The long knife was broken inch by inch, and the black long knife turned into a jet-black mist in mid-air.

"Ahhhh...damn stinky Taoist priest!"

The Pluto Ah Cha was furious, and once again held out a small black flag. In the small flag, Yin Qi was permeating, coiled in the air, and black chains wrapped around Lin Kaiyun directly.

Lin Kaiyun frowned, and with a wave of his hand, the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword pointed directly at Hades Ah Cha, drawing a sword mark in mid-air, and a long line of blood extended from the edge of the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword. Around Lin Kaiyun, a long bloody river with a length of tens of feet was formed.

Chapter 523 Stinky Taoist priest, let me go

A flash of sword light flashed, and the iron chain was cut and turned into pieces.

A cold smile appeared on Lin Kaiyun's face, and a faint red light rose from his body, like a volcano about to erupt, or like a blazing flame, making this space, in the At this moment, it burned up.

This made the ghosts in the ghost city feel a little uneasy.

A cold light gushed out from the spear in the hand of Hades Ah Cha, and went straight to Lin Kaiyun. The cold light suddenly burst out, pointing directly at Lin Kaiyun's chest.

Lin Kaiyun didn't change his expression, he held a treasure in one hand and stood in front of him.

At the same time, the seven-star Longyuan sword in his hand was raised abruptly, and a majestic golden aura of mana swept out, facing the spear.

"God mask! Get up!"

When this sword light landed on Lin Kaiyun's chest, his mana turned into a majestic Buddha's energy, and then, an earth-shattering voice sounded.

Lin Kaiyun's formula was also read out.

With a sound of "Clang!", the Seven Star Longyuan Sword collided with the long spear.

When the spear was about to stab Lin Kaiyun, Hades Ah Cha had already exerted all her strength, and the force of this spear directly shook her body unstable!

The soldiers in the ghost city gathered together after a short period of sluggishness, resisting the powerful yang energy.

At the same time, they were also worried about their Majesty Pluto. She had to win this battle, which was the only hope.

From the unscrupulous attack of the Yangjian Taoist just now, it can be seen that the ghosts in the ghost city are not taken seriously by them. If she loses, the result can be imagined.

"Pluto, I'll help you!"

"Pluto, we cannot lose!"

"Pluto Ah Cha."

Below, a scene of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

Those weak ghost guards gathered together to form a very terrifying formation. They gathered all their power and transferred all their power to Ah Cha, the king of the underworld.

Lin Kaiyun sent the spear of Hades Acha flying with a sword, and Hades Acha was shocked by this golden light and retreated again and again, so he could barely stand still.

At this time, Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, was pale, and his body was surging wildly. His eyes were fixed on this Taoist in the yang world. This man's strength was far beyond her imagination, and even surpassed her.

However, there is one thing he can be sure of, that is, like himself, he is still in the early stages, how could he be so powerful?

Hades Ah Cha gritted her teeth, she will never lose!

Whoosh whoosh—

In the ghost city, streams of Yin Qi condensed into a huge poisonous snake, and rushed towards Ah Cha, the king of the underworld.

Hades King Ah Cha waved his hand, and a huge whirlwind emerged out of thin air, like a long whale sucking water, sucking in all the Yin Qi. At the same time, her aura was also rising steadily.

Lin Kaiyun frowned, he had to stop the current situation, otherwise, he alone would be the enemy of everyone in the ghost city.

Although the ghosts in this ghost city are not strong individually, they are very powerful when they gather into a large formation.

Although he is very strong, it is impossible to be an enemy of ten thousand. Moreover, there is also a Pluto Ah Cha who is comparable to him.

After Lin Kaiyun thrust out Hades Ah Cha's spear, Lin Kaiyun immediately punched out again.




Accompanied by Lin Kaiyun's incantation, sound waves swept away in all directions.

Lin Kaiyun held a copper coin in his hand.

This copper coin can not only be used as a shield and a pan, but more importantly, its power can collide with the spell that Lin Kaiyun chanted, causing damage to any weapon or magic weapon.

Lin Kaiyun exudes Dao charm all over his body, and it seems that his whole body is filled with Buddha's light. He looks like a fairy, and he looks like a monk.

At this moment, the originally calm voice turned into a creepy sound of death.

The moment Lin Kaiyun's incantation sounded, the entire ghost town was filled with the sound.

Some ghosts with weaker cultivation bases were even more affected by the severe pain. They covered their ears and knelt down on the ground, their heads were about to be torn apart.

But the truth is true, their souls were wounded by the power of the yang attribute and the spell, and the combination of the two made them suffer.

At this moment, the formation he set up was shattered.

The yin energy and mana on her body instantly dissipated, cutting off her retreat.

Lin Kaiyun also felt relieved, compared to facing the ghosts in a ghost town once, it was much easier to be alone.

Lin Kaiyun didn't want those ordinary ghosts to have a chance to make a comeback, so he tried his best to make them suffer, exhaust them, and make them unable to make a big storm!

"Pluto Ah Cha, you have no way out, so come and fight, make me happy, and I will let you live!"

With a wave of Lin Kaiyun's arm, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword pointed at Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, with a cold tone.

Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, also has a violent temper. He has lost all face today, so naturally he will not let it go, "Take your life!"

Then, above the spear, another cold light flashed, and a sharper aura shot up into the sky, carrying the power of breaking mountains and cracking rocks!

Lin Kaiyun laughed loudly:

"My life is not up to you to decide!"

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun moved his body, neither dodging nor dodging, but raised from the bottom up.


Mars radiates.

The long spear and the Seven Star Longyuan Sword collided again.

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