Before Lin Kaiyun could speak, Chen Yulou directly cupped his hands and said, "Brother Lin, have you already seen the key to breaking the game? Just like what was written in the remonstrance, breaking the vitality is the real vitality."

Lin Kaiyun froze for a moment after hearing Chen Yulou's words.

What vitality?I only know that if these dragon-shaped statues are broken, then the black dragon will be easier to destroy.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun was just thinking in his heart, and he would not say it directly. He nodded with a smile and said, "Yes."

Although I don't know what Chen Yulou is talking about, I just need to admit it first.

With a bitter expression on Chen Yulou's face, he said dejectedly,

"Brother Lin, I regret it. I should have listened to you long ago, otherwise I wouldn't have given up so many brothers."

When the smoke dissipated, Chen Yulou had already seen those disgusting insects, and they also disappeared, not even the corpses remained, only bones that were gnawed on every sentence.

And these bones were all living people before, they were all his brothers of Chen Yulou, which made him even more uncomfortable.

Chapter 366 A Sudden Gift

For Chen Yulou's current emotions, Lin Kaiyun didn't empathize with him. Although Chen Yulou could be regarded as directing properly and decisively, if he had really listened to Lin Kaiyun from the beginning, so many people would not have died.

And Lin Kaiyun also noticed that most of the people who died were Luo Laowai's subordinates, which is very intriguing. After all, the people in Xiling are Chen Yulou's direct descendants, so you have to say that Chen Yulou was not among them Lin Kaiyun wouldn't believe it if he was eccentric.

That is to say, it is very likely that Chen Yulou's words are just an attempt to appease the emotions of Luo Laowai's soldiers.

Of course, Luo Laowai himself didn't have the slightest idea about this matter. Anyway, he didn't care about the soldiers under his command. He didn't care if ten or twenty died, as long as he was not injured.

Thinking of this, Luo Laowai patted Chen Yulou on the shoulder, and persuaded him very loyally, "Be careful, the sacrifices of these brothers are also very great, at least we would not have survived without these brothers, and we Surviving can create greater value, I can lay down more territory, and as for the boss, let alone you, so the efforts of these brothers are still worthwhile."

Hua Maguai, who was standing beside Chen Yulou, also chimed in, "Yes, Luo Shuai is right. The sacrifice of these brothers is worth it. After we go out, we will definitely take care of the families of these brothers. Settle their parents well."

After Lin Kaiyun heard this, he almost couldn't help but burst out laughing. This world is really sophisticated, even the business of tomb robbery is like this. Now whether it is Chen Yulou or Huamaguai, they are talking about scenes. To comfort the wounded hearts of the rest.

You must know that these soldiers who followed Luo Laowai and fought east and west were bandits who went up to the mountains to enclose land in their early years. Most of them were just a widow.

And here is Luo Laowai, who is quite honest, and has no intention of appeasing the group of soldiers under him at all.

However, now Lin Kaiyun has no time to listen to what they are doing. Before Chen Yulou could speak, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't talk about it, this is not a tomb passage, nor a corridor, even the coffin No, it's definitely not the last floor, so we're trying to figure out how to get down now."

After Luo Laowai heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he quickly said,

"Ah, let's go down, isn't there a lot of treasures in here? We transported all these treasures, and then divided this trip is very rewarding, let me say that's it!"

Although Luo Laowai was encouraged by Chen Yulou before, and wanted to wield a little fairy magic like Lin Kaiyun, but after experiencing the attack of those disgusting bugs, Luo Laowai is a little timid now.

Luo Laowai was afraid. If he went down again, he might really die. He didn't live long enough, so he didn't want to die so early.

After Luo Lao was coaxed, Chen Yulou cast him a glance, and said coldly,

"Luo Shuai, we fell from above here. Look at the height, and it's in the middle distance. The walls on both sides are very far away. Even if we have centipede hanging ladders, we can't climb up, so even if you want to If you want to go out, you have to find another way."

Chen Yulou's mentality is extremely firm, he has already asked Lin Kaiyun before, if there is really any chance, Lin Kaiyun will not stop him, so now that he has reached this point, how can there be any reason to back down?

If Chen Yu was buried downstairs in the past, it was just to make a fortune, but now his heart has completely changed, no one can persuade him, no one can stop him.

That's all, Chen Yulou's prestige in Xiling, as long as he decides something, everyone in Xiling will unswervingly support it.

"Okay, you guys don't want to argue."

Lin Kaiyun said something silently, then looked at Luo Laowai, and continued, "Marshal Luo, if you want to leave, I will definitely not stop you, you can throw all the gunpowder in your hand now, and get out .”

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's half-threat, half-warning words, Luo Laowai's heart jumped in fright, swallowed in panic, and said quickly, "Uncle Lin, that's just what I said, it's just an immature little suggestion, and it's not a good idea. There is no other meaning, I have to help you! How can I leave first? Are you right?"

Lin Kaiyun said directly with a cold face,

"Then don't babble, go find it quickly, where is the entrance to the next floor."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun turned his head and left. He still found out that he couldn't give these people a good face now, or they would not be able to distinguish their own positions.

Although Lin Kaiyun is a disciple of Maoshan, and his master Lin Jiuwo has taught him since he was a child to be kind to others and enjoy helping others, let alone thinking of harming others.

But Lin Kaiyun is a character of his own way, and his style of acting is entirely based on his heart, and the zombie world he lives in happens to be a troubled time, with countless ghosts and ghosts, and it is warlords. Human life is not as good as a dog.

This situation also prevents Lin Kaiyun from attacking an innocent person, but he will never be polite to those who are not innocent. Moreover, Luo Laowai and his soldiers, if they really all die in the If this tomb is in the middle, then maybe there will be fewer ordinary people who will die in the future, maybe this is still a good deed!

Lin Kaiyun walked to Yue Qiluo's side. At this moment, Yue Qiluo was leaning on a stone pillar, as if she was resting with her eyes closed.

In fact, Lin Kaiyun knew that Yue Qiluo was recuperating her injuries at this time. After all, every time Yue Qiluo consumed too much or was injured, some bloody lines would appear on her cheeks, like blood vessels popping out of the skin surface. Hair shades can't completely cover up either.


Yue Qiluo replied two words flatly.

Lin Kaiyun nodded. It seemed that Yue Qiluo was only using too much force, and she didn't seem to be injured. After all, he was carrying the black dragon in front of her. As for those disgusting insects, they were not Yue Qiluo's opponent at all.

After a while, Yue Qiluo opened her eyes, raised her hand, and played with her hair, trying to block the bloody lines on her cheeks, then looked at Lin Kaiyun and asked,

"Lin Kaiyun, do you think there will really be zombies like the zombie Wang Xuankui in this tomb?"

After entering this tomb for so long, Yue Qiluo didn't come across a zombie, or even a corpse. Instead, she met a very strange monk and this insubstantial black dragon, which made Yue Qiluo murmur.

Lin Kaiyun paused for a few seconds, then said slowly,

"I don't know either, maybe there is, after all, the corpse of the zombie Wang Xuankui should have been rescued by this black dragon last time."

Yue Qiluo nodded and continued,

"This tomb is very strange. Whether it's the underground palace or the mechanism, it's all man-made. It doesn't look like it was excavated by humans at all. Maybe it was really repaired by a powerful ancestor of the royal family!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled, he thinks very clearly now, he won't waste it, that brain cell, slowly opened his mouth,

"Why does it matter? Maybe it's not a tomb at all. Anyway, the capital of safety is already here, so we don't need to ask ourselves questions."


Yue Qiluo nodded and stopped making noise, but took out a pair of small scissors and picked up the paper figurine with her head down.

But Lin Kaiyun lay down directly on the ground because of recklessness, closed his eyes and recuperated.

This is why Lin Kaiyun brought Chen Yulou, Luo Laowai and others down. Chen Yulou's professional knowledge can really provide a lot of help, and Luo Laowai and his people are just right to be cannon fodder and assistants. .

Now that Luo Laowai and those under him are going to search around, naturally Lin Kaiyun doesn't need to worry about it.

As for the people under Luo Laowai's hands are a group of bandits who don't understand anything, this is the least of Lin Kaiyun's worries. Anyway, when they are in danger, it means that they have found the right position.

At this moment, Luo Laowai, who was searching near the dragon-shaped sculpture, shouted,

"Luo Shuai, what is alive is alive."

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