With Lin Kaiyun's kick, the whole body of the strong man became distorted.

At this moment, those spiders also fell off one after another, and climbed back onto the strong man.

"Wipe! Wipe!"

Another big spider controlled the younger brother's body, twisted and also rushed towards Lin Kaiyun,

Lin Kaiyun raised his leg and kicked again, directly kicked over, took out a few pieces of talisman paper, bit his finger, and dripped blood on it.

Chapter 454 Another Monster Egg

However, at this time, the strong man twisted his body again.Waving his hands to Lin Kaiyun,

"Don't be so cheap." Lin Kaiyun complained, and threw the blood-drenched spell at the strong man.


The spell collided violently with the strong man's body, and then exploded on the strong man's body. The strong man's body suddenly burned, and the strong man was surrounded by raging fire.

"Master Lin, you are so powerful, is this okay?"

Liang De stood behind Lin Kaiyun, gave Lin Kaiyun a thumbs up, and said in amazement.

Liang De wanted to say something more, only to see another one pounced on him again.

"Since you are rushing to die, don't blame me for being rude!"

With the same technique, with a flash of fire, they were all wiped out by Lin Kaiyun.

At the same time, there were still noisy voices from the stairs.

"Damn it, why are these things endless!" Lin Kaiyun frowned.

Liang De saw that Lin Kaiyun's state was not right, and asked quickly, "Master Lin, what do you mean? Are there still monsters?"

The voice just fell.

A group of slime-spitting spiders rushed out from the stairs,

Each eye was bigger than a copper bell.


When Liang De saw these spiders, he screamed in fright, turned around and ran away.

Liang De could run, but Lin Kaiyun couldn't, so he charged towards the group of half-human-sized spiders,

Lin Kaiyun's technique was very wonderful, pieces of talisman paper flew away like raindrops, hitting the spiders while forcing them back.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The spiders kept making loud noises,

Although they are numerous, their defense capabilities are not strong.

Lin Kaiyun's spell sent them flying one by one, and fell to the side of the stairs, falling to pieces.

But they didn't give up their attack, the ones that didn't die rushed towards Lin Kaiyun again like a tide,

"Master Lin, run!"

Seeing this situation, Liang De turned pale with fright, and quickly shouted,

As soon as his words fell,

"Papa papa..."

A tentacle covered with black hair protruded from the stairs,

Instantly wrapped around Liang De's neck,

"Ah!!! Help!"

Liang De's screams came from the stairwell.

Lin Kaiyun heard Liang De's cry for help, turned his head and threw the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword over,


The seven-star Longyuan sword hit the tentacle, cut off the tentacle, and rescued Liang De.

Lin Kaiyun shook his hand, and the Seven Star Longyuan Sword returned to his hand in an instant, and then he slashed at the spider monster.


Streams of bright red liquid splashed out, and each spider monster was chopped down to the ground.

At this moment, Liang De ran to Lin Kaiyun's side again.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at it and asked, "Principal Liang De, why are you running back?"

Liang De said impatiently, "I don't want to either! There are spiders over there!"

Lin Kaiyun turned his head to look, and sure enough, there were spiders rushing over on both sides of the corridor.

Lin Kaiyun hastily threw out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand,

The Seven Star Longyuan Sword turned into a stream of light and shot towards the two sides of the corridor, leaving behind a brilliant arc, which shot into the pile of spiders, piercing the spider monsters one by one.

However, the number of spider monsters seemed to be endless, and after a while, they crawled over again.


Lin Kaiyun swears, "There are so many spider monsters, do you want to kill them until the year of the monkey?"

With a wave of his hand, Lin Kaiyun threw out a spell,


The spell fell on a spider monster, smashing the spider monster's head.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The corpses of the spider monsters fell one after another on the ground in the stairwell.

"No matter how much you kill these things, you can't kill them all!" Lin Kaiyun cursed depressedly,

He was about to throw out all the five emperors' money, but he still couldn't kill the spider monsters.

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