Just when Lin Kaiyun made a move to disperse the flames.

The female ghost in the flame suddenly howled.

Suddenly, a large number of raindrops fell in the room, as if it was really raining.

And the lightning sparks hanging above the room became even more unstable.

"What exactly is going on?"

Seeing those flames dancing, Daoist Qian couldn't help frowning.

He didn't know how that flame was formed, nor how to manipulate it.

Lin Kaiyun didn't speak, but continued to activate the spell, preparing to deal with the female ghost.

"Let's go out first! At least avoid this ghost and thunder first!"

Daoist Qian persuaded.


Lin Kaiyun agreed and put away the spell.

Then, together with Li Bold and Daoist Qian, they walked out of the house.

After walking out of the house, everyone saw that the entire courtyard was covered by a layer of faint white mist.

In the white mist, one can vaguely see the ferocious face of the female ghost.


Suddenly, Li Boldly sat down on the ground.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Daoist Qian said suspiciously.

And Li boldly looked at Daoist Qian with a look of fear on his face, and said:

"There are ghosts in the white fog!!!"

"Did you read it wrong?"

Daoist Qian asked in surprise.

And Li boldly shook his head again and again.

"You can't be wrong, I just saw a ghost..."

At this time, Lin Kaiyun also frowned and said, "Indeed, there should be many ghosts in this white mist!"

Daoist Qian asked suspiciously,

"How could it be? Aren't we in Li Bold's yard? Isn't there a female ghost in that bronze mirror? Why are there so many?"

Lin Kaiyun said with certainty,

"We should not be in Li Daudao's house now, but have been pulled into the bronze mirror."


Li Bold and Daoist Qian couldn't help but widen their eyes when they heard the words, they were so surprised that their faces turned pale.

"What should we do now?"

Li boldly looked at Lin Kaiyun and asked.

"We must find a way now, otherwise, we will most likely die in the bronze mirror!"

Lin Kaiyun said seriously.

He was also a little confused, he didn't even know when he was pulled into the bronze mirror.

However, the white mist of face is definitely not in Li Bold's yard, and it should not be an illusion.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, they fell into the trap of the female ghost and were pulled into the bronze mirror.

This bronze mirror is undoubtedly the domain of female ghosts. As the saying goes, a strong dragon will not overwhelm a snake. God knows how dangerous it will be inside this bronze mirror.

"Then what shall we do?"

Daoist Qian looked at Lin Kaiyun.

"Catch the thief first and capture the king first, we need to find the female ghost in the bronze mirror!!!"

Lin Kaiyun gritted his teeth and said.

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Qian Daochang and Li Bold fought a cold war involuntarily.

Although Daoist Qian and Li Bold didn't know where the female ghost's lair was, they could guess that it must be very dangerous in the bronze mirror.

Daoist Qian swallowed, looked at Lin Kaiyun, and said with some concern:

"Fellow Daoist Xiaolin, that lair is not easy! Besides, we don't know what to face in the bronze mirror."

"If you want to go out, you can only do this!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he lifted his legs and walked away.

Originally, the courtyard of Li Bold's house could still be vaguely seen in the white mist.

As a result, after pushing open the wooden door and going out, everything became strange, as if coming to another world.

All around are trees, and there are all kinds of leaves and branches floating in the air.

There are also some white branches.

And these leaves and branches are all white.

I can't even see what color it is.

A terrifying evil wind blows.

The leaves and branches rustled.

And with the wind blowing, those leaves and branches, like living things, spread rapidly towards the surroundings, and then piled up at the feet of Lin Kaiyun and others.

On those branches, there was also black smoke, as if there were ghosts swimming on them.

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