The wild wolf let out a stern howl, and the figure hurriedly backed away, eyes full of resentment, staring at Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun didn't chase after him either, he just looked at the wild wolf and snorted coldly:

"I didn't expect you, a beast, to be afraid! Didn't you still want to eat me just now? What? Now you know how to be afraid?"

Hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, the wild wolf immediately became irritable. It raised its head to the sky and screamed, and its whole body swelled up, becoming even bigger.



The wild wolf opened its mouth wide, and let out low-pitched roars.

After the roar fell, the wild wolf's eyes flickered fiercely, and it rushed towards Lin Kaiyun directly.

"Look at the trick!"

Lin Kaiyun yelled, and rushed directly towards the wild wolf. The two collided with each other, making a loud noise, and then flew back.

Lin Kaiyun flew upside down for several meters before barely stopping.

And the clothes on his body had already been torn apart, and the skin on his body turned red.

"It hurts, the strength of this wild wolf is really strong!"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't help complaining.

He didn't intend to fight this wild wolf anymore, so he took out a few talisman papers.


Lin Kaiyun pinched his fists with both hands and muttered a few words. After a while, several talismans flew out and turned into meteors, which fell into the wolf's body in an instant.


Immediately, a brilliant flame burst out from the wolf.


The wild wolf roared up to the sky, and the flames burning on its body became more and more vigorous, and finally rose directly into the sky, rushing towards Lin Kaiyun again with the flames.

"This bastard is quite stubborn!"

Lin Kaiyun frowned.

Then, he took out a piece of purple talisman paper, bit his finger, squeezed out a drop of blood, and poured it into the purple talisman paper.


Immediately, a burst of thick black smoke rose from the talisman paper, and mysterious runes rotated slowly in mid-air.

On Lin Kaiyun's forehead, there was also a thin layer of sweat.

"Wild wolves who have been blessed by others, don't care if it's a trial or not, I'm not welcome!"

Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly and directly activated the talisman.

Suddenly, a strange force surged out of the talisman.


Lin Kaiyun shouted loudly, and immediately the talisman flew out, flying towards the wild wolf.

The talismans split into two in the void, turning into two huge copper locks, spinning in mid-air at a speed that could be clearly seen by the naked eye, and then rushed towards the wild wolf.


The wild wolf let out a roar, and the figure retreated quickly, and at the same time stretched out its sharp claws, grabbing Lin Kaiyun's two huge copper locks.

"Bang bang bang!"

The copper lock collided with the claws, making a loud noise, and the hair on the wolf's body was instantly shattered, blood dripping, screaming again and again, the figure kept retreating, and finally fell to the ground.

The two copper locks fell down like Mount Tai, immobilizing the wolf.


At this moment, the wild wolf that was crushed to the ground let out a roar.

The wounds on his body are also gradually healing.

Obviously, the mysterious symbol on his body played a role.

Lin Kaiyun muttered suspiciously,

"This trial, is it to kill the wolf, or to break that mysterious Taoist symbol?"

Chapter 476 The Second Level, Departure

After thinking for a while, Lin Kaiyun felt that it was better not to kill this wild wolf.

So he took out a few copper coins and stuck them at the wolf's side.

He squeezed the Fa Jue with his hands, and muttered words in his mouth, and saw a gleam of light emitting from the few copper coins.


The wild wolf howled, and the Taoist symbols on his body trembled.

The copper coins flew out in unison, hovering over the wolf, and slowly rotating around the wolf.

The wild wolf opened its mouth wide, and the copper coins flew in from the mouth and stuck into its mouth.

The copper coin flew into the wolf's body and turned into a puff of green smoke.

As the copper coins flew into the wolf's body, the wolf's aura weakened, and the Taoist symbols on his body gradually dimmed.

The red flames in the wolf's eyes gradually extinguished, and he fell limply to the ground, the Taoist symbols that were originally covered on his body disappeared without a trace.

After destroying the symbol, Lin Kaiyun kicked the wild wolf out without being polite.

Although it does not kill, it can be disabled! ! !

At the same time, in the highest mountain peak, in the stone-built hall,

There was a man standing in it.

He was wearing a set of black Taoist robes, and his face could not be seen clearly. He was burly, with dark and rough skin, and he looked like a black bear.

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