"Do it, first arrest this person."

As soon as the words fell, the dozen or so young men with forks directly surrounded Lin Kaiyun, holding up long forks, constantly compressing the space that Lin Kaiyun could move.

At the same time, some people came out to watch on the second floor and the partition, but the number was not many.

In fact, only some small characters came out to watch. Most of the people were not curious about this kind of scene. Instead, they knew that it was better to stay away from themselves for such things, so as to save their troubles.

"Hey, I didn't want to do anything at first, but since you guys forced me, then I can't do anything about it."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, sighed, and moved his body. This way of holding weapons to surround is particularly easy to break.

Lin Kaiyun kicked his feet and jumped up directly. The group of boys holding the forks didn't have any surprises about Lin Kaiyun who jumped up, they directly raised their forks and stabbed Lin Kaiyun diagonally.

At this time, Lin Kaiyun mobilized all the mana in his body and placed it all under his feet, making himself fall suddenly like a heavy catty, falling to the ground, and Lin Kaiyun swept his legs.

Lin Kaiyun fell so fast that all the servants had no time to react, like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, most of the servants were swept away, leaving only a few people behind him standing intact.

The boy who brought Lin Kaiyun in saw that Lin Kaiyun had knocked down some people with just one move, so he hurriedly shouted,

"How could it be? This is a hard stubble, there will be no survivors, stab him quickly."

Several people behind Lin Kaiyun stabbed towards Lin Kaiyun vigorously.

Lin Kaiyun's waist swayed, like a water snake, he dodged all the harpoons that were stabbed by him.

These servants stabbed continuously, but they didn't hurt Lin Kaiyun at all, Lin Kaiyun dodged them flexibly.

"How could this be? Take the net."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Kaiyun took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from his waist, turned around and slapped it with the hilt.

Clap clap clap!

Those who were still standing were all hit by Lin Kaiyun's sword hilt, and fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

The boy who led Lin Kaiyun in panicked, couldn't help but retreat a few steps, and asked,

"What on earth are you going to do? Could it be that you have a grudge against our shopkeeper, are you looking for revenge? Why are you doing it so desperately?"

"You let him die just now, and you said I was so desperate? I didn't kill them, it was already polite enough."

Lin Kaiyun put away the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword. In fact, although this group of people were not good people, they were not heinous, and their crimes did not deserve death. Therefore, Lin Kaiyun only wounded them, but did not kill anyone.

The boy suddenly shouted, "Guest officers who live here, you have also seen that we have done our best in Yin Zhan, and I will leave the rest to you."

After shouting, the boy turned his head and ran away, without any intention of blocking Lin Kaiyun.

"Grandma, I didn't expect to meet troublemakers when I live in Yinzhan."

"Everyone, whoever wants to make a move, hurry up! Get rid of these brave boys."

"Made, it's really embarrassing to disturb my uncle for dinner."

Chapter 430 Why can't I be flexible!

Accompanied by this voice, more and more people came out and came to the vicinity of Lin Kaiyun in various ways.

Lin Kaiyun looked at these young people with great interest, and there are many people with some real skills among them.

In fact, Lin Kaiyun has heard before that the biggest backstage of this hidden inn is none other than himself, who lives there.

To be precise, it was this group of people of three religions and nine streams who set a rule among themselves, that is, no one can mess around and make trouble in the hidden village, otherwise, everyone will be targeted.

In fact, this method is also very easy to understand, because this hidden stack was established for the three religions and nine streams walking on the rivers and lakes, and it can protect their privacy and information very well. Even if an official comes to the door, the hidden stack will Cooperate with people of various religions and nine streams who live.

And these people from all walks of life, three religions and nine streams, don't want to live in a dilapidated earth temple or a leaky cave, so they all default to this rule in their hearts, which is to collectively maintain the safety of the hidden stack when needed.

Now, in their eyes, Lin Kaiyun is no accident, he is someone who breaks the hidden rules and can not let him have a good rest.

Therefore, if you want to find trouble in the hidden stack, you must be prepared to be besieged by everyone.

Of course, this menacing posture has no effect on Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun shook his arms, hooked his fingers at these menacing people, and laughed, "Come on! Come on together, I'm too lazy to teach you a lesson one by one."

"How dare you look down on us? Do you know that I am the number one thug of the Salt Gang?"

"Boy, in our killer world, there is a saying that those who are arrogant and crazy must die a miserable death."

"Originally I didn't want to do anything, but you kid, I really don't want to open my eyes. Grandpa, I am a well-known mercenary. Even some warlords paid me to hire me. Today, you died under the guns of some people. It's worth it."

Facing Lin Kaiyun's request for instructions, these high-ranking people uttered cruel words one after another, and they all shot out one after another, confirming the saying that people don't speak cruel words much, and if they can fight, they will not be long-winded.




The sound of fighting and screaming continued.

Outside, the moonlight had already climbed up, and the surrounding mice also pretended to be brave, and came out to scurry around looking for food.


A death-like voice resounded above the group of mice, and a wild cat like a tiger descending from the mountain appeared directly, stretching its claws like a death scythe, and pressed all these presumptuous little mice under its claws. It is useless to let these mice struggle.

And the pitch-black wild cat, for catching these damned little mice, didn't howl up to the sky, and didn't make any waves, because dealing with these little mice was nothing but normal, and there was nothing to be proud of.

At the same time, in the hidden inn, the shouting sound has gradually dissipated, and the falling of the thatch outside the house, which is used as a concealment, is the last sound.

"You talk about you, why bother? I heard from you before that there are a few people who are also dignified. Do you think it is ashamed? How will you mess around in front of your colleagues in the future?"

Lin Kaiyun wiped the blood from his fist, looked at the messy people on the ground, couldn't help but shook his head.

The man who was known as the top thug of the Salt Gang before, his jaw was dislocated, he couldn't speak a complete sentence, his eyes were protruding, and he was hanging on the stairs like a dead fish that had been dried in the sun. on the deputy.

That talent from the killer world, his entire ass was embedded in the jar at this time, all his limbs were broken, and he was carrying the jar, and fell to the ground, shaking like a tumbler, struggling to stand up.

As for the mercenary that the warlords are scrambling for, at this time, his mouth is stuffed, his favorite JU rifle, yes, the entire JU rifle is stuffed in, and his two hands seem to be punching. It's a dead knot, and I can't break free no matter what.

The rest of the people, at this time, were running away, injured, anyway, all of them were miserable, and basically lost their ability to move.

And the boy who brought Lin Kaiyun in was so frightened that he peed his pants at this time, hid at the bottom of the wall, kept kowtowing to Lin Kaiyun, and kept praying,

"Master, please forgive me! I know I was wrong, please, I have an 80-year-old mother and a three-year-old child, please, don't kill me."

Lin Kaiyun walked up to the young man, shook his head at the young man, pointed at those staggering people, and said with a smile, "The word to kill is not very accurate, look at those people, I didn't kill any of them! "

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