At this moment, Liang De had already run behind Lin Kaiyun,


I saw Liang De's shoulder was savagely struck by a tentacle, and blood immediately flowed out from the wound.

"Ah! Principal Liang, how are you doing?"

Seeing Liang De's back bleeding, Lin Kaiyun immediately asked with concern,

"I'm fine, Master Lin. Today, my life, Liang De, depends entirely on you."

At this moment, Liang De knew that fear was useless, so he could only trust Lin Kaiyun in front of him.

"Don't worry, you won't die with me here." While speaking, Lin Kaiyun stuck a spell on Liang De's wound,

The shoulder, which was still bleeding just now, suddenly stopped bleeding.

Lin Kaiyun hung the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword in mid-air, stretched out his arms, and slowly folded them together in front of his chest. Dozens of lightning bolts attached to the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword,

"Seven Stars Slash, go!"

Lin Kaiyun yelled loudly, waved the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, and slashed down towards the front,

I saw lightning bursting in the seven-star Longyuan sword,


Puffs of white smoke came out from the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword,

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun took back the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword. Although this monster had its tentacles cut off by him, it still contained a lot of toxins in its body.

So Lin Kaiyun didn't continue to stick the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword on his body,

Seeing this monster, its body trembled,

It burst into two halves, and seeing this, Lin Kaiyun hurriedly dodged to the side, only to see two pieces falling down.

The other one, seeing that his companion was dead, became even more frantic, waving its tentacles, and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun,

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun quickly swung the Seven Star Longyuan Sword and slashed at the monster's body, cutting countless holes in the monster's body, but its body still did not collapse.

"Master Lin, leave this place quickly, I'm afraid there are other monsters hidden in its body."

Liang De shouted from the side,


Lin Kaiyun heard the sound, turned around quickly, and fled to the distance, but behind him, those tentacles chased after him,

"Golden Light Curse!"

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun hurriedly activated the formula, only to see a golden barrier appear in front of him, enveloping himself inside,


The monster exploded not far from Lin Kaiyun in an instant, and countless little monsters rushed out of his body.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun quickly took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket, threw it to the front,


The talisman exploded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The surrounding area of ​​Lin Kaiyun exploded, and one after another flames spewed out to the surroundings, but these flames could only leave some shallow marks on his golden mask, and would not accidentally hurt himself.


Tentacles turned into powder from Lin Kaiyun's side.

Seeing this scene, Liang De couldn't help being a little excited.

at the same time,

There are more and more people watching downstairs, looking up at the fire and lightning upstairs, pointing and whispering,

But they were just talking about the fire and lightning upstairs, but no one approached the building upstairs.

He didn't know why such a horrible phenomenon happened here?

But he is clear that this situation is definitely not accidental.

"What's going on here? Was there a fire?"

"It's not rumored that the school is not clean, is it true?"

Chapter 453 I Can't Die Anymore

A crescent moon hangs on the edge of the building.

"Why are you in my jurisdiction, what are you doing, you don't pay attention to me? What's the situation?" A security captain of Guxue County pointed to the chattering crowd and asked the members of the security team.

People from the security team looked at the captain's furious appearance, but no one responded.

On the contrary, a rogue team member trotted up to the security captain, straightened his crooked hat and said, "Captain Wang, I just asked the old man here, it seems that the study is on fire."

"Isn't it just an old building on fire? As for so many people watching the fun? Hurry up and send them away. I even invited someone to play cards!"

Captain Wang pointed to more and more people beside him while talking.

"Captain, you don't know something, this building..." said the security team member, leaning against the mysterious Captain Wang.

"Yang Xiaoba, hurry up, let the fart go!" Captain Wang was a little impatient. He was about to start playing cards just now, but he was called here by his immediate boss, saying that something big happened, and Captain Wang was given a lot of training, but when Captain Wang arrived, he saw that it was a dilapidated building, and Captain Wang was so angry that he cursed at the street.

Yang Xiaoba saw Captain Wang's complexion was not good, so he didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and directly reported loudly:

"Report to the captain, this school is haunted by ghosts. The principal, Liang De, has invited a Taoist priest to eliminate ghosts in the building."

"Stop talking nonsense with me, don't think that I just took office and fooled me with this matter." Captain Wang became even angrier when he heard Yang Xiaoba's words, and directly waved at a strong man and said,

"Qiangzi, take someone to show me what the hell is coming out to make trouble, and let me beat him to death. I'll give you half of the money I won tonight."

After Captain Wang finished speaking, the strong man's eyes lit up instantly, and he regained his energy.

You know, Captain Wang just came to this place, and people from all major merchants rushed to give gifts to this local snake who just arrived!

And none of the people who played cards with Captain Wang dared to beat Captain Wang. It seemed that he was going to be strong today.

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