"Dijun Luyin." Liu Yun took advantage of the wind to hum, but the shiny hair all over her body seemed to be a little dimmed. It was obvious that taking out this thing was also consuming herself.

No, maybe this should be something she condensed with a part of her own cultivation?

Immortals with three eyes and five manifestations are all dependents of the emperor, and the supernatural powers they cultivate are also bestowed by the rock god, the outflow of the power of the seven gods...

But does it take a small amount of cultivation to make up for a small mistake?

Not to mention that this mistake itself was partly due to Rowe himself.

"Hmph, it's also for the face of this brat—" Seemingly seeing what Luo Wei was thinking, Liu Yun borrowed the wind to look up in disdain.


Luo Wei turned his eyes sideways, and happened to meet Walnut who was sitting on the ground rubbing his buttocks and got up. The girl shook her pair of lotus-white legs, and couldn't help but smile when meeting Luo Wei's gaze.

"The battle of the demon gods in the past was over, and Emperor Yan ordered the immortals and immortals to deal with the impact of the demon god's remnant body. The immortal way belongs to the yaksha, and the human way belongs to the hall of death. It is a pity that after a long time, no one in the hall of death can pick up goma. Staff, cleanse the world again."

"But we, the three-eyed and five-manifested immortals, all have contracts with the Hall of Death."

"If there are people who are obsessed with Guma, they can ask us for protection."

It is precisely because of this compensatory psychology, coupled with Hu Tao's request as the Lord of Huma, that at this moment, Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind, and did not hesitate to waste a little of his own strength, leaving this "Dijun Luyin" for Luo Wei compass.

"From now on, you can use this thing to find elemental monsters like the Explosive Tree, and add it to the blade—"

"So, mortals, please do it yourself!"

"—I'm going to go!"

There was a sudden cry of a crane, and when Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind, he came suddenly, but when he left, he just fluttered his wings lightly, leaving no cloud or wind.

Luo Wei watched it go away, and probably knew the use of this compass.

Earth guide.

The pointer on it can clearly find the 'gaps' in the changes of the earth's veins.

If combined with your own abilities...

It is more accurate to find the location of monsters like the explosive tree!

But because of this, a promise made by Walnut to the fairy...

"Hey hey, I don't need to say anything superfluous. Anyway, you are already the first part-time thug in the guest house of Xiangshengtang, which can be regarded as an advance salary!" Hu Tao over there had his hands on his hips, triumphant, without the slightest sign of regret: "In this case, you will have to work hard for the hall master?"

"Besides, it's a waste if you don't use this thing!"

"Although the master of this hall is extremely talented, it may not be possible to meet the immortal again, right?"

If you can't see it, you can't use it if you keep it.

That's even more of a waste.

Luo Wei not only smiled.

"That's right." He nodded lightly, and put away the compass: "I will definitely attract more clients to Xiangsheng Hall in the future."

For example, those demon god remains?Or the revived Demon God?

"Heh heh heh, it's up to you to be the hall master!" Hu Tao jumped up to Luo Wei, stood on tiptoe, and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

The squirming snow-white legs are slightly intertwined and deeply drawn, and the slightly undulating chest rises and falls with breathing under the solemn robe.

There are shadows of fire butterflies in the vermilion eyes scattered and staggered.

It looks wanton and chic.

"Now, go back to Liyue Port with my hall master!"


"Is it over? There really was a big fight."

On the top floor of Wangshu Inn, Mandrill with his arms around him opened his eyes, staring at Zhenjun Shenhe who landed on the railing in front of him: "Even let you get some supernatural powers?"

"Hmph, mere supernatural powers, I will be able to cultivate them back soon!"

No matter who Liu Yun borrows the wind, he always has the same attitude towards everyone.

Mandrill was already used to this.

He whispered softly: "Are you also worried about the dragon palace Haijun who controls the chi beast?"

"With the Emperor here, why should I be worried?" A trace of unnaturalness crossed Shenhe's face.

Mandrill shook his head, but stopped talking.

He just looked at the sandy beach 'Yaoguang Beach' piled up under the washing of the ocean adjacent to the sea in Liyue.

Shenhe's words seem tough, but who among the immortals doesn't know that the emperor went to the dark sea where many demon gods fled a few days ago?

Can Liyue without the emperor be able to stop a demon god who has been sleeping for a long time?Even if that demon god encounters a catastrophe and his strength drops sharply, Mandrill's current strength may be able to barely handle it, but if it is located above the sea, Liyue Harbor will be sealed off like the legends from long ago... They, the rock god's family members, and How to defeat the blockade of the demon god above the sea?


"Ro Wei, he is indeed the best candidate."

The best spokesperson for the immortals in the world to resist the gradually recovering demon god.


"What is that? Could it be some immortal who came to see the traces of our unhappiness?"

"Idiot, how can any immortal see us as ordinary people unhappy? Are you so sure? This is a thousand miles away!?"

"And those are all relics from a day ago!?"

"But do we really want to continue squatting here?"

"Hmph, if you want to go back, you can go back by yourself. When the master scolds me, I don't care!"

"Eh? Why is this!?"

Time flies, and a day's time is fleeting.

It was still Liyue, the rustling sound resounded between Guiliyuan and the Kangzhuang Avenue connecting Liyuegang, several figures gathered together and whispered about the earth-shattering scene that the naked eye could see just now.

They were wearing classical style close-fitting clothes with swords hanging from their waists. They were obviously from the same sect, and it was a quite ancient sect.

But now, these 'children of the sect' are all frowning...

"By the way, do we really want to pretend to be bandits and rob people?" The young man who had been babbling just now couldn't help asking the older brother in front of him again.

"This is the sect master's order, do you want to disobey it?" the senior brother said righteously.

"That's definitely not daring—but no matter how we say it, it's the famous 'Guhua School'. Isn't this too inferior?"

"This... is wearing a mask anyway, what are you afraid of!?" The senior brother prevaricated casually.

So the 'junior brother' became more frowning.

He looked at the slender figure leaning against a huge rock not far away, out of the crowd, and sighed.

Why did they cooperate with this overly pretty 'Young Hero' to act?

Pretending to be a robber and hijacking.

Then the 'young hero' rushed out to save people or something...

"Isn't this too old-fashioned?" 'Junior Brother' couldn't help complaining.

Most importantly, can't hurt the other party?Can't you bump into each other?This is how to perform 'bandits'?Isn't this just for them to be beaten! ?

Bodyguards don't even have such protection skills!

"Wait, it looks like someone is coming!"

Someone whispered hello in front.

The people rustled and started to move.

The 'boy' who was leaning on the huge rock also opened his vermilion eyes at the same time, and his phoenix eyes opened slightly, with a playful smile on his face.

Chapter 58 Yun Jin, a woman disguised as a man

After finishing the "communication" in the dream with Luo Wei a day ago, Yunjin has been thinking about how to give Luo Wei a "surprise".

The first thing that comes to mind for a girl who is an opera Huadan is that there is a story about a woman disguised as a man in the opera script she wrote.

So she also thought of letting herself appear in front of Luo Wei disguised as a man.

First pretend to be a boy and get acquainted with Luo Wei, and then suddenly show up after a while to scare him.

Mr. Yun is good at makeup.

It's even easier to draw a masquerade that disguises gender.

Just how to appear in front of Luo Wei?

It seems a good choice to find a group of 'bandits' to rob the road and have a hero to save 'Beauty'... Afterwards, Yunjin recruited people from the famous and upright Guhua faction to help. Yunjin's request was also immediately granted.

However, Yunjin soon regretted it - what if these 'bandits' accidentally hurt Luo Wei?Even if Rowe is strong...but what if?In case of bumping into each other, in case of...

Thinking of this possibility, Yunjin felt her heart constricted slightly, as if it was being tightened.

Well, as the head of Yunhan Club, you must never let your 'best friend' get hurt!

So Yun Jin put forward many requests.

Don't hurt Ro Wei, don't jump out suddenly to scare Ro Wei, don't let Ro Wei fall, don't let Ro Wei touch anything...

There were a lot of them, making the elders of the Guhua sect dumbfounded, but at the same time they all agreed with inexplicable eyes.

And Yun Jin calculated the journey time.

On the second day, he appeared on the road between Guiliyuan and Liyue Port, and finally waited for Luo Wei's arrival.

In Guiliyuan, which traveled thousands of miles in the distance, there was the sound of the wind, blowing layers of hazy veils, and the disciples of the Guhua Sect had already left, wearing bandit-like scarves and standing with knives in their hands. wait.

And Yunjin was still hiding on the side, turning her vermilion eyes to stare.

A figure walks away in the distance.

One big and one small.

There is no doubt that they are Luo Wei and Walnut from Dihuazhou.

They naturally continued to walk back in the direction of Liyue Harbor after Liuyun borrowed the wind to leave, but the time of going was different from the time when they came. When Luo Wei set off for Shimen before, Keqing dragged all the way, the speed was fast and the road clear.

At a normal speed, it would take a day and a night to travel thousands of miles to Guiliyuan and Dihuazhou, which stretches for hundreds of miles.

Facing the blazing sun at noon, walking between the wild grass on both sides of the plain.

From a distance, you can see the bustling city of Liyue Port.

Hu Tao stood upright with fair legs, put his hands in his eyes, and said between his long hair: "My hall master is finally back!"

Luo Wei just glanced past it.

Then he focused his gaze on the figures in front of him...

"I planted this tree!" One of them saw Luo Wei from a distance and took a step forward.

"I drive this road!" Another person followed closely behind.

Someone echoed: "If you want to cross this road!"

"Stay here to buy money... Yiyayaya!" The people behind also put on a playful accent?

"No, why is there still babbling?!"

The person who stepped forward suddenly turned his head and stared behind him.

"But that's how the script was written for us!?" The man felt aggrieved.

Yun Jin, who was squatting in the corner, had erratic eyes.

The script she handed them did seem to have been written with theatrical accents... a purely subconscious professional habit.

"Hey hey, is this acting?" Walnut was still poking around.

"Yes... No, we are robbing!" The 'robber' at the front was also confused by the people behind, but he still reacted quickly.

Rowe was also happy.

Because the previous clothes were directly torn apart by the return shock when he swung the sword of heaven and earth and the sword of heaven and earth, what he was wearing at this moment was naturally a brand new black suit bought in the bustling business district of Dihuazhou.

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