The meaning of the envelope title couldn't be more obvious.

But Haizhidao, Luo Wei should have never had any intersection with them...

"Is it to invite me to fight against 'Thor'?" He thought of the chaos that already existed in Inazuma.

A force that has been fighting against the shogunate dominated by Raijin and ruled Inazuma.

Isn't it the rebel army headquartered on Haizhi Island?

As for why it knows itself...


That Sea Dragon King has seen himself receive a knife from General Thunder and Lightning on the sea!

"It's not impossible." Tianquan glanced at the slender figure in front of him with a handsome face, Liyue's number one combat power, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "After all, Your Excellency Luo Wei is indeed worthy of the name." It is a 'monster' comparable to a demon god."

Of course, Ning Guang, who didn't know that Luo Wei had already barely fought against 'Thunder God' twice, also didn't believe that Luo Wei would be the opponent of that rice wife god.

And Luo Wei opened the letter in his hand without hesitation.

The beautiful words are instantly printed in the line of sight.

An invitation, indeed an invitation.

But this letter is not an invitation to Luo Wei to directly confront General Thunder.

He just invited Luo Wei to Haizhi Island as a guest.

It's a 'show of favor'.

But there is no 'wooing', let alone an 'alliance'.

After knowing that Luo Wei's identity is Liyue's "Tianshu", Xinhai of the Coral Palace also made her previous plan - this maiden of Haizhi Island is still very clear that if Liyue is allowed to intervene in the dispute between Dao's wife What does it mean.

What she revealed between the lines did not mean to directly oppose Thor and General Thunder.

Instead, it has a meaning of "Jing Nan" and "Qing Jun's side".

What was targeted was only the shogunate, the three major institutions that ruled the shogunate, the three executions, and the "shouyan order" and "seal country order" they implemented.

After handing the letter to Ningguang to read it, the Tianquan star couldn't help chuckling: "It seems that this lady witch is not as stupid as I imagined—"


Does she seem to feel sorry?

However, Haizhi Island is indeed quite a special place in Daozu. It is not under the jurisdiction of General Raiden and the shogunate. Even the countries on the Tivat continent regard it as Daozu's territory by default, but Daozu's local situation, But I don't think so.

If you land on Inazuma from there, you can not only avoid Thor and watch directly, but also use the power of the rebels to open the 'map perspective'.

"It seems that you have a heartbeat?"

Ning Guang over there put away the letter in his hand, and saw Luo Wei's expression clearly at a glance.

"It's a good opportunity, isn't it?" Luo Wei looked at the Tianquan star who was not much shorter than himself.

Ningguang pondered for a moment: "Are you planning to use your own life as an excuse for Liyue to go to war against Dao's wife?"

"Do you think it's possible?" Ro Wei's eyes twitched, and he was speechless for a moment.

"That's right." Ning Guang was a little regretful, but also a little relieved:

"From an investment point of view, the value of a mere rice wife is not comparable to yours—what's more, even if there is an excuse, Liyue after the emperor's departure will not be the opponent of Thor."

"So I went, just to see the exotic scenery."

Luo Wei patted the long knife on his waist: "It's also to fulfill a half-fulfilled agreement."

Fulfilling the halfway...challenging the gods, Gozen Daibi!

"Is that so... Well, now Liyue doesn't need anyone to watch her all the time." Ning Guang nodded slightly, but said: "But before leaving, let's check the date."

"Don't make Yun Jin wait too long."

"Don't worry, I will!" When he said this, there was a little more gentleness between Luo Wei's eyebrows.

Really to be sure.

This was a decision made at the Moon Festival yesterday.

And seeing Luo Wei's appearance,

Ningguang suddenly fell silent.

Luo Wei didn't care too much: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Well, that's right."

The footsteps that had just been raised paused, and Luo Wei, who stopped in front of the threshold, looked back sideways: "What Captain Beidou said, don't worry."

"She's still alive."

Beidou is definitely still alive.

After all, at the moment before coming, Luo Wei was still in consciousness, leading Beidou's "God Killer" ceremony.

He endowed it with appropriate powers, making it the first 'God Killer' other than himself on the Tivat continent.

At the same time, the rest of the powers were collected and stored in the 'circle' of the ceremony, as a brand new 'backhand'.

Of course, Luo Wei will definitely not tell Ningguang directly.

He just used the rock god as an excuse: "This is what Dijun Tuomeng told me."

Dijun entrusts dreams...

When Ning Guang came back to his senses, Luo Wei had already walked away.

Holding the bong in his hand, the Tianquan star exhaled lightly, and then chuckled.

The emperor is not dead.

Just travel.

This is what the emperor himself told all the seven stars and immortals in a dream after suppressing Oser.

So Tian Quan Xing was not surprised.


"If I were younger, maybe I would be as tempted as that little girl?"

The corner of Ning Guang's mouth is lightly raised, and the graceful body wrapped in the placket looks more and more graceful in the majestic palace.

She thought of the gentleness towards Yunjin revealed in Luo Wei's brows and eyes at that moment just now.

The gentleness of a handsome, powerful and high-ranking person is indeed easy to fall in love with.

But sure enough... Ningguang still prefers infinite things to those who are tempted.

Unlimited, someone who can enable her to achieve her ambitions.

"Well, from this point of view, maybe he is also suitable?"

Ning Guang once again fell into deep thought.

Chapter 150 Four Engagement Stickers

Of course Luo Wei wouldn't know what Ning Guang was thinking at this moment, and even if he knew, he might just laugh it off.

He wasn't worried that the Tianquan star would really have any other thoughts about him.

Compared to this, there are more important things to do.

Even though he decided to accept the invitation of the Miko of Kaijima and go to Inazuma, before that, a lot of preparations still need to be done.

For example, the adjustment of one's own state and the summary of one's strength.

Another example is as a 'Tianshu', arranging the work of subordinates.

Another example——for him, the most important thing.

Going to visit Yun's house.

The first two things are not difficult. Now that he has been able to compete with the upper-middle-level demon gods, it is naturally difficult for him to make mistakes in his grasp of his own strength. Gan Yu, who is idle and in a panic, can consult.

That is to say, in order to prepare for the third matter, Luo Wei will go to Keqing from time to time in the two days after meeting with Tianquanxing.

Although Keqing always deserves an inexplicable expression every time.

"Have you never visited anyone before?"

"Since it is a visit with a special purpose, both the time and the date must be perfectly grasped."

"According to the glass moon calendar, the most suitable time..."


To this end, Luo Wei consulted a lot of information.

Apart from fighting, he was rarely so serious about one thing—no, he was more serious than fighting.

And every time she saw Luo Wei like this, Ke Qing's expression would become even more inexplicable.

Of course, these things were all done without telling Yun Jin.

Naturally, he and Yun Jin would still get together every night to discuss creation, snuggle up and chat, or go shopping together.

that's it.

Time flies.

On the fifth day, the night fell and shrouded, and the lights of the city illuminated by the bright moon were as brilliant as the stars in the sky.

Liyue, before Fei Yunpo approached a quaint and heavy house at Yujing Terrace, Luo Wei lightly arranged his clothes, inhaled and exhaled, and gently stepped forward to knock on the door.

His timing is very good.

According to Li Yue's calendar, this night is the most suitable for visiting.

And this night.

It was also the period when Yunjin took 'leave' from Yunhan Club and returned home.

The result of the discussion between Luo Wei and Keqing will naturally not go wrong...

dong dong dong.

The sound of knocking on the door echoed in the secluded courtyard suitable for living.

Immediately afterwards, there was a creaking sound, and a dangling pompom poked out from inside, and the pretty face of the girl appeared.


The one who came out to open the door was undoubtedly Yun Jin.

She saw Luo Wei at a glance.

Looks a little happy, but it seems...not surprised at all?

"Jin'er, what's wrong with you—"


Yun Jin who jumped out of the door directly grabbed Luo Wei and walked in.

Luo Wei, who was grabbed by the hand, was still a little bit unrecovered, carrying the big and small bags of presents.

But he looked at the girl in front of him, but he let go of his heart.

The moonlight reflects the courtyard after nightfall.

The girl's skirt swayed slightly as it moved forward, and her delicate legs undulated slightly.

The eyes of God hanging in front of the full chest glowed with a bright yellow light.

She seemed a little happy, a little looking forward to it.

But all the same.

Also a little lost.

At this time, Luo Wei finally found that the courtyard was surprisingly quiet.

The same is true in the main room with the door closed.

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