Lin Jiu nodded upon hearing this, then looked forward, and said,

"Kaiyun, you wait here, I'll go ahead and have a look."

Lin Kaiyun said quickly, "Master, let me go with you!"

Lin Jiu shook his head, rejected Lin Kaiyun's suggestion, and said, "I'm just going to look ahead, it's better if there are clues, the two of you are a bit late, and besides, you've been on your way today and haven't practiced yet, so take advantage of this time to practice , otherwise you won't be able to get a good ranking in the competition at that time."

"All right!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded and watched Master Lin Jiu leave.

And Lin Kaiyun looked around, he couldn't practice on this road either!Although there were basically no people there at night, if someone passed by and saw Lin Kaiyun sitting cross-legged and practicing, he would definitely be shocked.

So Lin Kaiyun kicked his feet and ran into the nearby woods.

It has to be said that although the world is now in constant war, the environment has not been damaged too much. Basically, there are dense forests everywhere, and the environment is very beautiful.

Especially at night, in the woods, there is a layer of mist-like gas that surrounds the tree trunks, especially in some places with thick roots, with the mist, it looks like a fairyland.

Of course, this is just Lin Kaiyun's opinion. If ordinary people see the mist spreading in the woods, they will definitely feel afraid and frightened. After all, the woods are pitch-black, and there are sounds of unknown animals.

Lin Kaiyun randomly found a comfortable place, pulled some weeds, spread them on the ground, sat cross-legged on them, and began to practice.

Although Lin Kaiyun's current practice of Maoshan internal strength is very basic, and even does not improve his realm, but Lin Kaiyun has made new discoveries in these days of cultivation.

That is the innate qi in my body, which seems to be growing vigorously, at least now the white qi in the dantian is more full.

It seems that the Consolidation of Qi Jue has played a role, but in fact only Lin Kaiyun knows that it is the Consolidation of Qi Jue as the surface, and the inner strength of Maoshan as the bottom, which makes the innate energy in the body become tamped.

Lin Kaiyun didn't hesitate, closed his eyes and began to practice, and his fighting spirit was high. This practice can not only make his innate qi grow, but also be able to participate in the Maoshan inner sect competition, which is equal to double happiness.

Whoa whoa whoa! ! !

Lin Kaiyun was concentrating on cultivating, and as a result, there was a sound like raindrops hitting the leaves in the woods, and the sound was not too far away from Lin Kaiyun.

"Is there something?"

Lin Kaiyun opened his eyes. Although he didn't practice any qi-watching technique and so on, because Taoism has always paid attention to the communication with nature, there are still some things similar to the sixth sense, or more certain What can be called, are the perception of danger.

With this voice, Lin Kaiyun vaguely had an ominous premonition in his heart.

And at this moment, at the place where the sound was heard, several leaves suddenly flew over.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, Wan Qi..."

Lin Kaiyun was about to cast the Golden Light Mantra to resist, but halfway through the recitation, he suddenly realized that he had promised his master that he could not use these abilities now.

"Since I can't stop it, I have to hide!"

Because it took time to cast the Golden Light Magic Mantra, now that the leaf had reached his eyes, Lin Kaiyun didn't care about anything else, and immediately lay down on his side, rolling on the spot, dodging the attacking leaf.

Lin Kaiyun stood up vigorously, and cursed at the front,

"Where is the monster, dare to attack me? Could it be that you are a dung beetle going to the toilet, looking for death?"

Anyway, directly attacking with a hidden weapon is not a good person, at worst he is an enemy, so Lin Kaiyun didn't care about it, and just yelled at him.

"Yo Yo Yo, a little Taoist priest can speak so vulgarly, it really opened my eyes!!!"

A voice like a copper bell came over, and then, in front of Lin Kaiyun, a slim figure appeared, wearing a long white dress, surrounded by mist, walking on catwalks, every step was like a lotus growing under his feet, and every step was extraordinary. .

The woman leaned gracefully on the tree, pointed her finger on her chin, and said with a coquettish smile,

"Hello, little Taoist, it's so late, why are you alone in the woods? Are you lost, do you need my sister to help you?"

Lin Kaiyun frowned at this time, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, this woman need not think too much, she must be a female fairy.

The frown is because the strength of this female goblin should be very strong, because Lin Kaiyun clearly sees that this female goblin is not an illusion, but has cultivated a human form, and her monster aura is very strong, like an abyss. It's because this female goblin didn't intend to hide her evil spirit at all, she obviously just didn't take Lin Kaiyun seriously.

Similarly, Lin Kaiyun breathed a sigh of relief because what he encountered were monsters, not people from other sects. After all, according to what his master Lin Jiu said, these sects, large and small, have all come into contact with Fengshan Fengmen. The rules of the rivers and lakes are different from before, and it is very likely that you will meet people from other sects, and it is not the gangsters you met before.

However, Lin Kaiyun still has some doubts in his heart. To be honest, Lin Kaiyun has never encountered such a powerful monster before. I really have no confidence that it can be solved easily.

Lin Kaiyun murmured in his heart, "What's the matter? This sect was closed for some reason, and now it has been unsealed. Is this monster also? Why did such a powerful female goblin suddenly appear?"

The woman leaning on the tree covered her mouth and laughed like a silver bell, and said with a pleasant voice, "Little Taoist priest, what are you mumbling about? Are you curious about my sister, but don't be afraid , my sister doesn’t eat people.”

No matter what he faced, Lin Kaiyun never suffered from his mouth, and quickly said, "What kind of fairy are you! This skin is quite beautiful, but since you are not going to eat people, are you here to exchange feelings with me?" ?"

Although this female goblin seems to be extremely difficult to deal with, Lin Kaiyun is not afraid. At worst, he will temporarily use the abilities he has mastered. In a critical moment, it is understandable to believe that his master Lin Jiu knows it. matter.

However, Lin Kaiyun secretly decided in his heart that he would not use the skills and abilities rewarded by the system unless it was a last resort.

"Exchange feelings? Your human words are interesting, but it's not impossible, sister, I can exchange feelings with you."

The woman smiled coquettishly, instead of leaning against the tree, she was thinking of Lin Kaiyun walking step by step, during the process of walking, she also took off her coat, revealing the thin clothes inside.

Half-covered, half-covered, there is a feeling of half-covering the pipa and half-covering the face, and it keeps twisting every step of the way, as if dancing a romantic dance.

"Okay! This dance is not bad, it should be rewarded."

Lin Kaiyun looked at it with great interest and clapped his hands vigorously.

It is certain that this female goblin has malicious intentions, but since she puts all her efforts into performing, Lin Kaiyun simply appreciates it.

The female goblin was unmoved when she saw Lin Kaiyun, and she didn't show any fear on her face. You know, she didn't use any tricks to confuse, and Lin Kaiyun looked very normal now.

The female goblin said suspiciously, "Little Taoist priest, you are not afraid, are you out of fright?"

Lin Kaiyun said, "With such a wonderful and exciting performance, can I still be stupid? Don't worry, you can be bolder, I'm enjoying watching it!"

"Little Taoist priest, are you making fun of me? If that's the case, then my sister is going to do it."

Seeing Lin Kaiyun teasing her, the female goblin stopped her charming movements, her face seemed to be covered with frost, and she was obviously choked with anger.

After finishing speaking, the female goblin waved her hand, and the trees on the side fell off directly, gathered in the air, and pulled towards Lin Kaiyun like a ribbon.

Lin Kaiyun unhurriedly took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and slashed at it.

Anyway, my master Lin Jiu asked not to use his weird abilities before the competition, but he didn't say that he couldn't use weapons! ! !


This leaf was far harder than Lin Kaiyun imagined, it turned out to be like steel, and made a piercing sound.

And then these leaves became very soft again in an instant, wrapped around the blade of the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, trembling non-stop, driving extremely shocking vibrations, trying to shake the Seven Star Longyuan Sword out of his hand.

"Good guy, as the saying goes, when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first, so you hit the man first with the sword! But, seeing how well your leaves are used, and they vibrate so well, I won't give you this sword."

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