"Vice Captain Chen, I'm coming!" Seeing this situation, Yang Xiaoba knew that the opportunity to make a contribution had come, so he glanced at Vice Captain Chen, grabbed the barley from the hand of the servant next to him, and ran towards the old lady.

"Female ghost, go to hell!"

Yang Xiaoba yelled, and poured all the remaining barley on the red-clothed female ghost,

The female ghost in red saw the sudden barley coming straight towards her with a golden light, so she dodged subconsciously.

Yang Xiaoba didn't know where the strength came from, so he ran back holding the old lady, and threw the old lady to the side of Vice Captain Chen, and said to Vice Captain Chen,

"Vice-captain Chen, you have to credit me."

"Okay." Vice Captain Chen agreed directly.

Unexpectedly, when the old lady opened her eyes, she went crazy and bit Vice Captain Chen's neck.

Seeing this, everyone fled in all directions.

Seeing that the old lady was being snatched away, the female ghost in red rushed straight to the crowd.

"Master Lin, help!" Deputy Captain Chen asked for help, having never seen such a battle before.

Lin Kaiyun heard Vice Captain Chen's shout and saw the crowd running away, so he flew directly to Vice Captain Chen, and stuck a spell on the old lady's head,

At this time, the old lady let go of the hands pinching Vice Captain Chen, and stood motionless by the side.

"Return my soul!" The female ghost in red yelled, and a cold light hit Lin Kaiyun directly,

Lin Kaiyun was startled,

"Hide away!"

Vice Captain Chen shouted loudly,


The cold light that the red-clothed female ghost hit Lin Kaiyun's body was shaken away, and half of the corner of the pavilion beside it was cut off.

"Master Lin, are you alright?"

Deputy Captain Chen asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. With this level of skill, it can't hurt me." Lin Kaiyun looked at Vice Captain Chen and replied.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun was fine, the female ghost in red took another step forward and attacked Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun dodges directly, and the red-clothed female ghost saw that she missed the target, so she continued to attack Lin Kaiyun. Lin Kaiyun kept dodging,

And the female ghost in red controlled a huge stone beside her, and threw it at Lin Kaiyun.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun dodged directly, avoiding the stone attack,


The stone hit the ground with a loud bang.

Yang Xiaoba looked at everything in front of him, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and cursed inwardly,

"It's really an eye-opener for me to meet a master. I'm so lucky!"

"What are you still doing in a daze, help me and catch this female ghost!"

As Deputy Captain Chen said, he directed the crowd to point the gun at the female ghost in red,

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The gunshot rang out and hit the female ghost in red, but it didn't hurt the female ghost in the slightest, and passed directly through the female ghost in red.

In half a minute, the bullets were finished by everyone, and everyone looked at the ghost in red in horror, and kept stepping back.

Lin Kaiyun took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword at this time, and swung it at the female ghost in red.

And the female ghost in red conjured a long sword out of nowhere and stabbed at Lin Kaiyun.


With a golden sound, the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword was shaken away, and the female ghost in red saw that the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword in Lin Kaiyun's hand actually blocked her.

I couldn't help shaking my whole body in fright, thinking to myself, this guy is so powerful!

The female ghost in red was no longer interested in fighting, her body quickly left an afterimage on the spot, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Lin Kaiyun didn't expect the female ghost in red to be so powerful. Since he left, Lin Kaiyun would deal with the other one first, and then turned his head to point at the seven-star Longyuan sword, and was about to pounce on the female ghost in white.

"It's a good thing you persecuted me today, I will never forgive you!" the female ghost in white yelled loudly.

"Then let's see if we can't spare anyone!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he dodged and rushed towards the white-clothed female ghost. Seeing this, the white-clothed female ghost was not to be outdone, and directly stabbed Lin Kaiyun's chest with a long sword in her hand.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun flipped his wrist, and shielded the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in front of his chest,


The seven-star Longyuan sword collided with the long sword of the female ghost in white, making a crisp sound and a strong wave.


Lin Kaiyun was shocked by this powerful wave and took a few steps back.

The female ghost in white didn't expect that her attack would only force Lin Kaiyun back, her face was shocked, and the long sword in her hand slashed down in Lin Kaiyun's direction.

A ghost qi cut out.


A large hole was cut out on the ground, and a deep gully appeared on the ground.

"Master Lin, are you alright?"

Seeing this, Vice Captain Chen hurriedly shouted at Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, "It's fine."

As he spoke, he rushed towards the female ghost in white again.

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"

Between Lin Kaiyun's palms, lightning flashed, and a huge purple thunderball condensed into shape in Lin Kaiyun's hands.

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