cream and fruit for decoration.
Seeing that Shumi Erya was eating very happily, the visitor also showed a smile.
His name is '喵太', cat-human ♂, the main professional swordsman, the type is Erdao style, and the sub-professional chef.Aged in the late 30s.
Not only that, but he was also the first person to discover that food with taste can be obtained by making it through the normal process instead of following the programmed recipes.
"My name is Meowta. I also said in my previous self-introduction that I will also participate in the strategy battle this time. Please give me more advice."
Meowta looked at Jiu Ye who was picking up the pastry, and after a pause, he continued to ask
"Jiuye, you are an adventurer, and the little girl over there is a giant dragon, is this true?"
"Yes! And your dim sum is delicious!"
Shumi Erya, who showed her dragon horns, tail, and wings, emphasized her identity, and Nyota stroked her beard with a surprised expression.
"Although I don't know what's going on, and there were no settings and occupations such as 'Tamable Dragon' and 'Dragon Knight' in the past notices, but your existence proves the possibility of this world. Over there Girl, would you like another order?"
Shumi Erya who was asked nodded, she didn't know how to be polite, dragons are so direct.
At this time, the door that Meowta hadn't closed just now was accidentally pushed open, and the young members of [Horizon of Records] who were eavesdropping outside fell into the house.
They are Shirley, Toya, Isuzu, and Lundyhaus Coed.
"No, sorry!"
"Sister! It's really a dragon!"
The two sisters, Shili and Toya, showed surprised expressions, and Isuzu and Lundyhaus Kord also looked incredulous. After all, dragons are high-level monsters and existences in mythology to them.
Shumi Erya, who became the focus, was not polite, she stood up and wagged her tail.
"Touch one snack at a time!"
"Treat my snacks as a commodity... well~ as long as you like it."
Seeing that his dim sum has become the current common currency, Meowta couldn't help but plan to take out some more.
Shi Li and the others are not as stable as the old players. After hearing the request from Shumi Erya, they ran out to bring the cakes they hadn't eaten yet.
"Don't move around here, I'll go out and have a look."
Jiuba asked Shumi Erya and Shili to stay together, while he went outside the house.
The outside of the room was as lively as the inside of the room. After the meeting, everyone had a small banquet, and the dishes that really shined were of course Meowta's.
The previously mentioned Yains from Honesty, Soujiro Seida and Nazuna from the West Wind Brigade, Isaac and Lesarric from the Black Sword Knights, these people are all there. No kidding.
"I thought you were resting, but it seems that you can't fall asleep?"
Jiu Ye, who came to the lobby, was accosted by Cheng Hui, who seemed to have had a few drinks.
"Those brats disturbed you, sorry."
"It's okay, speaking of it, I want to know the specific purpose of your attacking that BOSS, can this be disclosed?"
"It's very simple. The boss has a huge reward, and the dungeon area where the boss is located has a lot of treasures. In the past, it was difficult to integrate a group of elites to attack."
That's quite normal, it's okay for a few high-level players to cooperate, but it's somewhat difficult for dozens of high-level players to cooperate with each other.
It's not that the high-level players are not good at technology, but because their technology is so good, they will take actions outside the arrangements, thinking that they will become the most attention-grabbing existence just like in the past.
"To put it plainly, there's money to be made there, that's all."
"It sounds pretty simple."
"No, the boss is extremely difficult. Many teams have been wiped out because of it. The reason why we will challenge this time is because you will join us."
"Actually, we are not very good players."
Jiuye, who became humble, found that someone was walking this way.
The rather young-looking person who came over was Soujiro Seida, the head of the West Wind Brigade, and he was a handsome guy.
"Come for a drink, both of you? I also want to hear your adventure story, Jiuye!"
Jiu Ye and Makoto were dragged to the wine table together, and seeing Jiu Ye appearing on the scene, Izak, the head of the Black Sword Knights, also spoke loudly to Jiu Ye.
"Yo! Yo! Adventurer! I heard that you dueled with Klasti and won consecutive victories?! That's great! Let me try too!"
"Don't jump in line! The next person to duel with Jiuye is naturally me!"
Naotsugu, who hadn't forgotten his previous proposal, announced this, and Klasti smiled.
"You will also lose instantly, but now I am fully prepared."
"Hahaha! You mean being killed in seconds?! That's even more exciting!"
Izak laughed, and he, who liked fighting more than Klasti, also began to look forward to the duel with Jiu Ye.
Jiuye, who finds it troublesome, will not fight against them one by one. Thinking of this, Jiuye put the wine glass in his hand to his mouth, and drank all the wine in it.
The drinks in the different world of the game taste the same as ordinary drinks, but there may be some negative effects.
Hisakuha, who talked to the players and declined their invitation to duel, sat for a while and left.
"Don't move around here, tonight is still very long."
Jiu Ye said the same thing as before, but now his destination has changed, instead of going back, he went out.
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