
this moment.

Luo Wei lived in Bengbu directly.

Chapter 81 Fourth Watch for the Snow Falling Above Liyue

Seeing Luo Wei's froze expression for a moment, Tian Quan turned the bong in his hand, and smiled with bright vermilion lips.

...as Rowe had guessed.

After the emperor personally 'appointed' Luo Wei as the new deputy commander of the Qianyan Army, Tianquan Ningguang devoted more energy to the Qianyan Army, which had some attention before, but not many.

She knew that Luo Wei was an outsider at first, and he officially obtained the identity of the people of Liyue by becoming the Qianyan Army.

She also learned that Luo Wei created "The Devil's Tale", and made friends with Zhongli, the guest of the past.

She knows better...

He has a close relationship with Mr. Yun and Yun Jin, the principals of Yunhanshe, which he invested in.

The two often discuss creation together.

The two often go in and out together deeply.

So close that one can't help but feel suspicious.

And when Luo Wei hadn't "prospered", many of the materials needed for life and martial arts were also funded and purchased by Yun Jin.

But most of Yunhanshe's money came from Tianquan Ningguang's hands.

In other words.

There's nothing wrong with her words.

Of course, Ning Guang didn't have the slightest intention of incriminating her—for her, investing in Yun Jin was to value her talent, so Luo Wei, who was not yet prosperous, was definitely a talent worth investing in.

A sum of money can invest in two talents at the same time.

For her, it was an absolute surprise.

"Is there such a thing?" Instead, Beidou over there raised his eyebrows, looked at Ningguang with a face full of surprise, and then looked at Luo Wei.

"You guys knew each other?"

"I didn't know each other before." Tianquan Ningguang turned around with a flick of his sleeves, and asked Luo Wei to sit down in the lobby of Qunyu Pavilion, and then said: "But now, I know him."

Don't know how to give money?

Beidou is a little difficult to understand.

Sitting down, Luo Wei raised the hem of the brocade robe and nodded slightly.

It can be regarded as an acknowledgment of this "incense love" with Tianquan.

He said: "I don't know if Master Tianquanxing invited me, what's the matter?"

"This, let's not be in a hurry." Ning Guang waved his hand, sat down on the seat, leaned his body slightly, leaned on the back of the chair, and then raised his legs to overlap one place, so that the hem of the skirt was between his thighs The upper branch is combed down, revealing the beauty: "How is your sense in the half a year since you came to Liyue Port?"

"It's not bad." Luo Wei didn't think too much about it: "Liyue's business is prosperous, but the atmosphere doesn't have that uncomfortable sense of class, and here I can eat food from all over the world, that's all, it's not bad .”

"Just focus on the food?" Beidou couldn't help complaining beside him.

Luo Wei just smiled: "I can't get tired of food."

"You're just a foodie." Beidou shook his head: "Stay at sea for a few days, and you'll know that it's good to have something to eat."

"That's why you're the one who doesn't understand the most." Ningguang didn't care about Beidou's gags, or it seemed more like she was used to it: "Cultivate the body, move and nourish the qi, and the ambition to support people with basic necessities of life will not fall."

"Long-winded, boring." Beidou exhaled boredly.

Ning Guang ignored him, but looked at Luo Wei.

"Any more?"

Concentrate on asking again.

The downcast gaze gave Luo Wei an inexplicable... feeling of comparison?

Luo Wei was startled, and thought for a while: "...well, if I have to say it, I still like the people here more than the food."

"People?" Ning Guang raised his eyebrows: "A person from Liyue?"


"Someone from Liyue?"

Rowe: "..."

He finally knew where this inexplicable feeling of comparison came from.

But before he could respond again, the seven stars who were in charge of Liyue's business luck laughed softly, and the incense from the pipe turning in his hand made that elegant and noble beautiful face soaked in a mist.

Like a goddess in a fairyland, floating like a fairy: "Then, let's get to the point—"

"My identity, you should know."

"I am in charge of Liyue's business transactions. To a certain extent, I also control the core of the economy of the entire Tivat continent. You should be able to imagine the disputes here."

"So, you and I make a deal."

"You come to be my personal bodyguard. I will hire you with twenty times the salary of the deputy commander of the Qianyan Army. How about it?"

twenty times?

Monthly income... [-] million moras! ?

To be honest, at this moment, facing such a peerless rich woman, Luo Wei was shamefully moved.

[-] million moras, even in Liyue, where the economy is prosperous, is definitely an astronomical sum, let alone [-] million moras a month...

But Luo Wei still shook his head: "The position of deputy commander-in-chief of the Qianyan Army was appointed by Emperor Yanwang."

The implication could not be more obvious.

It's not that he doesn't believe it, but that he doesn't want to. Luo Wei believes that the only investor in this body has always been one.

"That's really a pity." Ning Guang revealed regret.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Luo Wei slowly got up and cupped his hands: "I am busy with business, please forgive me."

Ningguang stretched out her hand, indicating that she was free.

Rowe bowed and turned to leave.

Just came back, he really still has a lot of things to be busy.

While exposing the smoke and clouds, Ningguang squinted her crimson eyes, staring at the direction Luo Wei left.

"[-] million, are you really willing?" Beidou over there also clicked his tongue slightly, as if he just responded: "This is enough for me to buy half a Southern Cross armed ship."

"That guy is really ruthless enough to refuse?"

"Say it as if the number I gave you is less than this." Ning Guang gave her good friend a white look.

But Beidou said plausibly: "That's different. It's your investment in the Southern Cross fleet, not for me."

"If you want to increase investment, you shouldn't have this attitude." Of course, Ningguang knew the meaning attached to Beidou's words. This guy seemed careless, but he was actually very shrewd.

"Do whatever you want, I'm leaving too!" Beidou waved his hand, then got up and left.

Qunyu Pavilion was completely quiet.

Ningguang closed her eyes slightly, then stood up slowly as if squirming, and while her long clothes fluttered, she stepped in front of a wall covered with paper, and the light and shadow above her head shone on the words outlined in ink.

He raised his eyes and waved his hand to call his subordinates.

"Master Ningguang..." The girl named Baiwen leaned over and asked.

"It's about the investment of Yunhan Society." Looking at the last sunset outside the window, he said: "Add more, ten times."


Tianquanxing's secretary has always followed orders without asking too many questions.

And at the evil moment when she raised her eyes again.

It happened that Master Ningguang tore off the paper on the wall, then crushed it and threw it out of the window.

The shredded paper went straight down from Qunyu Pavilion and landed in the sky above Liyue Harbor.

It has attracted countless businessmen to scramble.

...The text that records Ningguang's essays is very likely to contain a major opportunity along the way of business luck.

Who can get it first.

Whoever can prosper.

The entire Liyue business world may also undergo earth-shaking changes.

Baiwen has long been used to this.

Tianquan Ningguang should be like this—but she saw Master Ningguang tore off a piece of white paper, picked up a pen and wrote two words on it.

Or rather, a name.


"Add another investment." After thinking for a moment, Ningguang said again: "To Qianyan Army."

Since it is not suitable for direct investment in Rowe,


Then from the side.

Make him accept his 'favor' again.

Chapter 82 The new opera will be performed with me

Liyue Port is the center of commercial circulation and the hub of economy in the Tivat continent. It gathers countless tourists from all over the world, and also gathers countless businessmen with different personalities.

Among them, Ningguang can be regarded as a very special one.

Her performance in the shopping mall is actually not much different from other businessmen. She values ​​profit in everything, always feels happy to win the opponent's Mora, and always feels happy to win the interests again and again. .

But such a mercenary person can sometimes spend a lot of money on things that have nothing to do with himself.

Even if those things don't seem to bring the slightest benefit on Mora afterwards.

The star of heaven never stopped.

Whenever others mentioned it, Ningguang just responded with a smile: "I really benefited from it."

So those who asked could only scratch their heads in confusion.

In the final analysis, although Tianquan Ningguang, who was born at the bottom, loves Mo La, she knows better that the conflicts of interests in this world are always difficult to sort out.

And sometimes, compared to the money interests on the surface, some things are extremely insignificant when they are not needed, but they can turn things around at critical moments.

'Humanity' is undoubtedly one of them.

Of course, Ningguang will never use favors as bargaining chips.

Never repay favors.

After all, in this world, love and righteousness cannot be measured by money, let alone exchanged at equal value.

What she did was just the pawns she pressed in her spare time.

Just keep your mood happy.

It didn't bother me too much.

"By the way. Inform the Beidou captain who just left."

With a pipe in her mouth, the incense from the precious herbs in the pipe kept Tian Quan's mind sharp and sharp all the time. Looking at the wall with only two words left, she suddenly ordered:

"Let her prepare. The military court will open in three days."

"Tell her it's no use running."

In fact, she was implying that she needn't worry.

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