Dadalia could tell at a glance that it was the 'lady' who was also the executive officer of the Fools.

"Morax, I have come to fulfill your contract with Her Majesty the Empress!"


She seemed to have known that Zhongli was Morax.


At this moment, the son suddenly felt that he had been led by the nose by the alliance of the enemy and us from the very beginning?

Chapter 130 Nine Early Confrontation

But it is not so,

The 'Madam' has just arrived in Liyue, and she also received the 'instructions' after negotiating with Luo Wei and reporting the news to Her Majesty the Empress.

During this process, the Empress of the Winter Kingdom has passed the breath with Morax.

Knowing Zhongli's identity.

I also got an order to appear here at this moment to complete the last step of negotiation.

But for Dadalia, the Ice God did not give any instructions.

Just let him play as he pleases.

is enough.

"Based on general rationality, fools have done a good job in this matter."

Meets Morax's requirements for Liyue's 'test'.

what he asked for...

It's just a word of 'chaotic'.

Although the instruction was praised, Dadalia was not happy at all, and the instruction scratched his head: "I am really being played around!"

"You should be lucky, 'Young Master', if it weren't for your casual performance, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly."

The lady raised her mouth, mocking mercilessly.

If it is normal.

The son must have argued with her.

But now he is not in that mood.

He thought of the confrontation with Luo Wei just now.

And the confrontation between Luo Wei and the 'Fairy Ancestor'.

Dadalia doesn't care about being used by others, nor does he care about his performance. What he cares more about is the battle between himself and others.


Compared with the real strong... After all, I am still, far behind.


at the same time.

Above the vast sea.

Thousands of warships roared under the strong wind and waves, and countless death machines were pushed out of the giant crossbows continuously under the impetus of the Xianli mechanism, causing overlapping huge waves on the sea.

After being further repaired and improved by the immortals, the range of the final machine has reached a distance of thousands of miles.

The fairy raised his head.

Yuheng Xing Keqing stood on the bow of the ship and raised his long and narrow straight sword in his hands, flashing thunder and thunder in the storm, constantly walking on the warship, and personally commanding the scene.

And in front of them, in the sea area near Guyun Pavilion, the surging vortex stirred up majestic water mist.

A snake-like monster with nine heads rose high in it, roaring in low tones.

That is the manifestation of part of the power of the demon god Oser that was released by Dadalia with the "Hundred No Taboos" to undo the outer seal.

Although only partly.

But the resentment that erupted on this day, stemming from being suppressed for 2000 years, is still extremely terrifying.

He rolled the vortex storm that swallowed thousands of miles around, roaring and echoing:

"Mo, La, Ke, S—"

If in the past.

Faced with such an earth-shattering scene of a demon god, even experienced soldiers would hesitate to some extent.

But on this day, everyone's blood seemed to be inexplicably boiling.

...affected by the covenant that was just nailed.

All inexplicably emerged a 'momentum'.

An 'urge'!

As a result, Oser, who had just recovered from his head, bumped into thousands of finalist crossbows head-on, and the water splashed, and the hydra form, which was as huge as a mountain, froze like a stuck gear for an instant.

That's the moment...

"Jade Pavilion, surrender!"

Tianquan Ningguang, who had already landed on the bow of the battleship, raised the pipe in his hand, and his tone fell solemnly.

Her expression is calm.

There is also a little 'excitement' in the eyes.

Excitedly looking at the Qunyu Pavilion in the sky, the energy that stayed in the air was extinguished.

Looking at the floating island carrying hundreds of millions of gunpowder...

Fall from heights.

From above Oser's head--

It broke through the dark clouds, pierced through the storm, and broke up the heavy water curtain!


After the loud noise, the turbulent fire rose above the sea like flowers blooming.

Thousands of artillery fire stopped.

The sea water poured down like heavy rain on the deck of the warship.

"Hmph, did you succeed?"

Liuyun used the fan to move his wings, and landed on the deck from a high altitude, and landed beside Tianquan Ningguang.

"Use this thing directly as a weapon to defeat the demon god."

Li Shan Dieshui exhaled, and said the same: "I'm the one who underestimated you, mortal!"


Facing the words of praise from the three immortals, Tianquan stared at the fiery red mist spreading out in the distance, as if appreciating his 'work' carefully.

But she really wanted to say...

She regrets it!

Obviously it is not necessary, and it is obvious that you want to delay Oser's footsteps, relying on thousands of battles and countless final opportunities are enough.

How could I be so impulsive! ?

Suddenly, like a hot-blooded young man, he suddenly felt the urge to directly kill the revived demon god...

Qunyu Pavilion.

My Qunyu Pavilion——

"It's okay."

Tian Quan's expression was indifferent: "It's just a mere..."

"The Jade Pavilion is all."

When Ke Qing over there heard these words, she couldn't help but have a huge change in her impression of Tianquan Xingguang, who always puts "business" as the most important thing and regards everything as "investment".

Ke Qing knew the importance of Qunyu Pavilion to Ningguang.

She knew that Tianquan star with infinite wealth in his hands started as a small merchant at the bottom of Liyue, climbed to the top step by step, and became Tianquan among the 'Seven Stars'.

But she also knew that the ideal of this Tianquan star was not limited to this.

Her ambition is even higher.

What she hopes is that the shadow cast by her Jade Pavilion hanging high in the sky will one day cover the territory of the Seven Kingdoms.

Qunyu Pavilion is undoubtedly the manifestation of Ningguang's "ideal" and "ambition".

just now.

But she can also abandon Qunyu Pavilion for the sake of Liyue's safety and for the sake of less sacrifices for the soldiers!

...maybe later.

We should stop looking at people based on stereotypes.


Following the sudden fall of the Jade Pavilion at this moment, the terrifying impact permeated the air, and part of Oser's power that was only leaked was also directly suppressed.

The [-] no taboo talisman can indeed undo the seal of the Demon God.

However, in the final analysis, it took only two or three days for 'Dadalia' to be obtained, and he could not exert its full effect at all.

The broken seal is only the outer layer.

Moreover, it was only 'opened' but not 'released'. The seal was still there, and it was closed again the moment Oser was pushed back to the surface of the sea.

The smoke disappeared.

Thousands of ships of the Qianyan Army lifted anchor and returned home.

The three immortals stood high above the main ship and looked at each other.

"After this incident, everyone should return to the Immortal Mansion!"

True Monarch Moon Climbing and Yang Yang spoke in a low voice.

"Yes." Li Shandianshui nodded: "It's okay to leave everything to them."

"...Perhaps, this is what the emperor wants to see."

three days.

Witnessed how human beings dealt with the emperor's death in an orderly manner, when they welcomed the demon god's attack, they fought resolutely and resolutely when they suppressed the demon god...

Human beings have submitted a perfect answer to the 'test' of the immortals.

After they go back.

It can also persuade other immortals with good reason.

"Hmph, I am free to do whatever I want!"

Liu Yun took advantage of the wind and still raised his head proudly, the slender shadow of the crane unfolded slightly in the wind, streaking down bright streamers.

However, while pondering and responding, this immortal known for his "pure temperament" suddenly turned his head and subconsciously glanced at the towering Guyun Pavilion, which had been thousands of miles away.

There... there seems to be something—

On the top of the Guyun Pavilion, the dark purple sun, which is like a pitch-black hollow, is suspended high above where thunder is bred and gathered.

A slender figure stood here, with the skirts flying, and the majesty of the gods blooming wantonly.

Under this coercion.

Even the demon god suppressed by Your Excellency Guyun seemed to tremble and silence...

"Morax, did you still make such a choice after all?"

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