Seeing Axiu's affectionate look, Kuang Guohua was stunned.


In fact, when Lin Kaiyun told his actual situation, Kuang Guohua lowered his head silently.

It wasn't that Kuang Guohua was guilty, but that he didn't dare to look into Axiu's eyes. He didn't know how Axiu would answer?

But even if Axiu chooses to stay away from him, Kuang Guohua can accept it in his heart and has already made preparations.

It's just that Kuang Guohua is a little embarrassed now, because he was a little impulsive before and didn't think too much, so he hugged Axiu rashly, and said something similar to a confession.

But Kuang Guohua never thought that Axiu could really not care, and in this era, a girl said such straightforward words, which shows that Axiu's love for Kuang Guohua is deep in his bones.


Kuang Guohua chanted Axiu's name obsessively, not knowing what to say.

Axiu clenched her fists, turned her head to look at Kuang Guohua, looked straight into her eyes, and said,

"Brother Kuang, don't talk about it, and don't say anything rational to me. Now I am very rational, and I know what I am talking about. I can imagine what I will face in the future, but I don't care, no matter what you say. Whatever happened to me, as long as it's you, I can accept it."

"Thank you, Axiu."

Kuang Guohua burst out laughing suddenly, the whole person felt relaxed all of a sudden, as if he had figured something out, then he looked at Lin Kaiyun and said slowly, "Brother Lin, I dare not promise you anything, but as long as I, Kuang Guohua, are here I will definitely not let Axiu suffer any grievances, and I will not let Axiu suffer any harm. As for my physical condition, I will control it myself. Since Axiu can accept me so bravely, There is no reason to reject it by yourself.”

"I firmly believe that I am still a human being. Although I will drink the blood of wild animals for a while, I believe that I will be able to find a way in the future."

Kuang Guohua told Lin Kaiyun word by word. Although there was no shocking speech, every word expressed his true feelings and came from the heart.

Lin Kaiyun could also see this, so he raised his right hand.

After seeing Lin Kaiyun's actions, Axiu suddenly stood in front of Lin Kaiyun, and shouted in prayer,

"Cousin, don't..."

Lin Kaiyun joked with a smile,

"Don't want anything? I'm not going to hit him. Look at your nervous look. You've started to get nervous about your lover before you've written your horoscope."

A Xiu blushed instantly, he pointed to Lin Kaiyun's hand and asked,

"Cousin, then you are..."

"Of course I want to encourage him."

Lin Kaiyun said something casually, took a step across, bypassed Axiu, patted Kuang Guohua on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Kuang Guohua, I hope you say it, you must do it, otherwise as long as I find out that you are sorry for Axiu No matter where you go, no matter where you go, I will definitely make you pay a heavy price."

Kuang Guohua nodded heavily and said,

"Brother Lin, don't worry, I will do what I say."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, "Okay, then I can feel relieved when I go back."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Axiu became anxious and asked quickly,

"Go back? Cousin, didn't you say you would stay here for a while? Why are you leaving so soon?"

Axiu looked at Lin Kaiyun's eyes were already red, as if she might cry at any moment.

Lin Kaiyun rubbed Axiu's little head with a smile, and said,

"I also want to stay for a longer period of time, but my cousin has a lot of time and tasks, and there are still important things to deal with! If I sneak here for ten days and a half months, my master will probably go crazy."

Axiu bit her lip, trying to hold back tears from falling, and said pitifully,

"But, cousin, I can't bear you!"

Lin Kaiyun sighed and said slowly,

"There is no banquet that lasts forever. Axiu, you know that the overall situation must be the top priority. Besides, cousin, I am just busy with my own affairs first, and I will come back to see you after I finish dealing with it."

Kuang Guohua also persuaded Axiu at this time,

"Axiu, Brother Lin is right, he still has things to deal with, we can't hold Brother Lin back!"

Axiu also figured it out, looked at Lin Kaiyun reluctantly, and said,

"Okay...Then cousin, after you are done with your work, you must remember to come back to see Axiu."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, assured this and said, "Don't worry, I promise that I will come back to see you after I finish my work."

At this time, Axiu no longer had a sad expression, she forced herself to laugh, and said,

"Then cousin, let me see you off!"

"No need, I'm afraid you will be forced to do so by then, I'd better go by myself!"

"By the way, the child He Fusheng is now in the same situation as Kuang Guohua. He needs to suck blood from time to time, so I suggest that you find any reason, such as learning martial arts from Kuang Guohua or something, and let him live in your house temporarily. Bar!"

After Lin Kaiyun gave a few instructions, he turned around and left without stopping.

And Axiu and Kuang Guohua also listened to Lin Kaiyun's words and did not go to see him off, but kept watching Lin Kaiyun leave.

After leaving, Lin Kaiyun did not return to Renjia Town, because the task on him has not been completed yet!

Although, the ancestor of the zombie general should have left this place after biting Kuang Guohua, but there are contingencies in everything, what if the ancestor of the zombie did not leave?Or just stay in a place not far away?

Lin Kaiyun used all his methods to find smells and traces of ghosts, but he couldn't find any clues left by the zombie's ancestor general.

Including the small river where Kuang Guohua was bitten, Lin Kaiyun searched all over, but he didn't find a single fur left by the ancestor of the zombie.

Lin Kaiyun had no choice but to look around based on his feeling, if he couldn't find it, he could only return.

Lin Kaiyun headed east all the way, searching for all possible hiding places along the way based on his feeling. Lin Kaiyun had checked all of them, but he didn't have any clues.

After searching for a whole day, Lin Kaiyun's spirit was a little tired, he really didn't want to search anymore, he wanted to find a place to take a comfortable bath and sleep well.

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun went directly to the nearest town, Tanjia Town.

Tanjia Town?

Lin Kaiyun always felt familiar with the name of this town, but he was sure that he had never been here before.

And this kind of feeling has appeared in Lin Kaiyun many times, and without exception, after having this feeling, they all entered the plot line of a certain movie or TV series.

Is this the same in Tanjia Town?

With such doubts in mind, Lin Kaiyun walked directly into the town.

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