In fact, Lin Kaiyun is still a little angry now, because when he saw Kuang Guohua, Lin Kaiyun already knew in his heart that this Kuang Guohua had been bitten by the ancestor general of the zombie, so his sign-in task is basically This time, it was totally a case of the dung beetle meeting someone who was missing, and it was a waste of time. In addition, when I saw Kuang Guohua just now, the sun in the sky cooperated very well, illuminating a colorful scene. Lin Kaiyun was even more indignant at the son of luck's demeanor.

Axiu also noticed Lin Kaiyun's attitude, which seemed quite indifferent, so she explained to Kuang Guohua with a smile,

"Brother Kuang, my cousin has been running all the way just now because he was eager to save you, so he may be a little tired now."

After explaining, Axiu also cast a beseeching look at Lin Kaiyun.

There is no way, although Lin Kaiyun is just a cousin in Axiu's heart, and originally belonged to a relationship that is neither close nor far away, but it has a different meaning to Axiu, because this is Axiu's only relative.

So in Axiu's view, when Kuang Guohua and Lin Kaiyun met, it was like meeting the elders in the family.

Although Axiu's father, Uncle Achang, had met Kuang Guohua a long time ago, Uncle Achang had already left before Axiu announced his relationship with Kuang Guohua.

So in Axiu's heart, if her cousin Lin Kaiyun was not satisfied with Kuang Guohua, then she would be very embarrassed.

"I'm just a little tired, don't take offense."

Lin Kaiyun smiled.

When Lin Kaiyun saw Axiu, his clear eyes were full of prayers, and the anger in his heart dissipated a lot.

In fact, Lin Kaiyun was not jealous or angry about the general scene where the protagonist Kuang Guohua appeared on the stage, but it happened at the same time as the failure of the mission.

Although the system did not say that the mission failed, and there are still 25 days left, in Lin Kaiyun's view, it is no different from failure.

However, Lin Kaiyun felt awkward in his heart, and after a while, he figured it out at this time. It was a surprise that this task could be completed, even if it failed, it was expected.

And Lin Kaiyun didn't lose anything except for wasting some time. In fact, thinking about it carefully, he didn't gain anything.

Because he met Axiu after coming to Hongxi Village, and now also sees Kuang Guohua, Lin Kaiyun can be sure that stalemate stories will also happen in this world.

At least remind Lin Kaiyun to prepare earlier. After all, the monsters and ghosts in this contract are not easy to provoke, and there are also some rare treasures, so as long as Lin Kaiyun operates properly, relying on the advantage of foresight, he must definitely can gain some benefits.

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Ah Xiao laughed outright, and praised Lin Kaiyun to Kuang Guohua,

"You see, my cousin ran too fast along the way. He is actually a very nice person. Although we have only known each other for two hours, my cousin gave me a very reliable feeling. This feeling is particularly wonderful. .”

And Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth after hearing Axiu's praise.

"Is there? Do I have that feeling?"

Chapter 382 I'm a Taoist Priest

After Kuang Guohua adjusted for a long time, his complexion and breathing became much more even.

Kuang Guohua thanked Axiu who was always by his side,

"Thank you then, I feel better now!"


Axiu shook her head with a smile, then remembered the business, and asked quickly,

"Brother Kuang, aren't you driving away the Orientals who came here to steal cultural relics? How could you be injured so badly?"

After hearing Axiu's question, Kuang Guohua was taken aback for a moment, and then slowly explained,

"It's like this. Those damned Orientals were all carrying weapons. It wasn't as simple as stealing cultural relics. We were also caught off guard. Many people were killed, and I was lucky to survive."

Axiu was listening, and after Kuang Guohua finished speaking, he was stunned, his eyes were a little dull, and he asked in shock,

"Ah, everyone who came out with you is dead, so why did you come to look for your resurrection before? Is there anything wrong with him!"

After Ah Xiu finished speaking, she seemed a little at a loss, not knowing what to do.

He Fusheng is the grandson of Uncle He in the village. He is a very naughty and cute child. Originally, Axiu was planning to follow He Fusheng to find Kuang Guohua and the others. go around.

If something really happened to He Fusheng, Axiu would feel sorry for her for the rest of her life, even now Axiu couldn't imagine the consequences.

Lin Kaiyun, who was sitting on the rock, was holding grass in his mouth, looking at the scenery of Lin Youshui in the distance, after hearing that Axiu was about to cry again, he quickly said,

"Okay, Axiu, it's not too bad, you started to cry, if it really got to that point, you won't cry to death!"

As a result, after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Axiu's tears really fell, she sobbed and said,

"No, cousin, you don't know what's going on. If something happens to He Fusheng's child, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head helplessly, threw the grass in his mouth on the ground and said,

"Axiu, look at Guohua's calm and composed look, you know that He Fusheng is definitely fine."

Axiu turned her head to look at Kuang Guohua, sure enough, there was no intersection or sadness on Kuang Guohua's face at this time.

Axiu asked suspiciously, "Brother Kuang, what is this?"

Kuang Guohua gave Axiu a reassuring look, and said slowly,

"Axiu, Brother Lin is right. I have already seen the resurrected child. When I was unconscious, I knocked him out and put him in a safe place."

After hearing these words, Axiu finally put the stone in her heart to the ground. Although Kuang Guohua did not, telling him from the beginning made Axiu a little angry, especially since the first sentence Kuang Guohua regained consciousness seemed to be saying Going to save Fusheng, it was precisely because of this that Axiu thought that He Fusheng had encountered an accident, and couldn't help crying.

But since as long as He Fusheng's child is not in any danger, then with Axiu's empathetic character, she won't say anything more, let alone blame Kuang Guohua.

Kuang Guohua stood up, cupped his hands at Lin Kaiyun, and said in a requesting tone,

"Brother Lin, please stand on that rock and look to the southeast. There should be a child in the grass."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, supporting the stone with his palm, a carp straightened up and pulled it up directly on top of the stone which was not too big.

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun looked to the southeast according to what Kuang Guohua said, and he saw a man-made grass ball in the half-meter-high weeds.

Lin Kaiyun jumped up on the stone, his body lightly skimmed over the weeds, opened the grass ball, and found a sleepy little boy inside.

The appearance of this little boy was exactly the same as that of Kuang Fusheng in the contract. Lin Kaiyun stretched out his hand to check the little boy's breathing, and found that his life was not in danger. At the same time, he also moved his neck. Sure enough, there were two very obvious Tooth marks.

And before Lin Kaiyun secretly noticed that there were also two teeth marks on Kuang Fusheng's neck, although they had faded and were blocked by his collar, Lin Kaiyun still observed very carefully.

So now it seems that just like the plot in Zombie, this Kuang Guohua and Kuang Fusheng have been bitten by the ancestor generals of the zombies and became the second generation zombies.

Because if you become a zombie, you will naturally live forever, and even your appearance will not change, so Kuang Fusheng has always looked like a child, because he is a zombie, Kuang Fusheng has been living with Kuang Guohua, so why? Fusheng changed his name to Kuang Fusheng, and became Kuang Guohua's son in name, so as not to appear so abrupt.

Lin Kaiyun picked up He Fusheng and said to Axiu,

"Don't worry, I found the little boy named He Fusheng you mentioned. He should just fall asleep now, and there is nothing serious."

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, A Xiu's face immediately showed a smile, and he also ran over directly, taking He Fusheng from Lin Kaiyun's hand.

He Fusheng is now ten years old, and it is very difficult for Axiu to hold him.

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