The staff of the General Affairs Department responded, somewhat gnashing their teeth: "That guy is very cunning, as soon as he saw Master Keqing leading the team over, he immediately ran away—"

"But even an ordinary person like me who doesn't practice martial arts all night can see that he seems to have used some power that shouldn't be used, and he is already at the end of his strength."

"It's a pity that he finally disappeared near Feiyunpo."

"There are too many people there, coming and going, and it's not easy to search."


Undoubtedly, the first thing Luo Wei thought of was naturally the residence of Dadalia's 'friend'.

Where Mr. Zhongli is located...

'Is it the Hall of Rebirth? '

What is this?

Just out of the wolf's mouth, and into the tiger's den?

Regarding this, Luo Wei could only hold back his laughter and say something silently in his heart... hope he is all right.


"Ah, finally saved!"

In Liyue Port, Dadalia, who was hiding in the "mortuary room" with countless coffins inside the Hall of Rebirth, poked his head out and looked at the back of the Qianyan soldiers who left under Zhongli's sway, and couldn't help it. While heaving a sigh of relief, he also praised his friend.

Even if this friend just betrayed himself the day before yesterday: "Mr. Zhongli, you are worthy of it."

"Based on general rationality, people in Liyue would be willing to believe that the Hall of Rebirth is a place that no stranger can get close to." Zhong Yi, who stood in front of the door and watched the soldiers of Qianyan leave, turned around and looked at Da Da with a slightly pale face. Dalia.

"So, should I explain it?" He pretended not to know: "What's the situation?"

Chapter 120 Six Negotiations

what happened?

it's actually really easy.

Dadalia, who 'escaped' from the prison room of Yuehai Pavilion, invaded the high-level core and took away the 'Hundred No Taboo Talisman' and the information of the demon god, and came to resist without fear or even excitement. The invading Qianyan army started the battle.

The original Dadalia is undoubtedly self-confident. As the "diplomatic mission" of the Winter Kingdom, the Fools are secretly the pawns of the Ice God lurking in various countries, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Every member of them is one of the best elites.

The 'executive officer' at the top is undoubtedly the top human powerhouse in Tivat.

Facing a group of 'mortals' is just a casual warm-up.

But soon, Dadalia knew that he was wrong.

The individual strength of this group of mortals is indeed not strong. At any other time, the 'Young Master' would not have the slightest fear.

However, when the long spears and spears in their hands are raised together to resonate, they can arouse the power of the chi beast that melts between the spears and spears to roar.

Every time they thrust forward, they seemed to be submerged like a tsunami.

...Going forward with a body of a thousand people, the strength displayed is to a certain extent, close to that of Luo Wei who just got the 'Li Hai Meng Duan'.

They can control the residual power of chi beasts with the strength of an army.

Motivate the water element between heaven and earth.

The God's Eye held by Dadalia is also of the 'water element'.

In the manipulation of elements, he certainly cannot overwhelm the remnant soul of Chi Beast.

Elements are restrained.

For this reason, he even had to activate his own forbidden power, but this kind of power is taboo, and of course it cannot last long, but the Qianyan army is constantly gathering.

In the end, the famous "son" among the fools had to be dragged down by the crowd.

...had to back off.

"Although I like fighting, this kind of fighting is really not what I want!"

Dadalia, who had always been joking and joking in the past, at this moment, when he was talking to his 'old friend', he somewhat gritted his teeth.

He couldn't even use his full strength, and was directly restrained in terms of attributes...

Such a fight.

It's not fun!

Of course, it was impossible for him to tell Zhongli that he had read the 'Hundred No Taboo Talisman' and the material of the Demon God.

Nor did he say that he took the initiative to attack the core of Yuehai Pavilion.

Only said that he was 'forced' to escape.

Even if Dadalia doesn't like this kind of twists and turns, but for the great cause of 'Her Majesty', he can force himself to do this kind of thing he doesn't want.

After listening to his narration, Zhongli, who had understood everything in essence, pondered for a while: "That is to say, you are now the wanted criminal in Liyue?"

"Ah, you can say that." Dadalia scratched his head: "But as you can see, I have no other choice."

"If I don't escape, God knows what will happen, so I have to escape to have a chance to clarify for myself."

"As a friend, just help me this time!"

He clasped his hands together, his face full of earnestness.

Zhong Li hesitated for a moment, Shen Ning's eyes turned slightly, and then he exhaled, as if helplessly: "Forget it."

"It just so happens that next I will go to the General Affairs Department to participate in the 'Ceremony of Sending Immortals' of Emperor Yanwang."

"You just pretend to be my apprentice - inference with universal reason, no one will doubt that you will be under their noses after you escape."

"But you don't have to make trouble anymore."

Sending Xiandianyi... Dadalia's eyes changed undetectably, but he still just clasped his hands together and assured with a full face: "Don't worry, don't worry, it will definitely not happen!"

Speak the truth.

But what this 'Young Master' of the Winter Kingdom thinks in his heart is...

Those who send the fairy ceremony must know where the rock god's 'Xianzu Fashui' is, right?

Although the Rock God is dead, the 'Heart of God' will never disappear.

the only possibility.

It is only within the fairy ancestor Fashui.

--this is a good chance!

Dadalia raised his mouth seemingly unintentionally.

But he didn't notice the inexplicable look in Zhongli's sideways glance.


On the other hand, Luo Wei, who had received the message 'The new diplomatic ambassador of the Zhidong Kingdom [Ms.] has arrived in Liyue', also arrived at Yuehai Pavilion in Liyue Port at the same time.

As the place where the highest institution is located on the surface, and where the Seven Stars gather for meetings, this place also assumes the responsibility of 'receiving envoys from other countries'.

Although I have just experienced the turmoil of the 'prince's raid'.

But only after one night.

From the outside, it has been basically repaired.

The work efficiency of Yuehaiting, or the General Affairs Department under Gan Yu's management, has always been extremely high.

Without this kind of efficiency, it would be impossible to keep pace with Liyue, which is running at high speed, without the slightest policy stalemate.

And when Luo Wei stepped on the stairs and the guards on both sides greeted Xia and stepped into the door, he could also see the 'Yuhengxing Keqing' who had been waiting for a long time.

as well as...

"The 'lady' of the Winter Kingdom has long admired her name."

Luo Wei stepped forward, and the hem of his clothes swayed and bloomed as the black boots fell to the ground.

In front.

The tall figure who was communicating with Keqing looked sideways at the moment Luo Wei stepped in.

The tall and graceful figure is still covered under a long skirt, with slender legs exposed between the hem of the skirt, and her chest open. The black butterfly mask on her head is also the same as before, covering half of her face.

"I have also 'admired your name' for a long time."

The [lady] among the fools had a fluttering voice. It seemed like they had met for the first time, but in fact they had a bit more... killing intent.

But it is only fleeting.

Although the previous plan to "invade Liyue" failed, Emperor Yan Wang finally agreed to "cooperate" with the Winter Kingdom.

However, the lady who paved the way for it was also transferred by the Ice Emperor to 'Mond' in the neighboring country of Liyue.

All the affairs of Liyue were handed over to Dadalia, the 'prince' who was already lurking in Liyue.

Of course, the lady has no meaning for such an assignment. As the eighth seat of the Fools and a higher executive than the young master, she has long been prepared to travel to various countries.

But she didn't expect that when her arrangement in Mond was about to start.

On Liyue's side, another unexpected change occurred.

'The son raided the highest institution in Liyue Port'.

This is enough to cause turmoil in the 'diplomatic relationship' between Liyue and Zhidong.

It is even enough to make the contract signed by Ice God and Rock God change.

So the lady had to come.

After receiving the assignment, he also came quickly——

But even so, even before departure, when she was in Mond, the lady had already learned about Liyue through various channels, and knew that the boy who forced her back at the beginning has now been promoted step by step in a short period of time. In a high position.

See you at this moment.

But still subconsciously raised the killing intent.

For the proud and confident 'lady', such a failure not due to strength is a great shame.

Of course, the executive officer is an executive officer after all, and she would not say that she had participated in the foregone event that the fools planned to attack Liyue Port, let alone that she had already had contact with Luo Wei.

Just pretending to be a first meeting gesture.

The killing intent in my heart only turned around in an instant, and then dissipated into nothingness.

If it weren't for Luo Wei's keen perception, it might be difficult to detect it.

It is even more impossible for Keqing next to her to know.

When she saw Luo Wei coming, she moved her black silk-bound legs and stepped in front of her amidst the swaying skirt that concealed her roundness.

The moment the four eyes met, the girl said softly: "Next, I will trouble you."

"It's okay, this is my duty."

In a word, the handover of the 'task' was completed.

Keqing was not good at diplomacy.

Tianshu star is in charge of personnel transfer, can be involved in all walks of life, and can also replace the seven stars who are in charge of the corresponding things when they are away.

"Let's talk about it!"

Ke Qing opened her mouth, and led the two into the inner room specially for entertaining foreign guests, and the three of them took their seats.

However, the lady glanced around at the simple yet elegant wooden carved beams and walls, and snorted abruptly: "I am here on behalf of the Winter Kingdom—since Liyue has formally established diplomatic relations with us and the Winter Kingdom, then this time This time, no matter what, Liyue must give me an explanation."

"It's about your Liyue... privately detaining our diplomats."

Chapter 120 Seven Diplomatic Relations Based on Force

Preempting others has always been the basic principle followed by the "fools" of the Zhidong country's diplomatic missions when negotiating with other countries on the face of it.

For them, no matter what, they must occupy the dominant discourse power.

Zhidong Country is located in the cold northern region.

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