In fact, every time Lin Kaiyun attacks, he can feel the pain, he has been enduring it!

The shopkeeper who was hiding not far away was very anxious when he saw that the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva was at a disadvantage.

"Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, what did you do? Hurry up and kill this stinky Taoist priest. I have cultivated a lot of hungry ghost sacrifices for you. You should be very powerful!"

As soon as the words fell, Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva struggled desperately.

Lin Kaiyun could even feel that the gossip pattern that trapped the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva was about to shatter.

"No, I can't go on like this. Although this Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva is powerful, it's not a problem for me to keep procrastinating. If the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva really escapes, there will be endless troubles."

Lin Kaiyun secretly said in his heart, his subordinates did not stop.

A burst of severe pain swept over Lin Kaiyun's body, wrinkling his face into a ball, and the cold sweat dripped down his forehead even more.

Lin Kaiyun tried his best to resist the pain in his body, while urging the gossip pattern again.

Under the urging of Lin Kaiyun, the gossip pattern emitted a dazzling light, and then spread towards the body of the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva circle by circle.

This time the light from the gossip pattern was brighter than any previous one. Even the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva's strong defense felt a little unbearable.

As long as my set of gossip patterns can completely trap the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, I can take this opportunity to kill the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva.

But what Lin Kaiyun didn't expect was that just as his gossip pattern was attacking the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva suddenly disappeared in place.

Lin Kaiyun was stunned on the spot, what's going on?

He obviously felt that the hungry ghost Bodhisattva should not have moved under the cover of the gossip pattern, but why did he disappear out of thin air now?

Lin Kaiyun didn't believe in evil, and once again activated the gossip pattern, looking for the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva's trace.

However, the result was that the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva disappeared again, but this time Lin Kaiyun could clearly sense that the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva was indeed nearby.

But where did this Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva hide?

, suddenly found a huge energy, suddenly struck.

Lin Kaiyun hurriedly turned around to resist.


There was a loud noise, deafening, Lin Kaiyun only felt his arms tremble, and a tyrannical force directly knocked him back a few steps.

Lin Kaiyun looked at his arm, it was already swollen, and the palms were covered with bright red blood.

The Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva suddenly appeared in front of Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the blood in his hands and wondered in his heart, how did this Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva disappear from the gossip pattern?

Thinking in his heart, his hand can't stop, Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, then urged the gossip pattern, and hit the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva.

Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva didn't panic when he saw Lin Kaiyun's attack. He raised his head, opened his mouth, and spit out a black bead.

And as soon as this bead was spit out, a strong evil spirit permeated out.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun frowned even deeper.

"This... what the hell is this? It has such a strong evil spirit?" Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but said in surprise.

What Lin Kaiyun didn't know was that what this Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva devoured was the souls of a group of hungry ghosts. Although the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva did not suck up the hungry ghosts, he refined the souls of the hungry ghosts into this bead. , Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva has enough evil spirit.

Now the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva released the beads, and at the same time kept pouring out a lot of resentment.


Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, then began to use the eight-diagram pattern palm technique, and slammed it out at the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva.


The two collide.


A powerful aftermath spread towards the surroundings, shaking the entire room.


Lin Kaiyun was also shaken by this force, and directly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Hahahaha, well done, Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, kill him for me!"

The shopkeeper was very happy to see Lin Kaiyun was injured.

The Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva didn't stop, and attacked Lin Kaiyun again.


Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, put his fingers on his forehead, and the purple energy scattered away.

"Seven kills of gods and ghosts, kill the order!"

With a roar, Lin Kaiyun pointed suddenly, and a shock wave burst out, heading straight for the hungry ghost bodhisattva.

"Boom boom boom..."

It directly hit the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, and a series of bombardments sounded.

The purple energy instantly covered the whole body of Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, constantly eating away at Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva's body.


The Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva struggled and screamed, and quickly released a large amount of evil spirit to resist Lin Kaiyun's attack.

Chapter 499 How is it possible

Under Lin Kaiyun's attack, the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva revealed its original shape.

The gold-plated cassock on his body gradually turned to ashes.

It completely transformed into an enlarged version of the starving ghost, howling in an ugly struggle.

And this scene made the shopkeeper at the side tremble with fear and couldn't accept it.

The shopkeeper held his head, unable to believe the scene in front of him, and shouted in pain,

"It's impossible, absolutely not."

"This hungry ghost Bodhisattva has already used hundreds of starved ghosts as sacrifices. It should be an omnipotent god to block and kill gods and Buddhas."

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