The ghost guard spoke cautiously, and couldn't help making a gesture of invitation, pointing straight ahead.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the ghost guard's fingers, and felt helpless. Thinking about it was right, if the living people were not imprisoned here, how could Hadesa Acha send so many ghost guards to guard and patrol?

Lin Kaiyun thought about his thoughts, and then moved a paragraph of words into Qian Daochang's ears,

"Qian Daochang, I have already found out the place where the living people are detained. You come in from the corridor on the far left, and I will wait for you in front."

When Daoist Qian heard this voice, he was very sure that it was Lin Kaiyun's words, and walked in the leftmost road without hesitation.

Just when he knew that Lin Kaiyun's mana was unfathomable, Daoist Qian seemed to have found the backbone in his heart. Instead of the panic and urgency before, he felt a little joy.If you think about it, even if you meet Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, then Lin Kaiyun will support you.Daoist Qian only needs to do a good job of saving people and looking after the living.

On the other side, Lin Kaiyun continued to ask the ghost guards,

"Tell me, how many people have you captured and brought back, but they are still alive."

Without Lin Kaiyun's permission, the ghost guard still knelt on the ground, answering Lin Kaiyun's words very respectfully,

"A total of 97 people are alive, and there are only two or three people left to make up a hundred.

Master Pluto Acha has specially explained that these people captured from Yangjian must not have the slightest damage. We even found a lot of nourishing ingredients from Yangjian for these living people to enjoy. I don't know how fat I am or how much fat I have. "


When Lin Kaiyun heard this, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, and he couldn't help filling out such a picture in his eyes,

A group of ferocious ghosts, carrying chickens, ducks, and geese from Yangjian, are busy figures floating in the kitchen.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun actually smiled, the ghost guard couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart, what does the expert in front of him mean?Although the ghost guard didn't know what Ling Kaiyun was thinking, he explained,

"Master Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, said that the magic circle needs to be controlled by pure blood. However, the living people we captured were all raised on whole grains, and there are many blood impurities in their bodies. Now we provide The food has survived in the earth veins for a period of time, and after being washed by the pure yang energy here, it is eaten by people in the yang world.

Only in this way can the refined blood energy be more pure, and the elixir produced is also top-grade. "

Lin Kaiyun nodded in satisfaction after hearing the ghost guard's explanation. As expected, it was very consistent with Lin Kaiyun's thoughts.

In an instant, Lin Kaiyun turned his head and looked at the ghost guard, feeling even more curious. What made Lin Kaiyun curious was not the formation and alchemy mentioned by the ghost guard just now.

You must know that there must be a special method to remove the impurities in the blood of ordinary people, and eating purified food for living people must be a method, but it is not the most important one.To put it bluntly, in this underworld, there is a treasure house that stores rare items.

Thinking of this, Lin Kaiyun's eyes couldn't help but light up.He has seen a lot of Yang Jian's ginseng and pearls, but the rare treasures in the underworld are very rare for Lin Kaiyun.

Able to satisfy 79.To purify the blood of a living person, there must be very precious ingredients.And in that treasury, if you think about it, there are not only ingredients as simple as that, there must be more mysterious things.

This made Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but have other thoughts in his heart.

But let's settle the matter in front of him, Lin Kaiyun kicked the ghost guard,

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and lead the way."

For Lin Kaiyun's light kick just now, the ghost guard's entire soul seemed to be shattered again, and he usually stood up and walked forward without the slightest hesitation.

Lin Kaiyun slowly followed behind the ghost guard.Not long after, the ghost guard stopped.

Chapter 519

Just when Lin Kaiyun was still thinking about how many treasures there were, the ghost guard who led the way stopped.Turning back to Lin Kaiyun, he said,

"My lord, it's just ahead."

The ghost guard was only strong when he said this, and looked at Lin Kaiyun's expression boldly.

When the ghost guard saw Lin Kaiyun, he couldn't help but feel angry, had a bad premonition, and thought in his heart, this person in front of him is probably going to do something to me, this look seems not right.

However, although the ghost guard thought so, he didn't have the intention to run away, because the ghost guard knew that Lin Kaiyun in front of him was not an opponent. If he ran away, he might die faster, or the ghost guard hadn't stepped forward yet. Take a step, and the head falls.

This situation is really terrible, and the ghost guard is very clear in his heart, if he disappears under this situation, he must have lost his soul, and there is no possibility of conscious existence anymore.It's definitely not like a living person is dead.

How could Lin Kaiyun care, the look and thoughts of the ghost guard, looking forward alone with his eyes.

I saw a very wide field of vision ahead, as if it was a Zhuangzi in a paradise.

Among them, the houses are all built of stones, and there are many people moving around the houses, gathering in twos and threes, looking very leisurely.It seems to be a person who gossips at the head of the village and the tail of the village.

When Lin Kaiyun saw the scene in front of him, he was also a little surprised.

Originally, in Lin Kaiyun's imagination, the female ghost would capture the living here. Although it is delicious and delicious, it should also be detained in a cell. The underworld is very terrifying. These living people also have some fears in spirit.

But the current situation is not the case.Lin Kaiyun looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly remembered what the ghost guard said just now, "Some people even gain weight."

Lin Kaiyun didn't believe it at first, but seeing is believing. A few fat guys not far away gathered together talking and laughing.It seems that the food prepared by Hades Acha and the place where they rested are very comfortable.

The corners of Lin Kaiyun's mouth raised slightly, obviously very happy in his heart, he shook his head, turned to look at the trembling ghost guard, and said with a smile,

"I'm not a man-eating devil, who do you want to do more for?

You lead the way very well. At this moment, I am in a good mood. I originally wanted to reward you for losing your soul. Seeing that I am in a good mood, you should disappear from my eyes as soon as possible. "

When the ghost guard heard Lin Kaiyun's words, his heart was instantly relieved. In his current mood, he was not as happy as he is now, even if Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, personally rewarded him.

"Thank you, my lord."

As the ghost guard said, he bowed to Lin Kaiyun, and then disappeared in front of Lin Kaiyun's eyes.

Of course, the ghost guards dared to disobey Lin Kaiyun's words, and the pace of leaving became faster and faster, as if they had exhausted their whole body's skills.I couldn't help thinking that the official I donated was really donated for nothing, and I will remove this official post when I go back.

However, at this moment, the appearance of Lin Kaiyun and Daoist Qian surprised the living people not far away.The whole village also became quiet. People raised their heads and looked towards Lin Kaiyun. The expressions on their faces were either doubt or fear.

Most of the people who were captured were from villages or small border towns. Most of them had no education. Although some knew some words, their knowledge was very shallow.

In their eyes, no matter where they are, as long as they can live, that is good.But they also knew in their hearts that it was not people but ghosts who captured them, and they were captured for a purpose, and these people didn't know what the reason was.

However, some people also know very well in their hearts that they will be kept in captivity with delicious food and drink every day.It's like the fat pigs raised in the farmyard are generally not good, and they will be slaughtered collectively at a certain time.

However, their conjectures coincided with the thoughts of Hades King Ah Cha.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the dull-eyed people in front of him, not knowing whether to be happy or depressed.

"We are both from Maoshan Mountain, surnamed Lin. The person next to me is Daoist Qian, who is also a Taoist priest from Maoshan Mountain. The purpose of coming here this time is to take everyone out alive and return to life in the underworld.

We are here to rescue you, hurry up and follow me. "

Lin Kaiyun glanced around. Lin Kaiyun can be cold when facing ghosts, but now he is facing living people with flesh and blood, even some old people and children, which makes Lin Kaiyun feel pity in his heart.

Although there is a trace of pity in my heart, I don't know why, but I suddenly feel like laughing.

I don't know what that Pluto Ah Cha was thinking. It's a bit unbelievable to capture seventy or eighty people and offer them delicious food and drink.

However, when the people below heard Lin Kaiyun's words, they thought differently.

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