And no one except Emerson knows that when Shirley Yang got out of the car under the pretext of shopping in Xi'an, she once sent a transoceanic telegram. As for the content, Emerson did not know, because the above content You can't see any clues in ordinary times, but there is definitely some mystery hidden in it, because he knows very well that Shirley Yang is not that kind of nonsense person, presumably it should be some kind of password.

"I have no problem here, just follow the arrangement."

Emerson nodded, indicating that he obeyed the command. Anyway, this place is not far from the destination, so just go to the destination to rest as Shirley Yang said.

After all, they are all non-human beings. Except for Ruiwen who was a little annoyed by being bored, the rest of them didn't feel burdened by this level of running around.

As for the two brothers, Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan, they also seem to have no objections. This club is helping Professor Chen and his students with their luggage, and is preparing to continue to the destination this time. It is also the start of the archaeological team's real action. Place.

The most obvious feeling after entering Xinjiang is that the population has become scarce. Compared with the places I have been to before, it is more than 01:30.

Hu Bayi was better, after all, he had been to the desert once, but this was the first time for Wang Kaixuan.

Although he kept saying that he had suppressed bandits here, everyone knew that he belonged to the kind of person who talked about running trains. No matter what age it was, there were no bandits who asked him to suppress them.

But the journey was boring after all, and everyone took his cowhide as fun when they had nothing to do, and it was not bad to listen to it as a story.

Just listening to Wang Kaixuan's loud voice, several people drove to a small town not far from the desert.

Hu Bayi's comrades-in-arms are also accompanying him, in order to find a good guide through this acquaintance.

A place like the desert is no different than deep mountains and old forests. As long as you have the corresponding experience, you can venture into it even without a guide.

If you have this kind of thinking in the desert, you will probably only be able to turn into a mummy under the yellow sand in the end.

So this point has almost become a consensus, no one objected to the proposal of finding a guide, so in order to find a guide who is really capable, Hu Bayi found his comrade-in-arms.

"anyone there?"

Standing outside a small courtyard with obvious Western Region style, Hu Bayi poked his head and shouted inside.

This is the comrade-in-arms that his comrade-in-arms found, because he can't leave the station without authorization, the comrade-in-arms just told the address, and Hu Bayi can only do the rest by himself.

"Old Hu, haven't you fucking eaten? Only the beasts in this yard are moaning and chirping. No one can hear your voice."

Wang Kaixuan heard Hu Bayi yell twice and no one answered, so he moved forward with his big belly, first said a few words to Hu Bayi, then directly opened his loud voice, and shouted into the inside up:

"Fellow, open the door!"

"What are you doing?"

A voice with a strange tone suddenly sounded from the side, startling Hao Aiguo who stood behind and looked at the front.

After regaining his composure, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My fellow, we are looking for An Liman who lives here. Do you know him?"

"That's me, what's the matter?"

This is an old man in his 50s, probably because he has lived on the edge of the desert all year round. His skin looks rougher than Professor Chen's, but his body is much tougher. He is dragging a large pile of forage.

"We are an archaeological team from Beijing. This time, I want you to be my guide and take us into the desert."

Professor Chen happened to be beside Hao Aiguo, and when he heard the old man say that he was An Liman, he immediately stepped forward with a smile and said what he wanted.

"No, you can't enter the desert now."

After hearing Professor Chen's words, An Liman shook his head without even thinking about it.

"It's the wind season now, and the desert is not allowed to enter at this time. You should wait until the wind season is over before you come."

Chapter 546 Wizard

"Brother, we can only find the place we want to find if we take advantage of the windy season and enter the desert."

"This is our certificate. We are really an archaeological team from Beijing."

As Professor Chen spoke, he took out their documents and handed them to An Liman for him to see.

An Liman took a look at the ID, then looked around at the rest of the people in turn, and shook his head at Professor Chen: "No, you can't get out of the desert this season."

"Old man, isn't it you?"

The fat man came over and said to An Li indifferently.

In his opinion, the role of a guide is to lead the way. This old guy is so boasted that he must have a way to take them there.

An Liman didn't follow his tactics at all, he just glanced away and ignored him, wanting to pass the crowd and go straight into his yard.

Shirley Yang had been watching from the side, and at this moment, she stepped forward and blocked An Liman's path, and said, "Old man, what do you think of this, as long as you lead us to the place we are looking for, I will follow the instructions of your animals." Buy them for double the price, and they'll all be yours when you come out of the desert."

She had been looking at the things in the yard, and found that An Liman probably lived by breeding camels. The walls of his yard were not high, and it was easy to see that there were about thirty or forty camels inside, so she proposed this condition.

An Liman stopped in his tracks. He took a serious look at Shirley Yang and asked, "Double buy everything? Will my camel be returned to me when I come back?"

"That's right." Shirley Yang nodded.

"That's good, but we need to bring more camels when we go into the desert. We don't need cars. Hu Da doesn't like cars."

An Liman raised this opinion, but no one present refuted him.

Among these people, only Hu Bayi had the experience of living in the desert, but he was acting with the army at that time, and there was no need to worry about these things at all, so he chose to follow the advice of the guide An Liman.

Now that they found the guide, everyone simply stayed at An Liman's house, where they prepared the supplies they needed to go into the desert, and also practiced self-cultivation. Although they were not too tired after driving for several days, their bodies were still weak after all. A little tired.

Seeing that Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang, who were the team leaders, decided to leave in two days, Emerson suggested to them to go around and look around first, and would come back in time to meet them in two days.

No one objected to Emerson's desire to leave, except for Hao Aiguo's displeasure, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang seemed to be happy with Emerson's temporary departure.

In fact, among these people, only Emerson and the four of them were out of the plan. Now Emerson wants to go out for a walk, which is a wish for Shirley Yang who needs to avoid their work.

After sending Emerson and the others away, Shirley Yang took Hu Bayi away from An Liman's residence that day and went to a small county nearby.

Sitting on the truck on the way to the scene, Hu Bayi finally couldn't help asking the question in his heart: "Miss Yang, what are we going to do?"

If it is for supplies to go to the desert, then they can prepare them in An Liman's place. After all, compared with laymen like them, An Liman, who lives in the desert, knows what supplies are needed. They don't need these things. worried.

"I asked someone to bring some equipment, we need to go and get it."

Shirley Yang didn't answer Hu Bayi's question very clearly, but just told him that she had ordered some special equipment and needed to go get it.

Since Shirley Yang didn't want to talk about it, Hu Bayi didn't continue to ask. After all, he was just a temporary team leader, and we didn't have a deep relationship, so we just followed Shirley Yang.

The county town is not close, and it was already dark when the two arrived. The temperature difference between day and night here is huge. Hu Bayi was a little thankful that he was wearing thick clothes, otherwise this change would have been quite difficult.

Although Shirley Yang came here for the first time, she seemed to have known the route for a long time. After getting off the bus, she led Hu Bayi all the way to the door of a small remote hotel, and carefully looked at the sign above. After that, he stepped in.

Hu Bayi keenly noticed that Shirley Yang became vigilant after arriving here, and subconsciously noticed every move around her, guessing that the weapon in her mouth might not be as simple as he thought.


Ten minutes later, Hu Bayi, who walked out of the small hotel with Shirley Yang, was in the same state, even more nervous than Shirley Yang.

He really didn't expect Shirley Yang, an American, to have this kind of access in China to get such contraband.

This means that he is a person who has been on the battlefield, and his psychological quality is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

After touching the things he had hidden in his jacket, Hu Bayi walked up to Shirley Yang and said in a low voice, "We can't stay here overnight. It's safe to go back overnight. If this thing is discovered, let's not say we went In the desert, I guess I can only go to the prison to stay."

"Don't worry, we haven't entered the city yet. It's just that it's hard to find a car if we go back overnight. There is a high probability that we can only walk back."

"The eleventh road is the eleventh road. It's much better than worrying about it."

Hu Bayi expressed his thoughts without even thinking about it. Don't look at him shooting guns in the ancient tomb, but it is an uninhabited deep mountain and old forest. Fiddle with this thing in the city.

After finishing speaking, Hu Bayi comforted Shirley Yang beside him: "I have probably estimated the route we took when we came. If we start now, even if it is the eleventh route, we will definitely be able to reach the place in the middle of the night."

It's not a white lie, but he did write down the route on the way here. After all, the two of them didn't chat, and it would be boring if they didn't find something for themselves to do.

"Then let's go."

Shirley Yang is not a spoiled young lady, knowing Hu Bayi's worries, she agreed.

As for the safety on the road, the two of them are not worried. Now their lethality is very strong. The guy in his arms is not a joke, and Hu Bayi's combat effectiveness is very guaranteed. Even without the pistol in his arms, three to five Personality is not too much of a problem for him.

For the sake of deception, Hu Bayi and his wife chose a seemingly sparsely populated road and left the county town. They planned to walk a little distance and then turn back to the main road they took when they came, to see if they could meet someone passing by on the road. car for a lift.

Chapter 546 Wizard



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"Brother, we can only find the place we want to find if we take advantage of the windy season and enter the desert."

"This is our certificate. We are really an archaeological team from Beijing."

As Professor Chen spoke, he took out their documents and handed them to An Liman for him to see.

An Liman took a look at the ID, then looked around at the rest of the people in turn, and shook his head at Professor Chen: "No, you can't get out of the desert this season."

"Old man, isn't it you?"

The fat man came over and said to An Li indifferently.

In his opinion, the role of a guide is to lead the way. This old guy is so boasted that he must have a way to take them there.

An Liman didn't follow his tactics at all, he just glanced away and ignored him, wanting to pass the crowd and go straight into his yard.

Shirley Yang had been watching from the side, and at this moment, she stepped forward and blocked An Liman's path, and said, "Old man, what do you think of this, as long as you lead us to the place we are looking for, I will follow the instructions of your animals." Buy them for double the price, and they'll all be yours when you come out of the desert."

She had been looking at the things in the yard, and found that An Liman probably lived by breeding camels. The walls of his yard were not high, and it was easy to see that there were about thirty or forty camels inside, so she proposed this condition.

An Liman stopped in his tracks. He took a serious look at Shirley Yang and asked, "Double buy everything? Will my camel be returned to me when I come back?"

"That's right." Shirley Yang nodded.

"That's good, but we need to bring more camels when we go into the desert. We don't need cars. Hu Da doesn't like cars."

An Liman raised this opinion, but no one present refuted him.

Among these people, only Hu Bayi had the experience of living in the desert, but he was acting with the army at that time, and there was no need to worry about these things at all, so he chose to follow the advice of the guide An Liman.

Now that they found the guide, everyone simply stayed at An Liman's house, where they prepared the supplies they needed to go into the desert, and also practiced self-cultivation. Although they were not too tired after driving for several days, their bodies were still weak after all. A little tired.

Seeing that Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang, who were the team leaders, decided to leave in two days, Emerson suggested to them to go around and look around first, and would come back in time to meet them in two days.

No one objected to Emerson's desire to leave, except for Hao Aiguo's displeasure, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang seemed to be happy with Emerson's temporary departure.

In fact, among these people, only Emerson and the four of them were out of the plan. Now Emerson wants to go out for a walk, which is a wish for Shirley Yang who needs to avoid their work.

After sending Emerson and the others away, Shirley Yang took Hu Bayi away from An Liman's residence that day and went to a small county nearby.

Sitting on the truck on the way to the scene, Hu Bayi finally couldn't help asking the question in his heart: "Miss Yang, what are we going to do?"

If it is for supplies to go to the desert, then they can prepare them in An Liman's place. After all, compared with laymen like them, An Liman, who lives in the desert, knows what supplies are needed. They don't need these things. worried.

"I asked someone to bring some equipment, we need to go and get it."

Shirley Yang didn't answer Hu Bayi's question very clearly, but just told him that she had ordered some special equipment and needed to go get it.

Since Shirley Yang didn't want to talk about it, Hu Bayi didn't continue to ask. After all, he was just a temporary team leader, and we didn't have a deep relationship, so we just followed Shirley Yang.

The county town is not close, and it was already dark when the two arrived. The temperature difference between day and night here is huge. Hu Bayi was a little thankful that he was wearing thick clothes, otherwise this change would have been quite difficult.

Although Shirley Yang came here for the first time, she seemed to have known the route for a long time. After getting off the bus, she led Hu Bayi all the way to the door of a small remote hotel, and carefully looked at the sign above. After that, he stepped in.

Hu Bayi keenly noticed that Shirley Yang became vigilant after arriving here, and subconsciously noticed every move around her, guessing that the weapon in her mouth might not be as simple as he thought.


Ten minutes later, Hu Bayi, who walked out of the small hotel with Shirley Yang, was in the same state, even more nervous than Shirley Yang.

He really didn't expect Shirley Yang, an American, to have this kind of access in China to get such contraband.

This means that he is a person who has been on the battlefield, and his psychological quality is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

After touching the things he had hidden in his jacket, Hu Bayi walked up to Shirley Yang and said in a low voice, "We can't stay here overnight. It's safe to go back overnight. If this thing is discovered, let's not say we went In the desert, I guess I can only go to the prison to stay."

"Don't worry, we haven't entered the city yet. It's just that it's hard to find a car if we go back overnight. There is a high probability that we can only walk back."

"The eleventh road is the eleventh road. It's much better than worrying about it."

Hu Bayi expressed his thoughts without even thinking about it. Don't look at him shooting guns in the ancient tomb, but it is an uninhabited deep mountain and old forest. Fiddle with this thing in the city.

After finishing speaking, Hu Bayi comforted Shirley Yang beside him: "I have probably estimated the route we took when we came. If we start now, even if it is the eleventh route, we will definitely be able to reach the place in the middle of the night."

It's not a white lie, but he did write down the route on the way here. After all, the two of them didn't chat, and it would be boring if they didn't find something for themselves to do.

"Then let's go."

Shirley Yang is not a spoiled young lady, knowing Hu Bayi's worries, she agreed.

As for the safety on the road, the two of them are not worried. Now their lethality is very strong. The guy in his arms is not a joke, and Hu Bayi's combat effectiveness is very guaranteed. Even without the pistol in his arms, three to five Personality is not too much of a problem for him.

For the sake of deception, Hu Bayi and his wife chose a seemingly sparsely populated road and left the county town. They planned to walk a little distance and then turn back to the main road they took when they came, to see if they could meet someone passing by on the road. car for a lift.

"Hey, the Americans and I don't have revolutionary ideas, but the idea of ​​human life that is to win glory for the country."

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