Lin Jiu directly picked up the stone on the table, handed it to Lin Kaiyun, and said solemnly,

"As a teacher, I can take out this stone to you. Naturally, I have the intention of being a teacher. You can just keep it. If you are really embarrassed, it doesn't matter. You can work hard and wait until a month later. Maoshan Neimen In this competition, getting a good ranking will also bring honor to the teacher's face."

Seeing that his master Lin Jiu had said so, Lin Kaiyun no longer shirked, otherwise he seemed to have no idea what to do, so he took the stone directly and said with a smile,

"Okay, don't worry! Master, I will definitely make you look good when the time comes, and according to what Uncle Simu said, the reward for No.1 must be very generous. The interest will be returned to you."

Lin Jiu smiled after hearing what Lin Kaiyun said, and asked with his hands behind his back,

"First? Are you really confident? You must know that you can't use any moves and exercises other than Maoshan, and the young disciples of Maoshan's inner sect are not vegetarians. After all, those people have been in Maoshan's inner sect. For those who practice, they don’t have to think about anything all day long, just keep practicing, even if their talent is not good, their level will not be much lower than yours.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu stared at Lin Kaiyun with a smile. Of course, Lin Jiu was very happy that his big apprentice was so confident, but Lin Jiu didn't want Lin Kaiyun to be too confident at this time and become a little proud. Let Lin Kaiyun slacken his cultivation.

Lin Kaiyun asked,

"Master, do you know any information? If you know it, please share it with me. Knowing yourself and the enemy is invincible!"

Lin Jiu nodded. He agreed with Lin Kaiyun's saying that knowing yourself, knowing your enemy, and winning every battle is a hundred battles, so he said,

"I only know a little bit, what do you want to ask?"

Lin Kaiyun thought for a while and asked directly,

"Master, are the disciples of Maoshan's inner sect really as powerful as you say? Even those who are not talented, can the realm be similar to mine? Didn't you say before that at my age, I can cultivate to such a realm? , is it already considered a genius? Are you talking nonsense just to encourage me?"

"Do you think being a teacher is someone who will lie to you in order to encourage you?"

Lin Jiu glared at Lin Kaiyun, and continued, "I'm right. To be able to cultivate to this level at your age, your talent is already very high, and your talent is also a late bloomer type. After all, when you were young It didn't show up, and within this year, your realm seems to have advanced by leaps and bounds, isn't this a genius?"

After hearing Lin Jiu's expressionless praise, Lin Kaiyun scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "Master, it's also because I just happened to meet Granny Tiehua, and I might have opened up Ren Du's second channel when I was out. It’s just a fluke, but I dare not call it a genius.”

Lin Kaiyun smiled and explained, in fact, he knew very well in his heart that his current realm could advance by leaps and bounds like a rocket, all because of the system, if there is no system, his talent is indeed relatively average, just better than Qiusheng .

Lin Jiu didn't know Lin Kaiyun's true thoughts, and thought that Lin Kaiyun was just a little modest, so he said,

"You don't have to belittle yourself. Everyone's luck is hard to estimate, so it's not a problem for someone who has been taken care of by luck to call him a genius."

"Master, let's not talk about me anymore. Aren't we going to discuss the information about the inner disciples of Maoshan? Why did you bring the topic to me again!"

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun quickly changed the subject.

Lin Jiu continued,

"Actually, I haven't been back to the inner sect of Maoshan for more than ten years, and our disciples who have gone down the mountain have no connection with the inner sect of Maoshan, so I don't know much about the current situation of the inner sect of Maoshan. The young disciples of the sect will definitely not be weak in strength. After all, those who can endure loneliness must have a very tough heart, and the inner toughness, coupled with a lot of practice time every day, does not make everyone in the society All kinds of interference, it is normal that the strength is not weak."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and finally remembered a phenomenon, so he asked,

"Master, you have also stayed in Maoshan's inner sect for a few years. Is it true that those disciples have been practicing for a long time, so they have no actual combat experience, and they will appear in a state. Although it is good, the combat power they display is quite average."

Lin Jiu nodded and said,

"There are some people who do this, but not all of them, because when the mountain was closed, the high-level leaders of Maoshan's inner sect had already thought of this problem, so they directly raised some monsters in the inner sect, so as to let the disciples Conduct a trial."

"Of course, the strength of these captive monsters will also degenerate, and will reduce their ferocity. Similarly, during the trial process, because the number of disciples of the Maoshan inner sect is decreasing year by year, it is said that the Maoshan inner sect will not let them There were casualties in the trial, which made the trial not very cruel, and the effect was of course far inferior to actual combat."

Chapter 414 Visiting the Church at Night

Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, master and apprentice, discussed the situation of the inner sect disciples in Maoshan. Although Lin Kaiyun can't reach the stage of knowing himself, knowing the enemy and winning every battle, he is not ignorant.

After chatting for a while, Lin Jiu waved his hand and said,

"Okay, you go back to practice!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't leave right away, but asked, "Master, do we want to go there tonight? Check it out, if there is really something evil, let's do it right away!"

Lin Jiu glanced at Lin Kaiyun and said, "Sneak into what? The mayor of Jiuquan Town came to me tonight and said it was about the reopening of the church."

After Lin Kaiyun heard this, he frowned and said, "Master, you have seen it during the day, they are all working together, even though the mayor of Jiuquan Town did not express his opinion, but he only supported that Priest Tao, it would be a waste if you went time."

Lin Jiu also knew that what Lin Kaiyun said was right, but since he had the opportunity, he would not give up, and said slowly, "Go and see! If the church can be closed again, then there is no need to worry about the evil spirit of the three demons." gone."

"Okay! Then I'll go back to my room."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, didn't say anything more, just opened the door and walked out.

Lin Kaiyun didn't wander around, but went straight back to his room and started to practice.

After more than ten minutes, Ah Xing ran over and asked Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun to eat.

"Uncle Nine, Brother Lin, it's time to eat."


Lin Jiu pushed open the door and walked out. He glanced at Lin Kaiyun's room. He could feel that Lin Kaiyun's room was full of yang energy.

Ah Xing waited for a while, but did not see Lin Kaiyun coming out, so he asked,

"Uncle Nine, where is Senior Brother Lin? Did he fall asleep, do you want me to call him!"

Lin Jiu shook his head, and said directly, "No, Kai Yun is practicing, so don't disturb him, we eat ours."

"Okay!" Ah Xing nodded, glanced at Lin Kaiyun's room, then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

After arriving in the kitchen, Xiaoyue also asked Lin Kaiyun, but Lin Jiu answered with the same answer.

Because Ah Xing and Xiaoyue were really wronged today, and Uncle Jiu reprimanded them in the tone of an elder for the first time today, so during the meal, Ah Xing and Xiaoyue did not dare to say a word, they could only communicate with each other with their eyes .

After Lin Jiu finished eating, he put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Uncle Jiu, have you finished eating?" A Xing asked.

Lin Jiu nodded, "Yes!"

However, just when Ah Xing and Xiaoyue thought that after Uncle Jiu finished eating and left, they would be more relaxed, but Lin Jiu's sudden words stunned them.

"After the two of you have finished eating, you are not allowed to go out, and practice hard."


Ah Xing and Xiaoyue exclaimed in unison.

Lin Jiu glared at A Xing and Xiaoyue who were reluctant, and shouted, "What? Your master is missing, and there is no clue yet. I have been here for a few days, and you have been running around all the time, so I didn't see it. You have practiced before, I am not your master, I didn't want to say anything more, but since Aunt Cane entrusted me, I will treat them equally, so don't try to be lazy."

After hearing Lin Jiu's words, Ah Xing's face was like a frost-beaten eggplant, which was very ugly. He immediately felt that the food in front of him was not delicious, and he put down the rice bowl in his hand without love.

Lin Jiu looked at Ah Xing's appearance and asked with a smile,

"What's wrong? Ah Xing, are you not satisfied?"

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