Sitting in front of the octagonal table, Zhong Li looked at the tea that Luo Wei pushed over, his face slightly pondering.

"Yes." Luo Wei nodded slightly, without any intention of evading: "Since the time is ripe, there is no point in delaying it any longer."

After the event last night, he sent Yun Jin home in person, and from the glances they met before leaving, they both knew each other's desire to express their hearts first.

That's why he was the first to come to the Pastoral Hall this early in the morning, before he even went to the General Affairs Department.

Although the main body, as the rock god, Zhongli has lived a quiet life, he has accompanied Liyue through the long years after all, so he should be able to give him useful advice.

For example...

"The right place."

"The right atmosphere."

"Appropriate time that allows each other not to avoid each other."

For these, Luo Wei has thought clearly.

Zhong Li paused slightly when he heard the words, raising his teacup, and his gilt eyes seemed to be thinking a little bit.

"I don't know much about emotional matters."

Rock God's deep voice echoed in the vermilion-carved wooden house: "But in terms of general rationality, if human emotions are to last forever, such a scene cannot be ignored."

"According to my proposal, you still need a grand ceremony."

"Ritual!? Someone wants to report the ceremony!??" Zhongli's words had just finished.

A head popped out of the room behind him. The 'Qian Kun Tai Gua Hat' on the head was still spotless, with reddish-brown messy long hair, a pretty face looking around, and then jumped out The white legs are stepping on the ground, supporting the flexible buttocks, and they also outline some deep arcs during the agitation and jumping.

I haven't seen you for a while, but the 'Hall Master of the Past' still looks full of energy: "Does anyone need this hall master to hold a ceremony?"

"Cough," Zhong Li couldn't help coughing.

Luo Wei didn't care: "It's not that kind of ceremony."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's not that kind of ceremony—" Hu Tao raised the corner of her mouth: "Congratulations and weddings, Xiangshengtang accepts the contract!"

"Even if it's not a problem to advance your funeral now, I can give you a discount because of my status as the guest of the past life hall!"

Rowe: "..."

Co-authoring is cursing me to death, right?

Forget it.

"I still have things to do." Luo Wei stood up, "Maybe I will come to consult Mr. Zhongli next time, please don't refuse."

When saying this, Luo Wei pushed the teapot in front of him.

The implication is self-evident.

Does Zhongli dare to refuse?

It wasn't until Luo Wei got up to leave that the incarnation of the rock god leisurely raised his teacup and took a sip.

“Entrance with a long flavor...”

"But it seems that there is more sweetness in it."

The Emperor of the Rock was thoughtful.

"So, what were you talking about just now?"

Hu Tao sat opposite Dijun.

In Luo Wei's position just now, his ruby-like eyes blinked, fluttering and shining, full of curiosity: "Zhongli, Zhongli, tell me quickly, hurry up!"

"It's always fun—"

Zhong Li exhaled lightly, every time he faced this Hall Master Hu, he would feel inexplicably helpless.

Like an old father to his eccentric young daughter...

But maybe, she can have her own understanding of Luo Wei's question?

There is something about emotion.

He certainly doesn't know...

Zhong Li raised his eyes and glanced out of the window. Luo Wei disappeared behind Feiyunpo intersection.

Left Feiyunpo.

Stepping on the flat stone pavement, Luo Wei glanced sideways at the shop fronts lined up in Feiyunpo, with a slightly pensive brow.

"Ritual... Lunar Festival?"

He put his hand on his waist and always hangs the 'Li Hai Meng Duan' who has never left his body, thinking about Zhong Li's words just now, then turned and moved forward.

Go up the stairs.

It is the core of the entire Liyue administrative organization - the location of Yuehai Pavilion.

Of course, unlike before, he is now the "Tianshu Star Agent" and he doesn't need to report on his duties. In essence, he is already a member of the Liyue Seven Stars, even if he is only an agent of his superior on the surface. There is only one Rock King Dijun.

The purpose of his coming here is only out of habit, to come to 'check in' that's all.

And the moment he pushed the door open, what he met was undoubtedly a pair of familiar red purple eyes: "Has the hero who saved Liyue finally come?"

Yu Heng Xing Keqing stood behind the door and at the end of the corridor, her slender and well-proportioned legs were still tightly bound in black to support the fluttering skirt, the concealed single clothes covered the upturned hem, and the white underarms were slightly exposed between the hanging hands, A touch of roundness streaked across it.

The pretty face with the combed corners is still full of energy.

"Master Luo Wei, good morning." Standing beside Ke Qing, Ke Qing, who was holding the documents in his arms, also leaned slightly at the same time, the horn of the fairy beast on his head swayed up and down with his short hair, and his encircling arms were pressed on the black cloth, The arc of the chest extruded a little twists and turns, the skirt of the hanging skirt reached the thighs, and the black silk was exposed at the slit.

The same pretty face was slightly confused, as if she had just woken up from a dream.

Looking at the two people dressed in different expressions, Luo Wei patted the handle of the knife: "Good morning, both of you."

He selectively ignored Keqing's title for himself.

Even if that is already an unavoidable title—after all, Liyue used to be a place where chivalry prevailed, and now there are many chivalrous stories that are popular everywhere.

His name can't be a true king or an immortal, but a 'hero'.

The great man is the country and the people.

’ But I really didn’t think about it that much. ' he thought to himself, but there was nothing he could do to stop others from calling him that.

"By the way, there is work on the Tianshu star——"

"Tianshuxing is responsible for personnel transfer, but in fact, Gan Yu has been in charge of this part of the work before." Ke Qing shook her head: "My suggestion is that this part should be handed over to Gan Yu."

"As for you, Lord Luo Wei..."

"Come on, if you need any help, you can come to me."

"—not just at work."

Not just work things mean...

Luo Wei didn't react immediately: "What's the matter?"

But when he heard Keqing's next words, he fell silent again.

He heard her say: "Yun Jin is a good girl, don't let her down."

After saying this, Ke Qing blinked her beautiful eyes at him.

"You don't think that Quan Liyue's people are all blind?"

Rowe: "..."

Quan Liyue's people are indeed not blind.

Luo Wei at this moment is also different from before.

He is the agent of Tianshu Star in Liyue Port.

He is the de facto supreme commander of the Qianyan Army stationed in Liyue.

He is also a 'hero' among the people.

Today, to some extent, he is already a 'big celebrity' whose reputation far surpasses that of Mr. Yun.

Access is bound to be watched.

In other words...

"The scene of you holding hands and shopping last night was seen by many people."

...The entire Liyue people probably know about it.

Chapter 110 How big do you want the wedding to be?

No matter what, Luo Wei didn't expect the people of Liyue to gossip like this... No, maybe it's just that they didn't think in that direction.

Liyue's business is developed, the economy is superior, and the geographical environment is located in Haikou. The people here have long been accustomed to various rumors that come from various places along with the prosperous business.

What kind of turmoil was caused by Inazuma's policy of locking the country, how many "diplomats" were sent by Zhidong, how many turmoil was caused, and what ancient relics were discovered by Xumi's scholars... There are many of these, even the majority of their own country Rumors that are not known anywhere are just occasional jokes at the dinner table of the people of Liyue.

And compared to these, how could they not pay attention to the nearest Luo Wei and Yun Jin?

"If you've thought about it, you should understand." Keqing didn't see much embarrassment when she met the thoughtful Luo Wei: "By the way, don't you feel shy?"

Luo Wei came back to his senses: "Why are you shy?"

"As you said, Yunjin is a good girl—I can't wait to tell the world about our relationship."

Although unexpected.

But accidents are accidents.

Anyway, it's the truth, anyway, Luo Wei doesn't intend to avoid it.

And at this time, don't you pretend to be calm, are you waiting to make a fool of yourself?

At any rate, he is the commander-in-chief of the Qianyan Army, the agent of Tianshu have to hold back.

So Ke Qing was instantly choked by such a response.

Gan Yu over there looked at Keqing, then at Luo Wei, tilted his head, and the 'Secretary-General' who was still a little sleepy felt a little out of it.

"That's right, it makes me a little jealous." Ke Qing exhaled, and she stretched out her hand to brush the hair beside her ears: "In short, you've been tired enough for a while."

"It's time to rest—to do what you should do."

Obviously I work overtime and work all day long, but at this moment I persuade others to rest.

Of course, from Keqing's point of view, this is understandable.

Luo Wei was indeed busy enough during this time.

Shimen, Overseas, Minlin... He participated in almost all major events that happened in a short period of time, achieving a [-]% 'participation rate'.

And I have been busy all day, but in comparison, it seems that I have done nothing...

'I don't want to be left too far behind you,'

Recalling the side-by-side fighting in Shimen, Ke Qing suddenly felt that the distance between herself and the figure in front of her was getting farther and farther.

But she wasn't discouraged.

The distance is far away, so just keep up with it.

Even if you can't catch up, you can't stop chasing. The so-called comrades-in-arms, even if they don't follow closely, should turn around when they are tired, and they can still see their own figure.

"We're going to keep working."

"Delayed for too long, things can't be finished!"

"Work, yes, work!"

Gan Yu also murmured in a low voice.

Luo Wei smiled lightly and shook his head, but didn't leave immediately: "Actually, I'm here, and I have one more thing to do."

"I think there—" he pointed to the top of his head, "visit that one."

He wants to go to the Qunyu Pavilion above Liyue.

Go to visit that Tianquan Xingguang.

Ask her... the deeper intentions of last night's move.

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