Xavier walked away with a tetanus.

There was no coercion or control, it was Tetanus who voluntarily followed him away.

After Xavier made his request to Tetanus, Tetanus couldn't wait to agree.

Let alone one, even ten, as long as it doesn't touch his bottom line and can get him out of this oppressive place, then he will agree.

He couldn't stay here any longer in Emerson, the eyes of those elves really made him tremble.

He had a feeling that those guys were looking at him like they were looking at food.

If he didn't feel that Emerson was not easy to mess with, he couldn't help but ask him.

"Is the dog's status so low now? It's all mixed up as pet food!"

It's a pity that he was very conscientious, and he didn't say anything when he questioned him.

Therefore, he chose to leave with Xavier, and went home directly after helping the other party to teleport.

The earth has become too scary, and he is not used to it.

And Emerson arranged a room for Emma's body. As a newly released liaison officer, Emma has officially settled here since today.

Except for Ruiwen who glanced at Emma with an inexplicable look, the others didn't have any objection to this.

Saeko Busujima has been obsessed with the growth of strength and can't extricate herself. If Emma hadn't deliberately approached her, she might not have found such a person.

And Natasha knows that as a qualified subordinate, she does not need to care about the private life of the leader.

As for the protagonist of the incident, Emerson didn't feel anything unusual, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

He is now thinking about another thing, that is, after Xavier's plan succeeds, turning the entire earth into mutants.

Or to be more precise, it is to stimulate the X gene in everyone's body, so that they can all have their own unique abilities smoothly.

Only in this way can there be no worries.

Who would be an ordinary person if they had the chance to be a superman?

It's just that this is just a current idea, and there are still many difficulties to overcome in order to succeed.

It is necessary to see if among the mutants whose abilities have been supplemented, there are any abilities that can help in this regard.

Otherwise, if you want to rely on technology, then you don't know how long it will take to achieve it.

This is something that Emerson can't do anything about. If it's just one or two people, then Arceus can easily do it.

But if all the people on the whole earth, unless this is the race he created, Arceus can't do it.

The consumption of doing so is too great, and it is completely worth the candle.

Suddenly, Emerson thought of one thing, that is, under his influence, the earth in the Marvel universe has been changed beyond recognition. Does it still have any effect on him?

After thinking about it carefully, Emerson found that it was useless.

After he successfully expanded Elven Island to planetary level, the earth has completely lost its original function.

And after Thanos cooperated with him, this situation became even more obvious.

It's just that Emerson has never paid attention to this matter before. In his subconscious mind, the earth as the center of the universe is an important strategic area in the future and has incomparable importance.

But that was before he came, everything changed after he came.

The catastrophe of the movie universe, the snap of Thanos is gone, and it will never happen again.

Let the family planning committee suddenly become a world expander, and become a hot invader against the land.

And the small fights on the earth can affect him.

Therefore, Emerson decided to give the earth to the motherland as a gift from himself.

As long as the mutant world is successful, some of those weird abilities will be of great help to improve the overall strength.

At that time, he will be in charge of connecting and directly let Marvel's Celestial Dynasty cooperate with this world, then it is not imaginary to want to dominate the world.

Of course, this kind of thing must be kept from Xavier and the others. After all, everyone cooperates with cooperation, but race disputes are another matter.

If Xavier and others know his idea, will they also want to support their own races in other worlds? This is a very difficult thing to say.

After all, even if Xavier is a mutant, he was an ordinary person before awakening, which is an indelible experience.

So Emerson made up his mind that even if other worlds are merged with the Marvel world in the future, the earth of those worlds will be sent to other places in the universe to avoid their proposals with the earth.

As for the Huaxia on the earth, he is responsible for leading the contact in order to form a cooperative community and promote development in multiple ways.

Just when Emerson was thinking about this matter, he suddenly realized that someone was against him.

The blatant malice was completely undisguised, so that he quickly locked the opponent's position.

However, the opponent's action was very fast, and the moment he locked it, he had already started to act.

Several rockets pierced towards the center of the elf with burning tail flames.

Amidst a series of rumbling explosions, dozens of heavily armed figures entered the center of the elves.

They didn't even wait for the explosion to subside, so they rushed in against the explosion.

These people obviously knew what was going on inside a long time ago. A group of people didn't hesitate after entering, and even didn't even see clearly in the smoke. out.

Then one after another, the traps flew towards that position.

As for the other two teams, one rushed to the place where the elf eggs were placed, and the other rushed up the stairs to the second floor.

"Such a blatant move, it seems that you have made them reach the limit of their patience!"

Emma, ​​who was wearing pajamas, came to Emerson's side. The following situation could not be hidden from her perception, and she guessed which party it was written almost instantly.

"... let's hunt."

Emerson stood in front of the door with a very serious expression on his face.

He didn't pay attention to Emma's words, but patted Hunt on the shoulder lightly and asked him to solve the matter.


After Emerson's voice fell, a tyrannical roar came from Hunter's mouth.

He left Emerson's shoulders, and his pocket body began to swell extremely, and soon became a giant.

And in the process of his transformation, it also officially stated that Emerson's shop is gone.

This guy--

Emerson looked at Shou with a gloomy gaze, and he felt that maybe letting Shou solve it was not a good decision.

In fact, the three evil dragons and the biting land shark can also take on this important task.

Chapter 457 Let's begin.

Like a vigorous dragon body shaped by crystal clear crystals, it soars into the sky.

The moment it appeared, it attracted the attention of all interested people.

Hunting stared at the sky, a dragon's breath gushed out from his mouth, piercing the sky like a spear.

A fighter plane hovering in the sky was directly penetrated from bottom to top.

Naturally, Emerson asked the hunter not to deal with those guys who broke in, but to deal with the existence behind those guys.

Although the height of these stealth fighters is acceptable, how can they hide from Emerson's perception, so he directly asked hunting to deal with these accomplices who were watching the show on the sidelines.

Beams of light shot up into the sky, destroying all the planes hovering in the sky in the blink of an eye.

After finishing all this, Kari simply hovered in the air, his tyrannical eyes swept over everyone who tried to spy here.

This is the real purpose of Emerson's appearance of hunting. While acting as a deterrent, it is also responsible for intercepting some people's eagerness to jump over the wall.

Yishou's current ability is enough to be regarded as Ivan the Great. If he is prepared, even the Ivan the Great can intercept it and freeze it into ice.

And those people in the elf center encountered Lie Bite Lu Shark and three evil dragons. Although these people are well-equipped and well-trained, they are ordinary people's bodies after all, and they are vulnerable to elves.

The elf center in the darkness is like a ferocious beast, no matter how many people enter it, they cannot escape the fate of being swallowed, silently and silently!

Emma's eyes were constantly changing. Originally, she just thought that Emerson was very powerful, but she didn't care too much about the elves.

But now she finally knows that these elves are so powerful, especially the hunting hovering in the sky, which makes her feel trembling.

She who has the power of the mind can perceive that powerful sense of oppression most clearly.

"Is this an elf?"

She was moved.

Now she really wants to have an elf of her own, which will bring him a great sense of security.

As a veteran who has rich experience and is good at saving lives, Emma is one of the best in this regard.

If you look at Xavier and Eric, you can tell that they are all people of the same period. One of them was closely observed, and the other was even more miserable, and they were directly imprisoned deep underground.

As for those of the same kind who are also all-powerful, they are more likely to have died in the past.

Only though she hid in the dark, she lived a comfortable life.

The huge Hellfire Club is under her control, and the things she wants are delivered to her without even having to do it herself.

Emerson glanced at Emma, ​​whose eyes were shining, and ignored her.

He has seen this kind of behavior a lot, and he no longer finds it strange.

And at the moment when Emerson was attacked here, Xavier, who had returned to his own territory, had a flash of light in his eyes. Looking at the X-Men who were ready to go in front of him, he said softly, "Let's start."

He has been waiting for this opportunity, waiting for those people to do something to Emerson.

How could he not think about the consequences of meeting Emerson so frequently.

Like Emma, ​​he can control an ordinary person at will and meet Emerson in a confusing way.

But Xavier did not choose this safer method, but went directly with great fanfare.

For this very moment!

When he had the idea of ​​rescuing Eric, he was already thinking about how to make it smoother.

Now that Eric has been imprisoned, he must be under strict guard. If he wants to keep casualties small, he needs a robust and effective method.

So he thought of Emerson, and used him to attract the attention of those people, so as to disperse the other party's vitality.

Of course, this is a thought hidden deep in Xavier's heart, and he told no one, even Emerson, the person he used.

Emerson can resist Xavier now, and under Xavier's seemingly gentle appearance, he will also have his own ideas.

He believed in Rui Wen, but unlike Rui Wen who hadn't seen her for a few years, decades of time made his memory of Rui Wen a little blurred.

Under such circumstances, how much trust will Xavier have in Riven and the unfamiliar Emerson?

If he wants to get Eric out now, he may not have strengthened his strength to resist Emerson's mind.

However, such thoughts should not be known to outsiders.

Tetanus was standing beside Xavier. After hearing his words, a ray of light appeared from his body, enveloped several people in the field and himself, and disappeared in place.

"My friend, I await your return."

Xavier looked at the room where only himself was left, and whispered softly.

A magnificent era is coming, how could Eric, who has been fighting for it all his life, be missing?


Detained outside Magneto's special prison, dozens of guards in strange uniforms are carefully looking at Eric sitting in the glass cage.

His eyes were full of excitement and hatred.

As a guard of this special prison, the first condition for being selected is to have an indelible hatred with mutants!

This also shows to a certain extent that the guards will not be tempted by the mutants imprisoned inside.

It's like Magneto, whose wealth is beyond rivals. If these people didn't have relatives and friends who died in his hands, they would definitely not be able to appear here.

Otherwise, if he really promised a golden mountain, how many people would not be tempted.

And no one has doubted whether Magneto has such an ability. The whole world knows about the fact that he got all kinds of precious metals from the bottom of the sea.

The position where Tetanus brought the X-Men to appear was right in the middle of these guards.

The guards here are very strict, and they are required to keep their eyes on the prisoners they are guarding during the shift, so a few of these people suddenly appeared, and they were discovered immediately.

Without any hesitation, the special firearm in his hand was aimed directly at the X-Men, and the same special but deadly bullets were like a big net covering them.

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