The curtain covering the stage was lifted at the same time.

Two figures walked out side by side,

"Waiting...have you left?" Yun Jin was taken aback, looking at the center of the teahouse which had become empty in an instant.

I still want to get a comment from the immortal... That will definitely make Yunhan Society's reputation even higher, right?

"It's okay, I'll go to Jueyunjian next time, and bring a pen and paper."

Aware of the loss of the girl beside him, Luo Wei took the girl's little hand with one hand, and couldn't help combing her soft hair under the pompom and phoenix crown with the other hand.

Yun Jin's pretty face flushed slightly, but she just nodded slightly.

I didn't pay attention before.

But after formally confirming the relationship, Yunjin felt that Luo Wei had become taller.

It feels safe even just being close.


She also wants to be closer...

"The three True Monarchs gave us three days." Looking at the two who were about to kiss together, although she didn't want to disturb her, Ke Qing thought about it and felt that there were still some things that had to be explained.

She stepped forward and said quickly while her skirt fluttered: "Three days later, if we can't find out the real culprit who assassinated the emperor, then the immortals will do it themselves—"

If you let the immortals make a move.

Then Liyue Port will inevitably be subject to them.

This is what Liyue Qixing does not want to see.

For thousands of years,

It has become a tradition that the emperor is on top and the seven stars are in charge of everything.

If the immortals take over Liyue completely, no one can guarantee whether Liyue can still prosper as before.

Luo Wei was startled, separated slightly from Yunjin, and nodded slightly.

Keep it warm, let's put it later.


"Three days are more than enough."

Facing the gust of wind blowing in from outside the door, the hem of the youth's flying fish suit was slightly raised, and the black boots that stepped on the ground were slightly raised.

The long knife at the waist hummed slightly in the sheath.

With a slight tremor.

The only opera is not enough to shake the hearts of the immortals, this is inevitable.

Let them truly recognize Liyue.

Still need a crisis.

Once 'fight side by side'.


The opportunity is given to you, it depends on your 'effort'.

——Diplomatic Ambassador of Zhidong Country.

——Seat No. 11 of the Executive Officer of the Fools, [Young Master].

— Dadalia.


"Speaking of which, Dijun really..."

"Shhh, be careful!"

"Yes, I overstepped!"


Moon Sea Pavilion.

In the prison room, Dadalia opened his blue eyes, and the water-blue God's Eye hanging on his waist glowed a little in the darkness.

As the executive officer of the Fools, he is powerful, not to mention a few walls, even if they are tens of meters away, he can accurately hear the buzzing of mosquitoes.

So at this moment, the voice of Yue Haiting, who was so close at hand, was naturally caught by him at a glance.

"The Yinyuan Hall in the eight gates applied to explore an ancient salt god relic..."


"The new weapon use report issued by the Qianyan Army, please confirm—"


Just like other normal offices, the noisy voices in Yuehai Pavilion are naturally mixed with a lot of extremely important information for Liyue Merchant.

But this information didn't matter to Dadalia.

He pays more attention to...

"Is Master Gan Yu there? There is a document here, I want to confirm..."

"Master Gan Yu went out, saying that she was looking for her 'master'."

the only threat.

The general secretary of the Liyue Seven Stars, the half-immortal beast 'Gan Yu'...

Not here.

"If that's the case, then I'm going to show it off!"

The God's Eye on Dadalia's waist was shining brightly.

think carefully.

That 'number of days agent', maybe the other party is really thinking for himself?

As long as I stay here.

No matter what happened this time, it was all about him, and had nothing to do with the fools or the Winter Kingdom.

Such things as the assassination of the Emperor Yanwang.

Such precautions are indeed needed.

Obviously there was a conflict, but I did it the first time...

In a way, it's really high-spirited.

"If possible, I would really like to get to know each other well."


There is no such opportunity.


"You fools, what you are waiting for is exactly such an opportunity!"

There was a buzz.

The shimmering water vapor and the prison room suddenly reverberated.

Then there was the ground shaking.

The smoke and dust billowed, and the walls exploded.

Chapter 120 The Third Prison Break Dadalia

In Yuehai Pavilion, although Ms. Gan Yu was rarely, or should be said to be 'uniquely', away from home, the staff of the General Affairs Department who came to ask for a signature still saw the signed document at her desk.

"Miss Gan Yu really... never forgets work all the time."

Maybe that's why.

The entire Yuehai Pavilion is still running in an orderly manner, and there is no slight delay in making decisions on some slightly important matters.

It is worthy of being able to assist the 'Emperor' in managing Liyue for thousands of years...

The female staff member didn't know how many times she felt so emotional.

She picked up the file and was about to turn around and leave.

A subtle crisp sound suddenly sounded beside him.

Click, click, click...

The man looked up subconsciously.

Then saw the slightest cracks appearing on the wall of Yuehai Pavilion.

Like a spider's web.

However, it is continuously enlarged between visible to the naked eye.

That is...

"Enemy, attack—"


A hand passed through the crack in the core of the 'spider web' at the same time, and pressed it on her mouth, making the voice that hadn't had time to come out abruptly.

Facing him is a handsome young man.

The raised corner of her mouth was a bit cynical, and in the eyes of this female General Affairs Department worker, it was even more frightening...

"Sorry, can I not let you make a sound?"

Dadalia, who escaped from the prison, spoke softly, but with a slight force on his arm, the staff member's body softened at the same time, without the slightest pain, he was directly overwhelmed by the water element scattered from his palm, and fainted past.

Dadalia withdrew his hand and gently placed it on the seat next to him.

Then slowly pass through the gap where the 'spider web' spread out, enough for one person to pass through, and enter the office at the core of Yuehai Pavilion.

At the same time, it is also the highest-level archive room.

Yes, the safest place in Yuehai Pavilion was Gan Yu's office from the beginning to the end.

It is also very close to the 'detention room'.

Of course, it is said that the distance is extremely close, but there is still a need to pass through heavy protection in the middle, without thousands of elite guards from the Qianyan Army,

But how could such guards find the foolish executive [Young Master] who was sneaking all the way?

And this moment—

Dadalia looked around and grinned at the same time.

"found it!"

He stared at a certain 'dark cabinet' behind Gan Yu's seat.

In it, the 'data' and 'things' he wanted were hidden.

"The legendary Talisman of No Taboo, and the materials of Liyue Demon God."

The no-taboo talisman is something that fools have been looking for and researching.

According to the normal situation, it will take half a year for the fools to study some clues and try to 'copy' it.

This is a matter of course.

Although the Ice Queen of the Winter Kingdom has a contract with the Rock God, her clear instructions to the fools have always been to "find out the specific situation of Liyue", and at the right time, seize the "God's Heart" '.

...At least, apart from the executive officer 'madam' who was initially in charge of this matter, the 'son' who took over the responsibility is the contract between Ice God and Rock God.

In other words, he himself didn't really have much interest in understanding it.

In the final analysis -

"It's better to make a big fuss, which is more in line with my character!"

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