But it is enough to climb among the water elements traveling in the air and use it for traveling.

Yun Jin sitting on the dragon's head with her knees bent, raised her eyes to stare at the extremely small land under her feet, recalling what happened just now, but couldn't help but chuckle.

"Luo Wei, will you be caught off guard?"

The girl turned her eyes sideways and spoke softly.

Sitting back to back with her, Luo Wei wiped the Li Hai Meng Duan in his hand, and in the afterimage of the chi soul flicked by the clear light of the knife, he couldn't help coughing softly: "I'm human too."

The moment Yunjin leaned over just now, he was really caught off guard, so that he froze in place.

Because at that moment Yunjin did show a different aggressiveness from before.

The raised eyebrows and the softness of closeness at that moment also made it difficult for Luo Wei to respond instantly.

But he didn't actually have too many gaffes.

Just freeze in place for a moment.

However, for Yunjin, this is enough happiness!

The flag condensed by the rock elements on the top of the head flutters in the wind, and the hanging light curtain covers the distant gust of wind.

Yun Jin gently swayed the toes protruding from under the skirt, and babbled and sang melodiously, obviously in a good mood.

Feeling her joyful mood, Luo Wei couldn't help feeling relaxed.

Even if they have actually entered the range covered by the gushing fire element at this moment, the world from the perspective of the godhead mask is in chaos.

Below has already left Guiliyuan.

Even more deviated from the route on the map that Keqing had prepared for them.

Instead, we arrived at the 'Lvhua Pond' south of Cuijue Slope,

An ancient ruin like a pool of green water.

Just like the old-age buildings like "Dun Yuling", under the sunlight, there are traces of years inscribed, but the towering statues of soldiers still stand upright and guard here.

Luo Wei was listening to Yun Jin's melodious opera.

While slowly opening the godhead mask.

They were flying extremely fast in the air, but there was still at least half a day's journey to the End of Clouds.

So instead of just sitting around and waiting, it's better to take advantage of this time to reorganize the powers you have.

This can also better adjust the spirit.

to deal with all future situations.

To better protect Viola.

Of course, other than that...

He also wanted to carry out an experiment that he had planned long ago here.

The two powers obtained by the godslayer, the 'mask of godhead' and 'flow' are unfolding at the same time, the jade face is slowly outlined on the face, and there is a flow of light and shadow intertwined with seven colors in his eyes, as if hidden in the universe. Hovering around like a chaotic nebula.

The corners of his mouth also drew a curve: "Sure enough... can it work?"

Whispering in his heart, Luo Wei held the knife in one hand and slightly raised the other hand, with his five fingers spread apart, a little glimmer of light converged like a vortex.

The dots on its edge are vaguely beyond the limit range that has always existed before, one foot away.

——This is Fugalo's flowing authority.

Yes, after returning from the sea, although Luo Wei has been familiarizing himself with his own strength every day, he has read ancient books to find relevant information and repeated exercises again and again.

But his dream power has been able to vaguely touch his own second layer of subconscious dreams.

His power of jade can also gradually cover the blade in his hand, and is no longer limited to himself and the clothes he wears.

Only the flowing power of 'Fojalo' has never made any progress.

He had also asked Zhongli about this, and Zhongli's response was that Fogalo's authority was different from that of ordinary demon gods.

Its authority is 'flow', which is closer to the essence among the many demon gods in Tivat, and closer to the most original seven elements.

It is difficult to increase such authority.

And it is extremely easy to be 'targeted' by elemental instincts.

In areas where the elements are more complex and where the remaining traces of authority are handed over, it is more difficult to improve.

Because the elements in these areas will become extremely stable due to their complexity and entanglement.

Unable to 'flow'.

As for Liyue, countless demon gods once wreaked havoc.

Many disasters are left behind.

There are also countless remains of the power of demon gods scattered in the world, even if they no longer appear, they still vaguely affect Liyue.

In other words, if the place is changed, Luo Wei's power will definitely improve rapidly.

But only in Liyue's native land, no.

...Comparatively speaking, only the vast sea, the field with the most water elements, and the distribution of the seven elements is clear and not obviously complicated, which is the most suitable for Luo Wei to improve the proficiency of power.

In fact, he had already planned to find time to go to sea before, and to master the power skillfully at sea.

But now, the appearance of the suspected Ruo Tuo Dragon King disrupted his plan, but made him have another idea.

Dragon King Ruo Tuo is a powerful existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Morax, and his ability must be able to disturb Liyue's elements, making Liyue's complex and intertwined elemental environment unstable.


Can he take advantage of this opportunity to make it "flow" and expand the power of the demon god in Liyue Land?

Yu's personal attempt at this moment has further verified the feasibility of this idea.

It's just what Luo Wei thinks, and it's not just this.

As a "God Slayer", although he is confident, he is not arrogant enough to think that he will achieve the same qualitative transformation in a short period of time.

Want to fully grasp the authority of a demon god.

It takes a long time to grind.

Now that he has the opportunity to 'expand' on Liyue, he doesn't even want to go back to the sea.

Although the expansion of the sea is easy, but because the water element occupies the majority, in the end, the only way to control it is to control the flow of the water element like the sea demon god Fugalo and become a pure "water demon god".

Luo Wei's ambition is not so far.

So at this moment, he sank into the 'Godhead Perspective', staring at the elements of heaven and earth.

So at this moment, he tried his best to expand the area covered by his power.

The shroud covers seven colors, seven elements.



"It is said that the three-eyed and five-manifested immortals are different from ordinary people. They are mostly heterogeneous. They don't have the eyes of God, but they can also use the power of elements, because there is a built-in God's Eye in their bodies."

"This built-in God's Eye is also called the 'Golden Elixir' in the fairy tales passed down by Li Yue."

But now, what Luo Wei wants to do is actually related to this.

He doesn't ask for anything.

Just ask for it.

It does not seek the quantity and breadth of its coverage outside the body, but seeks its expansion inside the body.

so he will be here,

Condensing the seven elements in the body, with the power of "flow" as the core, to create a "built-in God's eye" of the seven elements that belongs to you!

But if he succeeds, he will be able to use power as the source of power, and use the power of the seven elements stored in this "built-in god's eye" as a lever to extend outward and leverage the external environment.

He can use this to gather the seven elements of the outside world,

Get more 'momentum'.

Then use this source of power to gather more elements.

The cycle goes on and on, increasing over time until...completely metamorphosing.

It has transformed into a powerful power that can be manifested anytime and anywhere without being restricted by any environment.

Or maybe this is where the true potential of Fugalo's power lies.

for real...

Qualified to become the potential of the Seven Gods!

Chapter 96 Staying in the Clouds Borrowing the Wind and Passing by

Of course, the potential belongs to the potential, and the demon god of the sea Fugalo failed to embark on the correct path after all, let alone grow up.

In fact, Luo Wei didn't know whether the path he was taking was correct.

But at least it has been confirmed, and he will go on without hesitation—whether the godhead mask bears power, or the dream is based on itself as a reaction to reality, including the condensing of a "built-in god's eye" in the body at this moment ’ Inside, what Luo Wei did, from the beginning to the end, is also a road of ‘great power belongs to itself’.

This path is bound to be difficult.

However, as a godslayer, if he doesn't overcome all obstacles, how can he hold the victory in the face of countless powerful gods?

He sank his consciousness into the vast elements between heaven and earth.

With the expansion of power and the contraction of elements, the eyes were also covered with a faint gleam.

Gradually getting hazy, insignificant.

And over time.

The further the slender pure water dragon moved forward, the more intense agitation was carried in the oncoming airflow.

But soon, when flying over the Luhua Lake where the green water flows, a gloomy air soon overwhelmed the scorching fire element.

The Cuijue Slope marked on the map is already at your feet...

"Is that the legendary Jingshi Nine Pillars?" Yun Jin's eyes flickered.

Sitting on the dragon head with her feet dangling, she saw a canyon surrounded by rolling hills at a glance.

Among them, there are mottled bricks and tiles carved on the pavement of ancient ruins.

There is also water flowing and dripping.

There are also magnificent pillars standing on the edge, which are covered with a gilt-gold luster like amber. The gap is broken, and only half of it remains, but the huge scale when it is complete can still be seen.

The pillars were scattered around the ruins, counting them one by one, there are nine in total.

There is some kind of law that seems to be arranged...

"It is said that after the Demon God War ended, the emperor erected nine pillars on the land left by the previous war, not only to commemorate the deployed comrades who died in the past, but also to appease the departed resentful souls and calm the world."

"This is the origin of the nine pillars, the nine pillars of Jingshi."

Luo Wei's voice rang in Yun Jin's ear at the right time, she looked sideways and met a pair of slightly hazy eyes.

"Rovie, your eyes..."

"It's nothing, I just used some tricks to keep myself awake...Uh?"

Before he finished speaking, Yun Jin's hand touched his eyelids, and the girl's pretty face under the pompom and phoenix crown was full of worry: "Are you really all right? Can you still see?"

But this time it was not Luo Wei who responded to the girl, but another clear and cold voice that sounded from the side at the same time.

"Hmph, mere mortals, what's the fuss?"

This voice was like a crane's haughty cry: "He just used the method of falling into a dream to maintain his own consciousness between the virtual and the real, and at the same time keep awake on both sides—"

"Although it's amazing, it's still beyond the eyes of my immortal family!"

Pretending to be proud.

But there is actually a lot of surprise in the words.

The identity of the 'person' who speaks in such a tone and comes is already clearly revealed.

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